PowerPC :: While Messing Around In Safari, ITunes, IMovie, Etc... It Will Freeze?
Aug 4, 2009
So my brother's iMac G5 (the original with the obnoxious loud fan) seems to freeze up a lot.We're trying to figure it out. While messing around in Safari, iTunes, iMovie, etc... it will freeze. The only solution is to hold the power button and shut it down. Upon restarting sometimes he will just get the grey screen of death. Nothing happens. Again force shut down and restart. He also will get the spinning beach ball of death where he can't force quit anything. Boils down to a frozen system and the only way to get out of it is to force shut down.We have run DU and hardware test (From the DVD) and everything passes. So we reinstalled 10.4.11 hoping that would clear the issue. Nope. It still freezes up. So I'm wondering is it a hardware issue? He does have some external LACIE HDDs hooked up but not sure if that could cause any issues.
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Sep 22, 2009
I've encountered a few annoyances with the new iTunes 9.
For example in 8 I had a album which consisted of two discs. When properly organized as disc one,disc two and so on. The songs would appear in nice orderly fashion. From disc one songs one to ... and disc two etc. Now they're all piled together and it's much harder to found what I need.
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Dec 27, 2010
Itunes demons got me again. I have about 2 or 3 gigs out of my 350+GB collection on my internal HD. I keep everything on my external since it is so much. How this music copied to my internal HD I really have no clue. I just copied 15 cds in a row to itunes and half went to external and half went to internal. Everything plays and works fine I just want it all on the external. How can I get the music to my external without messing it up on itunes and taking forever deleting and re-adding music?
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Jul 2, 2012
I take loads of videos of my friends and I snowboarding, wakeboarding, and other stupid stuff. As well as making short films with the footage I like taking snapshots/freeze frames out of the videos to post on facebook and make slideshows. On my old Windows computer with the Kodak MediaImpressions software, although that program *****, I could take good snapshots out of the videos and it saves them as normal photos. But I can't figure out how to do that with iPhoto or iMovie. I know how to do a freeze frame in a project movie on iMovie but that is just in the project and doesnt save the photo.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 6, 2008
Every time I open imovie it works well enough, until i try and record my voice. It automaticaly shuts down imovie, and really frustrates my teacher and I. It's imovie 4.
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May 4, 2007
I've got an old 20 inch blue and white CRT monitor connected to my last rev. Powerbook G4 with RAM upped to 1.5 gigs. I also have some peripherals connected to the usb hub on the monitor and all my ports on the powerbook itself are used up as well. Basically I'm running this mainly as a desktop. So, through the day while i'm working I get these blips on the screen randomly. they are horizontal blips almost as if I've just turned the monitor on. It is seriously about a millisecond. blink of an eye. anyways the freeze happens 99% of the time right after one of these blips AND while I'm holding the mouse button (usually manually scrolling in Firefox) it freezes for a second, i get the spinning beachball, but then it turns back to the arrow.
i can move the arrow all over the place, but i cannot do anything else. option+apple+esc doesn't do anything. the scaling effect doesn't work on the dock. i can't start or quit anything. if iTunes is playing, the music plays on, yet everything else is still frozen. so I open the lid and hold down the powerbutton until it shuts down. then i start up again. i have no problems when i use the powerbook without the external monitor. so is the monitor the culprit? Do i need to get a newer monitor? could it be a problem with usb 1.0 ports on the monitor and the usb 2.0 ports on the powerbook - a conflict of interest so to speak?
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Jul 7, 2007
I recently bought a couple dozen eMacs at a school auction. I've got about 5 that are sellable but some are being a pain in the ass. All the eMacs have a version of 10.4 on their HD, but with school programs (which they were supposed to delete). So I decided to do an erase and install of 10.4.
Well, so far, about 5 eMacs have been freezing on me halfway through the install, at the start of disk 2 of 4. What will happen is the eMac will restart after Disk 1's install then ask for Disk 2. I'll put Disk 2 in and it will install 5% of the way then the computer will freeze up. The screen will show some random horizontal pixels like the video got messed up.
