IMac :: Yellow IMac Display/Apple Executive Care No Solution Not Fixed?

Dec 29, 2009

I sent an email to Steve Jobs about my yellow tint 21.5 iMac issues (three exchanges, all affected, resulting in a refund). I got a call from Dena at Executive Care within 24 hours.

She said they are aware of the problem and do not know how widespread it is. According to Dena, the issue is not resolved and that ordering a new iMac will not result in a fixed display.

She said the engineers are working on it now and they are not sure if it's hardware (most likely) or software related. Further Apple stores cannot do repairs because they haven't determined what the issue is.

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IMac :: Display Has Yellow Vertical Line?

Mar 30, 2009

I have a 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac that has developed a vertical yellow line in the display that won't go away even when restarted. It's like a 1 pixel column of dead pixels right in the middle of the screen. I think it's still under warranty. Is this something that can be fixed under the warranty?

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IMac :: Screen Display With Yellow Tint?

Jun 28, 2010

I just received my new imac 27, i7 (28-06-2010). I ran the screen test, unfortunately my screen has yellow tint issue. I have ran all updates and firmware within apple update with no luck. Going to call Apple for a replacement!

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IMac :: Yellow Tint On Screen / CPU Or A Display Issue ?

Jan 10, 2010

I see all these complaints about i7 iMacs, does the yellow tint affect Core2Duo models? Is the tint an effect of a MB/CPU issue or a display problem?

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IMac :: Get Yellow Tinge Options To Apple?

Jan 20, 2010

[URL] take the time to write to Gizmodo, a major tech blog reporting [URL] You can write to them: submissions[[URL]The more people that make the issue publicly known, the more likely Apple will come out of the dark and admit to their serious quality control

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IMac (Intel) :: Screen Flashes Pink With Yellow Apple Just After Start Up

Jun 1, 2014

My screen will flash pink with a yellow apple icon just after the spinning gears has stopped when I start up.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Display Seems A Little Dimmer After Having It Replaced By Apple Care?

Jun 3, 2012

I have a 15" quad i7 Macbook Pro purchased in November of 2011 with Apple Care. One thing I noticed about my MBP was that it had a noticably brighter display and backlight than my roommates older Core 2 Duo 15" MBP. In March of 2012, I had the displayed replaced by Apple Care because of a blotch that appeared on the screen over time. 

Since then, I noticed that certain YouTube videos I used to enjoy seemed dimmer, darker, and a bit more contrasted than they used to, and the display doesn't seem as bright as it used. Before the replacement, I could only tolerate a brightness setting of 70%, now I use 100% in the dark with no problem. Also earlier today, my friend brought over his polycarbonate unibody Macbook; when he turned it on, with a room lamp on, it was noticably brighter than mine, his 80% was my 100%. 

I also read that a Macbook isn't supposed to have a brighter display than the MBP. I've read unofficial reports that the older Core 2 Duo's had slightly less powerful displays, and that Apple uses many different brands that are compatible with the MPB. Is it possible the Apple Store replaced my display with a more inferior but compatible type? Or could I just have another defective display? I'm planning on returning to the Apple Store to have this work done, it's just that I want a stronger case than "it seems a little darker than before".

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Yellow Tint With Bleeding On Sides / Prominent Yellow Tint Streaking On Screen

Jul 4, 2009

Alu 24" 2.4ghz when they first came out with aluminum, got it at the store. since august 07 My imac had a small yellow tint, i noticed, when i got it and it was not worth anyhting screaming about, i also noticed it had bleeding issues ath the bottom and sides. I wanted to return it or trade but i was convinced out of it.

Now i noticed that from left to right their is a prominent yellow tint streaking it's way across and fading around the half way point.It is irritating and sad to see this display on this mac was ok, at first but it is geting slightly worse.I have apple care, can i trade this/replace it at an applestore, or would they need to fix it?

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IMac :: 27" Doesn't Display Full Resolution On Apple Cinema Display?

Dec 24, 2009

The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!

I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!

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Hardware :: Disney Executive Praises Potential Of Apple IPad?

Feb 10, 2010

Calling the iPad a "game changer," Walt Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger revealed Tuesday that his company has big plans for Apple's device, including interactive TV, games, applications and comic books.

Iger's comments came during the Walt Disney Co. quarterly earnings conference call Tuesday. He suggested the company could build an iPad application around the popular ABC show "Lost" that would allow users to interact with the program and learn more information as they watch it.

