Safari :: Can Only Open Https:// Websites In Safari

Jun 8, 2012

I am only able to open secure websites with Safari 5.1.7 and no other ones such as [URL]etc.

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Several Other Websites Open At Same Time When Open Safari

Jun 3, 2014

When i open safari, several other web sites open at the same time...

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Applications :: Safari Won't Open Certain Websites?

Aug 7, 2010

My Uncle just purchased a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard and he is having trouble accessing certain sites such as [URL] but has no problem accessing other sites like Apple or Google from Safari.

I tried to troubleshooting the issue by resetting Safari and by deleting the preference file in his home directory but he still has the problem.

I'm not sure if it is related, but I had to have him change the port from 5190 to 443 in iChat in order to connect to his AIM account so I could screen-share with him.

Also, he uses AOL mail and I was able to get it set up in Apple Mail but it is very sluggish to download.

He is using either Cisco or Linksys router and range extender and he said that his Windows computers have no problems connecting to any sites.

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Safari :: Doesn't Open Certain Websites

Apr 20, 2012

My clients say that their Mac which is running Safari 5.1.5 won't open their web site which is: [URL]

I've asked about 5 other people to see if they could open it up on a mac using Safari.  So far, everyone can open it except for my client. The site is created with wordpress.  It's not redirecting.  

I'm really not sure which Mac they have or their operating system.  I just chose two so that I could submit this ticket.  

What in the world would stop them from being able to see the site? They can go to other sites. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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Safari :: Websites Open Up As Blank Black Page?

Jun 13, 2012

Why is safari opening webpages in a blank black page?

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Loading HTTPS Pages With Safari And Chrome?

Jul 1, 2010

My Safari and Chrome refuse to load https pages, as for example, on Apple servers as [URL]

If I try it using Camino or Firefox, it works, but Safari and Chrome (that is webkit (= safari) based don't.

If I just type [URL] on the URL box, Safari and Chrome tell me that the server cannot be reached. The problem is that this https page is used during checkout, so I am not able to finish any order. I have even tried firefox on Ubuntu, inside VirtualBox and it works on the same machine. The problem is just Safari/Chrome.

The problem is not just with Apple. The same problem occurs with some other stores and sites using https around the web.

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Safari :: Can Browse Secured Sites (HTTPs) But Not Regular Ones (HTTP)

Apr 24, 2012

It seems I am able to browse secured websites and pick up my email messages using Mail and I can chat using Messages, but I cannot browse to unsecured sites on this network. I have been given a Web Proxy address, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect.

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Software :: Can No Longer Access Https Websites?

Nov 19, 2008

I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to computers so I need some help. As of 11 Nov, I was no longer able to access any secure sites (email, banks etc) on either Safari or Firefox, both of which were the most recent editions. I've not had any problems before. I was a bit lost and I've been looking at all kinds of websites to try and sort out the problem, but to no avail. I was advised to look at disk utility and it said I needed to repair the HD by re-installing using the OS X disk. It's made no difference. I've tried checking the Secure Web Proxy box in System Preferences, but it wont hold.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Will Only Connect To Https Websites

Jan 31, 2012

My Macbook Pro will only connect to https websites. The internet shows it is connected to wifi and any website with https will load. I need to access sites that are only http.


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OS X :: Guest Account On Leopard / Unable To Access HTTPS Websites

Jul 21, 2010

I really like the guest account feature that Leopard (and I'm assuming Snow Leopard) provides.I just got my first Macbook Pro... about a year old running Leopard... part of a client deal (you Mac people just got another application developer interested ).

Anyway.. I'm wondering... I"m getting rid of a few of my other computers on craigslist in the coming weeks and my girlfriend always wants to check her facebook. I'd prefer not to have her accidentally close something important so I setup & configured the guest account. I installed the server admin tools to fully customize the dock/etc.

Two questions however:

1: Thus far the guest account cannot access HTTPS (secure sites) websites. Not in Safari or Google Chrome. Is this an option somewhere? Something I'm missing? I've tried googling for about 30 minutes and have come up blank.

2: Without overwriting the default profile setup (incase I ever want to create new profiles)... is there a way to set a few default things for the Guest user? FOr instance... I know it wipes everything on close... I want it to remember that Google Chrome & Safari have run before (annoying that it asks "do you want this to be the default browser?.. or running the initial safari video).

