OS X :: Safari Cannot Connect To Certain Websites
May 11, 2008
I have three computers on my home network; A dual 1.8 G5 with Leopard, a Macbook Pro with Leopard, and a Windows XP Box. My problem with Safari started about 3 months ago, when I tried accessing a website via my g5. Safari said it could not connect to the server. I assumed the site was down. However, I hopped on my MBP and the site worked fine. In fact, I found a lot of sites that my G5 didn't want to access that my MBP could, on the same network. I have flushed my DNS cache, reset safari, cleared safari's cache, reset my router, cable modem, checked the DNS servers. Everything seems identical between the MBP and the g5. The problem happens in both Safari and Firefox
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Jun 16, 2009
I am getting a lot of pictures on websites not loading in Safari 4.0. In the activity window it shows 'can't connect to host'.This is happening on many different websites but the same websites load fine in Firefox.
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Sep 10, 2014
I have a mid 2011 iMac, OS X 10.9.4 and i recently installed maverick.
For some reason,using both Safari and Firefox, it can't connect to most websites and if it does the pages don't fully load( pictures and videos won't load) but my network works fine with other device like my phone and I'm still able to download updates. Ive tried restarting in safe mode, clearing caches, Safari without extensions.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 31, 2009
So the issue i'm having is that I can't connect to certain websites. However, I know I am connected to the internet as I am posting this and web browsing. If it matters I do have peer gaurdian installed but not currently running when I try to access these websites. I also know the websites aren't down because I can access them via 3G off of my iPhone.
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Jun 4, 2010
It has been this way ever since I reset the modem a few weeks ago. I cannot connect to certain websites that I know are not down. If I am able to connect briefly to a neighbor's wireless, the websites work fine. I just reset the modem a few minutes ago and the problem hasn't gone away. I've tried troubleshooting on google but all I get are PC solutions.
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Nov 1, 2010
My Internet connection is working fine, I can connect to adium, download a torrent, use an FTP client etc without problems. When I use Safari or any other browser I can't connect to any sites. I us usually get an error stating that it can't establish a connection or find the server. I'm using a Time Capsule as my router, I've tried resetting my modem, the Time Capsule, restarting the computer. The internet is fine, I'm connecting to adium etc, but the browser won't connect, when it does I can use the browser for a hour or 5 minutes, it's random. I've ride resetting the DHCP numerous times, the majority of the time it does nothing.
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Jul 28, 2009
One day I could log in to any site using firefox, the next I couldn't log into anything. I type the password and username, when I click on "log in" nothing happens. It says "done" at the bottom left, but nothing has happened. Safari works fine. I would just get by, however after creating a website in IWeb I discovered anything FTP related will not work.
I have tried lots of different FTP clients such as (Transmit, cyber duck, firezilla, cross ftp) but nothing works. The passwords etc are all correct as they work on my mac at work. The only change I've made is installing little snitch, however nothing is restricted related with anything that would affect the current problem. I have tried usual suspects such as deleting cookie, erasing private data etc.
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Aug 9, 2009
I am new to Mac and have been struggling with this issue for the last week or so: there are a few websites I cannot access anymore (such as www.westpac.com.au, www.telstra.com.au, www.optus.com.au and a few others). As far as I can guess it is not:strictly *.au website related (or at least I think) because I can access some others *.au websites and some other in *.com or *.fr don't work either. My ISP (iinet in Australia) as the websites mentioned above work from my PC when I connect it from home. Below the result from a PING on the first 2 websites in the list above:
PING www.westpac.com.au ( 56 data bytes
36 bytes from TenGigabitEthernet7-1.ken29.Sydney.telstra.net ( Communication prohibited by filter
Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst
4 5 00 5400 0ea6 0 0000 38 01 978d
PING www.telstra.com.au ( 56 data bytes
--- www.telstra.com.au ping statistics ---
37 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
I have this issue from both my iMac and my Macbook Air, on which I have set up no firewall or other specific filter. I am using a Belkin modem, on which I have desactivated the WiFi to use a TimeCapsule as a WiFi router. I get the same issue when I try to connect from Safari, Firefox or Chrome. I have exhausted all tips and tricks I have from the PC word.
