after hitting the power button I get the chime and then it takes several moments for the Apple logo and the spinner to pop up. After this it boots to the desktop quickly.
If I power up my MBP 13 in and iMac at the same time, the MBP clearly boots faster and the Apple logo pops up quickly.
I have the 20inch intel imac running leopard. Out of nowhere it started going very slow, spinning wheel every other click. Then just freezes. And now I can't start the computer again. It stops at the grey screen with the apple symbol like its loading but never does. I've tried unplugging the whole thing then again got a blinking question mark folder. I just keep getting different things. A blank white screen.
It takes a very long time for the APPLE image to show up. A white screen stays on for at least 2 minutes before it slowly starts to boot up. Secondly when I connect to my I DISK it keeps wanting to synch with it and I cannot eject it to disconnect from my I DISK!
i ve got the parallel 5 on the new imac and loaded windows 7 from bootcamp, however the start time of windows 7 is extremely slow -- takes up to 5 minutes.... and the speed of launching application is not fast as well... sometimes even jammed the imac, ive then given them 4 cores with 4gb of ram (out of 8) and still nothing changes...
I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.
So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.
HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up" or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.
ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine. Any thoughts on this?
I have a G5 iMac - 2.1 ghz, 20", 250gb hd and 3gb ram, but it has been having problems starting up and it is also going to sleep midway through a task or at random times totally unprompted.
It now almost never starts up first time (I keep the iMac mains power lead always connected and the mains electricity supply turned on at all times now)- sometimes I will get the 'Start-up Chime' and then the cooling fans start spinning very loudly and then after a few seconds the iMac stops the start-up routine, but often when I try to start-up I don't even get the 'Start-up Chime' and I have to leave it for some time before trying again.
I can also now only get the iMac to run as a Firewire Target Disc by starting up with the T key held down and then using an old G4 (400mhz) Powerbook Titanium as the screen/keyboard by using the iMac HD as the startup disc for the Powerbook but this is obviously just a temporary work around.
I have also tried backing up all my data, and reinstalling the Mac OS X onto the iMac but the iMac still will not start-up normal and I still have to use it just as a Firewire HD.
I have an Intel IMAC, which is now out of warranty as I have had it for 16 months (and I was dumb enough not to get AppleCare). A few days back, my computer would not startup and everytime I hit the power button, I would hear some spinning noise but no chime from the iMAC. Yesterday, I tried it again and this time I heard the chime but the monitor did not start. I was then able to SSH into the MAC and see that it is indeed connected to the network and booted up, but the screen is still dead. Any ideas what I should do before the painful trip to the apple store ?
I have an aluminium iMac, 2.4GHz Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, running Leopard.On one account, it runs slowly, with a noticeable delay in doing anything, even menus take a second do to anything once they've been clicked.It has all the updates installed and I've tried repairing the permissions and rebooting already.
Since I've only noticed it on one account, I'm inclined to think it's a corrupted user file or something.
Yes I plugged in the block heater..... Tried to reset the SMC (apple's only advice) Tried to kick it into boot menu... no luck
managed to boot to Leopard install disk. backed into Disk Utility.... Verify System Disk produces: "Invalid B-tree node size...Disk Verify / Repair fail".
too bad too sad... no more information.
I don't know enough to know whether this is a SW failure or a drive failure, and my searches has led me here.
Also, my very first post in a forum, I read the rules and I hope I have found the right forum for this query.
We had a pretty bad storm here last night and we had lost power. At the time my imac was on and obviously turned off when we lost power. A few moments after we lost power we regained power, but now my imac won't start. Any ideas of what have my happened and what I can do it try to fix it>
Over the last few months, it seems my imac has gotten really slow. Like when I am typing, often there will be a few seconds between the time I punch the keys on the keyboard and the time they actually show up on the screen. Sometimes I can get four or five words in before the actually start to populate the screen. Even clicking on an inactive window can take a couple of seconds--very annoying for workflow. I only have 1GB of RAM, but usually all I am running is Firefox (3.5.12) or Safari, and then sometimes excel.
When I open the activity monitor I notice that sometimes Firefox is using 600mb to 1gb of real memory. Could that be the reason?
My PPC G4 iMac is slow as hell. I plan on upgrading soon enough to a newer iMac but in the meantime I'd love to recover some speed. I know i have a woefully low amount of RAM - 768 to be exact - but apparently I'm stuck with that. It was running better in the past but with time things just slowed to a crawl with minimal things open - Mail, Safari and maybe Word and Excel. I gave up trying to run PS Elements 3 on this machine. That just makes me want to scoop my eyes out with a spoon.
I run iClean regularly, I have my desktop clear of clutter. What can I do in the interim before I buy the new iMac to help things some? Or am I just S.O.L. and just be patient and wait for the new machine?
I have a 2007 White intel core 2 duo imac, currently running Snow Leopard.Already, my computer is somewhat slow, and I'm wondering if I install Lion, will it slow it down even further?