Feel free to get as technical as you want... as I said I'm a seasoned linux & windows developer getting into the Mac world .

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Applications :: Unable To Open Safari Window / Safari Not Working Fine

Jul 2, 2010

I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.

So today I ran and update. And it messed up.

Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.

I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!

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Safari :: When Open Safari 5.1.5, It Automatically Opens All The Pages From Previous Session?

May 6, 2012

When I open Safari 5.1.5, it automatically opens all the pages from my previous session. Can I turn off that feature , and how?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Can't Quit Safari While Hotmail Window Is Open

Jun 18, 2012

What is the problem between Safari 5.1.7 and hotmail? I can't quit safari while the hotmail window is open. I can close Safari from all other websites.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2), Same OS on my iMac and MacBookPro

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OS X :: Safari Cannot Connect To Certain Websites

May 11, 2008

I have three computers on my home network; A dual 1.8 G5 with Leopard, a Macbook Pro with Leopard, and a Windows XP Box. My problem with Safari started about 3 months ago, when I tried accessing a website via my g5. Safari said it could not connect to the server. I assumed the site was down. However, I hopped on my MBP and the site worked fine. In fact, I found a lot of sites that my G5 didn't want to access that my MBP could, on the same network. I have flushed my DNS cache, reset safari, cleared safari's cache, reset my router, cable modem, checked the DNS servers. Everything seems identical between the MBP and the g5. The problem happens in both Safari and Firefox

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OS X :: Safari Hangs On Certain Websites

Oct 1, 2009

MacBook hangs on certain websites (yahoo mail, cbs sports, mens fraternity) but only from one of my wireless networks. PC works flawlessly on this situation and macbook works flawlessly on my first wireless router so the problem is tied to the interaction between my Macbook and the second wireless router. I've searched the forums and tried many fixes already that have been posted here or elsewhere: Reset Safari (it then allows me to reach yahoo mail once, hangs on every try thereafter). Go to Safari preferences and uncheck the box for warning of fraudulent sites (no change) Go to advanced settings and input DNS numbers from my ISP (this solved the problem for some websites but not others) try firefox (same problem as safari) software update everything (no help) install onyx (about to do that). network is a DSL modem connected to the first wireless router (DLINK N+). Second wireless router is linksys G (the problem child) and it is hardwire connected to first wireless router.

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OS X :: Safari Refuses To Go To Certain Websites?

Jan 5, 2010

so I've had my MacBook for over a year, and I've never had any issues like this before. On my personal account, Safari, FireFox, Opera, and the like cannot access [URL], [URL](or any variation that leads to the same site), any other Google-based websites, my school's online gradebook, nor will it allow me to log into my Yahoo! account, though i can still search on yahoo. I can use the Google search bar at the top of my safari window just fine, but not [URL], as mentioned before.

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Safari :: Can't Access Some Websites With It

Apr 23, 2012

Can't access financial web site since time before last of safari update. Any help?

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Can't Login To Websites?

May 14, 2012

Since the latest upgrade to 10.7.4 and OS 5.1.1 I can't login to certain websites. The error message reads "too many redirects..." how can I change this?

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Power Mac :: Can Get Safari To Open Images Outside Of Safari

Mar 28, 2012

Images always print cut-off or otherwise unformatted when I print from safari.  I have to save the image, open with preview, and print. Can I somehow make safari use preview to open images?  No menu options I can see. 

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Blank Websites Using Safari On A Macbook?

Feb 25, 2010

This has just recently started happening...when I type in a web address such as [URL] it will pop up and then disappear to a blank screen or some other websites just come up blank....does anyone know how I can fix this. My friend just started a new company and I can't even look at her site because it comes up a white blank screen and apparently I am the only who is having this problem. I have reset Safari and even clean up my hard drive with Onyx. Please help!!! Also, I have seen other post regarding this problem and I have clicked on the links for software for parasites but they all seem to be for Windows. I am running Safari on a Macbook 10.4.11

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OS X :: Safari Not Loading Text Of Some Websites?

Sep 6, 2010

For some reason Safari is only loading the title of some website articles and not the text.

Don't know if its an issue with cookies or what, but it's really frustrating.

1st noticed it about a week ago when trying to load my local newspaper website....booted up FireFox for the 1st time in a long time and it loaded the news stories flawlessly.

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OS X :: Websites Won't Accept Forms When Using Safari?