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Apr 16, 2010
I don't think I've got anything blocked as far as a firewall goes. I've tried connecting to [URL] and [URL] and it won't connect. Other sites work fine. I tried my neighbor's W-LAN and I couldn't connect either but he connected to squarespace on his macbook pro, so I think it's something with my computer and not my apartment's W-LAN connection.
Mac OSX 10.5.8
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 Ghz.
13" aluminum body, bought about a year ago
Tried both Safari and Firefox browsers
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May 10, 2012
I was going to do some homework on Google Docs, and the login page would not load! It would simply try to connect for a while, then time out.After some experimenting, I noticed this happened with all secure web pages (https://), and that non-secure websites (http://) loaded fine. This happens in all browers. I tested Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.Now, this only happens on my user account. This does not happen on my moms account, which I am currently on.We initially thought it was an issue with the parental controls, so we completely disabled them. But the problem still persists.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 28, 2014
I can't get my macbook air to connect to some website. Most are running fine but the few that dont work say that they cant connnect. I've cleared my cache and when I try to look them up on disk utility it comes up as "Request time out". The only solutions I've seen is to turn off IVP6 but I don't have that option, I can only switch it to local only and that still doesnt work. I've cleared my cache and restarted I dont know what else to do.
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Jan 5, 2006
I am having trouble accessing select websites (apple.com, usps.com, timewarnercable.com, vivalavinyl.org, amongst others). I tried with Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE, but to no avail. I used to be able to access these sites with no problem, and I am truely baffled as to why I can't get to them all of a sudden.
Here'S the error message I get in Firefox:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.apple.com.
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
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Jan 31, 2012
My Macbook Pro will only connect to https websites. The internet shows it is connected to wifi and any website with https will load. I need to access sites that are only http.
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Dec 4, 2014
Since I upgraded to Yosemite I can't connect to certain websites. I get the message 'the server isn't responding'. It doesn't matter if I use Safari, Chrome or Firefox. If I try to log in to the same websites on my iPad or iPhone everything works fine.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 17, 2008
yep can surf here, google and my own web but when i go to or ebay it just doesn't do it just says connecting to ... also cannot do my software updates. Things where working great then all of a sudden nada. since then updated to 10.4 and no fixes... i'm connected directly to modem no router, i have all my stuff to auto detect.
And no running secerurty programs or firewalls that i know of.
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Apr 28, 2012
I am running multiple services with the latest version of OS X 10.6 Server on my MacMini (web, mail, ichat, address book, etc.) . When I try to open my websites I get an "unable to find sever message". Everything has been working fine for the last 2 years and no changes have been made to the server settings, ISP, or DNS. All other services are working as they should. The server is hooked up to an Airport Extreme via a cable modem with a static IP. I have tried the following thus far:
1) restarted the server, airport extreme, and cable modem
2) checked the DNS via the web and my site addresses are pointing to my static IP address
3) turned Web services off and on again in Server Admin
4) checked the Airport port mapping to make sure Web Service (Port 80) was still open
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Server
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Jun 8, 2012
I am only able to open secure websites with Safari 5.1.7 and no other ones such as [URL]etc.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 1, 2014
My MacBook Pro Mid 2009 OS 10.9.4 is slow at startup and when accessing apps and websites.
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Oct 1, 2009
MacBook hangs on certain websites (yahoo mail, cbs sports, mens fraternity) but only from one of my wireless networks. PC works flawlessly on this situation and macbook works flawlessly on my first wireless router so the problem is tied to the interaction between my Macbook and the second wireless router. I've searched the forums and tried many fixes already that have been posted here or elsewhere: Reset Safari (it then allows me to reach yahoo mail once, hangs on every try thereafter). Go to Safari preferences and uncheck the box for warning of fraudulent sites (no change) Go to advanced settings and input DNS numbers from my ISP (this solved the problem for some websites but not others) try firefox (same problem as safari) software update everything (no help) install onyx (about to do that). network is a DSL modem connected to the first wireless router (DLINK N+). Second wireless router is linksys G (the problem child) and it is hardwire connected to first wireless router.