He also said new ABC News and ESPN Score Center applications would be coming to the iPad, with an emphasis on giving users a new way to view with their content. He noted the existing ESPN application provides "rudimentary information" on scores, but the iPad version could become something much more.

"We find that iPad has a lot of potential," Iger said. "We think it�s a really compelling device. We think it could be a game changer in terms of enabling us to create essentially new forms of content. Obviously it will be a great device to play games on and to watch videos because of the clarity of the screen.

"But the interactivity that it will allow on a portable device with such a high quality screen is going to enable us to really start developing products that are different than the product that you typically see on an Internet-connected computer, or on a television set."

That Disney plans to support the iPad should come as no surprise -- Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is the single largest shareholder of stock in the Walt Disney Co. But Iger's comments do provide a clue as to what kind of content and new applications major developers could bring to Apple's new multimedia device.The CEO also revealed that Disney's digital revenues topped $2 billion in 2009. He expects the number to be even larger in 2010, thanks, in part, to the iPad.

He said that previously Disney was emphasizing e-books on computers screens, and the company had recently started to focus on expanding those titles to the iPhone and the iPod touch. But the iPad and its iBookstore will provide a new and different opportunity for the company to explore that market.

"Suddenly this device comes along and provides us with an even more robust technological platform, that makes the interactivity that we are going to provide -- things like read along simple animation music -- to just sort of come to life," Iger said.e also revealed that Disney is working on casual games for the iPad, and that it would release comic books from Marvel on the device.

Apple has reportedly been in talks with TV networks for months to offer a subscription TV plan. Disney -- which owns ABC, Disney Channel and the ABC Family networks -- has reportedly shown interest in the idea, but others have not. While networks were allegedly briefed on the tablet prior to its release, as a potential way to watch TV content, a TV subscription plan was not revealed when the iPad was unveiled in late January

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IMac :: Early 2009 IMac 24" & 30" Apple Cinema Display?

Oct 9, 2009

About 5 months ago I had my Mid 2006 iMac replaced with an Early 2009 iMac and on the whole I am very pleased with it except for one thing ... the glossy display.As our youngest has now commandeered my office I am now resigned to using the dining room which is fine except the only area for all my equipment is the wall opposite the window. The reflection during the afternoon and early evening when the sun comes through is driving me crazy. We have had blinds fitted which now help but still cast a lot of reflections and glare on the screen making reading difficult. I didn?t have this problem with the old matte iMac.An option would be to use a matte screen as a second monitor or even better a 30" Apple Cinema Display thus I can move the iMac out of the way.

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IMac :: Compatibility Between 2 1/2 Year Old Imac 24" And A Apple 30" Cinema Display?

Mar 26, 2010

I have the Imac Alu 24", 2.4 ghz Core 2 Duo with a ATI Radeon HD2600 graphic card with 256MB VRAM. I will be buying a 2 year old apple Cinema display 30" tomorrow from a colleague and would like to know that my IMAC can easily handle supporting this display at its normal resolution and have a crisp and correct image on the larger screen. I know that this older version of the Alu Imac has the older video out display port, but I presume I can convert it to attach to this 2 year old screen as well. Is there something I'll need to do to get this to work?

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IMac :: What Is The Very Best Winrar Free Solution

Apr 22, 2009

First I had a beta of this one called Expander. Then I got this other joint called MacPAR deLuxe. But I find that both have trouble extracting some files, so I wanted to ask what you guys think is the very best winrar solution on mac.

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IMac :: 3.2Ghz Model Won't Recognize Apple Display?

Sep 25, 2010

I just bought a brand new 21.5 inch iMac 3 hours ago and it won't recognize my Apple 24 inch Cinema Display. I was been using the cinema display with my laptop for 20+ months now and it still works with my laptop, but this brand new iMac wont use it as an external monitor. I keep hitting "Detect Displays" but nothing happens. Did all software updates that were available through the Software Update app, restarted, shutdown, unplugged the monitor and plugged back in, nothing is making it work. This is very frustrating for a brand new iMac right out of the box to not work properly.

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Hardware :: Apple Cinema Display Or IMac Screen?

Apr 15, 2009

Which monitor has better resolution... an ACD or the screen of an iMac?

I'm asking this because I'm thinking on selling my 30" ACD and my 17" MBP so I can buy a 24" iMac and a 15" Macbook Pro

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IMac :: Mini Display Port - Other Than Apple Devices

Jul 28, 2010

I am wondering what exactly can be fed in and out of the mini displayport on the new iMac, and just as importantly, what extra gear is needed. I have read that things like PS3s in principle can be fed into the iMac, but they need some adapter thing that is pretty expensive, is that still the case, and is it the case for anything that you feed in, other than other apple devices like MacBooks and such?

