Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Program Activation - Run Autocad On MBP
Mar 1, 2009
I have been running vista64 through bootcamp and fusion so that I can run autocad on my late 08 MBP. The only issue I've had is that everytime I boot into vista I have to reactivate my autocad. It doesn't seem to matter whether I go in through bootcamp or fusion.
I am seeking advice or comments from anyone with any experience with this type of setup. Ideally, I would like to be able to alternate between booting Windows from the bootcamp natively and booting the same Windows via a VM of the bootcamp. But I just may give up this ideal if it proves to be too problematic. I have two main worries/concern about this setup.
1) Possible activation issues when alternating between booting from the bootcamp and booting via a VM of the bootcamp.
2) Potential problems from Windows seeing alternating "hardware" all the time and making changes to the system. For example, the VM might make changes to Windows to optimize it for the VM but when I boot natively from bootcamp those settings would be at a sub-optimum state for, say, 3D-intensive applications or games while running off bootcamp natively.
I have yet to decide which VM software to use but it should probably be either Parallels 5.0 or VMware Fusion 3.0 depending on various factors including how well it caters to my described situation. I will be installing 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate (RETAIL Version) hence the activation worries. Specs of the new system I will install on when I receive it in a few days:
This is retarted. According to Apple when I got my new Macbook Pro, I shouldnt have any problem installing Windows that unfor tunately I need to run AutoCAD. I choose Bootcamp to use all the resources of my MAC. It didnt let me install it but did it with Fusion. How retarded is that. OEM disk SP2.Then I got to Apple store and explain the problem. Dude over there says it should work. Exchange my Macbook for a brand new one and lets try again.Now I cant even load the same disk with Fusion. I go back to the store to buy a case and ask the question again. Now the answer is...Bootcamp wont accept an OEM Windows disk unless you get a copy which was never use.
I am purchasing my first Mac this week (iMac 27" i7 8gb ram 1 TB ). I am new to the whole Mac experience. I have a few questions I hope someone can give me the correct answers.
I purchased VMware 3.0, but I would also like to use bootcamp (for when I am gaming). Would Windows need a separate installation copy for each? I was concerned about the Windows activation issue. I am not sure if need to activate twice or if Windows 7 will allow it, once for bootcamp and then once for Vmware?
I purchased Windows 7 64 bit upgrade. I am currently running on my PC Windows Vista 64 bit and I have a new OEM copy of XP home 32 bit (unused). I plan on using the already registered copy of Vista to install on my MAC then use the Windows 7 upgrade. Will that work? Will I need to activate Vista before I can use the upgrade?
Can I use an external drive to run windows from VMware (either firewire or USB) or should I invest in the 2 TB upgrade?
I have a 15-inch MacBook Pro, the new unibody ones, and I installed Windows XP, using BootCamp.
I made it a 29 or so GB partition, so it used the FAT32 formatting.
The program I tried to install is the eyeQ speed reading program, and the laptop exceeds every single one of the recommended requirements.
The problem comes when I am attempting to install the program, I keep getting an error message in which it says "This program cannot run on a computer with less than 64 megabytes of ram."
Last time I checked my laptop has 4 GB of ram, and it says the same thing when I checked it while running Windows XP.
My only guess, which I made while typing this, was that I should have formatted the Windows partition using NTSF.
I have a macbook pro with microsoft office installed on it. I use this macbook primarily for testing and end up wiping it clean and restoring a backup onto it. Whenever I restore a time machine backup and then open an office app I am prompted for the activation code. Well I have done this enough times where I have reached the max number of activations so I have to call microsoft and get a number from them. I thought that a restore would restore everything so that it would restore office already activated.
So honestly I'm pretty much gonna use the windows partition for gaming and for using programs that are exclusive to windows. Would it be worth paying for antivirus software or just install a free version? What software do you use? Is it free and effective?
My sister has a 1.83 GHz MacBook and I have have an ibook G4.I use other some Mac programs, but I need to use Autocad on windows.Should I trade with her do be able to use Autocad. I really like my 12"ibook.
I have Boot Camp set up so Parallels Desktop can access it. Trouble is, whenever I boot up using Parallels, Windows Activation fails. If I boot up in Boot Camp, and reactive, all is fine. Rather annoying - Windows functions fine (as far as I'm aware) when the activation fails, but it just means that I have to keep closing the popup box that appears. Best way to sort all of this?