Sep 24, 2010

Today (in the latest version of Safari, of course) I repeatedly tried to fill out a captcha form, and later a password form on different website. Both forms went through fine in Firefox. Is this a common problem or will I have to experiment with deleting preferences, etc.?

Also: I tried a login at another website, which worked fine. But the captcha and the other password form refuse to work.

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OS X :: Websites No Longer Purple In Safari

Mar 25, 2009

how come long the websites that I search for in google (safari) no longer turn purple (from blue) after I visit them.

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Applications :: Safari 5 / Won't Add More Websites To Top Right Search Bar

Jun 25, 2010

In Safari 5, there is a search bar at the top right that allows you to search Bing, Google, and Yahoo!

I would like to know if it's possible to add additional websites to that list. So, for instance, would it be possible to add Wikipedia to that drop-down list? If so, how? Will I be able to do this when the Extension Gallery goes live, sometime later this summer?

Essentially, I want Safari 5 to behave like Firefox/MyCroft and allow me to customize/manage the search list myself. I would never search Yahoo! or Bing, so I'd like to replace those with something a little more useful.

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Safari :: Block Access To Websites?

Feb 22, 2012

We have a company, approx 32 macs, Lion Server, IP addresses distributed via LinkSys router. Aside from Parent Control and going via Terminal,I would like to know if there is a simple way of blocking access to certain websites? Are there any new apps which provide (hidden or out of sight) control for blocking websites? 

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Safari :: Certain Features On Websites Don't Work With 5.1.4

Mar 19, 2012

So far, I have noticed that in Safari 5.1.4 Google maps doesn't work correctly. Whenever I enter directions from and to locations, the site just sits there "Loading." It works perfectly fine in Firefox on the same account on (and running while Safari is). Also, a random error is on, everytime I go to update my status, I get a little box that says something went wrong. Again, it works perfectly fine in Firefox running side-by-side. I haven't run across any other problems, but it wouldn't surprise me if I do at some point. I have tried disabling extensions, just in case, but that solved nothing. Is this version of Safari just broken or is there anything I can do?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7

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Safari :: Selecting Dates From Several Websites

Mar 25, 2012

Attempting to select dates from several websites results in an error in Safari (not Chrome or Firefox) in which all months are listed as January. I have this problem on two macs running Safari 10.7.3. E.g. [URL]

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Some Websites Say It Will Not Accept Cookies

Apr 6, 2012

Some, but not most websites, give me an error message that Safari will not accept cookies despite the preference to accept all cookies. Is there another setting I'm not aware of.

intel iMac (early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Block Websites At Certain Times (Safari)?

Sep 2, 2010

I need a plug-in/add-on/application that will block certain websites I want at certain times. For example, block Youtube and Facebook from 4-6PM. Preferably these settings would be difficult or impossible to change once in place, haha. I want to be strict and not let myself procrastinate during the upcoming school year and I think this is the only way to actually do it.

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OS X :: Safari On Leopard Unable To Find Certain Websites?

Dec 12, 2007

Just got my first Mac (24 inch iMac) a couple of weeks ago and overall, I am quite happy. Like it all except for the Mouse (more on that later). I have had a couple of bizarre issues with Safari that I would like some feedback on.

1. Twice in the last two weeks, Safari has gotten itself in a state where it simply will not display certain web pages. For example, the last time, it complained that it could not find google. Other sites displayed fine. The site wasn't down. Firefox had no problems accessing it. Clearing the cache and a complete reset did not help.In the end, I actually had to reboot before Safari started finding google again.

2. I have had some problems getting Safari to accept proxy settings. I often VPN into work and during that period, I have to turn proxies on and once I disconnect, I turn proxies off. I noticed that I have to do things in a certain specific order for Safari to pick up the proxy changes. I first have to turn the proxies on, then connect with VPN and once I am done, I have to turn the proxies off and then disconnect. If I don't do things in that order, Safari behaves as though the change in proxy settings was not made at all.

I tried Apple tech support but I got a rather clueless individual on the other end of the line and I spent an hour plus with her trying all sorts of things that accomplished precisely nothing.This was a brand new iMac with just a Cisco VPN, Firefox and a VNC client installed on it - so I thought some of my problems would be rather easily reproducible.

That apart, I have enjoyed the experience. Pretty much everything else worked like a charm except for the mouse which I already detest. I'll spare you my litany of complaints on that but I am replacing it in short order - probably with a Logitech MX400.

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