OS X :: IMac Very Slow - Has Corrupted Fonts?

Feb 6, 2009

I have an iMac that runs quite slowly after a few hours use, especially when using Photoshop and other Adobe software. What happens is, the processor gets completely swamped with "System" tasks (shown in Activity Monitor as red bars), the result being that "User" tasks are slow and the mouse jumps around the screen, rendering the computer almost useless. I've done a bunch of disk utilities including Leopard's onboard Disk Utility as well as OnyX, and although some errors were found, it was nothing serious. And after repairing, problems persisted.

Now, here's the thing. When I open Console, most of the errors are Adobe-related (mostly Photoshop and Dreamweaver). And I just ran a "Validate Fonts" check in Font Book, and found 15 fonts that have "serious errors, do not use".

So, I've often heard that Leopard, Adobe CS3, and corrupted fonts are a lethal combination. Not that I'm asking anyone to diagnose my problems from across the world, but does this sound like it could be the root of my problem? And if so, what's the proper process for removing the dangerous fonts so they can't ruin anything? Do I just delete them, or do corrupted fonts cause deeper problems which might necessitate reinstallation?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Corrupted Fonts Can't Remove

Mar 13, 2012

Apparently I have some corrupted fonts which I have not been able to remove.  I disable them, restart computer and some enabled again.  Attempt to remove via comand, occasionally they appear in trash but some have the grayed out "remove font..."

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Runs Really Slow - Hard Drive Got Corrupted - Bad Logic Board

Nov 12, 2010

i had a 2006 macbook core duo that ran really nice with snow leopard, recently the logic board died so it hasn't been used for a month, i got parts from my friend and now running a 1.83ghz core 2 duo logicboard in its place. the big problem what i think is the hard drive got corrupted due to the bad logic board, when i first put the hard drive back in it wouldn't boot except into safe mode and after i repaired permissions it would boot. however it still starts up slow and os performance seems sluggish and if i run disk utility it always has permissions to fix and takes forever.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Slow After Downloading Fonts?

Jun 23, 2012

downloadied fonts yesterday and now my mac is running really slow!!!!! and Sims 3 wont quit so i cant turn it off!

MacBook Pro

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Applications :: ITunes Corrupted, All Of OS Corrupted - Can Installing Clean Copy Of Os X Fix It

Sep 15, 2009

For the past few months, I've tried to restore my iPod Classic because it randomly restarts itself, not to mention moving on the following song during the middle of a song that is already playing. However, it seems iTunes won't restore it. The following message appears every time I try to do this:

The link takes me here:


But that website simply doesn't help me out. I've taken my iMac to a Genius and he basically said that something is corrupted in OS X. I should mention the fact that programs such as Onyx and Maintenance claim that I am not the admin when in fact, my account is the only account on the computer. The funny thing was that I created a new account and restored the iPod through there, it would work just fine.

So, besides that long explanation of my problem, is there anyway I can fix this without having to resort to placing all my files on an external and installing a clean copy of OS X? Would archiving and installing back to Leopard do the trick?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: User Preference Seems To Be Corrupted On IMac

Mar 9, 2012

My user's preference, seems to be corrupted. Any way to recreate it. I tried to rename the folder preferences in the library but it will not let me do it. I tried to drag it in the delete but a message tells me that it OS needs the folder. How to recreate the Preferences folder from scratch?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: External USB Drives Unmounting And Getting Corrupted

Jun 20, 2014

I have about 6 external USB drives that are mostly 1TB or 1.5TB.  I have been trying to copy files from old ones to new ones but if I plug in more than two they keep  unmounting with the message that the drive was not unmounted properly and may now be damaged.  I have two so far that are corrupted.  I have tried three different powered USB hubs thinking it was lack of power but it made no difference.  This problem occurs on my 26" iMac Running Lion and on my new PowerBookPro running Mavericks. 

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OS X :: Fonts Messed Up In Snow Leopard - System Things Display Strange Fonts

Dec 3, 2009

fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.

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Software :: Unable To Install Fonts / Installing Fonts For Designing Project

Jul 20, 2010

I have recently got some awesome collection of font from URL but as first time mac user i dont know how to install them on my mac book . I need to install them as quickly a possible for my designing project .

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IMac :: OSX Boot Drive Corrupted - Trash Refuses To Empty?

Nov 9, 2010

1. I do occasional maintenance with onyx and have been getting a few startup disk errors in recent months. These seem to get repaired and the computer still functions as normal. I have never had these before in 8 years of using osx so they do worry me. Is the osx boot drive just a bit corrupted? Would a simple reinstall help or is the hd showing signs of failure?

