OS X :: IMac Waking From Sleep During Night - Is It Normal
Dec 19, 2009
Newbie here, It has just come to my attention that my 27" iMac wakes up during the night. It is always put to sleep at night rather than turned off. My parents are staying for the weekend & sleeping in the same room as the imac, & mentioned this morning that screen turned on a couple of times during the night. I looked at the time machine back ups & found it had made 2 during the night.
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Mar 27, 2010
Has anyone had this problem?
I have a (reletively) new iMac purchased in Nov. 27" 3.06 Ghz 4 GB Ram. The machine sleeps on it's own overnight from non use and then when i get up in the morning I click the mouse and I hear the machine waking up, (harddirve, cd-rom, etc.) but the screen stays blank. This happens in OSX and Win7 doen't matter what OS is running so it appears to be a hardware issue. Maybe there is a firm ware update, or somthing. To use the machine at that point, my only option is to force the machine to shutdown and then reboot. If I reboot to fast, meaning if I don't wait about 5-10 seconds after the shutdown, then the machine proceeds to boot but without any visuals, the screen stays blank.
Should I just take the system back to the apple store? Will they grab the current image and put it on a new machine...
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Jun 6, 2010
I almost always put my iMac to sleep every night. Ever since about a week ago it started waking up, and waking me up, in the middle of the night. And yes in that week I have tried shutting down and it still does it the next day.
I don't have any apps open that I don't normally, didn't change any settings i'm pretty sure.
I tried the list from apple that lists reasons it would wake unexpectedly and googled but nothing works.
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Sep 8, 2010
After I put my iMac to sleep it keeps waking up by itself. What would be causing this? (OS 10.5.8 Leopard)
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Nov 15, 2009
My 24in iMac is waking from sleep after about 5 seconds every time, as well as restarting itself after I shut down. This problem started early yesterday evening, and so I did the usual: resetting the SMC/PRAM/NVRAM with no luck. I checked console for messages and found lots of references to imagneto_user_agent (I'd installed iMagneto shortly before and then deleted it as it didn't seem to be working properly). With some help from another user I managed to delete all the hidden/locked folders and files connected with this app using a combination of Trash It and fiddling in Terminal.
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Jan 6, 2010
So I have my iMac running W7 64 and whenever I put it to sleep, it sometimes wakes up from it. I have a wireless mouse which I switch it off and still it wakes up.
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Nov 5, 2009
The AirPort on my new iMac 21.5'' 4670 is having problems these past couple of days. Every time I put the machine to Sleep and wake it up again, the AirPort cannot find any network. My wireless is fine and there are other wireless networks the machine can detect when it functions well. I have to restart the computer to have the AirPort work properly again. I thought it was a temporary issue, but after repeating a couple of times, it seems to be very easily recreated. And sometimes the AirPort does not function even from a restart. I have to restart another time to have it work.
Does anybody else have the similar problem? I hope it's just a software problem that will be addressed in 10.6.2.
(I posted here because it never happened on my other Macs before.)
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Sep 9, 2009
Just after my warranty expired I developed what I suspect will be an expensive problem. Upon awakening from sleep my computer cannot recognize the internal HD. I total freeze. If I power down & reboot everything works. If I boot the computer from an external HD clone of my internal HD a can put the computer to sleep and wake up without a problem EXCEPT:When I do this the computer removes the internal HD icon from the desktop and Iget a dialog box informing me that the internal HD was improperly disconnected.
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Nov 5, 2009
I have a 24" mid-2009 iMac, bought in June. It's behaving oddly over the past week or so. It fails to wake on sleep on the first attempt, but always succeeds on the second. When I say fails though, I mean that it *does* wake up, but goes back to sleep again after a few seconds. The other issue happened today, when I woke it up, in a cold room, the fans started up at full speed (I assume). It sounded terrifying to me as my iMac has never got that loud - not even playing games. I restarted it and it was the same, but died down after a while.
