PowerPC :: EMac Kernel Panic Freezing Not Booting?
Aug 11, 2010
my used eMac 1.42 ghz with 2gb ram, tiger 10.4.11 began to freeze a few months ago so I cleared the hard drive and reinstalled = worked ok for a while. Now, it is regularly freezing and even locking up when it has been running for a while - when it heats up. Until it cools off a while, on restart or after shutdown, it will hang at the grey screen or display a flashing folder with an alternating finder icon and a question mark - I assume it can't find the OS. After rebooting, I got the report function with this info
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Feb 15, 2010
I have an eMac (G4, 700mhz, 768mb ram......yes I know it's old and decrepit...but so am I )) and when playing music using iTunes 9.0, my machine crashes with a "kernel panic." I'm only playing songs stored on the hard drive.
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Sep 8, 2007
I'm relatively new to Macs and I wanted to try a clean install (or erase and install) on my ibook. I recently purchased a MBP and since Leopard is on the horizon, I wanted to do a "trial run" of installing an updated operating system. I know that you can just hit update instead of doing a clean install, but I've been reading that things run better when you do a fresh install. My old ibook still has Panther on it and I figured I could try to install Tiger on it from my MBP disks.
I know that this represents a violation of the license, but I thought it would be worth it to ensure that I don't make any major mistakes when I'm doing the same procedure with my brand new MBP when Leopard gets released. When I tried booting from the disk from my ibook I got a kernel panic which I interpreted as a sign that it was not a good idea so I abandoned the project. Now every time I try to start my ibook I get another kernel panic and I'm afraid I just broke my old computer.
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Dec 5, 2009
Mac G5 ppc OSX10.4.11
Starting up from any boot disk will give me a kernel panic forcing me to hard restart.
After many freezes I ran disk utility and I get:
Checking Catalog file.
Invalid index key
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 HFS volume checked
Volume needs repair
So I use my wife's Imac startup disk to boot it in order to repair but I get the dreadfull death screen (I know how to press the C)
I'm thinking maybe it's because her disk if for her Intel proc so I go and buy a copy of disk warrior 4, and same problem.
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Apr 13, 2012
I have an EMac 800mhz and I tried to install tiger on it but it said something like "kernel panic, we are hanging here."
eMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), 800 Mhz Powerpc 640 MB ram 60 gb HD
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm having a weird problem with a 15" I bought in February (2009). I can boot up fine into the OS without any problems. But when I try to boot from the reinstallation CD to do a clean install, I keep getting a kernel panic. (And yes, I do need to do a clean install.)
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Sep 10, 2009
I've just had two kernal panics. The second time it was during start up. Now it won't start up at all. Gets to the White screen and tells me to restart. I bought this 8 months ago and have had nothing but trouble.
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Nov 20, 2010
I'm getting a kernel panic at start up and my mac wont boot up. I don't think its the RAM because the LED's are not red on the risers. When I start up holding "option" and select to boot up from the DVD it goes to the apple logo and on to the kernel panic. When I start up windows via bootcamp everything works fine. I've fsck. resetting PRAM, NVRam, nothing seems to work.
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Oct 12, 2007
I have a G5 tower and randomy since last night my computer did that whole kernel panic thing then i restarted... sometimes it didnt boot up the computer just sat there. Other times it loaded and the computer would work for sometimes 5 to 30 mins before freezing again. What do you think it is?
Dual G5
Mac OS X (10.4.1)
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Nov 2, 2010
Yesterday I purchased a INtel X25-V SATA SSD and installed it in my 13 inch MacBook Pro. Upon booting to a CD so I could install OS X 10.6 on the new drive, I received a kernel panic. After numerous tries I then put the old hard drive in (now clear of any data) and tried to boot to a CD again. Same problem. Now I seem to be stuck with a computer that will not boot to the CD no matter which hard drive is installed. I am able to use the SSD/HD in target disk mode. I can even install OS X to it from a different computer, but then when I try to boot on the MacBook Pro itself, I receive the kernel panic. The kernel panic seems to occur regularly after the Mac tries to load the CD for a minute or two.
