IMac :: Vibration Like Sound From HD On New 27"/is It Normal?
Nov 17, 2009
Just got my 27" stock imac from an online retailer today. 3.06Ghz c2d etc. and absolutely love it except one thing. The HD seems to be much louder than my 24" imac that was basically inaudible. This HD on the 27" is a Seagate ST31000528ASQ 1TB, that seems to have an almost constant low buzzy, vibration-like sound that you can hear on the top right in the back when I don't have music playing? Anyone else experience this? Is this normal and is there any way to make it quieter?
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Dec 16, 2009
I wonder if this is normal:
My iMac 27" i7 with a 2TB Hitachi disk seems to vibrate. It is so strong that it also makes my desk vibrate a little. If I hold tight on the desktop, it stops. However, the noise/hum is clearly audible when I put the iMac on the floor, for example.
Apple is happy to replace it, but am I too picky? Anyone else with the same?
(FWIW, I'll describe the noise as if you mount a hard drive in a cabinet, and it isn't really fastened/isolated well enough.)
I tried the smcfancontrol and checked the fans, and its not them, the noise is constant even if I set them to max or min. And it disappears completely when the disk has spun down.
My Macbook Pro, Macbook, or other apple hardware I got with a HDD does not make this kind of noise.
How silent is your iMac compared to your macbook/macbook pro?
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Feb 10, 2009
I have the new 2.4 aluminum macbook and today for the first time I started burning cds and I noticed the whole computer vibrates pretty strongly. Is that normal? Also if i pick up the macbook and move it slightly while its burning it makes a weird noise. Is that normal also?
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Oct 17, 2009
My brand new MBP 13" vibrates.
It is a subtle kind of vibration, notable only as a ticklish sensation on your palms when resting them on the case, rather than a concrete, strong up and down shaking.
I wouldn't even mind, if my wooden desk didn't pick up the vibration, acting as a soundbox with an audible, deep humming noise. You probably need good ears to hear it, I only do in a quiet room (like, my home desk...). After a short while, the deep humming is joined by a subtle higher-pitched humming. This is when there is absolutely no activity (no programs running, just an empty desktop). I am definitely not talking about the higher fan speeds accompanying increased processor activity and heat.
Now I heard multiple reports of MBPs doing this, but never found an objective conclusion: Is that something MBPs simply do (it's still better than most laptops)? Should I, *sigh*, return the damn thing?
In other words: Is there someone who could confirm that he or she has a 2009 MBP 13" (standard hardware load, cheapest of the unibodies) that has no vibrations whatsoever? Please note that it's subtle and I only noticed it after a while (but now can't stop thinking about it).
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Feb 9, 2009
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
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Jul 22, 2009
I know it might be nothing, but just thought I'd make sure. I've been using an Aluminum Macbook for a few months, and it's been working super great, well, until yesterday, I'm not even sure if it's been this way the whole time, but it's been driving me nuts since this morning. The problem is, I've been feeling a little vibration around the entire trackpad area, especially on the right side, it's probably coming from the HDD (Factory drive 160GB), but I really don't like it. It's nothing noticeable, I mean you can't tell the difference until I've told you about it or unless you've been resting your hands on it for a while, but the point is, it does exist. Now my question is- is it normal? Was it there the whole time? If it's not normal, should I be taking it to the store? I've never even opened up the bottom, ever, it's been as it was on day 1. I tried listening to it carefully while giving it a little shake but nothing seem to out of place in there, it still feels as solid as new, but the bottom line is, I'm going crazy. What should I do?
P.S. It's got nothing to do with electricity cuz the vibration remains when I run it on battery.
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a HL-DT-ST DVDRW GA32N Superdrive in my 2010 i7 iMac and I've had to reinstall the OS twice, because someone in the house kept messing with different files. Anyhow, the first time I installed it the superdrive was very loud, as it was the second time I installed it. It was like a loud vibration, as soon as I put the disc in. I have put other discs in and they are as quiet as can be. I've tested 9 or 10 discs and they all seem to be quiet. So I decided to put in the install disc one more time and it was quiet as well, no more vibration. Is there something wrong here or are these drives just noisy sometimes?
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Sep 2, 2008
So my mac was acting up, no sound from iChat and Spaces wouldn't function properly.
So i restart, the Mac pro gets o the normal point of turning off the display before the spin up sound, but instead this ticking sound occurred. This had a repetition at about ever 3 seconds.
So i quickly held the power button and shut down the Mac pro. I powered up the system and all seemed fine.
Has anyone ever ran across this before?
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Apr 6, 2009
Whenever I wake my computer from sleep, there is a crackling sound that comes from the hard drive. After that, every five minutes or so, the crackling sound continues. It's like the sound of some crinkling a plastic sheet/static-y sound. I can hear the hard drive whirring and the crackling sound coming from that.