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May 8, 2010
I'm not entirely sure how long my iMac has been doing this, maybe two weeks? When I try to wake it from sleep, the screen does not turn on. At all. At first I thought this was because my mouse and keyboard might not be functioning correctly, naturally the only remedy was to turn the computer off with the power button and to restart it (which took an abnormally long time). Today I remote connected with Back to my Mac screen sharing and it did not turn on either. I know it was awake because when I pressed the brightness buttons on the keyboard, it responded on my MBA's view of the screen. Normally, Back to my Mac does turn the screen back on. Anyone else have the same problem? It doesn't seem to matter WHEN it goes to sleep either. I've tried resetting the PRAM already and no dice.
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Feb 21, 2012
Airport does not connect automatically after iMac waking from sleep
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 24, 2014
iMac makes normal startup after had been put into sleep..One strange behaviour can be observed with iMac Late 2013.At the end of day the user puts the mac into sleep.On next day pushing the power button is necessary to activate the mac.
The main point is that iMac starts up as it was shut down at the previous day(this is conclusion based on screens shown after mac activation).
User expectation is, that on next day when activating it the mac show screens as it was leaving sleep instead of showing screens typical for normal startup (after hard power down).
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a new MBP 13". When I'm using the Mac it's mostly connected to AC. Over night it's mostly sleeping without the AC connected. My question is, if I should let it sleep at night or should I shut down the Mac regarding to maximize the battery life?
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Apr 22, 2010
My iMac seems to wake up often in the middle of the night and in the day when I'm at school. I was wondering if there's an app/pill that can attempt to do the opposite of Caffeine: keep my Mac asleep at night. Does anyone know of such a thing? I doubt it exists, but then again sometimes I doubt I exist.
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Apr 27, 2012
My mac wakes itself from sleep every night at 9:57. What have I set to make that happen?
Mac Pro
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Jul 3, 2008
I usually never turn off my computer. I just put it to sleep mode. Is it better to shut it down every night? or putting into sleep mode is fine?
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Aug 21, 2009
I Can't figure out what is going on; I've played around in the battery settings; but maybe I'm just too Green to my used 17 Inch Macbook Pro that I bought 3 months ago.
I used to have a full battery at night, close the lid go to sleep and have hardly any battery loss first thing in the morning.
Now, I close the lid or even manually put the Macpro to sleep ( from the apple menu ) and wake 8 hours later with " NO" battery.
whats going on? what do I need to check? what do I need to set? this is getting frustrating.
the battery is still strong get about 3 hours on a full charge; it's a mac battery; so It must just be settings or something I need to do in the software.
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May 17, 2009
Is it harmful to my macbook to leave the lid open in sleep over-night for iAlarm? I know it seems slightly naive, but is sleep different when the lid is closed versus open?
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Apr 14, 2012
I have been shutting down my MacBook Pro OS X10.7.3 at night.I just read that OSX runs "maintenance" procedures early in the morning (between 3:15 am and 5:30 am) and that if Mac is powered off at that time, that these maintenance procedures will NOT run.True or False? AppleCare says that it won't make any difference and I won't be affected if these night procedures never run. But, if that's true, then why are they set up to run at night? ? I went to the Apple Manual but it does not address my question.
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Nov 29, 2009
There are times when my iMac will wake from sleep for no apparent reason. Sometimes, several times a night. The glare from my screen often wakes me. If I get up and select Sleep again, it performs normally but may wake up again. I have "Wake for Network Access" turned off, so that shouldn't be it.
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May 15, 2010
It all started a few weeks ago. Whenever I put my Mac to sleep, most of the time, it immediately wakes up again. (Eventually, the fans would start to spin up, but I solved that by disabling "Sleep hard drives when possible"). Now it's just a matter of how I can put my Mac to sleep, and keep it sleeping until I choose to wake it up. I recently got a new printer hooked up to the network, and originally thought it was the issue, but I don't think so now.
I've tried disabling wake up on network access, Bluetooth wake-up. I tried a Airport connection instead of Ethernet, and have disabled both. I even tried unplugging the Ethernet cable, along with any connected peripherals (except the keyboard). Now, my only guess is that it's a software issue, but I don't know where to start. I would love to see my Mac sleeping peacefully again.
