Software :: Apple Shake - Turned To Something Else?
Jan 1, 2011anyone got a clue about Apple Shake? a fantastic software was just removed from the market, for what? there were rumours of Shake being turned into something else?
View 6 Repliesanyone got a clue about Apple Shake? a fantastic software was just removed from the market, for what? there were rumours of Shake being turned into something else?
View 6 RepliesI just found out today that one of my earbud had turn red/pink. Has this occurred to anyone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I turn my macbook pro on I get a green and white lined apple then just a white screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iMac MB418LL/A 24-Inch Desktop suddenly turned off and now doesn't respond to the power button even after the SMH (right acronym?) reset procedure.
I just got my IMac. I have no clue what happened it was working fine. In the morning when I turned it on it just went blank turned on to a white screen with an apple on it and nothing else is happening.
When attempting to turn my Mac Pro on, all I receive is a fast flashing Apple logo. I can't get to my desktop. It appears frozen here.
iPad 2
Apple this week released Pro Applications Update 2008-04, a recommended update for all users of Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Server, and Logic Studio. The release addresses general performance issues, improves overall stability, and includes new versions of Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Color, and Shake. Final Cut Pro 6.0.5 Among the enhancements delivered as part of Final Cut Pro 6.0.5 are: Improved High-Precision Rendering: If you render sequences using the high-precision video processing setting, make sure to update to Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 for improved reliability when rendering still images and footage in high-resolution formats. Extended Metadata Support for the Panasonic AG-HMC150 Camcorder: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 captures the additional metadata for footage recorded with the Panasonic*AG-HMC150 professional AVCHD camcorder. Improved Support for the Panasonic HDC-SD9 Camcorder: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 provides enhanced precision and reliability when ingesting files from the Panasonic*HDC-SD9 camcorder. Improved Support for Metadata Imported from P2 Cards: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 provides support for extended metadata that is captured on P2 cards. Compressor*3.0.5 and Apple*Qmaster*3.0.5...............
View 10 Replies View Relatedi can hear some tickling sounds coming from my mac book, i think some thing wrong is going under the left side of key board(near keys tab,capslock,q,w,a,s....). i think fan is hitting some thing inside
Need experts comment on it.
When I wake my computer half the time I do not have a cursor. Is anyone else having this issue? Sometimes when I open apps and shake my mouse it comes back. I also usually use expose to start my screen saver and then shake the mouse to turn it off.
FYI: i7 iMac with Magic Mouse
I have had this issue with my address book for a while in that it creates new entries with just an email address as the actual entry and then hundreds of other email addresses from address book as this entry's additional email addresses.
At the same time I had an issue with Apple Mail that I thought was unrelated but now I am not that sure anymore. When I turn Apple Mail on, it sends out emails that look like an endless chain of responses (spam) to the same email that advertises all kinds of stuff.
When I first noticed the issue I turned Mail off (a year ago). After updating to Lion I tried to use mail again but had the same issue and have not been using it since. But I appear to still find new entries in my address book all the time.
I ran some software (ClamX) but wasn't able to find any malware so far. I can't imagine someone hacking into my machine and doing all this my hand. For what?
So I am wondering whether anyone has had similar symptoms on their Mac?
iMac9,1, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I have been lurking around the forum for quite some time. I decided to pick up a macbook pro today because I was able to get a pretty good educational discount. I have the 15" MacBook Pro top end with the matte screen. Everything seems perfect right now. However, even when the volume is at 50%, and I play something that has bass in it, the RIGHT palm rest shakes/vibrates a lot, and you can feel it. It is a tad bit annoying.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen scrolling through a project, it is not very smooth. If I scroll to the right, it will go to the right, then kinda fling back a bit. So scrolling is very jerky if you understand what I mean?
While reading an email, the images on my computer screen started to scramble and shake. I immediately tried to exit from the email and I tried to log off the computer to make it stop but the computer for several minutes would not allow me to do so. Eventually I was able to turn off the computer but later after I got back on, it did the same thing for a few minutes after i had been on a while.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
how is this possible?
I shut down before going to bed - 100% certain, no doubts - and I just woke up a few minutes ago. I was on the other side of the room and the Mac powered up?
And not hot in the good way...
I turned my Macbook off for about three hours to watch a movie. I hadn't had it on any longer than an hour prior to turning it off.
But after picking it up to turn it back on just now, I practically burned my hand on it. It's been off for THREE hours...
I'm assuming this is a bad sign. However, I know I didn't overwork it prior to turning it off. No hissing or mooing.
My buddy saw an article on the net that I showed him about a guy building a "Hackintosh" with all new parts bought from newegg. The article seemed to say that you really should use the same parts as the author did to ensure Snow Leopard compatibility.
My buddy has built MANY a pc. He seems to think that using the directions and software discussed in the article I showed him, that we could pretty much turn ANY home built PC into a Hackintosh with higher performance and less cost.
I'm not here to discuss the legitimacy of his claim, but I would like to know about the hardware / software part?
Can basically any PC be turned into a Hackintosh?