Is this normal? I have a 2.4 ghz Macbook aluminum, bought in Oct 2008. I'm hesitant to bring it in right now because I have finals coming up in 2 weeks and I need my laptop for it. I've already brought my Macbook in and had it sent in two times due to issues w/ the keyboard (keys not working or falling off), and each time it took about a week to get it back.
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Aug 20, 2010
Today I just noticed that my MBP makes a very slight sound once in a while. I'm thinking it's just the hard drive working slightly harder. Is this normal?
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Apr 30, 2012
I tried to connect to a montor with a DVI connector but it's not getting a signal. Is there a quick fix? (School project today!!)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 27, 2009
Specifically the hard drive fan runs at 1600rpm and the optical fan always runs at 1350 rpms.
Those fans run faster than my 2007 24" 2.4ghz iMac.
Somehow I figured with the cooler running ddr3, 9400M igpu and better cpu architecture that this new 2009 20" iMac would be dead silent because the fans would barely have to run. Or at least be less noisey.
But that's not the case.
Anyone have any fan speeds to report on new iMacs? Particularly the 20" model?
Download the iStat Pro widget and report your fan speeds today!
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Nov 21, 2009
This is my first led-backlit display and the first big glossy display I have used. First of all, the display is amazing because of how accurate it is and I love using it. Then to the question:The display is sort of alive, stick with me i'll try to explain it as best as I can, english is not my native language
It kinda makes this very little brightness pumping that old crt tv's and monitors did. Same kind of effect but in a lot smaller effect, but you can sorta notice it's there. I have had none of those display image disappearance/flicker problems at all, display is working very well but I'm wondering if this kind of effect is normal with LED displays and does the glossy display enhance it/let more through? I'm thinking this might add to eye strain in long use but not sure(just like crt's did).
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Nov 24, 2009
rite as some will already know i have took back my 27" iMac a total of 6 times and now i am on my 7th (4th one had screen issues), after actually accepting the "belly rumbling" "popping" noise and just getting on with the i5 experience, i thought i would actually contact Seagate direct on the actual matter for the rest of people on here who have doubt about there seagate hard drives.So i ring the operator i told him the whole story his first reply was sorry we dont support apple hardware! my response was "respected but the hard drive used is a seagate product"! he then replied saying sorry sir i misunderstood and quickly responded how can i help. I then repeated the problem and he asked for the HDD serial number, i was then very specific on the the noises we are all hearing and he made me repeat what i said a good 3 times so he had a very good understanding (in other words he did take this all seriously) he then said he was going to talk to the relevant person and put me on hold....10 minutes later he's back on the phone and he again asked me a final time! (ffs) to explain the noise he then quickly said in response the hard drive is supposed to make that noise. he named it the barracuda in seagates terms.
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Jun 30, 2010
as an extension to my question regarding RAM utilization, I've decided to upgrade my RAM. I went through the process of removing the underside of my MBP. After taking the screws out and mentally marking which slot they came out of (some are of different size), I pulled the lid up at the black trim area (the "neck" of the display mount) as this was the easiest way to get a non-damaging grip on the metal underside -- read: I avoided using a screw driver on the lid. As I started to lift, I was surprised at the amount of force I needed to use in order to remove the lid; something near the center of the cover was still holding the lid to the underside of the body. In fact, the amount of force I needed to use made me pause to question if I missed an important step other than simply removing the screws. I decided to "go for it" and applied more pressure while pulling the lid up and away from the body and heard a "pop" noise.
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Mar 8, 2009
Lately I've been feeling my 24" Alu-iMac (Prev. Gen 3.06) and it's feeling really hot. I got iStats and here are my temperatures:
CPU A: 108 F
Airport: 140 F
Ambient: 75 F
GPU: 122 F
GPU Diode: 131 F
GPU Heatsink: 122 F
HD Bay 1: 136 F
Memory Controller: 117 F
Optical Drive: 120 F
Power Supply: 165 F
Macintosh HD: 135 F
CPU: 1200 rpm
HD: 1198 rpm
Optical Drive: 698 rpm
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Jul 12, 2009
I have a '09 24in iMac and the HD temp is in the 120F range. CPU is over 100F, is this normal?
Also I see processes running like ps, configd,windowserv..., pmtool......What is this stuff?
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Aug 16, 2010
My new iMac 27" (i3, 3.2GHz) is not so quiet as my previous iMacs -
I can hear a low humming noise! Not very loud, but I don't like it.
It grabs my attention...
It sounds like a fan motor or a transformer.
I can also feel a corresponding vibration.
Is this normal now? Does anyone else have this problem too?
Would you recommend to return/exchange this iMac?
