Windows On Mac :: Disable 7 Activation - Visualization?
Jan 11, 2011
I have Boot Camp set up so Parallels Desktop can access it. Trouble is, whenever I boot up using Parallels, Windows Activation fails. If I boot up in Boot Camp, and reactive, all is fine. Rather annoying - Windows functions fine (as far as I'm aware) when the activation fails, but it just means that I have to keep closing the popup box that appears. Best way to sort all of this?
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Sep 18, 2010
I need to install windows on my iMac. The plan is to install it in under bootcamp so that my better half can boot to windows for her stuff, which is straight forward enough. I will probably install parallels (or similar) to give myself the option of either boot to windows or access it virtually. Now, on the basis that this is a first for me I have a couple of questions that I could do with answering from those that know this stuff.
1. Am I likely to run into any windows licensing issues. I'm assuming that I will only need 1 license.
2. If I edit a file, a word .doc for example, in a virtual window, is that edit saved to the original file? e.g. if I then boot to windows and open the file, then the edits made virtually are there. Simple stuff I know, but like I said, it's a first for me.
3. What are my options for backing up the windows partition, can I back it up using Time Machine / Capsule?
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Jun 28, 2014
I have a macbook pro with microsoft office installed on it. I use this macbook primarily for testing and end up wiping it clean and restoring a backup onto it. Whenever I restore a time machine backup and then open an office app I am prompted for the activation code. Well I have done this enough times where I have reached the max number of activations so I have to call microsoft and get a number from them. I thought that a restore would restore everything so that it would restore office already activated.
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Nov 20, 2009
I am purchasing my first Mac this week (iMac 27" i7 8gb ram 1 TB ). I am new to the whole Mac experience. I have a few questions I hope someone can give me the correct answers.
I purchased VMware 3.0, but I would also like to use bootcamp (for when I am gaming). Would Windows need a separate installation copy for each? I was concerned about the Windows activation issue. I am not sure if need to activate twice or if Windows 7 will allow it, once for bootcamp and then once for Vmware?
I purchased Windows 7 64 bit upgrade. I am currently running on my PC Windows Vista 64 bit and I have a new OEM copy of XP home 32 bit (unused). I plan on using the already registered copy of Vista to install on my MAC then use the Windows 7 upgrade. Will that work? Will I need to activate Vista before I can use the upgrade?
Can I use an external drive to run windows from VMware (either firewire or USB) or should I invest in the 2 TB upgrade?
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Nov 5, 2009
I am seeking advice or comments from anyone with any experience with this type of setup. Ideally, I would like to be able to alternate between booting Windows from the bootcamp natively and booting the same Windows via a VM of the bootcamp. But I just may give up this ideal if it proves to be too problematic. I have two main worries/concern about this setup.
1) Possible activation issues when alternating between booting from the bootcamp and booting via a VM of the bootcamp.
2) Potential problems from Windows seeing alternating "hardware" all the time and making changes to the system. For example, the VM might make changes to Windows to optimize it for the VM but when I boot natively from bootcamp those settings would be at a sub-optimum state for, say, 3D-intensive applications or games while running off bootcamp natively.
I have yet to decide which VM software to use but it should probably be either Parallels 5.0 or VMware Fusion 3.0 depending on various factors including how well it caters to my described situation. I will be installing 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate (RETAIL Version) hence the activation worries. Specs of the new system I will install on when I receive it in a few days:
15" 2.8Ghz MacBook Pro
256GB SSD (Factory - Unknown Brand)
Snow Leopard
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Mar 1, 2009
I have been running vista64 through bootcamp and fusion so that I can run autocad on my late 08 MBP. The only issue I've had is that everytime I boot into vista I have to reactivate my autocad. It doesn't seem to matter whether I go in through bootcamp or fusion.
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Jul 31, 2009
I have a Bootcamp partition I sometimes access via Parallels, the rest of the time I boot into it normally. I keep getting very annoying messages saying I've got to activate Windows and my copy of Windows is not "Genuine" and it's counterfeit which considering I'm currently running the Win 7 RC is really stupid. How can I have a counterfeit copy of a free RC that I downloaded direct from Microsoft. I want to put the final version of Windows 7 on my Mac, but at this point I'm not going to try putting any of my retail copies of Windows on my Mac for fear my key will be permanently deactivated. How do I access my Boot Camp install from Parallels without Windows thinking it's been counterfeited?
