IMac :: Safe To Keep Machine Awake 24/7?

Dec 25, 2010

Is it safe to keep my iMac (i7, 27") awake all the time? I will of course sleep the displays when I'm not at the machine. The main reason is needing the computer to download files overnight in my ISPs 'free off peak' period.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safe To Use IMac While Time Machine Running?

Feb 12, 2012

If I run Time Machine for the first time, do I have to stop using my iMac until the program is finished? Or can I continue to use it?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Backup Slow Even After Restarting In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2014

I have an extremely slow Time Machine backup. I've gone through the motions and tried to resolve the issue by doing the suggested restart in Safe Mode.I don't use Norton Symantec but I didn't the Norton Remove script through the Console already. I don't run any anti-virus software. This started when I was backing up to at Time Capsule. I backed up to the TC for years before this started. I then moved to backing up (started fresh) to a external HD connected via USB. I have a 2010 Mac Mini with OS X 10.9 (Latest Version)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Backup Slow Even After Restart In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2014

Ok... So, I have an extremely slow Time Machine backup. Many people do. I've gone through the motions and tried to resolve the issue by doing the suggested restart in Safe Mode. I even followed some of the other tips that are on this string: slow time machine backup 

Nothing has worked. I don't use Norton Symantec but I didn't the Norton Remove script through the Console already. I don't run any anti-virus software.  

This started when I was backing up to at Time Capsule. I backed up to the TC for years before this started. I then moved to backing up (started fresh) to a external HD connected via USB. 

I have a 2010 Mac Mini with OS X 10.9 (Latest Version) 

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OS X :: G5 Refuses To Awake From Sleep?

Nov 13, 2009

Running OSX 10.5.8 (plain vanilla installation) when I select "Sleep" it will not awake from sleep. This is on my G5 tower.

Running OSX 10.5.8 (full custom with lots of software)... my system will not remain in Sleep mode for more than 1-2 seconds (re. my previous recent post on this forum... [URL]

Since it will sleep with a minimum installation any ideas on how I can get it to awake from sleep without having to do a hard restart?

If I can get it to awake... then I can trial-and-error it to find out what software is preventing it from going to sleep.

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Mac :: How Can Keep My OS Awake When Closing My Laptop Lid

Jan 7, 2010

I have the both the bluetooth mouse and keyboard. I've tried pressing the power button on my Macbook and then closing it immediately, this doesn't seem to work. I've also tried to wake it by click on my mouse and tapping on my keyboard. Does this only work on usb wired keyboard/mice? Is there a trick to this?

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OS X :: Showing Login Screen After Awake

Sep 3, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro. When it goes to sleep it doesn't show the login window when I turn it back on. Is there an option for this?

I don't really shutdown my computer much. And anyone can use if it awakes after sleep mode.

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MacBook Pro :: USB Devices Not Present Upon Awake?

Sep 18, 2009

So I have a lot of USB devices plugged into a powered hub and I have a Dell 2408WFP monitor with USB ports.

Often when I awake from sleep the devices plugged into the powered USB hub that's plugged into the 2408WFP which in turn is plugged into my computer are not present until a reboot of the computer.

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OS X :: How To Keep External Drives Permanently Awake

Aug 4, 2010

I know there's an option for this for your internal drive under energy save, and it makes my computer loads faster, but I still use 4 external drives, and when they fall asleep it takes a few seconds before they wake up and it makes my computer feel old again.

Is there away to keep them awake permanently? And if there is, is this a BAD thing? I imagine it's better than the moving parts going over and over when it's waking up multiple times a day.

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MacBook Pro :: 2008 Will Not Stay Awake

Apr 25, 2012

While mirroring my screen I cannot close the lid and keep it awake.  It will wake if I use the keyboard but immediately goes back to sleep, this happens repeatedly.  I can leave it open with no problems.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.6), MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz/2 GB SDRAM/.mac & POP

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MacBook Pro :: Awake From Standby Screen Brightness Low?

Apr 1, 2010

I downloaded the latest software update for Leopard. I've noticed that when I wake my MBP from sleep, the brightness of the screen is very low. I have to click on "F2" to increase the brightness of my screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Asleep When Open And Awake When It's Closed?

