just got my imac last week and i am using a wifi router (netgear) to connect to the internet. certain websites will make safari freeze. i can still quit safari, but once i try to open it up again it cannot connect. i check my network preferences and it finds my network, i try to connect but no luck. i know ive got the right password and everything, and once i restart the machine it automatically finds and connects to my network and im good to go again until it freezes and i go through the process again. ive called apple and gotten no working solution. they told me to reset safari and clear caches which i have done and that hasnt helped. looking for any advice you've got. also, i was thinking about picking up an airport router. could that possibly solve my problem? is it possible that the imac doesnt communicate well with the netgear router?
I just got a new macbook pro unibody a few weeks ago, and when i go to shutdown the mac, my cursor is stuck for a good 20 or so seconds and then i can finally move it to shut it down. This does not seem normal to me and am wondering if this is an isolated event or it happens to others? Is there a fix for it? Such as a new driver, reinstall, etc.
I'm a new Mac-user having used PC:s for 25 years. On my Windows Desktop it was easy to place new icons with shortcuts to websites I often visit. I have tried to do this on my Mac, creating Bookmarks, exporting them to Desktop. Iicons appear. But when clicked they don't connect with the webaddresses I have given.
I have read Q&A from someone who tried to give similar shortcuts to customers, but I did not understand the answers. I'm Swedish and Mac Keyboard and Desktop menues etc are in Swedish so the exact terms in English may be difficult to translate. My problem is different since it's only on my Mac I need the shortcuts/icons/links.
Today, i've been searching about the history of computer viruses and i found a website that made Safari 3.2.1 freeze with an infinite beach ball so i had to force quit it. My Safari has AdBlock enabled and for security reasons i deleted all my cookies.
I have three computers on my home network; A dual 1.8 G5 with Leopard, a Macbook Pro with Leopard, and a Windows XP Box. My problem with Safari started about 3 months ago, when I tried accessing a website via my g5. Safari said it could not connect to the server. I assumed the site was down. However, I hopped on my MBP and the site worked fine. In fact, I found a lot of sites that my G5 didn't want to access that my MBP could, on the same network. I have flushed my DNS cache, reset safari, cleared safari's cache, reset my router, cable modem, checked the DNS servers. Everything seems identical between the MBP and the g5. The problem happens in both Safari and Firefox
MacBook hangs on certain websites (yahoo mail, cbs sports, mens fraternity) but only from one of my wireless networks. PC works flawlessly on this situation and macbook works flawlessly on my first wireless router so the problem is tied to the interaction between my Macbook and the second wireless router. I've searched the forums and tried many fixes already that have been posted here or elsewhere: Reset Safari (it then allows me to reach yahoo mail once, hangs on every try thereafter). Go to Safari preferences and uncheck the box for warning of fraudulent sites (no change) Go to advanced settings and input DNS numbers from my ISP (this solved the problem for some websites but not others) try firefox (same problem as safari) software update everything (no help) install onyx (about to do that). network is a DSL modem connected to the first wireless router (DLINK N+). Second wireless router is linksys G (the problem child) and it is hardwire connected to first wireless router.
so I've had my MacBook for over a year, and I've never had any issues like this before. On my personal account, Safari, FireFox, Opera, and the like cannot access [URL], [URL](or any variation that leads to the same site), any other Google-based websites, my school's online gradebook, nor will it allow me to log into my Yahoo! account, though i can still search on yahoo. I can use the Google search bar at the top of my safari window just fine, but not [URL], as mentioned before.
Since the latest upgrade to 10.7.4 and OS 5.1.1 I can't login to certain websites. The error message reads "too many redirects..." how can I change this?
So my brother's iMac G5 (the original with the obnoxious loud fan) seems to freeze up a lot.We're trying to figure it out. While messing around in Safari, iTunes, iMovie, etc... it will freeze. The only solution is to hold the power button and shut it down. Upon restarting sometimes he will just get the grey screen of death. Nothing happens. Again force shut down and restart. He also will get the spinning beach ball of death where he can't force quit anything. Boils down to a frozen system and the only way to get out of it is to force shut down.We have run DU and hardware test (From the DVD) and everything passes. So we reinstalled 10.4.11 hoping that would clear the issue. Nope. It still freezes up. So I'm wondering is it a hardware issue? He does have some external LACIE HDDs hooked up but not sure if that could cause any issues.
So often, when I'm working with Firefox or Safari (mostly Firefox), my computer will come seconds away from crashing. It'll pause with the rainbow wheel twirling around, but if I have something like even Skype open or photoshop, I can still work in those. I've had to close Firefox a FEW times, at LEAST, in the last little while because of this.