My iMac is running slow and sometimes freezes. There shouldn't be a problem with memory (6GB); the backup HD is a 1GB WD and backup is run via Time Machine. Backup seems to run OK but there is an enormous drain on CPU usage and the process takes forever.
I'm new here, but not new to the Mac world. I own an intel iMac and while I was attempting to restart it on Sunday night it went into a gray screen with the box asking me to shut and restart in several languages. I did and still get stuck on that page. I did a PRAM reset and that didn't work. So I used my start up disk to get to the disk utility and my HD is fine so I used an external drive to install the OS on it and reboot from and reinstalled from TimeMachine (only problem is the last time I backed up was 5 months ago)Again I checked my internal drive and everything seems okay, but I cannot reboot from it. BTW, I've OS 10.6.2,
PC user for a number of years. Made the jump to Apple; received my iMac Saturday. Started using it, but don't really know how to navigate.Also, during the initial start up, I took a picture when it asked if I wanted to do one. Where is it in the computer? I would like to edit it.
I am looking at a iMac G4 that has some problems I would like to hear what you guys might think is wrong I would like to point out I am pretty good with computerts and loooking for a project here is what the seller says about it.Â
"Computer powers up but does not chime, and nothing shows on the display. I can hear the hard drive spin up, and I can use get the DVD tray to eject, but no video."
after bought external drive and back up all my macHD , did ask couple question with Apple IT person at Apple store about trying to format my hardisk on my Imac, and deleted some files and try to restart and turn out Imac didn't restart and all I get is black screen with flashing dash looks like I'm in terminal mode or something and my keyboard is not respond too.My Imac model is iMac 7.1, Intel Core Duo 2,4 Ghz also just update my leopard to Lion last year.
My 2007 iMac won't start up anymore -- I get the spinning "gears" and they flash on and off. It's a bit hard to explain, so I uploaded a video of what it's doing here: url...If anyone has any advice, please let me know.
Just installed OS X Mavericks for my iMac last night. Wanted to do it because it was the only way for me to continue playing this game.Took awhile to install, but checked this morning and it finished and it said "Restarting computer" after the completion of the installation.
I pressed the power button and booted it up like usual, but whenever I start it up, no log in screen pops up whatsoever. I pressed keys, clicked everywhere with the mouse but nothing. All it shows is a plain, grey screen and at the moment, there's no possible way for me to log in and get on. I searched up some methods and tried to "safe boot" it which I did but it did not work. It could've possibly worked but i can't tell because my iMac screen display is broken so I'm using dual monitors but nothing shows up on my second monitor. I tried turning it off and back on, but still did not work.Â
I have a fairly new iMac (mid-2008 20" model) with a 2.4ghz Intel processor. I am a web designer and use this machine every day for my work. Several months after installing Adobe Creative Suite 3, I noticed that Photoshop was causing the cursor to jump and/or become jerky, as if the video card or processor were not keeping up with what's going on. This tends to happen after the computer's been in use for several hours or days after a restart. I have been following this in Leopard's Activity Monitor, and I noticed that Photoshop (being memory- and processor- hungry) taxes the processor more heavily than many other programs, which I expected. The strange thing, though, is that over time the Activity Monitor shows the "System" as taking up more and more processor capacity. I.E. when I first start up, the system is using 0-20% of the processor, the rest being available for the user; but after awhile, the system is requiring 50-90% of processor capacity, the result being that as soon as I switch into Photoshop from another program, the system is immediately overtaxed and starts moving very slowly (especially the cursor, as I said).
Now, here's the really strange part. As I said, this began happening a few months after I first installed Adobe CS3. I re-installed the software at Adobe's recommendation, and it was fine for another few months, but it began happening a few days ago, which is exactly the same time I shared a jump drive with a friend's worm-infected Windows XP machine. I know Macs don't get Windows worms, but is it possible that this thing has lodged itself on my system somehow and is causing it to run generally more slowly?
I have an iMac that runs quite slowly after a few hours use, especially when using Photoshop and other Adobe software. What happens is, the processor gets completely swamped with "System" tasks (shown in Activity Monitor as red bars), the result being that "User" tasks are slow and the mouse jumps around the screen, rendering the computer almost useless. I've done a bunch of disk utilities including Leopard's onboard Disk Utility as well as OnyX, and although some errors were found, it was nothing serious. And after repairing, problems persisted.
Now, here's the thing. When I open Console, most of the errors are Adobe-related (mostly Photoshop and Dreamweaver). And I just ran a "Validate Fonts" check in Font Book, and found 15 fonts that have "serious errors, do not use".
So, I've often heard that Leopard, Adobe CS3, and corrupted fonts are a lethal combination. Not that I'm asking anyone to diagnose my problems from across the world, but does this sound like it could be the root of my problem? And if so, what's the proper process for removing the dangerous fonts so they can't ruin anything? Do I just delete them, or do corrupted fonts cause deeper problems which might necessitate reinstallation?
I remember reading that the iMac DVD drives are set not to exceed a certain speed so that they remain quiet, but I would rather the occasional disc burns take less time than be silent and keep me waiting. Is there any way to speed this up?