IMac :: Dual Displays On Intel (2006)
Oct 21, 2010
i have an imac intel core duo late 2006 model... with a 20 inch display... it has 128mb vram and i'd like to add another display. i run my mac with the highest resolution of 1680 x1050 and i'd like to keep this resolution and add another display maybe another 20" screen. has anyone done this? and what are the performance results... will there be any lag or problems?
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Mar 14, 2010
I have a pro mac Orig. 2006 Dual core 2.66 , wanted to know if running two 22in. samsung monitors on my 7300gt would cause the video card to fail?
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Mar 6, 2010
I have a 'aging' 2006 mac pro with dual 2.66 mhz cpu's. The system is snappy enough for most tasks on the mac side but when running windows 7 pro 64 bit and ripping some of my bluerays the cpu's peg at 100% and it takes a while. My question is how does my 2.66ghz dual cpu mac pro compare cpu wise against the new intel core i7 930 cpu family? I know I cannot drop one into my mac pro but I have been thinking about building a new pc with the i7 and picking up a mac mini for my wife who refuses to leave the mac camp then sell my old mac pro.
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May 8, 2009
Recently my iMac had been experiencing problems, I took apart and checked everything and put back together. Problems were gone but the screen suddenly started gradienting from brighter on the top to darker on the bottom. Brightness overall is also lower now.
My question is what can be creating this? The black tape that was around was ripped, I've heard it's creating static isolation, can that be it? Also I possibly pulled power cord too hard, can it be possible that display is not getting enough power?
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Dec 1, 2008
I've mini connected to 2 dell 24" LCD displays thru Y splitter (DVI to DVI/VGA). 1st display connects with DVI and the second with VGA.
Vista (bootcamp) can see both displays and it can extend the desktop to the 2nd display.
Since windows on bootcamp can use 2 monitors and OSX can't I would assume that this functionality has been disabled by apple in OSX or display driver. I know that the windows VGA driver provided by apple (bootcamp) has the dual display disabled.
Here is the question:
Where would i have to look in OSX to enable 2nd display?
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Aug 21, 2010
I have 2 questions:1) I have a 2.GHz Core Duo CPU. I read that this model has a socketed CPU that can be replaced. Is this true?2) If yes, how fast can I go? Can I use the new Core i3 CPU?
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Dec 29, 2010
I've been a mac guy since 1990 and for the last five years have settled into a nice PowerMac G5 with the dual 2.0 processors with the 20" Apple Cinema Display.
I did search on this but couldn't find anything specific, but I am considering adding a second 23" Apple Cinema Display to my set-up for a dual monitor workstation.
I have the ATI Radeon 9600 video card with two DVI ports. I have my 20" plugged in to port 1 and it's running at 1680x1050 resolution (the highest). When I add the second monitor, will BOTH monitors be able to run at their highest resolutions? Or do I need to add another video card?
I had heard rumor that resolutions are a trade-off: if your card is split between two monitors, then the resolution splits, true?
If I can run both at the highest res, then I'll pull the trigger and get the extra monitor. I'm assuming there's someone here who has done the exact same thing?
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Jan 18, 2007
I currently have a 17" G4 PowerBook which I LOVE. The only problem is that I'm a graphic designer and need more screen real estate. I've been considering purchasing a 30" ACD and waited for MacWorld hoping that an upgraded version with higher specs would be announced.
Sadly, it wasn't and I don't want to keep waiting indefinitely for Apple to update their displays. I've heard some good reports about HP's new 24" monitor ( and on the surface, the specs seem to be a lot higher than Apple's 23" monitor and the price is cheaper.
Currently, I can purchase the HP for $999 CDN while the 23 ACD is $1,099. Also the HP comes with a three-year on-site warranty while the ACD only has a 1-year warranty. I'm considering purchasing 2 of HP displays, which would give me acres of screen space. Soooooo . . .
A couple of questions:
1. Is my 1.67 GHz, G4 PowerBook capable of driving 2 x 24" monitors simultaneously?
2. Does anyone have any experience with the HP monitors and if so, would you recommend them?
As a loyal Mac user for the last 12 years, it irks me to even consider purchasing a product from HP. However, I just cant justify spending more money for a product with lower specification.
