IMac :: 27" IMac Display - Is This Normal For Led Displays?
Nov 21, 2009
This is my first led-backlit display and the first big glossy display I have used. First of all, the display is amazing because of how accurate it is and I love using it. Then to the question:The display is sort of alive, stick with me i'll try to explain it as best as I can, english is not my native language
It kinda makes this very little brightness pumping that old crt tv's and monitors did. Same kind of effect but in a lot smaller effect, but you can sorta notice it's there. I have had none of those display image disappearance/flicker problems at all, display is working very well but I'm wondering if this kind of effect is normal with LED displays and does the glossy display enhance it/let more through? I'm thinking this might add to eye strain in long use but not sure(just like crt's did).
My iMac G5 resizes its display on its own. The screen will suddenly go dark, then reappear in a smaller size with a black band around the edges. Eventually it will resize again to the correct display. I found when this happens it is "seeing" two displays, both the iMac, and an obviously non-existent "VGA Display." This doesn't happen all that often, and othewise everything seems to be working perfectly. Is this a software issue I can take care of, or an early warning sign of something more perfidious?
Info: iMac (17-inch Late 2006 CD), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Specifically the hard drive fan runs at 1600rpm and the optical fan always runs at 1350 rpms.
Those fans run faster than my 2007 24" 2.4ghz iMac.
Somehow I figured with the cooler running ddr3, 9400M igpu and better cpu architecture that this new 2009 20" iMac would be dead silent because the fans would barely have to run. Or at least be less noisey.
But that's not the case.
Anyone have any fan speeds to report on new iMacs? Particularly the 20" model?
Download the iStat Pro widget and report your fan speeds today!
rite as some will already know i have took back my 27" iMac a total of 6 times and now i am on my 7th (4th one had screen issues), after actually accepting the "belly rumbling" "popping" noise and just getting on with the i5 experience, i thought i would actually contact Seagate direct on the actual matter for the rest of people on here who have doubt about there seagate hard drives.So i ring the operator i told him the whole story his first reply was sorry we dont support apple hardware! my response was "respected but the hard drive used is a seagate product"! he then replied saying sorry sir i misunderstood and quickly responded how can i help. I then repeated the problem and he asked for the HDD serial number, i was then very specific on the the noises we are all hearing and he made me repeat what i said a good 3 times so he had a very good understanding (in other words he did take this all seriously) he then said he was going to talk to the relevant person and put me on hold....10 minutes later he's back on the phone and he again asked me a final time! (ffs) to explain the noise he then quickly said in response the hard drive is supposed to make that noise. he named it the barracuda in seagates terms.
i have an imac intel core duo late 2006 model... with a 20 inch display... it has 128mb vram and i'd like to add another display. i run my mac with the highest resolution of 1680 x1050 and i'd like to keep this resolution and add another display maybe another 20" screen. has anyone done this? and what are the performance results... will there be any lag or problems?
i was wondering if it's possbile to connect 2 thunderbolt displays (daisy chained) and a DVI screen to the second thunderbolt port at the same time on an iMac 27" mid2011?I tried searching, but I didn't find anything about it. At the moment I have 1 thundebolt and the DVI screen (55" HDTV Full HD) using both thunderbolts, but if I could connect a second thunderbolt display, or eventualy a Cinema LED 27" it would be very useful.
I sent an email to Steve Jobs about my yellow tint 21.5 iMac issues (three exchanges, all affected, resulting in a refund). I got a call from Dena at Executive Care within 24 hours.
She said they are aware of the problem and do not know how widespread it is. According to Dena, the issue is not resolved and that ordering a new iMac will not result in a fixed display.
She said the engineers are working on it now and they are not sure if it's hardware (most likely) or software related. Further Apple stores cannot do repairs because they haven't determined what the issue is.
I'm trying to using my iMac wireless keyboad for my macbook pro while my iMac is in external display mode but I can't get the keyboad to connect. I've tried disconnecting the wireless keyboard from my iMac but it won't go into target display mode without the keyboad. Can I used my iMac wireless keyboard with my Macbook pro while my iMac is being used as an external display?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Main Computer
I've had a 24" iMac (alu) for about a year. Now I bought a Mac Pro (Love it!). Therefore i wanted to sell the iMac, but:
All the time I've had it, dust has been building up inside the screen. I thought it was inside the glass cover, but I carefully removed that and cleaned it and the surface of the LCD element. That didn't do it...
From what I can see, the dust is inside the LCD element. Building up on the white lit surface behind the LCD crystals. (See the attached image).
Lately I've been feeling my 24" Alu-iMac (Prev. Gen 3.06) and it's feeling really hot. I got iStats and here are my temperatures:
CPU A: 108 F Airport: 140 F Ambient: 75 F GPU: 122 F GPU Diode: 131 F GPU Heatsink: 122 F HD Bay 1: 136 F Memory Controller: 117 F Optical Drive: 120 F Power Supply: 165 F Macintosh HD: 135 F
I created a ubuntu live disc and tried it in my iMac. So I went into system preference=> start up disc and changed the boot order in order to test the disc. Now when I booted my computer this morning it automatically went to booting from the disc even when the disc was not in the drive. I thought it should have just gone back to booting from the hard drive. Does anyone know what I have to do in order to put the boot order back to mac hd?
I downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds: CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
Safari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.
Just got my 27" stock imac from an online retailer today. 3.06Ghz c2d etc. and absolutely love it except one thing. The HD seems to be much louder than my 24" imac that was basically inaudible. This HD on the 27" is a Seagate ST31000528ASQ 1TB, that seems to have an almost constant low buzzy, vibration-like sound that you can hear on the top right in the back when I don't have music playing? Anyone else experience this? Is this normal and is there any way to make it quieter?
My iMac 27" i7 with a 2TB Hitachi disk seems to vibrate. It is so strong that it also makes my desk vibrate a little. If I hold tight on the desktop, it stops. However, the noise/hum is clearly audible when I put the iMac on the floor, for example.
Apple is happy to replace it, but am I too picky? Anyone else with the same?
(FWIW, I'll describe the noise as if you mount a hard drive in a cabinet, and it isn't really fastened/isolated well enough.)
I tried the smcfancontrol and checked the fans, and its not them, the noise is constant even if I set them to max or min. And it disappears completely when the disk has spun down.
My Macbook Pro, Macbook, or other apple hardware I got with a HDD does not make this kind of noise.
How silent is your iMac compared to your macbook/macbook pro?
Newbie here, It has just come to my attention that my 27" iMac wakes up during the night. It is always put to sleep at night rather than turned off. My parents are staying for the weekend & sleeping in the same room as the imac, & mentioned this morning that screen turned on a couple of times during the night. I looked at the time machine back ups & found it had made 2 during the night.
Allright, I have a 24" iMac. 3.06 Core Duo 2 4GB RAM etc etc.
Just now, as I was innocently talking to a friend using iChat, the top of my screen flickered once or twice and then went dark. I am typing on it now, so it is not unreadable, it just looks like the back lighting has gone off on the top half. The middle is relatively light (bleedover from bottom back light?). I have tried playing with the hinge to no avail. After I reset the computer, cleared pram-nothing. Zippo. I got the top to stay lit for about a half second after reset, but it then flicked off again. Do I need to load up my iMac and drag my ass to the Apple Store (it really is quite a task to drive there)?Here is a horrible cell phone picture (and no, the screen IS dark, that's not a shadow.):
I have the mini display port plugged in and a vga cable from the imac to my external monitor. I should just be able to turn the monitor on and it work but the imac doesn't detect it and it just comes up as a black screen.
after months of going back and forth I finally went with an entry level iMac which is perfect in every way. I think... I don't remember the start up time taking almost a minute to cycle from the blank gray screen to gray screen with the Apple on it. Tuesday and yesterday it started up much faster (at least 30 seconds). ere's my some of the hard drive info:
The only thing I've done since Tuesday is add two songs in iTunes to test the cd-rom drive. I just ran the extended Apple Hardware Test and everything is fine. Given that my 20" refurb died within 3 months and I returned 2 iMacs prior that one, I'm a little nervous. Is this normal for a Western Digital hard drive to take nearly a minute start up from gray screen to grey screen with the apple?
iMac makes normal startup after had been put into sleep..One strange behaviour can be observed with iMac Late 2013.At the end of day the user puts the mac into sleep.On next day pushing the power button is necessary to activate the mac.
The main point is that iMac starts up as it was shut down at the previous day(this is conclusion based on screens shown after mac activation).
User expectation is, that on next day when activating it the mac show screens as it was leaving sleep instead of showing screens typical for normal startup (after hard power down).
Over the last few months there have begun to be hundreds of blue horizontal lines running across the screen and the sound fragmented, with the Mac crashing over 5 times a day. Normally, I would restart and the problem would be OK for a while.
However, now when I turn on hundreds of horizontal black/green lines appear in colums, the normal apple symbol comes up with the spinning loading item. Then a blue screen will appear and the normal log on profile selector doesn't appear. Then after a while the blue screen is covered the thousands of these black/green lines.
Need advice from those people buying an additional display to use with iMac 27.
Would you buy a smaller 24 inch iPS panel like Dell U2410 ($475 incl tax and shipping) or a 27 inch LED/TN panel (around $350 - 450) with the same size? I can also buy HP 2710M TN panle for $300
I'm not doing anything related to the Photo stuffs but Coding/Programming. So the Text should be crisp and clear ,easy to read .
Budget around $500, Please recommend any good 27 display that can meet my requirements, if you think I should go with the same size with my 27 iMac.
During the boot-sequence the screen of my Imac 27" flashes green (once), then returns to normal. This does not happen when I boot my Windows (Bootcamp) partition, so I assume this is some kind of OSX driver error. This started to happen only after I installed the latest patch (10.9.3). How to get rid of it ?
Upon start up my screen goes to normal gray w/apple logo and spinner then goes black. Cursor is visible and still is moveable but nothing else. I safe booted and bar came up also but then back to black screen.
The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!
I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!