MacBook Pro :: Brightness Level In Low Light Conditions?
Jan 13, 2010
i keep my MPB on 1/16 brightness level in low light, and it took me more than a month to get used to. What is the highest level of brightness you can tolerate in low light conditions?
I dont want to sound too sensitive but sometimes it looks almost too bright even on min settings.
I dropped my laptop on a tile floor and the bottom hit it flat. my computer works fine besides the fact that my computer screen's brightness is as if my brightness level was all the way down.
Excluding sitting outside in the sun or in very dark rooms, what level do you usually keep your MBA brightness level at and what kind of battery life do you get? I've got mine set to about 65%, haven't used it enough to know what kind of life I get.
I am looking to purchase an external monitor for my unibody macbook pro, and I love the (maximum) brightness level on it, and would like the same on my external monitor. Does anyone know what the cd/m2 rating is?
Under normal office lighting, I find anything other than 100% brightness seems too dark. But I've been getting huge amounts of eye strain so am wondering whether to turn in down some more, say to 50-75%, but worried that will strain my eyes even more. What do you guys have your 13" set to, assuming good ambient lighting?
i got a question about adjusting the brightness level on iMac.
i adjust the brightness to lowest but each time i restart or turn the computer back on, the brightness level would set back to highest. Is that for all the imac? is there a way to set it?
When I turn my brightness all the way down, there's still a barely (but clear, still) lit circle at the centre of my screen. I have a 13'' mbp. I can even see my cursor and move it around. This spot, at very low screen brightness, appears kind of yellowish. When I turn the brightness up, it is not noticeable. The circle part has roughly a two inch diameter.
I've had the mbp for about a month, and just noticed this now. I do turn my brightness down quite a bit, but its usually in a well lit classroom and thus its possible I just did not notice this circle that is still barely lit until now.
UPDATE*: I have just discovered that covering the lit apple logo on the screen's exterior (directly opposite the lit circle i suppose) causing the circle to gradually disappear. THe laptop is sitting behind a window (ie light can shine on that apple logo)...what's up with this?
So I've recently purchased the new 13" MBP, and to my understanding, there is a light sensor that turns up the brightness of the backlit keyboard and screen when in dark environments.
However, the problem with my MBP is that when I turn on the lights in my room, the screen brightness and backlit keyboard both turn brighter, and when I turn off the lights, the screen and keyboard grow dimmer, which is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to happen.
So I have noticed a few times already, that the screen on my white macbook flickers to change the brightness level. It can do this while the computer is plugged in and charging, or if it's off the charger. It is definitely noticeable as it causes me to just watch what the screen is doing.
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
I traing to create rule with sub conditions which will do following:If all of the following conditions are met: [code] I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50) Version 5.2 (1257)I cannot create sub conditions. If anyone have idea how to create ub conditions, please let me know.
Since as long as I can remember, my August 2007 aluminium iMac always wakes up as soon as I turn my lamp on or off. Maybe, one in seven nights it won't wake, but most of the time it does.
It's a real nuisance having it do this, and to add to the annoyance, the iMac randomly wakes up sometimes, day or night. I can be in bed and it will just come on, all systems go, or get in from work one day and find it's been on since 10AM that morning (wasting energy).
I've reset PRAM and SMC (whatever they're called) about a thousand times, I clean installed Leopard 3-4 times and just did a clean install with Snow Leopard (I didn't upgrade, I wiped my HD and installed fresh) yet it still happens.
It's totally beyond me why it just decided to wake itself up every now and again and also why 90% of the time it decides to wake up when the lighting conditions change
I'm trying to use the free upgrade in app store for OS X Mavericks. Whenever I try to upgrade, it says "To proceed, you must read and accept the new terms and conditions." for iTunes. I have the urgent version of iTunes which 11.2.2.
When I am in a quiet room, I notice a light humming coming from my macbook pro and also a light vibration on the right side. Is this just the hd spinning or something to be concerned about? it is 2 weeks old.
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
When I unplug the power cord from my MacBook (unibody - late 2008), the battery icon in Mac OS X stops updating it's level and the icon does not change. The menu says that it is running on power adapter even when it is unplugged and that the computer is not charging. The hardware battery indicator continues to show the correct battery level. Normally I should get a warning when the battery is about to die (running on emergency power) but I don't, instead it just runs out of battery and shuts down.
I have a brand new MacBook ( < 1 month old ). I usually leave it plugged in and sleeping on my desk, and open it up to use it. After about a day of this, it will still say the battery is fully charged, and the light on the MagSafe is green, but the batter display shows 99% (or 98%, 97%, 96%). If I unplug it and use it for a bit, and the plug it in again, the battery will charge back up to 100% (and then the whole process will begin again). I love my MacBook, and want to make sure this behavior is normal.
I have an aluminum macbook 2.0 if it helps but I have a question. I have my macbook at full screen brightness but aren't you suppose to get even more brightness like another level when you connect the ac and my birghtness doesn't even move. Also I feel my macbook screen is not as bright as it used to be any way to make it brighter or may I have just get used to my macbook?
I had a quick question about the screen and how it dimms at wierd the screen to be on the brightest possible setting but some times it dimms to a lower level. Why is that? Does it have to do with the light in my room?
The volume level for the built-in speakers is remembered across boots, but it is not remembered for headphones.
I.e. Whenever I plug in the headphones after a boot, the volume level sets itself to 50% - too loud for my ears and possibly damaging to the headphones.
Anybody know of a way to change this behavior? - To set an initial volume level for headphones?