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Hardware :: Connect Apple Cinema Display To IMac?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a 20" Apple Cinema Display (M9177LL/A) and need to connect it to my iMac (MB324LL/A).

What cable(s) do I use? The confusing part here is there are 2 flavors of DVI.

which one my 20" ACD has nor what the iMac can accommodate.

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Hardware :: Apple - Design (iMac / LED Cinema Display) Like Speakers?

Jan 13, 2009

I have tried searching about this before but does anyone know if any half-decent (iMac / LED Cinema Display)-like speakers have been released. I was just curious if any company had released speakers with stands that look similar to the iMac or the new LED Display. I have seen the mStand that is basically a macbook stand that is designed like the iMac stand but i have not seen any speakers. If i ever thought about buying speakers i would like them to go with the new LED Display stand (not that i have one, nor a macbook for that matter but things can always change). I just like things to match, like black keys on the new keyboards and and some kind of aluminium+black color mouse. The speakers would have to have a stand that looked pretty much like the display stand (smaller of course) and the actual speakers should be aluminum-color too, possibly with a black bezel and a rectangle shape with curved corners, not round or anything.

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IMac :: Is There Any Solution That Doesn't Involve Plugging Monitor In And Out

Nov 13, 2010

I have some problems starting some full-screen games and apps. This is because I have a secondary monitor connected (a television). I only use my second monitor for watching films and such, the rest of the time it's turned off.

But for some reason my iMac still sees my monitor. This causes the games and apps to stop functioning.

Is there any solution that doesn't involve plugging my monitor in and out?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 ISight 20" Won't Start - Finding Solution

Aug 10, 2009

i have an imac here which won't start when i push the power button. nothing happens. there is no noise, no fan, no flashing on screen or something else. i already opend it and checked the 4 LEDs on the logicboard. nothing to see there too. the only thing i noticed is, when i connect the power supply i hear an short noise coming from the PSU, i think and one (i think the first) LED flashes one time. also tried to push the internal power button, without success. noticed NO exploded or damaged capacitors on PSU and Logicboard (but i think thas more a problem of older G5).

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IMac :: 27" With Yellow Tint / How To Fix It

Sep 23, 2010

Now this is my first ever Mac after being dragged into the Apple world by my iPhone and iPad. I love it, everything is a joy to use and i've been surprised at how quickly I have adapted to the world of Mac.

Anyway when I got it home on the day I noticed a spec of dust under the glass. Called Best Buy but surprise, surprise they had sold out of the model I had. No biggie I thought, I will get it looked at one day.

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IMac :: Yellow Tint Is Back?

Nov 27, 2010

So I took the hefty plunge and purchased the 27" i5 from a local Apple Retail Store, believing that Apple would have finally resolved the yellow-tint issue from over a year ago, or at least it would appear in much less iMacs as it has sorta died down on the forums.

Anyways, opened it last night, and continued copying over files to it today, only to notice that it has a slight yellow-tint issue towards the bottom 1/3 of display.

I've already made a genius bar appointment......I even purchased Apple Care on it, so the total was around 2.5k, and I'm hoping for them to allow a swap for another brand new unit? Is this likely, or will they just simply wave me off to a repair or refurb route. After dumping so much $ on it, and even purchasing Apple Care, I wouldn't be satisfied for anything but a straight exchange to a new unit.

Also, will they allow me to open it up right there and check to see that it doesn't have any display issues as well?

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IMac :: Yellow Tinge From MacMall?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm curious what your experience has been with getting a new replacement either from Apple directly or the reseller. I bought mine from MacMall a few weeks ago and it seems to have a bit of the yellowing as well as 20 or so dead/stuck pixels in the isight camera and now I'm thinking about trying for a replacement. I spoke to an Apple rep earlier today and he is working to see what he can do for me but apparently Apple sales weren't wanting to allow me to just swap for a new one through the normal channel everyone who buys their iMac directly from the Apple Store gets. The rep is going to call me back on Monday and let me know what he can do for me. MacMall will allow me to return and rebuy supposedly

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IMac :: Screeen With The Yellow Tint

Jun 12, 2010

I have read the many many threads on the Yellow Tint issue although i am concerned about buying a 27" i5 Imac as i've been saving for a while. I'd be really disappointed if i end up with a screeen with the yellow tint issue.

