Apple IMac MB418LL/A 24-Inch Desktop Suddenly Turned Off
Apr 10, 2012My iMac MB418LL/A 24-Inch Desktop suddenly turned off and now doesn't respond to the power button even after the SMH (right acronym?) reset procedure.
My iMac MB418LL/A 24-Inch Desktop suddenly turned off and now doesn't respond to the power button even after the SMH (right acronym?) reset procedure.
Is something like this decumented? I can still see everything on the screen, it's just extremely tinted green, and it's like that since the moment it boots up, even the first grey startup screen is green. I've tried calibrating
View 24 Replies View Relatedmac suddenly very slow especially safari
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
Does the new apple remote still has a magnet in order to stick it on the side of the new imac 27 inch i5 ?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI believe I have a corrupted External Drive,
Name : WD Media
Type : Disk
Partition Map Scheme : Unformatted
Disk Identifier : disk1
Media Name : WD Media
Media Type : Generic
Connection Bus : USB
USB Serial Number : 202020202020202020202020
Device Tree : IODeviceTree:/PCI0@0/EHC2@6,1
Writable : Yes
Ejectable : Yes
Location : External
Total Capacity : 2.2 TB (2,199,023,255,552 Bytes)
S.M.A.R.T. Status : Not Supported
Disk Number : 1
Partition Number : 0
I have stuff on it that I'd rather not lose, any advice
My laptop just turned off suddenly. Now it won't turn back on. Any helpful hints to get it back on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook suddenly turned off. There was a click sound and then nothing. I have tried to restart it but nothing happens. No sound no lights. It is plugged in and the power cord shows green. I have not damaged it in any way.....
after 2 hours its start but turned off automaticlly fan is working fine but no display no apple logo no sound so far
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
My iMac desktop (purchased new in 2009) suddenly turned off this morning and won't respond to the power button even after the attempted SMH (right acronym?) reset.
i had the macbook Core 2 Duo for About 8 months and it was working great.yesterday i left a file download in firefox for 5 hours then went back to check on it , it was working FINE, Then i got Back after 2 minutes and the screen is suddenly white and not showing anything!i shut down the laptop and restarted , there was a chime and just white screen...i connected the laptop to an external monitor AND EVERYTHING IS WORKING on the external screen but the laptop screen is white!!!i tried resetting the PRAM and i tried resetting the SMC twice but nothing Changed
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe new 27-inch iMac uses up to 365W vs 280W for the old 24-inch! (going by Apple's published max. power consumption numbers. I doubt they would lie because it isn't exactly favourable for them to put in falsely high numbers in an environmental report).
That means there's some extra beef behind the extra components. Perhaps the ATI 4670 is a bit overclocked and the 4850 runs a bit faster than the old iMacs? Admittedly that 2.8 GHz i7 is going to suck a fair bit of power - the recent 2.8 GHz i7 860 model runs at a 95W TDP, however, the quad core iMac isn't available until November. So it won't be using the i7 860, and my guess it is using another custom processor, something a bit more power efficient, somewhere in between the 55W TDP of the old iMacs and the 95W TDP of the i7 860.
The difference between the power consumption of the two computers is 85W. The old iMac had a 24-watt digital amplifier, this new one has two 17-watt amplifiers. That brings the delta down to 75W. Say the iMac's i7 processor has an 80W TDP. That now brings the delta down to 50W. The new display likely wouldn't increase power consumption because of the LED backlight.
I'm not sure if I'm missing much (OK, two extra RAM chips may use another few watts), but there is still a fairly massive 50W unaccounted for.
Just a bit of fat to chew on
Does anyone know if the panel used in Apples 24 inch Cinema display is the same as the 24 inch iMac?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.5)
i had the macbook Core 2 Duo for About 8 months and it was working great.
yesterday i left a file download in firefox for 5 hours then went back to check on it , it was working FINE, Then i got Back after 2 minutes and the screen is suddenly white and not showing anything i shut down the laptop and restarted , there was a chime and just white screen...i connected the laptop to an external monitor AND EVERYTHING IS WORKING on the external screen but the laptop screen is white!
I got a MacBook Pro back in April, my first Mac.
I love it so much. I'm really into video editing and HD video, but the problem is that my MBP is running out of harddrive space, and I'm longing for a bigger display and a better processor. (I have the 13" C2D). I'm going to pick up an iMac this Spring. But I wanted to know if I should stick to the Core i3 21.5, or spend more and go for the 27 inch.
Is the new 27 inch cinema display any different the the displays on the 27 inch iMac??
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk so i have one of the 2011 Imac desktop models so i didnt get the dvd's. I want to know how to restore/format my computer and start over because its been running really slow lately. i was told by a apple consultant that if you hold in the "option" key on startup of the computer that it will bring you to a point where you can restore but i dont know what to do from there. how to restore/format my Imac so that its like when i first bought it. Lastly i would like step by step instructions on how to do this restore/format. I dont have any important files so im prefectly fine with erasing everything.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
anyone got a clue about Apple Shake? a fantastic software was just removed from the market, for what? there were rumours of Shake being turned into something else?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I was just using my computer normally when I was suddenly having an issue where I could not click on anything. I was forced to hard restart but it did not help. I am still able to navigate with the trackpad or my mighty mouse (wireless) but clicking with either does nothing.
After some searching I have reset the pram multiple times and have also done command+S at boot and run fsck. Resetting the pram worked once, but only for maybe 5 minutes. During that time I ran a permissions test, it corrected 2-3 things but that is it. I have tried booting from the leopard cd but it spits the cd out.
I'm thinking about getting a MacBook in the future and I want to extend my desktop to my 19 inch 4:3 Dell display at 1280 x 1024. Would this work with the macbook display at 1280 x 800?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to decide which of these two 27 inch imacs I should buy:
27 inch 3.06 core 2 duo model
27 inch 3.2 I3 model
Is the 27 inch 3.2 ghz I3 model a better value in terms of increased computer and graphics performance and is it better to get the 2nd generation model because of prior issues (i.e. yellow tinge)?
When I turn my macbook pro on I get a green and white lined apple then just a white screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have no idea what happened, but a lot of small stuff on my mac either disappeared or changed. I took my macbook off the charger after a nights charging, and I noticed: all my icons on my desktop were no longer there, my widgets were all gone, and all my programs gave me a setup up screen when I tried to use them. I'm not too upset because everything on the hard drive is still there, but still I'd like if anyone has a clue to as what the heck I did to cause this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe icon below suddenly appeared on my desktop. I think it is something to do with Excel but I can't get rid of it. If I try to delete I get the message: "The item 5E333700 can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted."Does anyone know what this is and how I can delete it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got my IMac. I have no clue what happened it was working fine. In the morning when I turned it on it just went blank turned on to a white screen with an apple on it and nothing else is happening.
When attempting to turn my Mac Pro on, all I receive is a fast flashing Apple logo. I can't get to my desktop. It appears frozen here.
iPad 2
I did a reboot and suddenly realized that half of my icons on the Desktop are missing. I had a look into the folder and they were missing there, too. I looked into Trash, nothing. Being completely puzzled I rebooted again, with the result that now the Desktop is completely empty! It shows only the HD icons. None of my files are in the Trash. Nothing in the Desktop folder in Finder. ls -al doesn't show anything, only an empty file '.localized'. No other folder in my home directory seems affected. And no, I did not play with 'rm *'. I didn't install any fancy software recently (except Byki Express, not sure if that's important). I'm on a new unibody MBP 15", Leopard. Any ideas what I could do? And how to recover the files? I thought I should add that I also also searched the HD, just in case I accidentally moved the files.
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