I just got a new macbook pro unibody a few weeks ago, and when i go to shutdown the mac, my cursor is stuck for a good 20 or so seconds and then i can finally move it to shut it down. This does not seem normal to me and am wondering if this is an isolated event or it happens to others? Is there a fix for it? Such as a new driver, reinstall, etc.
While online in either Safari or Firefox my cursor as I am navigating a page will suddendly freeze on screen. I them am forced to relaunch finder, then unplug my mouse from the keyboard and once again, relaunch the finder.Then the cursor will move again. Any solutions to this problem guys? This is really driving me nuts. It happens about 5 times an hour!
Last week I upgraded my 2011 MacBook Pro (purchased July 2011) to 10.7.3. Now when I lift the lid to wake up the computer there is a several second lag time before the cursor can move. Under 10.6.8 the computer woke up instantly and the cursor was ready to use immediately. Is this a Lion bug and is there any work around, since I find this delay annoying? Not annoying enough to revert back to Snow Leopard, but I really liked how fast this computer is and don't appreciate Lion slowing down its wake up time. Nothing else seems slow since the upgrade, in fact applications seem to be opening even faster.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inch 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
I have a MBP running Snow Leopard. The keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive, even though music was still streaming through Google Chrome. So I held down the power button to force shutdown. When something like this occurs, is there anything that should be done upon restarting the system again? Any general maintenance, system checks, etc? From my experience with Windows, not infrequently after similar scenarios, forced shutdown or crash, upon restart it'll automatically go into some type of disc scan. I wonder if anything similar occurs or is necessary with OSX. And lastly, when the system freezes like in my instance, if that's considered a freeze even though music was streaming all the while, is holding down the power button the only resolution? Are there no other safer alternatives to attempt first?
just got my imac last week and i am using a wifi router (netgear) to connect to the internet. certain websites will make safari freeze. i can still quit safari, but once i try to open it up again it cannot connect. i check my network preferences and it finds my network, i try to connect but no luck. i know ive got the right password and everything, and once i restart the machine it automatically finds and connects to my network and im good to go again until it freezes and i go through the process again. ive called apple and gotten no working solution. they told me to reset safari and clear caches which i have done and that hasnt helped. looking for any advice you've got. also, i was thinking about picking up an airport router. could that possibly solve my problem? is it possible that the imac doesnt communicate well with the netgear router?
Is there a way to make the cursor go to a dialog box when a page is opened? I use Firefox and when I go to a page that has a box where I have to apply a password etc. I have to click on that box. I would like to have the cursor be in the box if available.
Is there a utility that I can use that will allow me to have the same precision and accuracy with a mouse in mac OS as I have in windows? There is a very different feel when using a mouse in OS X, and I just don't like it.
I just got this new 17" powerbook two months ago. Everything seemed fine until this past weekend when I tried to do some work on it. No matter the program, Word, Quark etc., whenever i go to type in sentences or paragraphs, suddenly the cursor will jump to another area of the paragraph. There seems to be no consistency and I can't figure the cause.
I checked all the preferences and that doesn't seem to change it.
Could I have a faulty keyboard? Has anyone else heard of this and know what to do.
I am having issues with the shutdown time of my MBP. Namely, until couple of days ago, everything was fine and the shutdown process lasted for about 5 seconds tops. The other day, when I was about to go to bed and shut it down, the shutdown took unusually long time to execute. From that day on, every shutdown is the same. It lasts for about 40 seconds. This is kinda not that funny, because from time to time, like every couple of months the shutdown would be long like this, but the next shutdown would be very short. I consider this to be normal, as far as I read the various forum posts. What bothers me is that since couple of days ago, every shutdown lasts for about 45 seconds and it is not a problem, since the computer works fine, but is kinda irritating. I also have to mention that no major changes (installation or removal of programs) have been performed prior to this issue, and that my login items list is empty.
I have tried the following:
* Zapping the PRAM * Executing various Onyx scripts, and used Onyx it to clean various caches. * Reading, verifying and repairing permission using Disk Utility.
None worked for me.
I am pretty sure there are numerous threads about this or similar subject, but I have not found the one that describes this issue that I have.
never had a problem with a freezing mac in 5 years of mac use so wouldn't like it to start now. Whilst using firefox this morning it froze, force quit wouldn't work, entire screen froze. Keyboard shortcut wouldn't allow me to shut down, so I had to shut down via the on/off switch.
When I came to switch it on again it loads up to the log in screen, the mouse moves around the screen but when I click on my username nothing happens. I've taken out all USB cables, switched wireless keyboard and mouse on and off etc, restarted, no joy. Next I tried to startup with the c key and install disc, but again I got to the log in screen and nothing happened. I'm assuming as I can't log in and get to a desktop that is why it's not allowing me to start with the disc?