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Mar 11, 2008
I've searched google for hours and not found a workaround for this issue: I have Office 2007 Education and it allows up to 3 activations on 3 separate computers. Currently I have it activated on 2, and I just installed it using bootcamp and activated it successfully. However, I am currently using VMware Fusion and I anticipated being able to load Office without an issue through the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it's now telling me (when loaded in VMware) that I have to activate office 2007 again. Problem is that it has already been activated 3 times, so it's not allowing me. Everything still works fine on bootcamp, but apparently VMware is being treated by office as another physical PC. Has anyone found a successful workaround to this? changing VMware's MAC address to the same as OSX and XP's, but I can't figure out how to do this.
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May 18, 2010
I have a 21.5 inch iMac and after using the expose feature for about 30 mins or so it acts strange. I normally use it through the 3rd 'squeeze' buttons on my mighty mouse but it happens with the expose button on the keyboard too. When I activate expose it chucks all the windows out but then brings them all back straight away where before it used to chuck em out n scatter them until I pressed it again. I tried changing the mouse and keyboard and did a software update too but no luck. The same thing happened in my previous 20inch aluminium iMac?!
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Oct 12, 2010
In bootcamp I got all the way to the part where I have to enter in my windows activation code during the windows installation. I just realized however that the code I have is wrong, and I can only get it from the guy I bought the copy from tomorrow. My question is, can I just shut down my laptop and start from the partition with no problems once I have the code?
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Nov 30, 2010
I did a clean install via boot camp. Installed Windows XP Pro SP2, then went and moded the file so you can install service pack 3. Passed the software that checks if your copy of Windows is valid. It was so, I was able to install service pack 3. Installed BootCamp 3.0 drives then did the update for the latest version of bootcamp. Installed all the updates for Windows XP (All 93 of them). Now when I open IE and try to go any where other then I keep getting this error message. What the hell does it mean? 'The requested lookup key was not found in any activation context'
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Sep 4, 2014
how to make CPU load visualization without a floating window?
I do remember that on Mountain Lion somehow I did that CPU load was shown @ a bottom left corner of desktop with horizontal transparent thin bars.
But I cannot find how I managed to make it in Mavericks...
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jul 20, 2010
I Googled around, and found a Microsoft forum post detailing how to do this. However, whenever I enter the command, I get an access is denied error.
bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
That's the command, which I get the following error:
The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied.
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Oct 28, 2010
I would like to disable the effect that causes application and software windows like Finder windows and Microsoft Word to "swoop" into and out of the dock.
My preference is to have these windows simply "cut" into and out of the dock without the swooping effect.
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Dec 14, 2010
I am running bootcamp with xp on my older non unibody macbook pro. I have it hooked up with a dell monitor, but I want to see things only on the dell monitor and not the macbook one. This works fine booted into OSX, but I can't find a way to do it in windows. Is there a way to disable my laptop monitor?
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Feb 22, 2008
I posted earlier about if I can use both a Nvidea 8800 GT and an ATI Radeon 2600 XT with my new Mac Pro. Currently it just has an ATI card and it seems like it'll work fine. The other question I have though, how will this work under VMWare? I have a Linux virtual machine but most of all I use a Windows XP Virtual Machine. Will there be a conflict between the two video cards when I use Windows XP? If so, I won't even need the ATI as much when I'm on Windows XP. Is it possible to disable that and just use the NVidea card while using Windows?
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Sep 2, 2009
Here is my problem. Whenever I start up in mac osx, the boot camp volume that has windows vista on it automounts. I always unmount it but then when i restart, the volume is right there again. I was wondering if there was any way to disable it from automounting because I know I can just change which os I want to start up in with the "option" button. If there is a process, could someone be really specific cause I'm still quite new to the mac.
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Jul 27, 2010
Anyone know how to disable the new feature in Hotmail? I hate that when I login to check email it automatically signs onto MSN messenger and everyone can contact me when all I want to do is check my email. Is this the right area to post?