Keep asking me log in after having turned on the macbook air
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
Sometimes when I try to turn on my power mac G5 don't work. I have already changed the inside battery and also trying to reset the pmu. The only thing that works always is to disconnect the power cord from the back some minutes.
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
PowerPC G5 (2.2)
How can i find out when i first turned my mac on, or bought it? I know i turned it on the day i got it. Like, I want to know when i first used it/turned on, to work out exactly how long i've had it.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis it harmful to the hd?
often move my mbp from the bed to my legs
I remember back, long, long ago in the elementary school days when we had the colored Macs - you turned them on by pressing spacebar. Now I would actually like that with my Mac Pro so that I don't have to bend over to turn it on. Does this option still exist in Mac OS?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI suspect that someone was messing around with my computer. Is there a log that would show what time was the computer turned on or last on etc.? Anything that would back up my theory that someone was using it when i wasn't here?
View 5 Replies View RelatedII was updating to some 10.5 software, and got to the point where I had to restart my computer, and while the newly downloaded updates were being installed, Of course, I nudge the power cable and it was just loose enough to come out.My computer turned off mid-installation, and now everytime I reboot I get the "Restart your computer" message.or should I be ceaselessly freaking out and throwing things across my room at high velocities?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor the owners of a uMBP with switchable graphics, how often do you keep your 9600 GT on and what kind of tasks do you use the GPU for? I got the mid-ranged 15" model for the 9600 GT but I can't see myself using it until the release Starcraft II ... and even after I have my desktop with an HD 4870 1GB. Do any of you regret purchasing the model with the 9600 GT?
View 15 Replies View RelatedIt started with a USB drive attached to my Airport BaseStation. It was mounted on the desktop but whenever I clicked on it I got the message:'The alias "Maxtor Basic" can't be opened because the original item can't be found.'
I have three options underneath: delete the alias - which gives me a message: 'The item "Maxtor Basic' can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted.'; fix the alias (this option doesn't work because if I get the network up on a Finder window all the drives show as available except the one in question, which is greyed out; and
3. to press 'OK' which basically does nothing.
I can eject the icon on the desktop but when I try and connect again I just get another icon that thinks it's an alias (there's no little arrow at the bottom of it, though). I've tried restarting the computer, disconnecting the drives and switching them off, disconnecting all users from the Airport disks page and none of these works. Is it possible the disk itself thinks it's an alias?
Following on from that I've found that some of the files in my other remote disks (attached with FireWire and USB directly to the computer) are doing the same thing. Have I caught a bug? Is this a Snow Leopard issue? Please don't tell me to format any hard drives - I've had to start again so many times recently I'm beginning to consider giving my computer away and living without it!
I was listening a video on my MBP and everything was working fine. I then put my headphones away when I decided to listen to something else so I was what the heck I will just use the speakers but it seems as if they are turned off or something. I keep trying to put the volume up and down and it just comes up with the speaker picture with a circle and line through it. I looked up at the volume in the bar and it is grayed out at fun volume. When I plug in my headphones, the volume turns black again and allows for adjustment.
Did I accidentally turn off my speakers? How do I turn them back on or fix this? They were working totally fine earlier today but now they are not.
On my Mac, especially when copying a lot of files, the "preparing to copy" function before any copying actually takes place is too dang long. Is there any way to disable the "preparing to copy" part so that when I copy anything, it simply starts copying right away?
I don't need to the OS to guess how long the copy will take or to detect if I have enough free space. I just want to the copy to go as soon as I tell it to.
My Bluetooth has turned to Not Available. Bluetooth icon not showing up in System Preferences. Tried restarting twice, but with no success.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Mac book pro has turned very laggy.Here's the details:
System Software Overview:System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Kernel Version: Darwin 10.8.0 Boot Volume: Jr Machintosh HD Boot Mode: Normal User Name: *********************(personal) Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled 64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No Time since boot: 1 day4:40 Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier:
The mac was working fine though we heard the fan was broken. It was making a loud noise but worked fine. It use to over-heat very bad. So we decided to get the fan replaced. After 2 days we got it back. Then we tryed playing on it a games. It was laggy. Even after a certain amount of windows it would lag. Then we erased all the junk, and games and tryed to have multiple windows opened. It was bad. The fan didn't make noise but over heated very hot I installed an app and found out it would get so warm to about 219 degrees. We tryed backing it up and then reinstall another mac backup. The same result happened. We tryed again and still no change happend. We tryed all those cleaning programs clean my mac,mackeeper,antivirus,and some others. We erased them off to in the end.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My wife has an oldish Mac laptop we bought about 7-8 years ago. Everytime we start is up it tries to open MSNMessenger and fails. This hasn't been a problem in the past but today the computer just hangs when trying to open. I get a couple of error messages that disappear almost too quickly to read. One says something about "DevDetectListner" and another something about "Shared library errors.. Carbon". I can't force quit MSNMessenger from the menu strip at the bottom. If I try to use the ctrl open apple esc command it just restarts and the same problem occurs. If I try to open other applications they quit and an error message appears.