Why is Firefox acting so WEIRD?! I've even uninstalled it and installed a new version! Why isn't it getting fixed? Is there a better program that won't do this on my brand new laptop with Leopard 10.5 OSX?
I bought my MacBook Pro 13" 2.4 GHz in late April (new version). I have no added third party software. Everything worked fine until I did the Safari 5 update. Then web pages would freeze when opening for about 3-5 seconds. Then the page would finish opening.
I have also updated OS X to 10.6.4 after this started happening. It did not correct the problem. I experienced this at several locations, including the Apple store when doing one-to-one classes, so I know it's not a problem with my ISP.
This has just recently started happening...when I type in a web address such as [URL] it will pop up and then disappear to a blank screen or some other websites just come up blank....does anyone know how I can fix this. My friend just started a new company and I can't even look at her site because it comes up a white blank screen and apparently I am the only who is having this problem. I have reset Safari and even clean up my hard drive with Onyx. Please help!!! Also, I have seen other post regarding this problem and I have clicked on the links for software for parasites but they all seem to be for Windows. I am running Safari on a Macbook 10.4.11
For some reason Safari is only loading the title of some website articles and not the text.
Don't know if its an issue with cookies or what, but it's really frustrating.
1st noticed it about a week ago when trying to load my local newspaper website....booted up FireFox for the 1st time in a long time and it loaded the news stories flawlessly.
Today (in the latest version of Safari, of course) I repeatedly tried to fill out a captcha form, and later a password form on different website. Both forms went through fine in Firefox. Is this a common problem or will I have to experiment with deleting preferences, etc.?
Also: I tried a login at another website, which worked fine. But the captcha and the other password form refuse to work.
In Safari 5, there is a search bar at the top right that allows you to search Bing, Google, and Yahoo!
I would like to know if it's possible to add additional websites to that list. So, for instance, would it be possible to add Wikipedia to that drop-down list? If so, how? Will I be able to do this when the Extension Gallery goes live, sometime later this summer?
Essentially, I want Safari 5 to behave like Firefox/MyCroft and allow me to customize/manage the search list myself. I would never search Yahoo! or Bing, so I'd like to replace those with something a little more useful.
My Uncle just purchased a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard and he is having trouble accessing certain sites such as [URL] but has no problem accessing other sites like Apple or Google from Safari.
I tried to troubleshooting the issue by resetting Safari and by deleting the com.apple.safari.plist preference file in his home directory but he still has the problem.
I'm not sure if it is related, but I had to have him change the port from 5190 to 443 in iChat in order to connect to his AIM account so I could screen-share with him.
Also, he uses AOL mail and I was able to get it set up in Apple Mail but it is very sluggish to download.
He is using either Cisco or Linksys router and range extender and he said that his Windows computers have no problems connecting to any sites.
We have a company, approx 32 macs, Lion Server, IP addresses distributed via LinkSys router. Aside from Parent Control and going via Terminal,I would like to know if there is a simple way of blocking access to certain websites? Are there any new apps which provide (hidden or out of sight) control for blocking websites?
So far, I have noticed that in Safari 5.1.4 Google maps doesn't work correctly. Whenever I enter directions from and to locations, the site just sits there "Loading." It works perfectly fine in Firefox on the same account on (and running while Safari is). Also, a random error is on TrueAchievements.com, everytime I go to update my status, I get a little box that says something went wrong. Again, it works perfectly fine in Firefox running side-by-side. I haven't run across any other problems, but it wouldn't surprise me if I do at some point. I have tried disabling extensions, just in case, but that solved nothing. Is this version of Safari just broken or is there anything I can do?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
Attempting to select dates from several websites results in an error in Safari (not Chrome or Firefox) in which all months are listed as January. I have this problem on two macs running Safari 10.7.3. E.g. [URL]
Some, but not most websites, give me an error message that Safari will not accept cookies despite the preference to accept all cookies. Is there another setting I'm not aware of.
My clients say that their Mac which is running Safari 5.1.5 won't open their web site which is: [URL]
I've asked about 5 other people to see if they could open it up on a mac using Safari. So far, everyone can open it except for my client. The site is created with wordpress. It's not redirecting.
I'm really not sure which Mac they have or their operating system. I just chose two so that I could submit this ticket.
What in the world would stop them from being able to see the site? They can go to other sites.
I was using my Imac and i clicked on a random place and my whole computer froze. The mouse wasnt moving. it was as if it was a still picture. This is the second time it happens. any ides what it can be?
I need a plug-in/add-on/application that will block certain websites I want at certain times. For example, block Youtube and Facebook from 4-6PM. Preferably these settings would be difficult or impossible to change once in place, haha. I want to be strict and not let myself procrastinate during the upcoming school year and I think this is the only way to actually do it.