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Jan 3, 2009
how to disable sound from running to my ACD speakers? Sound is going through my speakers (3.5mm audio out) within the Realtek driver settings, but all other sound (Games, youtube, music, etc.) is playing through my monitor... How can I make it all go through my external speakers?
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Feb 22, 2010
Each time I start VMWare Fusion 3.0.2 it will ask me to type in my password. How can I turn that off so that when I click the "Start Up" button it will go straight to booting without asking me for password?
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Aug 1, 2010
Someone used my computer here in the ofc during the weekend and resized the left panel really wide (i don't know why he did that). I tried to resize it back. It's the panel where you see the devices, shared, places, search for etc. When I reopen the window in finder the wide panel remains the same. I've been experimenting on how to put it back the way it used to but I couldn't get it back. Is there a way to disable window and panel resizing in mac osx so that this won't happen again?
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Apr 28, 2012
How do I disable reopening windows when logging in. It is slows down my computer when I restart or log in.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 17, 2009
has anyone figured out how to disable the audio on the new apple LED display when running in windows? I know its possible to do so and use speakers connected to a MBP while in OS X - use System Prefrences. The same does not appear to be true for Windows XP when I go into Audio setup in Windows XP control panel. Boot camp control panel does not offer any solutions.
Is it possible to use speakers connected to an Airport Extreme while running in Windows?
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May 24, 2009
Anyone know how to disable Flip4Mac and QuickTime so that I can use Windows Media Player 9? I need to use WMP9 on a couple of websites that do not work with Flip4Mac/QuickTime. Previously I had just opened the �WMV Upgrade� that is in the Flip4Mac folder and unchecked �Use Flip4Mac WMV Browser plug-in� and then relaunched Safari. But now even when I uncheck Flip4Mac, it, and QuickTime continue to open.
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Feb 21, 2012
Is there a way to disable Reopen Windows When Logging Back In in Lion completely?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.7 GHz i5, 27", 8 GB
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Apr 12, 2012
how to permanently disable this? Since I installed Lion, my computer freezes about once a day (I have plenty of harddrive and RAM) and so I have to force restart it. It takes about 10 minutes for it to start up because of all the windows I always have open.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 21, 2012
I play a game called Minecraft on the Windows Side of my iMac. I know your going to say, "Why don't you just play on the Mac side?" Well my answer is I livestream using a broadcasting software which is called xSplit, which is Windows onlyAnyways, the problem is that when I play minecraft with my magic mouse, the slightest movement switches weapons/tools and this is really annoying.How do I disable scrolling on the Windows 7 side of my iMac?
iMac, Windows 7, Bootcamp
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Jan 30, 2010
how to show the dock when hidden other then moving the mouse to the dock?
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Aug 5, 2007
I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but in OS X, there's this option that disables input from the trackpad when an external mouse is plugged in. I couldn't find something similar to that for Windows, and since I use Boot Camp to play a few games in Windows and my palms keep swiping the corners of the trackpad (thereby making my aim wonky) I wanted something that would have the same effect.
So I Googled. And searched. And searched.
Best solution was to go to Control Panel and disable the mouse. But I'm lazy, I want something to do it for me, automatically, if possible.
So, in the interest of pure laziness, I... wrote a utility to do pretty much exactly that. It supports manually enabling or disabling the trackpad, and also automatically enabling and disabling it when an external mouse is plugged in/removed.
So, if any of you guys are using Windows to play games or do anything else, and you have the same issue with the trackpad that I do, hopefully this helps you guys out too.
If not, well, thanks for reading and I'm jealous of your smaller palms and/or dexterous avoidance of palm/trackpad slippage!
Note: Still might be bugs and things. Feedback appreciated, but constructively, of course.
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Oct 4, 2010
Recently just bought a macpro and my roommate had a copy of office. I installed it, but it reached the max capacity of installations already so I uninstalled it and bought a new copy and new product key. Everything works great, but when I am on the same network as my roommate and try to open up a MS application, it tells me that I have reached the max capacity for installations under my roommates product key. The installation process does not ask to me to input my new product key so I am on why it is telling me I am still on his and what I need to do next.
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