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Sep 27, 2009
Today I was preparing to get rid of my bootcamp'd windows7, change the partition size, and install XP. Well, I decided instead that I would just get a fresh OS X install, and install XP through the new bootcamp. So, I popped in my XP disc and went through the partition manager that comes with it (I don't know how to do it through mac) deleted all my partitions and installed windows so I could operate the cd-drive, and put in my OSX install disc.
(Perhaps I should mention I formatted it all to NTFS, thinking I could just reformat the whole thing with the OS X install like you can with windows). So, now I have a full NTFS partition, XP works fine. I can put in my OS X cd, restart and attempt to boot from a cd either from holding down option, or c at boot. When I try to do this, it pops up the kernel panic power icon, and gives me the "restart your computer" message. In recap my computer kernel panics on boot from cd.
Here's the question: Is this a true kernel panic, or is it due to the fact I don't have a partition available for mac to boot from? I didn't change any hardware, it was working perfectly fine prior to the -attempted- reinstall, and my XP install is working fine (minus the drivers), and after some research kernel panics tend to happen after hardware failures, in fact I had one happen a few months ago when my video card bit the dust.
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Apr 17, 2012
a bit complicated.  I have a 3 year old iMac, Snow Leopard 10.5.2 on the dics, but I updated it so..a pretty receent version of Snow Leopard. I had had kernel panics before- it turned out to be a bad RAM chip, replaced it and it fixed the problem.Â
This time, I was hoping it was the same. I got a new RAM chip, swapped them out and ID'ed the bad one. Reseated the RAM. Probelm is, when I was trying to fix the problem, I had booted in Safe Mode. Now the iMac starts up normally- the chime, the Apple- AND the Safe Mode bar.
Which progresses for about 5 seconds before another Kernel panic descends. This happens whether the keyboard is connected or not. At this point the Safe Mode at startup bugs me more than the kernel panics! Sigh.Â
I wonder if there's any key combo on startup I could try to at least get out of Safe Mode before Kernel panic sets in. When my laptop has a kernel panic i can usually repair with Disk repair on CD.  I realize this sounds hopeless! And i need it repaired, but money is an issue.
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Mar 18, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro 17" (Model A1229). Since some days I am unable to boot into OS X. Regardless if I boot from internal hard drive, external USB drive, Mac OSX Install DVD or an Install Image of OS X on a USB Stick. Every time I boot OS X I get a kernel panic after some seconds. Sometimes the grey spinner (below the apple during boot) just stops spinning (no kernel panic then).
In the beginning I was sometimes able to boot into OS X but it only lasts a few minutes or seconds and then freezes or I was getting a kernel panic. Now I always get the freeze or kernel panic during boot up. As it also happens when booting from external sources it can not be the internal hard drive (also already changed that drive). So I thought it must be the logic board or something but I can run windows 7 on the machine without any problem! I already tried SMC and PRAM reset...
MacBook Pro 17" (intel), Mac OS X (10.5.1), - iPhone - Mac Mini (intel) - Time Capsule
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Dec 25, 2008
My 5yo eMac (1GHz G4 with 1GB of RAM) freezes intermittently. Sometimes the mouse & keyboard lock up, sometimes a semi-opaque grey 'curtain' covers the screen with a message window in the middle telling me to restart.
Sometimes it restarts okay, sometimes it freezes on the Apple/cog-wheel screen, sometimes the grey curtain comes down again, sometimes the desktop loads okay but then lines of code scroll down the left side of the screen and it locks up again. The RAM is third-party stuff but it's been working fine for over 12 months. The freezing occurs under 10.4 and 10.3.
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May 25, 2007
eMac keep freezing nothing moves not even the mouse cursor.
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Aug 8, 2007
I have an eMac and an ibook both run on dial up at home, both using the same firefox version. The ibook never freezes on the websites but the eMac does. What could be causing this? the ibook is faster (even on the dial up connection), the eMac is very sluggish. The ibook has more memory. Could this be the issue?