Aug 20, 2010

My mid 2007 macbook pro thinks its asleep when the cover is open but awake when the cover is closed. I was encoding some media files to dvd when a friend accidentally unplugged the power source. The battery drained and I did not notice until it was fully drained. I then went to plug it in and turn it back on and it refused to, I then closed the cover and it awoke as if everything was normal. I opened the cover and I saw it exactly as it should but then the screen went black as if it had gone to sleep. i'd rather not have to purchase a new macbook.

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Applications :: Keeping Mac Awake / Playing Music When Lid Closed?

Oct 3, 2009

ive been tryign to get my mac to continue playing music while the lid is closed and am not having much luck. I have pretty much discovered that it is impossible to do from the OS its self. I have also downloaded insomniax but everytime i enable it my system crashes and i gotta restart. So is anyone aware of a solid program i can use that will do waht im trying to?

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IMac :: Safe To Keep On Whole Night?

Apr 3, 2009

I ordered an 24" iMac with 2.93 GHz (I think thats the number) and I am supposed to get it today. Anyways. I was wondering if it is safe to keep it on all night and never turn it off. Will it become slower? When should I shut it off?

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MacBook Pro :: Staying Awake When Lid Closed - Unable To Resume When Opened

Sep 1, 2010

When my screen is closed the computer continues to run, and does not respond when the monitor is reawakened. Furthermore, upon shutdown, I have to remove the battery and reset power management in order to get the computer to turn on. If I just shut it down, the computer refuses to come on, hearing the hard drive make its sound before just going out to lunch.

Disk Utility says the hard drive is okay because it would not get past the black screen.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Keep System Awake With Lid Closed (Attached Two Thunderbolt Displays)

Aug 31, 2014

How can I keep the MacBook Pro awake with the lid closed (when I attach two Thunderbolt displays to it)?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)

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IMac :: Applecare From Ebay - Safe?

Oct 26, 2009

Has anyone purchased the cheaper options for AppleCare from eBay? Is it safe?

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IMac :: Safe Direct Sunlight On Back?

Apr 6, 2008

Is it safe to have direct sunlight on the back of your Mac?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Restart IMac In Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2014

My computer won't startup. It wants to be repaired but it cat do it so I am trying to back up files but I can't restart.

PowerMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Back Up In Safe Mode

Jun 5, 2014

My 27" iMac will only start in safe mode. I need to back it up before service, but it will not read (or see) any external drives that I plug in.  How do I back it up in safe mode? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X :: Kernel Panics On IMac - Boots Only To Safe Mode

Nov 12, 2010

I have a feeling I need a new motherboard to replace my graphics chip. I was playing World of Warcraft last night when the entire computer froze and a pink grid came over the computer. Could not force quit. About 10 seconds later, Kernel Panic screen and I have to hard reboot. Every time I reboot the pink grid is still there and it kernel panics, does not get past the spinning Apple logo. I was able to hold down shift and get it to safe mode, and was able to back up my files that way. I also ran the Apple hardware test, but it said no problems found. I am typing to you now in safe mode on this pink screen.

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IMac :: Started To Freeze - Only Works In Safe Mode

Jun 20, 2009

I have a new IMac 24" and it has started to freeze and not respond. At one point it would only work in Safe mode. After working with Apple for several hours, we did a complete ease and reload of the OS. It would only install the first disk. We called Apple again and made an appointment at the local store. Brought it in and it booted right up. He even reinstalled the OS for us. We brought it back home, plugged everything in and it worked. It then started having the same issues after 4 days. I forced shut it down and unplugged everything. Plugged in the keyboard and mouse and everything works. The only think we have is a Lexmark printer - X5320. The strange thing is everything was working fine for 3 months and with my Mac Mini before that. Could it be a power issue? It is plugged into a APC UPS. All hardware tests pass.

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OS X :: IMac Dropped - Task Bar Or Safe Mode Not Loading

Aug 6, 2009

So, my iMac intel took a fall. It fell on it's side and has no visible damage, in fact it didn't even turn off or stop working till I rebooted a few hours later. Now when I try to start up the desktop loads as normal but the taskbar never loads, nothing responds to the mouse, and eventually the icons disappear, the screen goes blue and it all starts over again, cycling till I shut it off.