So my MBP i7 with a 500GB 7200 rpm disk. The system has been freezing randomly for up to 20 - 35 seconds at a time, the same as many other people on here. i have used superduper to clone my disk to a usb hd. I have not had 1 single freeze so far running of the usb drive. I boot back to the internal drive and with in minutes i get a freeze. This is just what i have found, would be good if anyone else with the freeze issue could try the same.
My hdd is
Model Number: ST9500420ASG Revision : 0008APM2 serial : 5VJ5AN23
just wondering if all the people that have this issue have the same hard drive ?
I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.
The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.
I've reseated memory and my hard drive, but still if I bump it freezes or black screens. I'm going to pickup an external hard drive to backup my data, because this is scaring the crap out of me.
My cursor is freezing up on me when I let my macbook sit for 2-3 minutes. As long as Im working I have no problem. Its only when I step away from it for a couple of minutes. When this happens my only option is to force quit in order to get out.
I just got a used iMac (running 10.5.8) with the metal keyboard and mouse. I unpacked the box, plugged in the computer, hooked up the keyboard and mouse.The computer screen came up. I can move around a little via the keyboard's arrow keys but the cursor will not move via the mouse. I got it to move a little by swiping my thumb across the back but that is it. I switched my older, working, keyboard and mouse to the newer machine and it didn't work there. I switched the newer metal keyboard and mouse my older iMac and they worked just fine. What could be going on with the new (but used) computer? I have tried every port for the mouse, keyboard as well as every back port but nothing moves the cursor.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Computer was shipped from CA to NY.
I bought my Macbook Pro less than a year ago and the other night I was watching a TV show in itunes and I couldn't use the track pad. I was able to finally shut the Macbook down and the next morning I rebooted it. It was still acting weird and the trackpad was jumpy and would randomly start opening windows and menus as if someone was contriolling it remotely. I used my bluetooth mouse and it seemed to work ok until tonight when I was copying some files wirelessly (or trying to) and evey time I tried to select files the cursor would jump to another screen and open a menu and then select all and open all my file folders. I was able to get that to stop openin ght ewindows but I still can't use the track pad and the machine acts like it is possesed and has a mind of it's own. I have made sure file saring and screen sharing are off and the battery shows to be normal from doing the control+battery test.
Alright I am wondering what temperature the computer has too get too in order to shut itself off. what I mean is, at what point will the compute shutdown or crash before it overheats? I think my mac mini (07 model) is getting too hot and it shut off a few mins ago (not gracefully shut down more like someone yanked the powercord out ) and I think that the shutdown may be related to heat problems.
idle temps: (celsius) ambient:54 CPU:72 CPU heatsink:60 Northbridge1:57 Northbridge2:56
Fan RPM:5100rpm
Load Temps (celsius) ambient:53 CPU:83 CPU heatsink:64 NorthBridge1:55 NorthBridge2:57
My pm g5 it just shutdown by it self I try to leave it unplug all day and it work ok but the in the middle of any work it die on me i put a new battery it did not work push the pram bottom same thing.
several months ago when my ibook g4 was just over a year old it began suddenly going to a blank screen when the battery was fully charged and the computer was unplugged. Sometimes i would hold down the power button and the computer would come back from seemingly having fallen asleep. other times i would have to plug the computer in and hold down the power button for it to come back. to do this it would make this whirring fan sound before going from a black to a gray screen and then finally re-starting up from the beginning. a box would then appear telling me that my date and time were set wrong and that this could cause some functions to behave erratically. this despite my having frequently changed the date and time zone back to my own and locking the settings. the computer keeps switching the date back to 1969. and now when i put a dvd into the computer it just spits it back out and won't play it. long story short...i am beginning to hate my mac. what's the point of a laptop if you have to leave it plugged in for it to work. apple tech support has done nothing to help me and has refused to admit that the g4's have a problem despite my having read about tons of people having these exact same problems after a year. i read something about how in denmark this consumer group proved that there was a faulty part attached to the battery coming loose and that they were suing apple.
Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...
Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...
My iMac 27 late 2010 does not shut down when shut down in the normal way. I have to shut down with the push button. I have tried disconnecting all the usb connected hardware still no use. Can any body help.I have OS Lion 10.7.3?
My system has randomly shut down twice now in the last two days. Dual G5 2.3. I checked the console log, which I know very little about, and it said this:
localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -122
Two questions-
what's the -122 code mean?
Do you think resetting the PMU would be the solution to this?
So im about 3 and 1/2 months new to my Macbook. I tried to get a .mac email address in iMail. And it just wont let me make one. I followed all the instructions and nothing happened.