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Apr 17, 2009
so I love Macs but they're frustrating the hell out of me. I wanted to run dual 20" displays (portrait) and one 30" displays using a Mac Mini and a Macbook Pro. I know the new Mini should do it, but I've heard bad things about Apple's Dual Link DVI adapter. Also, I don't think there's a way for a Macbook Pro to drive a 30" Display and a 20." Am I missing something? What should I do?I'd much rather buy a Mac Mini than the Mac Pro which is way too powerful.
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Jun 6, 2012
On my left I have a new HP 2311 23" monitor (maximum dpi 1600x900). On my right I have an old 23" Apple HD Cinema Display (max resolution 1920x1200). Both have a 16:9 aspect ratio. I just added the HP about a month ago, and this is the first I've had dual I'm still learning. I've noticed the following: If the cursor is on my Cinema Display and I move it left toward the HP, at about the top 1/4 of the screen the cursor won't cross comes to the edge of the screen and stops. I have to move the cursor more toward the middle to cross over. When I move the cursor down toward the middle of the Cinema Display, it crosses over but appears a the top of the HP.
A similar thing happens moving from the HP to the Cinema Display, except at the bottom of the screen. The cursor won't cross for about the bottom 1/4 of the HP, and when I move the cursor up so it will cross, it appears at the bottom of the Cinema Display. It's almost like these screens are out of alignment....the HP sitting a few inches higher than the Cinema Display. My eyes aren't what they used to be, so the HP is set to 1344x756 and the Cinema Display is set to 1344x756 to make everything larger. However, I tried many variations of the resolution on both screens to see if that changed didn't.
2.66 Ghz Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3, Apple Cinema Display
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Mar 3, 2009
if will support Dual Displays simultaneously?
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Apr 26, 2009
I've got a 2009 Mac Pro with both a 4870 and a GT120, and I'm experiencing a strange bug with the brightness controls. The keyboard buttons only control one panel, and *both* of the sliders in the displays system preferences panels only control that same display. There is way to control the brightness of the other panel.
Here's a short clip of the problem:
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Jun 12, 2009
Is it possible to get dual displays with these on the laptops? How would this be done? I've been using dual displays at work and have been planning on buying one of these.
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Aug 19, 2009
I have an old iMac G3 in my room running Mac OS 10.3 Panther. Just recently, I hooked up a VGA CRT monitor in an attempt to run dual displays. However, it seems that all the machine or OS is capable of is running in mirrored mode.
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Sep 19, 2009
I am soon going to be buying a Macbook Pro to replace my hackintosh and return my hackintosh to a well spec'd windows PC with dual monitors (one of which will also be connected to the MBP.
Which monitor should I go for?
I have been using a Samsung SM2333sw and love it. It is a TN panel, but it is perfectly usable for my needs, however, the bezel it quite thick so doesn't work well as a dual display option.
The only key features is that the monitor needs to be 23/24", have 2 inputs, and have a fairly thin bezel.
I need to be able to get both screens for around �250 each.
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Aug 10, 2010
Is anyone using dual Apple 24" LED Cinema Displays on a Mac Pro?
If so, how is the cable length?
Where is your Mac Pro located in reference to the displays?
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Jul 29, 2010
I wonder if anyone has a setup with two 24 inch cinema displays that have speakers integrated into them...
How do the speakers work? Do you run a USB cable to each monitor so you have both sets of speakers working at the same time? Can you configure the monitor on the left to just play audio for the left channel and the monitor on the right to play just audio for the right channel?
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Nov 29, 2007
Has anyone tried to upgrade their old iMac G5 with a new Intel core Duo processor? If so how do I go about installing one?
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Aug 12, 2009
So My name is Lindsey and I have been an avid apple supporter. However in the last two weeks I've come extremely close to selling everything apple I own and going back to windows. I purchased a refurbished Intel Imac through the apple store about 4 months ago. Awesome computer, everything worked great. Well I recently decided to add an additional monitor so of course I started browsing the forums and did my due diligence. I read that there were some compatibility issues with some of the older imacs and the apple 24 in led display so naturally I called my nearest apple store to find out if I could use this display.
The sales associate listened as I explained that I had a 2008 intel Imac and assured my the display would work without an adapter. Of course you guys know this is totally wrong but I was unaware of this fact at the time. SO I drove a 6 hour round trip to Dallas and paid 970 in cash for my new monitory. Get it home and realize that something is obv wrong. I call the store back and the clerk tells me I need an adapter that can be bought at Best Buy. I drive 45 min to best buy. They are sold out. Next day I drive an hour and a half to the next closest Best Buy. They dont have it either..............................