I attempted to boot into safe mode, but after the usual long disk check I got a rebooting blue screen, similar to the nn-safe mode boot up but without icons. I've booted from the startup disk with no issues and run verify and repair on the disk. It said there were no problems. How I can get to the bottom of what might be going on?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Imac Boots In Safe Mode?

Mar 25, 2012

Randomly today when I started up my Imac I7... there was progress bar at the bottom much like if you updating your iphone... it then booted into safe mode...I restarted and it booted normal...

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safe To Use Restore Disc From MBP For IMac?

Apr 13, 2012

I have the restore disc from my macbook pro and want to use them to restore an IMac. Is that possible? The disc say MacBook Pro 13 inch on it. Does that matter? It is safe to do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Desktop Imac Starts In Safe Mode?

May 15, 2012

A few days ago I updated to Lion 10.7 with which I have had no problem. A day later I installed Moneywiz, Skydrive for mac and did some updates of various software. Since then, if starting from cold, my imac starts in safe mode. I get the start-up sound; then the white screen with Apple logo; then the spinning sun; then the progress bar; then the grey screen with "safe mode" in the top right and user log-in (although I don't have log-in set in my options). Once running in safe mode I can shut-down and re-start; or just re-start and it will load properly. I have tried starting with mouse/keyboard on/off. Is this a Lion thing or what.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Is Safe Boot, Safe Mode

Apr 13, 2012

Been having probs w Mac Pro w Lion seeming to hang on shutdown/restart. Have 'reopen windows' unchecked in prefs.  Was able to run through safe mode boot once but now seems to hang about 20% in everytime.  Have had to do shutdowns w power button (I hate that) or /by ctrl-option-command-esc Boot single user run rack -fy says 'apparently ok'Mount -uw / reports removed 10 orphaned or unlinked files and 10 directories?

Mac Pro, 2xDual2.66, 4GB, GeForce 7300 GT, 23" Apple LCD, Mac OS X (10.5), G4 Cube, Rev A/C iMac, NeXTCube,PwrMac8500,Quadras,SE30s,MacPlus

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IMac :: Hang Up On Blue Screen - Only Boots In Safe Mode

Jun 18, 2009

Tried everything from archive and install (wouldn't read disk2 until the 9th try and ended up with 9 system folders). Then tried an Erase and Install. Still it refuses to boot. Get's hung up at the blue screen. Will only boot in safe mode. Now for the last few days even the startup chime is missing. Tried PRAM and NVRAM resets. no help. Won't boot from DiskWarrior boot disk either. Just hangs

iMac Specs:
Machine Name:iMac G5
Machine Model:PowerMac8,2
CPU Type:PowerPC G5 (3.0)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1.8 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:600 MHz
Boot ROM Version:5.2.5f1
Serial Number:QP52604RSDU

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Software :: IMac G5 Stopped At Blue Screen (Safe Mode)

Sep 6, 2009

When I turned my iMac on this morning (iMac G5 PPC 10.5.8) it went through all of the "normal" steps (gong, grey screen, apple logo, progress wheel, blue screen) and stopped at the blue screen. Thinking it was just a fluke, I shut the machine down and restarted, only to have it stop at the blue screen again. After disconnecting everything going into the iMac except the keyboard and mouse, I attempted to boot into safe mode but it stopped at the blue screen again.

Next, I flashed the PRAM (big gong, single quieter gong) and afterward it came to the blue screen. I reattached my external drive and selected to boot from a 2-day old backup. Using the backup I was able to log into both my regular account and my "test" account (without login items). I still cannot login (except to my external drive backup).

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac Not Booting Normally Only In Safe Mode And All Programs Keep Flashing

Sep 8, 2014

My iMac will not boot normally only in safe mode and then all programes keep flashing.Safari and mail continuously flashing grey lines..Reset the PRAM and it worked but turned the computer off and on again and its gone back to same problem...It's an iMac 27" late 2013 3.2 ghz

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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