All the eMacs I've done installs on have at least 512 MB of RAM. The install disks are not scratched and work perfectly on other eMacs. This will just happen to a certain few. And they happen to be my best ones (>1 Ghz processors).
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Jul 31, 2008
I have a 2001 Ibook m6497 that my daughter is to take to school. When logging into youtube, sprint aircard broadband, the video plays the audio but the video is like a slideshow!
I have logged into apple to download updates, varified the hard drive and permissions. Any idea, is the processor too old,not powerful enough ?
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Apr 28, 2009
Today, i've been searching about the history of computer viruses and i found a website that made Safari 3.2.1 freeze with an infinite beach ball so i had to force quit it. My Safari has AdBlock enabled and for security reasons i deleted all my cookies.
Here's the website image: [URL]
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Apr 16, 2009
just got my imac last week and i am using a wifi router (netgear) to connect to the internet. certain websites will make safari freeze. i can still quit safari, but once i try to open it up again it cannot connect. i check my network preferences and it finds my network, i try to connect but no luck. i know ive got the right password and everything, and once i restart the machine it automatically finds and connects to my network and im good to go again until it freezes and i go through the process again. ive called apple and gotten no working solution. they told me to reset safari and clear caches which i have done and that hasnt helped. looking for any advice you've got. also, i was thinking about picking up an airport router. could that possibly solve my problem? is it possible that the imac doesnt communicate well with the netgear router?
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Aug 15, 2009
So often, when I'm working with Firefox or Safari (mostly Firefox), my computer will come seconds away from crashing. It'll pause with the rainbow wheel twirling around, but if I have something like even Skype open or photoshop, I can still work in those. I've had to close Firefox a FEW times, at LEAST, in the last little while because of this.
Why is Firefox acting so WEIRD?! I've even uninstalled it and installed a new version! Why isn't it getting fixed? Is there a better program that won't do this on my brand new laptop with Leopard 10.5 OSX?
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Jul 9, 2010
I bought my MacBook Pro 13" 2.4 GHz in late April (new version). I have no added third party software. Everything worked fine until I did the Safari 5 update. Then web pages would freeze when opening for about 3-5 seconds. Then the page would finish opening.
I have also updated OS X to 10.6.4 after this started happening. It did not correct the problem. I experienced this at several locations, including the Apple store when doing one-to-one classes, so I know it's not a problem with my ISP.
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Jul 5, 2012
my issue is that recently my Macbook pro will freeze after it goes into change to screen saver
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Sep 25, 2010
Recently, YouTube freezes and causes my browser to shutdown. I've tried it with both Safari and Firefox. This is the only time they do this.
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Oct 21, 2010
Seeing as iLife 11 is now totally Intel, do you think the next iTunes release, aswell as things like Safari, iChat, etc will stop being universal binary?
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Jun 30, 2009
Whenever I put in a commercial audio cd in, it mounts as "Audio CD". It s been a while since I've put an audio cd in, but I thought it gave the artist title. Also, iTunes is supposed to open...well instead of opening, it just bounces on my dock.
When iTunes IS open and an audio cd is put in, iTunes will freeze up with the spinning wheel of death. I cannot force quit iTunes until I have ejected the CD, and cannot eject the CD unless iTunes is closed.It a very weird problem. The warranty on my Mac has expired.
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Mar 27, 2012
Every time i open itunes on my Mac, the whole computer freezes. It unfreezes for about 2 seconds every minute and once i eventually quit out of itunes again the computer regains normal function.
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Aug 23, 2010
I was hoping someone would know a better workaround for a problem I'm having. When I export .csv files, it replaces the commas with semi-colons as the separators. On Mac OS X, I haven't been able to discover a way to specify a different list separator symbol. So I just opened the CSV file into TextEdit, chose Edit > Find > Find, and then searched for all semicolons and replaced them with commas. Of course you can also change your computer's region by going to Apple Menu > System Preferences, clicking on International, and then the Formats tab. Here you'll find the Region menu, where you can specify an English speaking region, which you'd probably want to avoid doing.