So I downloaded parallels 4 and set up a virtual machine with Vista (I couldn't get a copy of XP so I had to settle). I then installed an educational version of AutoCAD 2010, it installs and everything but when I open the program it begins loading until a point where it doesn't respond. I have reinstalled it, uninstalled it and installed it again, but the same exact thing happens each time.
When AutoCAD stops responding it says this at the bottom of the screen: Opening: C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalAutodeskAutoCAD 2010R18.0enuTemplateacad.dwt I don't know whether that is relevant or not. I read somewhere that to run AutoCAD 2010 on vista you need 2GB of memory. With parallels the way it is i can only commit 1GB of memory to vista. I was wondering if it would work on bootcamp where i can devote all my memory to windows. Is it even possible to uninstall parallels and all that and switch to bootcamp? If thats even possible would I be able to preserve my copy of vista or would I have to get a new license?
I have a Macbook pro and I'm running windows 7 as the operating system. I just started using Autocad 2010 on this computer, and for some reason, the "delete" key doesn't delete anything when I press it. I tried to set "pickfirst" to 1 (checking the box of "noun/ verb"), but it doesn't help. Setting them both to <0> and <1> don't make a difference, both options don't "delete" the selected object.
I have a Bootcamp partition I sometimes access via Parallels, the rest of the time I boot into it normally. I keep getting very annoying messages saying I've got to activate Windows and my copy of Windows is not "Genuine" and it's counterfeit which considering I'm currently running the Win 7 RC is really stupid. How can I have a counterfeit copy of a free RC that I downloaded direct from Microsoft. I want to put the final version of Windows 7 on my Mac, but at this point I'm not going to try putting any of my retail copies of Windows on my Mac for fear my key will be permanently deactivated. How do I access my Boot Camp install from Parallels without Windows thinking it's been counterfeited?
I have a 12" ibook G4, and my sister a 1.83 GHz MacBook. She says, she would be willing to help me, by giving me her MacBook in exchange for my ibook G4.My question is, is it worth it ?? Will it be fast ?? The only reason for this, is because I need to use Autocad on Windows. I mean, my ibook G4 is really great after three years
I downloaded parallels 4 and set up a virtual machine with Vista (I couldn't get a copy of XP so I had to settle). I then installed an educational version of AutoCAD 2010, it installs and everything but when I open the program it begins loading until a point where it doesn't respond. I have reinstalled it, uninstalled it and installed it again, but the same exact thing happens each time. When AutoCAD stops responding it says this at the bottom of the screen:
I don't know whether that is relevant or not. I read somewhere that to run AutoCAD 2010 on vista you need 2GB of memory. With parallels the way it is I can only commit 1GB of memory to vista. I was wondering if it would work on bootcamp where i can devote all my memory to windows. Is it even possible to uninstall parallels and all that and switch to bootcamp? If thats even possible would I be able to preserve my copy of vista or would i have to get a new license?
I've searched google for hours and not found a workaround for this issue: I have Office 2007 Education and it allows up to 3 activations on 3 separate computers. Currently I have it activated on 2, and I just installed it using bootcamp and activated it successfully. However, I am currently using VMware Fusion and I anticipated being able to load Office without an issue through the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it's now telling me (when loaded in VMware) that I have to activate office 2007 again. Problem is that it has already been activated 3 times, so it's not allowing me. Everything still works fine on bootcamp, but apparently VMware is being treated by office as another physical PC. Has anyone found a successful workaround to this? changing VMware's MAC address to the same as OSX and XP's, but I can't figure out how to do this.
I have a 21.5 inch iMac and after using the expose feature for about 30 mins or so it acts strange. I normally use it through the 3rd 'squeeze' buttons on my mighty mouse but it happens with the expose button on the keyboard too. When I activate expose it chucks all the windows out but then brings them all back straight away where before it used to chuck em out n scatter them until I pressed it again. I tried changing the mouse and keyboard and did a software update too but no luck. The same thing happened in my previous 20inch aluminium iMac?!
