IMac (Intel) :: Can Find History Of ITunes Purchases Including Upgrading To ILife
Jun 29, 2014
I recently had my iMac repaired independently, with upgrade to Mavericks from Lion. I am trying to discover if my Apple purchases/upgrades have been recorded online seeing as of today I cannot find my printed Apple receipts or access much of the information/data which was not correctly migrated to my iMac. I would like to recover iDVD if possible.
I just went through the process of buying an app as a gift to be delivered via email. Typed my personal message to the recipient, confirmed the delivery address. Got the review screen. Then when I clocked to purchase the app, I got a security screen asking me to select 3 security questions and an alternate email address. Got immediate emails from Apple noting the changes to my account. But I never got an email confirming the gift purchase. How do I tell if it went through? The item is not listed in my purchases, but maybe that's by design?  Did the security question dialog hijack the purchase process?Â
(Also checked my credit card website, and it doesn't look like there's a pending charge yet. But I'd hate to purchase this app twice.)
I am considering purhcasing iLife 09 to upgrade from iLife 08 that came pre-installed on my early-2008 MacBook Pro, as I like the new iPhoto features, (the iLife app I use most frequently out of the entire bundle), but I was wondering if by doing so there is a chance I may lose any files.
For those that did the same 08 to 09 upgrade, did you lose an individual photos from your library, albums altogether, events, slideshows, etc.?
For those that didn't lose them directly in iLife/iPhoto, what about on the HDD itself, and vice versa?
I would like to arrange for my family members to be able to access our family's iTunes purchases in their own accounts on my computer. Right now, we only have the full selection in the administrator account, which the kids don't use. How can I do this?
I have an iMac, iPhone 4 and new iPad all associated with my one and sole Apple ID and all authorised to share the same itunes library (stored on the iMac) when they're in range of my home wifi. I also have automatic downloads set up for music only. Home sharing works fine.
When I download music from itunes on the iMac it appears on the iPhone and the iPad as well. So far, so good. When I download music from itunes on the iPhone it appears on the iMac as well but NOT the iPad.When I download music from itunes on the iPad it appears on the iPhone but NOT the iMac. When I try and use the itunes "download purchases" facility to add it to my iTunes library on the iMac, I get an error message saying the iMac is already associated with an ID and I can't associate it with another one for another 32 days. But I thought I only had the one ID?
Everything is running the most up to date software. It was all bought brand new, either direct from Apple or obtained boxed and sealed from a major retailer. I've only ever had the one ID.
So I already placed my order for my new iMAC. I have a MacBook (2006) with iLife 08.
My question is: When I get to transfer my MacBook info into my new iMAC, will i encounter any problems with my iLife files being that I have iLife 08, and the new iMac's come with iLife 09? The Time Machine transfer won't bring the new iMac software back to 08 will it?
I have Leopard, the late edition of 09, or was it '08, in October? Anyhow, I am going tomorrow to upgrade to Snow Leopard mainly so that I can have iLife 11, but it is not compatible with Leopard. My question is this when I am installing the new stuff, do I need to go thru and delete anything at all??? Or do my things transfer over automatically? Also, will this new software, or is it hardware? will it take up more space on my Macbook or does it override Leopard, kind of take it's place and not take up more space on my computer? Yeah, I know, once again, lay(wo)man's terms and I know that I should know this stuff but I don't. I also do not have any external device backing up my stuff, which I know is a HUGE and COLOSSAL mistake. Is there an easy way to back stuff up, online or something? What about an inexpensive way? What do you all suggest for that, backing up, INEXPENSIVELY? Flash drives are out of the question for something of this measure, right? Discs also? I know nothing about this and I'm guessing that before I go installing Snow Leopard & iLife 11, that I need to consider this.
I've been researching for a while on upgrading my white intel iMac from a "Core Duo" processor to a "Core 2 Duo" processor. The processor I would like to use is a Intel Core 2 Duo Mobile T5750 processor, which would give me 2 additional cores as well as a small speed bump from 1.83 ghz to 2.0 ghz. I figured compatibility should be fine considering the FSB speed (667 Mhz) is the same. Has anyone tried this? Can anyone tell me if this will work for sure?
How do we delete email addresses that are saved? In other words, when you start typing an email address, and only after typing 2 letters the rest of the name pops up automatically? I know enough to go to the address book to delete addresses, but after I did that, they still pop up in the "new message."
if it was possible to swap out the first intel processors with the newer ones the imacs are coming with. i found this info and mainly looks just as tricky as open heart surgery to risk my imac doing, and thats just replacing the processor itself.
How can I find history from a specific website (such as: time spent on that website and things of that nature) on my MacBook Pro? I would also like to see if I can get a detailed history for other things done on the computer, such as: Date & Time Spent running a specific application, etc.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X 10.6.8 & Safari 5.1.10
I would like to backup my dvd's I want to rip the entire dvd including menus. My problem is mac the ripper is not doing so well with new movies i get errors about padding sectors the playback does not work. So whats the best way to rip the full dvd I have tried handbreak but I don't see a way to rip the entire dvd with menus and such.
Recently I appear to have lost my external hard drive for my mac, where I kept my backups of my entire computer. In trying to find when I lost it, I'm trying to figure out when the last time I plugged it into my computer was - although my computer says that it's been 147 days or so since my last backup, I know I plugged the hard drive in since then (it just never fully backed up.)
Is there any place on the computer that has a date-by-date history of all the drives accessed/plugged into the computer? There is a risk that my identity has been stolen, if indeed I lost the hard drive long enough ago that someone has their hands on it and the sensitive backups inside it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I just got a new MacBook Pro 15" and I love it. I just have a quick question, though--how do I go about transferring my itunes stuff from my old Mac laptop to my new one? I tried consolidating the library, and then dragging the iTunes file to the new computer (and then going into preferences and selecting the iTunes Media folder location), but that didn't work.
A few days ago I got my macbook pro (late 2011). I delivered it to the service and when i got it back I cant find imovie, iphoto, garage band that I had before i delivered it to the service. What has happend and how do I get these programs back?
I have a Macbook Pro and a desktop PC with iTunes installed on each with the same account. However, my iTunes purchases are not reflected the same on each computer. For example, my Macbook has two tv seasons of The Wire that does not appear on my PC iTunes. Also, there are a number of apps on my PC that I don't have on my Mac notebook. This is especially annoying as I sync my iPhone 4 most frequently with my desktop.
I am working on an iMac, 1.83 GHz, my OS version is 10.4.11. I became interested in upgrading as I really want to be able to use the new Blackberry sync application for Mac that was released the other day. I found the 10.5.1 version by googling it, but cannot find a 10.5.0 version for download anywhere (seems to be a requirement before the 10.5.1, much to my newbie chagrin).