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Sep 24, 2008
I am having a problem with my Mac Pro waking from sleep spontaneously at night. It doesn't always do so, but when it does it seems to be at the same time, 00:42. This morning I opened console to see what was going on at this time and this is what I got: [Log] So it would seem that eye tv is the culprit. I then went to open the com.apple.AutoWake.plist in the System Configuration folder and found 2 entries for EyeTV under wakepoweron which correspond to the times listed above (i.e. 09/24/08 00:42:30 and 03/31/32 06:00:00). I have tried dumping the com.apple.AutoWake.plist into the trash and then restarting, but a new file is generated with the same entries, and also opening the com.apple.AutoWake.plist to delete the entries, but then get an error saying I don't have appropriate access privileges to save the file (even when I change privileges under 'get info' to read/write I still get the same error message).
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Apr 15, 2007
It wont wake from sleep and after I reboot it, it wont even start. After the chime, the screen stays blank and the fans start roaring high after a few minutes. I brought it to the Genius Bar. They ran diagnostics on it and concluded that the problem is the 3rd party RAM. I then removed the RAM when I got home and it worked for a day. Now, the problem is back. I already reset the the VRAM and the SMU. I'll bring it back today to the Apple Store but I dont know if they will even entertain me this time as they didn't even charge me for running the hardware diagnostics last time.
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Mar 7, 2009
i have had the same setup as before (external monitor, apple bluetooth keyboard, mouse) and up until yesterday its been waking up on its own. is there an option to stop usb from waking up the computer since i have my mouse connected?
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Apr 13, 2009
I just occasionally have noticed my Blackbook, running 10.5.6, when I open it after closing it and moving elsewhere say, may have lost a lot of it's battery power. I think what's happening is it's not going to sleep properly (or it's waking up) when closed. This of course leaves me with not enough power (today 8% when I opened up). What concerns me much more is that the HD arm might not be in the parked position and damage could result with me travelling around. I have in fact had two complete HD failures in 2 1/2 years (though I have no reason to believe this is the cause, in fact I doubt it). I'm aware I can press the power button then select SLEEP and I often do when I'm just charging at home and want to keep the temp down (it's hot here!). Very interested to know what's going on though.....in fact interested in the bigger picture of HD arms when the things spinning as I use my Macbook outside and on my lap a lot, and can't help some movement of course. I emphasise when I shut the lid it normally sleeps as normal, this is just an occasional thing. So is it dangerous, what's causing it, and what about the bigger pic on HD arms when moving the laptop around?
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May 3, 2009
My girlfriends Air has suddenly gotten a weird problem lately. Every now and then when she wakes it from sleep it seems to think that it has a second display connected to it. Even rebooting doesn't always solve the problem.
She has never used an external display with it before. The port looks clean (I thought there might be something there causing a short) and as far as we know there hasn't been any tinkering with any system files on her computer.
Anybody ever heard of this problem before? Or have any idea how to fix it?
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Aug 6, 2009
I recently bought a second hand Powerbook G4 1.67. It came without a hard drive so i put a new drive in and installed Leopard on it. The problem, before I upgraded it to 10.5.7 sleep mode would work fine but since the upgrade after waking up from sleep only the mouse will work and the rest of the screen is frozen. Anyone else have this problem or know of a fix?
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Sep 30, 2010
And I can hear my Mac Pro waking itself up from sleep every so often. What does this mean?
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Mar 28, 2008
I am not sure if this is related to the other wifi issues posted on this thread. I am hoping it is an easy Leopard configuration thing. But my wifi used to work perfect--until I patched my OS version. Now, whenever open the lid, it can never connect to my wifi router immediately like it used to do. It spends cycles hunting, and I end up having to manually go into network preferences and try a few times to connect, including rekeying the password.
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Sep 24, 2008
I had this problem since I used the power schedule to shut down my mac a day after I went on vacation. Now every morning I see the macpro awaken from sleep mode. The mouse is in it's stand so it can't be that. I disabled everything in power settings.
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