What i would like advice on is the following:-

Has the reason behind the yellow tint issue been found and has it been resolved?

Would waiting for the next updated Imacs be a better option as i am not in a major hurry to buy my imac although i would prefer to buy it sooner rather than later considering the time i have been saving.

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IMac :: Found Yellow Tinge Source On LED Screens

Dec 2, 2009

While me and my friends were trying to figure out possible causes of this issue on LED screens, someone came up with the brilliant idea that the problem could be caused by the sound speakers. His recently LED TV had the same problem. He found out that what was causing the yellowish tinge on his TV were the Sound Speakers. Volume speakers use magnets, so the magnetic field was screwing up the colors on his tv tending to yellow.

After having removed the Sound Speakers the yellow tinge disappeared in about 2/3 hours. I tried this on my led screen laptop with a magnet I had in the kitched, and guess what! It worked, color changed, not for yellow but it changed for sure. The Sound Speakers on new IMacs are near yellow tinge, that's why some people are getting it worse. I've reported to apple. Faulty design Quality Control. If you have his tell us if you're using internal or external speakers. This may lead us to more clues.

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IMac :: 27" Backlight Bleeding Along With Yellow Screen

Jan 1, 2010

I have not seen any posts comparing these two symptoms together, but I am wonding if both exist on the same screens, or if they are infact seperate issues. I returned a 27" iMac i7 because it had both slight yellowing and terrible backlight bleeding. I have seen multiple machines first hand (3 Core 2 Duos week 41s) at different stores (Apple and Best Buy) that had no yellowing and no backlight bleeding. I won't get into how to check for yellowing, you can read about that issue here: [URL]

But to check for backlight bleeding is both easy and impossible not to see if you have it. To check for backlight bleeding, a quick way is to bring up a site like or any other black background, and check for an inconsistent white glow on the edges of your screen. I had serious backlight bleeding in the lower corners of my screen, which happens to be where the yellowing was happening. I don't know if they are related, but hopefully we can determine if there is any correlation here.

I did order a second machine, because I know Apple knows how to make a 27" iMac with a perfect screen (as advertised), since I have seen 3 of them in the wild. Hopefully they will be back to the quality that they had is their early production units very soon.

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IMac :: Core I7 - Yellow Screen (Broken Bluetooth)

Feb 19, 2010

I have a week 50, i7, 2TB Imac. It has a very distinct yellow "tinge", and the Bluetooth does not work properly. Every time I reboot or start, the "Bluetooth setup assistant" starts, which I have to force quit. The wireless keyboard and mouse work fine, but I can't add either of my two bluetooth headsets. They pair, but when I try to activate them, it goes to the bluetooth settings screen, where it says that bluetooth is "off", despite the on checkbox being checked and the keyboard and mouse working. I called support and they had me do a bunch of things, the last thing being reinstalling the OS. Didn't work. So now I need to call them back. I have two problems, the yellow screen and the Bluetooth. Should I ask for a replacement? I see that a lot of people have gotten a replacement just for the yellow screen problem. I have two faults.

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IMac :: Glass Over Hangs On Left - Screen Yellow Bottom Right

Sep 12, 2010

Glass over hangs on left and is in a bit on right side on my new 27" i5. So is this normal? Also I think my screen is a little yellow bottom right.

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IMac :: Yellow Corner Replace With White Screen Balance

Sep 25, 2010

i bought the 2009 refurbed 27"er and returned it 3 times due to yellow screen problem. for the 4th replacement they decided to send me the new model.

i have the 3rd and 4th replacements sitting here side by side.the 3rd replacement, which has a yellow corner is light years better than the new one.
the new screen doesn't have yellow's a perfectly consistent yellowish brown tone.
the older one has a yellow corner, but is much more illuminated and very balanced white. the max brightness of the new one is only 3/4s of the max of the old one.i tried configuring it to no avail.

are all the new models like this?it's quite a bit snappier, but the screen is worse than the last 3 that had yellow patches? it almost seems like it was a return and it shipped from cali rather than asia?

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IMac :: ViewSonic External Monitor Appears Yellow When Connected

Feb 4, 2010

I have a 24 inch imac and i am connecting the viewsonic VG921m (19'') monitor using the mini-dvi port. The external monitor appears dull (whites have a yellow tint) Is there a way to match up the display to look like mac? I am using the monitor next to my iMac and its currently distracting as its displaying same colors in different tone.

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