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Jan 5, 2010
so I've had my MacBook for over a year, and I've never had any issues like this before. On my personal account, Safari, FireFox, Opera, and the like cannot access [URL], [URL](or any variation that leads to the same site), any other Google-based websites, my school's online gradebook, nor will it allow me to log into my Yahoo! account, though i can still search on yahoo. I can use the Google search bar at the top of my safari window just fine, but not [URL], as mentioned before.
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Apr 23, 2012
Can't access financial web site since time before last of safari update. Any help?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
Since the latest upgrade to 10.7.4 and OS 5.1.1 I can't login to certain websites. The error message reads "too many redirects..." how can I change this?
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Feb 25, 2010
This has just recently started happening...when I type in a web address such as [URL] it will pop up and then disappear to a blank screen or some other websites just come up blank....does anyone know how I can fix this. My friend just started a new company and I can't even look at her site because it comes up a white blank screen and apparently I am the only who is having this problem. I have reset Safari and even clean up my hard drive with Onyx. Please help!!! Also, I have seen other post regarding this problem and I have clicked on the links for software for parasites but they all seem to be for Windows. I am running Safari on a Macbook 10.4.11
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Sep 6, 2010
For some reason Safari is only loading the title of some website articles and not the text.
Don't know if its an issue with cookies or what, but it's really frustrating.
1st noticed it about a week ago when trying to load my local newspaper website....booted up FireFox for the 1st time in a long time and it loaded the news stories flawlessly.
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Sep 24, 2010
Today (in the latest version of Safari, of course) I repeatedly tried to fill out a captcha form, and later a password form on different website. Both forms went through fine in Firefox. Is this a common problem or will I have to experiment with deleting preferences, etc.?
Also: I tried a login at another website, which worked fine. But the captcha and the other password form refuse to work.
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Mar 25, 2009
how come long the websites that I search for in google (safari) no longer turn purple (from blue) after I visit them.
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Jun 25, 2010
In Safari 5, there is a search bar at the top right that allows you to search Bing, Google, and Yahoo!
I would like to know if it's possible to add additional websites to that list. So, for instance, would it be possible to add Wikipedia to that drop-down list? If so, how? Will I be able to do this when the Extension Gallery goes live, sometime later this summer?
Essentially, I want Safari 5 to behave like Firefox/MyCroft and allow me to customize/manage the search list myself. I would never search Yahoo! or Bing, so I'd like to replace those with something a little more useful.
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Aug 7, 2010
My Uncle just purchased a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard and he is having trouble accessing certain sites such as [URL] but has no problem accessing other sites like Apple or Google from Safari.
I tried to troubleshooting the issue by resetting Safari and by deleting the com.apple.safari.plist preference file in his home directory but he still has the problem.
I'm not sure if it is related, but I had to have him change the port from 5190 to 443 in iChat in order to connect to his AIM account so I could screen-share with him.
Also, he uses AOL mail and I was able to get it set up in Apple Mail but it is very sluggish to download.
He is using either Cisco or Linksys router and range extender and he said that his Windows computers have no problems connecting to any sites.
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Feb 22, 2012
We have a company, approx 32 macs, Lion Server, IP addresses distributed via LinkSys router. Aside from Parent Control and going via Terminal,I would like to know if there is a simple way of blocking access to certain websites? Are there any new apps which provide (hidden or out of sight) control for blocking websites?
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Mar 19, 2012
So far, I have noticed that in Safari 5.1.4 Google maps doesn't work correctly. Whenever I enter directions from and to locations, the site just sits there "Loading." It works perfectly fine in Firefox on the same account on (and running while Safari is). Also, a random error is on TrueAchievements.com, everytime I go to update my status, I get a little box that says something went wrong. Again, it works perfectly fine in Firefox running side-by-side. I haven't run across any other problems, but it wouldn't surprise me if I do at some point. I have tried disabling extensions, just in case, but that solved nothing. Is this version of Safari just broken or is there anything I can do?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
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