In bootcamp I got all the way to the part where I have to enter in my windows activation code during the windows installation. I just realized however that the code I have is wrong, and I can only get it from the guy I bought the copy from tomorrow. My question is, can I just shut down my laptop and start from the partition with no problems once I have the code?
I did a clean install via boot camp. Installed Windows XP Pro SP2, then went and moded the file so you can install service pack 3. Passed the software that checks if your copy of Windows is valid. It was so, I was able to install service pack 3. Installed BootCamp 3.0 drives then did the update for the latest version of bootcamp. Installed all the updates for Windows XP (All 93 of them). Now when I open IE and try to go any where other then I keep getting this error message. What the hell does it mean? 'The requested lookup key was not found in any activation context'
Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.
Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....
I want to try out Windows 7. During this process though I deleted my winXP partition. When I went to create a new BootCamp partition in The BootCamp SetUp Assisstant, it failed to create the partition on my harddrive.
I was greeted with the error, "BootCamp SetUp assistant failed to yada yada yada, please backup and reformat your harddrive."
So my question is do I really have to reinstall Mac OS X? (I backup with TimeMachine so it won't be a big deal but still thats a very long process.) Do you guys have any tips or anything to get Mac OS X to partition my main HDD?
Maybe I'm just over thinking this, but Apple never posted a KB article about how to upgrade an existing bootcamp partition with the new snow leopard bootcamp 3.0 drivers. I'm assuming if you already have bootcamp 2.1 you boot up in boot camp and then insert the snow leopard disc in order to upgrade the drivers to 3.0 correct? Or do I have to erase my stupid bootcamp partition and reinstall it all over again using the new leopard boot camp assistant in order to get to 3.0?
I bought a macbook a few months ago (2.26 Core 2 Duo) as I wanted to venture into the Mac world. I bought this model as it was the cheapest and figured it would be my test. Had I not liked it, oh well, an $800 investment that at least my kids could cruise the net with. Fast forward, I absolutely love Mac, everyday computing tasks to me are so much better than windows, I simply could never go back. With that being said, I am thinking of taking this Macbook and giving it to my niece as payment for many future baby sittings so that may put me in the market for a new one but will the latest i7 satisfy my needs?
I do not prefer to have several machines (as I currently do) and would like to have all of my info and tools when I travel so I would like to buy a new MBP i7 and run both Mac and Win OS's. Running Windows 7 64 bit is a requirement as I own a Shop Drawing business and require AutoCAD for everyday production. My company also produces add-on programs that are currently on the market for AutoDesk products so there is no substitutions, it is my living. So, will the new i7 be powerful enough to run Win 7 64 bit and AutoCAD (09 thru 11) as well as my current i7 920 PC with an ATI 4890 Video Card? Would I ever look back and tell myself that this was a bad decision?
I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Buying Tips sub-forum or this one, so Mods, please feel free to move it if necessary.With the new Mini updates today, I've started to seriously consider picking one up as a workhorse at home. My current computer is the 1.67 Powerbook G4 w/ 2G RAM, and for what I need at the moment, it runs decently; however, I can tell that its a 3.5 year old machine and it won't run everything I'll need it to.
So my question to you is this: would the low end Mini, which I would upgrade w/ a larger 7200rpm HDD and 4G Ram, effectively run Adobe CS4 and Parallels/VMWare Fusion w/ AutoCAD at a decent clip? I understand that its Apple's low(ish)-priced competitor, but keep in mind that I'd be coming from using CS (and obviously no AutoCAD) on an older G4, so any increase in speed coming from three and a half years of computer advancements would still be fast to me...but would they be fast enough for my programs?
I've just bought a copy of windows 7. Just wondering if i install it via bootcamp now can i update bootcamp in a few weeks when apple releases windows 7 support or will i have to reinstall windows 7 when that happens ?
A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.
This is the error.
Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.
i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1
now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.
how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.
or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?
I've tried re-installing and updating every possible graphics related driver for Windows 7 i cannot for love or toffee get the bloody thing to even recognize my display. I am using a 26" tv as an external display, it works on OS X (very easily), windows XP (also very easily) and even Vista (also easily) and connecting through a DVI/HDMI connector. Why not windows 7? I've scoured the web for answers but can't find anything. Is anyone at least in the same boat as me? I really need this solved soon