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Dec 31, 2008
Software: OS 10.5.6 & VMFusion 2.01/WinXP2/Photoshop CS2 Question: Can I add an external monitor set to gamma 2.2 so I can see how photoshopped images will appear on Windows users' displays? The 24" iMac monitor is set at gamma 1.8.
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Oct 24, 2010
I just found this environmental report for the 27" iMac's on Apple's web site, which lists the amount of power they use when off/asleep/idle.
There doesn't seem to be a similar document for the Late 2006 iMac's. I'm just wondering if anybody knows the power consumption stats for the older iMac's (the 20" model in particular) - I'm interested to now how the newer models compare as I'll be buying one soon.
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Nov 5, 2010
On my white iMac (Late 2006, 20" C2D 2.16ghz) I've almost filled the puny standard 250MB HD and am planning to have an authorized repair shop replace the drive. (They quoted me $30 plus the cost of the drive -- is that a good price?)Question: what drive should I put in there? I'm planning to go with a 1TB/7200 RPM drive, but can I or should I go bigger? Faster? Which brands to use, or to avoid?
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Aug 16, 2009
i'm new here and was just wondering if i could use 2 24" apple led displays with the iMac monitor?
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Nov 21, 2009
This is my first led-backlit display and the first big glossy display I have used. First of all, the display is amazing because of how accurate it is and I love using it. Then to the question:The display is sort of alive, stick with me i'll try to explain it as best as I can, english is not my native language
It kinda makes this very little brightness pumping that old crt tv's and monitors did. Same kind of effect but in a lot smaller effect, but you can sorta notice it's there. I have had none of those display image disappearance/flicker problems at all, display is working very well but I'm wondering if this kind of effect is normal with LED displays and does the glossy display enhance it/let more through? I'm thinking this might add to eye strain in long use but not sure(just like crt's did).
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Sep 12, 2010
I have an Early 2009 Mac Mini with Mini DVI and Mini DisplayPort. And I have two 1080p HDTVs. The Mac Mini is capable of dual display, and I've gotten it to work before, so the issue is not the TV or Mac. And I have tried both Mirroring and No Mirroring.
I got a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (#5311) and a Mini-DVI to HDMI Adapter (#4852) both from MonoPrice. And for some reason I can't get the Mac Mini to dual display, it's only one or the other.
Before I had a Mini Displayport Male and USB Male AUDIO to HDMI Female Converting Adapter (#5969) and I got video on both HDTVs, but not audio at the same time b/c one was USB and one was TOSLINK.
I'm not sure why I can't get video on both monitors. Any help?
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Apr 28, 2012
I need to ship my old iMac to my father who lives on east coast and I'm from CA. Long tim ago I throwedoriginal box away. And now I have a problem how to mail the desktop to him.
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Aug 4, 2009
Let me start by saying I have swapped the ram in the computer and the problem persists. I've also tried resetting the PRAM. I have unplugged all devices except the keyboard and mouse. I have reformatted and installed OS X Leopard, Tiger and Snow Leopard. I have even encountered this issue while the computer was running from the install disk. I'm pretty sure software, ram and third party devices can be eliminated from the possible causes. The computer continues to run after the screen goes black. I am connected to it right now using screen sharing, so I know the computer is still working. Putting the computer to sleep and then waking it up temporarily brings the screen back until its next random blackout. I have opened the computer to replace a dead HD, so I suppose it is possible that I knocked something in the process, but I did that back in December and the problem is a relatively recent development. I would really prefer to fix this myself, if I could only figure out what the problem is.
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Feb 9, 2012
How can I use one imac to have two displays, one on my imac and the other display on another LCD monitor?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
Seems to be happen at any time. Will not respond to force quit and does it all the time if viewing youtube? Sometimes screen turns black but mostly just freezes.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm trying to make an educated guess regarding the usage experience of the base 11.6" Air by using my 2006 17" iMac for reference. Basically, it boils down to processor generation and speed, which I need help understanding.
iMac = Intel Core Duo T2400 "Yonah" 1.83GHz
11.6" Air = Intel Core 2 Duo 1.4GHz
Other specs I believe are either same or better in the Air:
2mb L2 cache, 667 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
3mb L2 cache, 800 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
how these two computers compare in terms of usage? My current iMac runs Photoshop CS5 tolerably fast and plays 1080p video just fine.
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