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Apr 8, 2009
iPhoto has recently been streaking my photos. It is an effect similar to the retouch tool, but I don't initiate it. iPhoto recently did this to one of my photos, creating a blurry line across the face of one of the people in the photo. I was wondering if there was any way to remove this? I tried locating the original file, but it wouldn't let me upload it to iPhoto. So, I deleted the photo, intending to re-upload it onto my computer, but the original picture was deleted on my camera, and I can't find the original file anymore on my computer.
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Mar 21, 2012
I can not stop or cancel the download..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 3, 2014
just upgraded to iTunes 11.2.2 and the program freeze any time I try to connect the iPhone. I restarted several times but the behaviour does not change.
Running on iMAC OS X 10.9.3 / 4G RAM
Here the log:
03/06/14 22:42:29,560 SyncServer[3553]: [0x7fb48be064d0] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 570448572416 bytes free in as-imac.
03/06/14 22:42:29,562 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[160]: (com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer[3553]) Exited with code: 1
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 1, 2009
I'm a annoying issue with itunes. When watching podcast or videos. Every now and then there will be a 2-3 second freeze of video and audio. I've been having this issue since i bought the MBP. Has anyone seen this issue?
I have a Macbook Pro Late 2008
Pro:2.53 GHz
Ram:4 GB
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Mar 13, 2009
is there a way yet to make my dock clear? for 10.5, i figured out how to change the docks appearance by messing with the scurve files but i cant figure out how to make it so theres not background at all.. if there was like a clear.gif i might be able to tile it. any ideas?
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Mar 26, 2012
when I'm trying to sync podcasts on my iPod nano 6th gen. from iTunes 10.6 iTunes freeze, and i close it from Forcing exit.
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Sep 24, 2009
I have used Azureus on this computer with this cable modem for over 2 years with no problem. Recently, I bought a new Mac Mini. I bought a router to hook them all up (Belkin G Wireless F5D7234-4 v4, firmware up-to-date). Everything works nicely. Except, now whenever I start up Azureus, web pages either load very slowly or not at all, usually hanging up on contacting the server. Likewise, my email program is unable to fetch or deliver mail reliable. As soon as I shut down Azureus, these problems clear up.
I'm still able to transfer files between the 2 machines while this is going on, it's just that neither one can reliably get through to the Net. (I thought UPnP might be a problem, so I shut that off in Azureus and forwarded the ports manually in the router. No change.) I don't think this is in any way connected, but I've noticed I can't set the admin password on the router. If I do, it appears to accept it, but then I can't log back into the router with either the default or my new password.
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Aug 30, 2010
I would ask this in the Software section but they don't seem to help me out. Whatever, I just want to import/ lightly edit some videos but iLife '08 is the only version I have which means that iMovie doesn't support my G4.
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Mar 25, 2010
When an email comes to me with the following looking "From" field:
From: <person@company.co.uk>
That's with greater than and less than character at the start and end of it. It messes up the reply address.
When I reply to one of these emails Mail.app sets the "To:" field to be:
"person@company.co.uk> <person@company.co.uk" <person@company.co.uk>
When it should just be:
To: person@company.co.uk
Anybody get this behaviour?
Incidentally, you can search for these kinds of simple emails in Mail.app by searching in "All Mailboxes"/"From" for:
> <
That's greater than, space, less than.
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May 16, 2012
Why so many messing plugin messages after latest updates from Apple? What is the fix?
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Jul 28, 2008
I have an iMac G5 1.8Ghz and Today when I logged in, it just froze on the apple OS X background. I waited 2 minutes, and nothing happened. It was weird because it's the first time it happened. Anyway, I turned the iMac off and re-tried. It did the exact same thing. So I turned it off, unplugged everything, waited around a minute, plugged it all back in, and it worked fine.
But yeah, just trying to work out why it would do that... because this is going to my brother and I don't want it to just crash when I give it to him.
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May 14, 2012
I have an iMovie project. I want to export it or do something to get it into iTunes. I know you could share it to iTunes but I don't want it to end up in movies. I want it in music.I don't know if I need it as a mp3 but I want it in iTunes as a video.
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