2. The trash simply refuses to empty. The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have permission to access some of the items.

I've tried to bring the items back to the desktop and the folder they came from but they simply make a copy of them. I've tried the option key method and sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash + sudo rm -rf /Users/user_name/.Trash in the terminal but get no change

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Reformatting IMac Corrupted Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2014

l I now have to completely wipe, re-format and re-load OSX onto my iMac's internal HD, My iMac is a late 2009 27" and at present has OSX 10.8.5 loaded, ( loaded but with many miss-functions ). Prior to the problem the iMac was running OSX Lion, what version though I can't remember.I installed 10.8.5 the other day to see if that would fix things, but it hasn't. It was not a "clean install", just regular one from downloaded OSX 10.8.5.

I have run Disk Utility and TechTool Pro' 7 to try to make repairs to address the problems so far to no avail. Main problems are that my most used applications, FCP-7 Studio, Aperture and Photoshop CS5 amongst others, open but then immediately crash. I've reloaded the troubled applications, de-installed them properly with de-installation app's then clean re-installed them, but that's made no difference. They will not mount.

I reckon there must be a fault or corruption on the HD, probably caused during the Optimisation as everything was functioning well before I did that.  So, the only OSX install disks I have are the original disks that came with the iMac, OSX 10.6.2 and a Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD OSX 10.6. I do have the downloaded copy of OSX Mountain Lion that I pulled from the App Store the other day and that copy is now on an external USB / Firewire 800 HD. 

As I said I would like to be able to clean off the iMac's internal 2tb drive completely and install a fresh newer OSX. If I first have to load OSX.6.2 then upgrade via the App Store that's fine, but I'd rather just go straight to Mountain Lion if possible. Whatever works best. Getting rid of any corruption on the iMac's HD is the prime motivation. 

All my applications and files are backed up to a 2tb LaCie external drive.The iMac has approximately 900 gb's of content onboard and the rest is free / unused space.

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IMac :: How To Make Text Fonts Look Bigger

Jan 11, 2009

I just purchased a 24" iMac. This is my first Apple machine. How do I make the text fonts look bigger while still retaining the 1920x1200 resolution?

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Make Fonts And Photos Bigger

Jun 3, 2014

how to make font and phpt bigger?  Bigger web pages, not narrow pictures in the middle


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IMac :: Changing Resolution Of Screen Fonts Size Or Menus

Aug 2, 2010

I like the 27 inch but saw that the menus and fonts are quite small. How can one true change the resolutions of this like in Vista or Windows 7.

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IMac :: Slow Wireless N Site Lookup For New IMac And Linksys WRT610N Router?

Aug 12, 2008

I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.

So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.

HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up google.ca..." or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.

ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine.
Any thoughts on this?

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IMac :: Aluminium IMac Running Slow On One Account

Jun 24, 2010

I have an aluminium iMac, 2.4GHz Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, running Leopard.On one account, it runs slowly, with a noticeable delay in doing anything, even menus take a second do to anything once they've been clicked.It has all the updates installed and I've tried repairing the permissions and rebooting already.

Since I've only noticed it on one account, I'm inclined to think it's a corrupted user file or something.

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IMac :: IMac Has Become Slow While Typing?

Sep 11, 2010

Over the last few months, it seems my imac has gotten really slow. Like when I am typing, often there will be a few seconds between the time I punch the keys on the keyboard and the time they actually show up on the screen. Sometimes I can get four or five words in before the actually start to populate the screen. Even clicking on an inactive window can take a couple of seconds--very annoying for workflow. I only have 1GB of RAM, but usually all I am running is Firefox (3.5.12) or Safari, and then sometimes excel.

When I open the activity monitor I notice that sometimes Firefox is using 600mb to 1gb of real memory. Could that be the reason?

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IMac :: IMac 21.5 3.06 4GB/Slow Start Up?

Nov 18, 2009

after hitting the power button I get the chime and then it takes several moments for the Apple logo and the spinner to pop up. After this it boots to the desktop quickly.

If I power up my MBP 13 in and iMac at the same time, the MBP clearly boots faster and the Apple logo pops up quickly.

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OS X ::what Is Causing Imac Slow?

Aug 27, 2010

My mac is slow, the computer can't even keep up when I type and when I scroll down a page it also can't keep up.

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OS X :: My IMac Running Slow

Mar 30, 2009

My PPC G4 iMac is slow as hell. I plan on upgrading soon enough to a newer iMac but in the meantime I'd love to recover some speed. I know i have a woefully low amount of RAM - 768 to be exact - but apparently I'm stuck with that. It was running better in the past but with time things just slowed to a crawl with minimal things open - Mail, Safari and maybe Word and Excel. I gave up trying to run PS Elements 3 on this machine. That just makes me want to scoop my eyes out with a spoon.