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Sep 3, 2010
I created a ubuntu live disc and tried it in my iMac. So I went into system preference=> start up disc and changed the boot order in order to test the disc. Now when I booted my computer this morning it automatically went to booting from the disc even when the disc was not in the drive. I thought it should have just gone back to booting from the hard drive. Does anyone know what I have to do in order to put the boot order back to mac hd?
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Apr 22, 2009
I downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds:
CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM
HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM
DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
CPU Heatsink: 92F
Internal HD: 108F
Internal DVD: 95F
GPU Heatsink: 107F
Are these, under the circumstances, normal readings?
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Nov 8, 2009
Safari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.
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Dec 19, 2009
Newbie here, It has just come to my attention that my 27" iMac wakes up during the night. It is always put to sleep at night rather than turned off. My parents are staying for the weekend & sleeping in the same room as the imac, & mentioned this morning that screen turned on a couple of times during the night. I looked at the time machine back ups & found it had made 2 during the night.
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Aug 19, 2010
after months of going back and forth I finally went with an entry level iMac which is perfect in every way. I think... I don't remember the start up time taking almost a minute to cycle from the blank gray screen to gray screen with the Apple on it. Tuesday and yesterday it started up much faster (at least 30 seconds). ere's my some of the hard drive info:
WDC WD5000AAKS-40V6A0:
Capacity:500.11 GB (500,107,862,016 bytes)
Model:WDC WD5000AAKS-40V6A0
Serial Number: WD-WCAWF5070764
Native Command Queuing:Yes
Queue Depth:32
Removable Media:No
Detachable Drive:No
BSD Name:disk0
Rotational Rate:7200
Medium Type:Rotational
Partition Map Type:GPT (GUID Partition Table)
S.M.A.R.T. status:Verified
The only thing I've done since Tuesday is add two songs in iTunes to test the cd-rom drive. I just ran the extended Apple Hardware Test and everything is fine. Given that my 20" refurb died within 3 months and I returned 2 iMacs prior that one, I'm a little nervous. Is this normal for a Western Digital hard drive to take nearly a minute start up from gray screen to grey screen with the apple?
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Jun 24, 2014
iMac makes normal startup after had been put into sleep..One strange behaviour can be observed with iMac Late 2013.At the end of day the user puts the mac into sleep.On next day pushing the power button is necessary to activate the mac.
The main point is that iMac starts up as it was shut down at the previous day(this is conclusion based on screens shown after mac activation).
User expectation is, that on next day when activating it the mac show screens as it was leaving sleep instead of showing screens typical for normal startup (after hard power down).
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Jul 13, 2010
first time post here and a noob question. I've had my MBP 2.4 i5 since early June and I noted a noticeable vibration. I'm not quite sure if it's the fan working or the HDD spinning. istat shows my fan running at 2000 on average both left and right, GPU and CPU temp around 38 on normal operation such as browsing on safari. The reason I asked is because my older MBP 2.16 C2D (3 years old) seem to not have this issue or characteristic. I would even notice the vibration with my hand resting on the desk the new MBP sits in. This happens even with waking-up the MBP from cold sleep. As stated, no intense app or tasks are involved, just plain browsing thru safari.
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Sep 29, 2010
Over the last few months there have begun to be hundreds of blue horizontal lines running across the screen and the sound fragmented, with the Mac crashing over 5 times a day. Normally, I would restart and the problem would be OK for a while.
However, now when I turn on hundreds of horizontal black/green lines appear in colums, the normal apple symbol comes up with the spinning loading item. Then a blue screen will appear and the normal log on profile selector doesn't appear. Then after a while the blue screen is covered the thousands of these black/green lines.
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Mar 29, 2008
Ok so I just bought this one, and it's really good.. One thing is quite annoying though... I don't know if it's really a problem or not so I wanted to see if others are having similar issues..Anyways..
By touching the alu parts it feels as if it's slightly vibrating a bit.. weird thing is sometimes it does it sometimes it doesn't... It's not bad but you know it feels kinda weird on the fingertips, So Is my keyboard defective or is this "normal" as in others might have the same issue?
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Dec 21, 2008
I was wondering if any of you with the New Aluminum Macbooks feel any sort of vibrations from the hdd, or the fans. Especially, do you feel it near the trackpad, on the lower half of the computer?
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Sep 14, 2009
What I want to know is that if I replace my 160 GB 5400 RMP HDD with a 7200 RPM 500 GB HDD in my MacBook Pro 13' the noise level and vibration become much stronger ?
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May 15, 2010
I just received a new Mac Pro as a graduation present. During the intial set up of the machine, I noticed it crashed a few times. As time went on, I began to notice that it would crash anytime it would be subject to some sort of disturbance or vibration. My brother and I did a few tests and found that after tapping or pounding the tower, it would crash. My question: what is the source of the crash? is this a hard drive related problem? This isn't a big deal since it is brand new. I can just get it replaced if need be but Id like to know now so i can take the proper precautions.
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