Mac :: How Can Keep My OS Awake When Closing My Laptop Lid
Jan 7, 2010
I have the both the bluetooth mouse and keyboard. I've tried pressing the power button on my Macbook and then closing it immediately, this doesn't seem to work. I've also tried to wake it by click on my mouse and tapping on my keyboard. Does this only work on usb wired keyboard/mice? Is there a trick to this?
I just bought a 24" screen for my macbook so i can really enjoy movies in my room. I was wondering if there was a way for me to close my laptop screen but still watch the movie ( so i dont see double picture) I know i can dim down the macbook's screen to almost dark but the screen is still on and using power. If anyone knows how to do this let me know.
where the *#$& does one change this setting? Right now, if I close the laptop, it goes to sleep. This is bad - for presentations, running iTunes at home... But I can not find where to change this - I've been through every section of Pref's.
So one day I activated deep sleep from this widget like I always do when I want to keep my 100% charge and i'm traveling with my macbook and keep my stuff saved.
It didn't work. So I kept clicking. clicking. clicking. Nothing.
So I slept my mac, and woke it again and it worked.
However when I went to wake it, I just got a grey screen. I held down the power button to cold boot, and when I rebooted it booted from the RAM file like it would normally when waking from deep sleep.
But now every-time I close the laptop it goes into deep sleep.
Running OSX 10.5.8 (plain vanilla installation) when I select "Sleep" it will not awake from sleep. This is on my G5 tower.
Running OSX 10.5.8 (full custom with lots of software)... my system will not remain in Sleep mode for more than 1-2 seconds (re. my previous recent post on this forum... [URL]
Since it will sleep with a minimum installation any ideas on how I can get it to awake from sleep without having to do a hard restart?
If I can get it to awake... then I can trial-and-error it to find out what software is preventing it from going to sleep.
Is it safe to keep my iMac (i7, 27") awake all the time? I will of course sleep the displays when I'm not at the machine. The main reason is needing the computer to download files overnight in my ISPs 'free off peak' period.
So I have a lot of USB devices plugged into a powered hub and I have a Dell 2408WFP monitor with USB ports.
Often when I awake from sleep the devices plugged into the powered USB hub that's plugged into the 2408WFP which in turn is plugged into my computer are not present until a reboot of the computer.
I know there's an option for this for your internal drive under energy save, and it makes my computer loads faster, but I still use 4 external drives, and when they fall asleep it takes a few seconds before they wake up and it makes my computer feel old again.
Is there away to keep them awake permanently? And if there is, is this a BAD thing? I imagine it's better than the moving parts going over and over when it's waking up multiple times a day.
While mirroring my screen I cannot close the lid and keep it awake. It will wake if I use the keyboard but immediately goes back to sleep, this happens repeatedly. I can leave it open with no problems.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.6), MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz/2 GB SDRAM/.mac & POP
I downloaded the latest software update for Leopard. I've noticed that when I wake my MBP from sleep, the brightness of the screen is very low. I have to click on "F2" to increase the brightness of my screen.
My mid 2007 macbook pro thinks its asleep when the cover is open but awake when the cover is closed. I was encoding some media files to dvd when a friend accidentally unplugged the power source. The battery drained and I did not notice until it was fully drained. I then went to plug it in and turn it back on and it refused to, I then closed the cover and it awoke as if everything was normal. I opened the cover and I saw it exactly as it should but then the screen went black as if it had gone to sleep. i'd rather not have to purchase a new macbook.
ive been tryign to get my mac to continue playing music while the lid is closed and am not having much luck. I have pretty much discovered that it is impossible to do from the OS its self. I have also downloaded insomniax but everytime i enable it my system crashes and i gotta restart. So is anyone aware of a solid program i can use that will do waht im trying to?
When my screen is closed the computer continues to run, and does not respond when the monitor is reawakened. Furthermore, upon shutdown, I have to remove the battery and reset power management in order to get the computer to turn on. If I just shut it down, the computer refuses to come on, hearing the hard drive make its sound before just going out to lunch.
Disk Utility says the hard drive is okay because it would not get past the black screen.
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
I've just purchased a Mac from my friends friend (via eBay) and it's an awesome machine. It's not the latest MacBook and cost me �466, the OS is Version 10.6.3, 2GHz, 2GB 667MHz DDR2 and an Intel graphics accelerator.
I was just wondering, when I load up for example Firefox and close it using the X at the top left, it appears to be closed, but upon right clicking Firefox icon I get the menu and it says 'Quit', I thought once you close an application using the X (like Windows) it closes the instance of that application
Love OS X and Safari. Can't stand the constant "Are you sure you want to close this tab" message that always pops up when closing tabs with forms.
Finally found a way to get rid of this. Type the following into Terminal:
/usr/bin/defaults write DebugConfirmTossingUnsubmittedFormText -boolean No
Thought I'd pass this along; I searched here and haven't found this tip posted. This probably belongs in the OS X forum, but hey, I never look there and would guess many of you here don't either.
Is there a way to close all but the active windows in Mac apps (I'm running 10.6.5). I often end up having 10 Safari screens open and it would be great to be able to close all but the current one I'm looking at.
I noticed that iPhoto and iMovie are setup so when I click on the red button to close the app it actually exits the entire program. Is there a global setting that I can turn on so I can do this in any app? I actually like this a lot more than keeping the programs running.
Sometimes with expose I find that I have fifteen windows/browsers open, and want to close a bunch of them. So far I've been selecting each one individually to bring it up, then closing it, then going back into expose to get the next one and do the same. Is there anyway I can just close windows while viewing them in expose without having to select them and exit expose?
My internet keeps on closing when I upload most pages. it's not the internet company because my friend brought his laptop over, which is a windows and the internet stayed open.
I've been trying to use safari but it closes on me everytime i run the application and everytime it closes it always says "the application safari quit unexpectedly. the problem may have bene caused by the ct_plugins plug in." what do i do to fix this? I'm also using Mac OS X software 10.5.8
This is a mystery. I recently switched a number of files and applications between computers, installing some stuff from a 2001 vintage iMac on a Mini, OSX 10.4.11. Now when I go to shut down the Mini, up comes the closing warning box. Previously, pressing the return key would activate the Shutdown, now nothing happens so I must always click the Shutdown box using the mouse.
I have problems closing other windows running on background. I tried to use cmd+option+w but it doesn't work. I really find this command useful when having several firefox pop-up windows open. Does someone knows what might be the problem? I'm using mac os x 10.6.4 on a macbook pro.