I run iClean regularly, I have my desktop clear of clutter. What can I do in the interim before I buy the new iMac to help things some? Or am I just S.O.L. and just be patient and wait for the new machine?

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IMac Is Very Slow And Need To Login Twice

Mar 13, 2012

Tried downioading another copy of Lion to reinstall, but I get an error message stating it cannot continue.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), slow performance

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Will It Slow Down The Old Imac

Apr 17, 2012

I have a 2007 White intel core 2 duo imac, currently running Snow Leopard.Already, my computer is somewhat slow, and I'm wondering if I install Lion, will it slow it down even further?

iMac 20" white, Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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Why Is IMac Running Slow

May 14, 2012

My iMac is running slow and sometimes freezes. There shouldn't be a problem with memory (6GB); the backup HD is a 1GB WD and backup is run via Time Machine. Backup seems to run OK but there is an enormous drain on CPU usage and the process takes forever.

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OS X :: IMac Very Slow After A Few Hours Use - Especially When Using Photoshop

Jan 30, 2009

I have a fairly new iMac (mid-2008 20" model) with a 2.4ghz Intel processor. I am a web designer and use this machine every day for my work. Several months after installing Adobe Creative Suite 3, I noticed that Photoshop was causing the cursor to jump and/or become jerky, as if the video card or processor were not keeping up with what's going on. This tends to happen after the computer's been in use for several hours or days after a restart. I have been following this in Leopard's Activity Monitor, and I noticed that Photoshop (being memory- and processor- hungry) taxes the processor more heavily than many other programs, which I expected. The strange thing, though, is that over time the Activity Monitor shows the "System" as taking up more and more processor capacity. I.E. when I first start up, the system is using 0-20% of the processor, the rest being available for the user; but after awhile, the system is requiring 50-90% of processor capacity, the result being that as soon as I switch into Photoshop from another program, the system is immediately overtaxed and starts moving very slowly (especially the cursor, as I said).

Now, here's the really strange part. As I said, this began happening a few months after I first installed Adobe CS3. I re-installed the software at Adobe's recommendation, and it was fine for another few months, but it began happening a few days ago, which is exactly the same time I shared a jump drive with a friend's worm-infected Windows XP machine. I know Macs don't get Windows worms, but is it possible that this thing has lodged itself on my system somehow and is causing it to run generally more slowly?

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IMac :: Slow DVD Burn Speed?

Oct 31, 2010

I remember reading that the iMac DVD drives are set not to exceed a certain speed so that they remain quiet, but I would rather the occasional disc burns take less time than be silent and keep me waiting. Is there any way to speed this up?

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OS X :: IMac Won't Start / Running Very Slow

Nov 10, 2010

I have the 20inch intel imac running leopard. Out of nowhere it started going very slow, spinning wheel every other click. Then just freezes. And now I can't start the computer again. It stops at the grey screen with the apple symbol like its loading but never does. I've tried unplugging the whole thing then again got a blinking question mark folder. I just keep getting different things. A blank white screen.

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IMac :: Running Slow When Using Internet

Jan 27, 2009

my imac has been running very slow lately and i don't know why. i'm not a man of great knowledge when it comes to computers and in fact this is my first imac i've ever had. (although i loved until now.....) i need to know what i can do to make it run faster. it seems to only be a problem when i'm on the internet although i could be wrong. (i know it is not just a connection issue because my ipod touch is running off my wireless much faster than my computer.

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IMac :: Internet Slow On New 2.8GHz?

Mar 16, 2009

Just picked up a 24" iMac on clearance and the Internet seems to hang up and just be a bit slower in general compared to my 4yr old MBP. I can't really get a cable to it so I'm using a Belkin N1 router. Is there anything I can do to see if it's the router or possibly the iMac?

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OS X :: How To Know Snow Leopard Slow Down IMac?

Jun 13, 2009

I run a 24" iMac 500GB 4GB 2.8GHz 2600HD Pro. Its the first Al iMac, and the highest spec at the time.

I read the requirements, my iMac meets them all accept OpenCL, would this, by any chance in anyway slow down my iMac?

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IMac :: DVD Reading Slow In Windows XP

Aug 21, 2009

I have Windows XP installed on my iMac via Bootcamp. When I use the DVD Drive to copy data to my hard drive, the whole computer seems to go into slow motion.

I'm in Device Manager and under the Advanced Settings of my Primary IDE Channel, the Transfer Mode is set to PIO, which I hear it shouldn't be? Should changing this setting to "DMA if available" correct the slow transfer speeds?

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