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May 31, 2008
I have a emac thats about 4 years old, always has run well and done everything good. Recently retired it to backup computer and did a total erase and instal of the os.. ran great till a few weeks ago when it froze after about 10 minutes of use. Tried it again the next day and got the same thing. I waited a week and then tried it and still...same thing. Unpluged it, hit the power button and waited a day... same thing. Unpluged everying except keyboard and mouse... same thing.
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Jul 29, 2008
Some friends of mine recently called me to see if I could fix their eMac that's constantly freezing up and being slow, and I told them I'd give it a shot. Before I go over there this afternoon to fix it, I just wanted to get some ideas on what could be causing this. Is it just that eMacs are too old?
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Jul 5, 2007
My girlfriend's eMac stopped booting successfully a few days ago. I thing the next step might be to reformat her hard drive ad re-install OS X, but I'm hoping there's some less drastic solution out there. I at least want to make sure I've exhausted all other options. Here's what I know: System is a G4 eMac. 1Ghz I believe (not sure). OS 10.3.9. 256MB RAM. The computer has worked flawlessly for her and her son since she acquired it several years ago. The hard disk was far from being full (around 41% used).The computer "bongs" normally, then goes on the grey screen with the Apple logo ad spinning "gears", then just sits there indefinitely. Some hard disk activity is heard at first, then silence. I started up with OS X CDs and ran DiskUtility. It reports the volume "repaired" successfully, but subsequent "verifications" still show some problems.
Started with "Option" key to see there is some bizarre startup volume selection, but as expected, the only volume shown is "Macintosh HD." Tried to start up in "safe" mode, but never saw any kind of "Safe Mode" indication. Only got as far as it ever does (grey screen, Apple logo, spinning "gears"). I started up in "verbose" mode. The last console message listed is "IP firewall loaded", and the machine just sits there. I started ip in "single user" ode, and ran 'fsck'. The result was the same as when I ran "Disk Utility." We changed the PRAM battery and reset PRAM/PMU. No effect. The computer starts up fine in "Target Disk Mode" and it looks like I can see the files on that hard disk just fine from another computer. As I said, my next step may well be reformat/install, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anything.
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May 7, 2010
I bought an iBook G4 a few months ago, with the airport not working, causing kps, but i could still boot up. The repair to this was to open it up, and sandwich a thick piece of paper on the airport card inside the ibook. This solved my airport problem and i could use the internet without any problems. Then one day, I turned on my iBook, and it gave me a bright 'You need to restart your computer'. message with 4 different languages. I restarted it hundreds of times, constantly giving me this kp. Then i formatted my harddrive, re-installed leopard (10.5.6) via target disk (partitioned it, restored the smaller partition with leopard, then booting off that partition in target disk mode). I then deleted that smaller partition with ipartition, resized the main partition, did 3 Disk Repairs (disk utility) and rebooted the iBook. Still the same kernel panic. CMD-S gave me this error: Code: Wed Dec 31 18:12:10 1969 Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x0000000000000120 PC=0x000000001761039C Latest crash info for cpu 0: Exception state (sv=0x12de2000) PC=0x1761039C; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x00000120; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x1761275C; R1=0x16DFBAA0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)......
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Mar 18, 2008
Ok a g3/4 emac pc, boot it up, it makes the mac noise, screen turns on, you see the apple logo, then nothing, just doesn't load or anything, it just dies. I cant seem to hear any hard drive noise, but its impossible to know for sure, nut unless I take it all to bits.
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Nov 25, 2008
When I push the power button on my eMac the light come on but it just blink and also make beeps. Can anyone tell me why I am having this prob.. I am new to Mac.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have a BIG problem with my old powerbook. I have decided to format it.
It came with tiger, I had installed leopard with an upgrade DVD (not full version).
What I did: I inserted the leopard upgrade dvd and told the pb to initialize and install. After a while I had an error message. It already deleted everything, so when I insert the leopard dvd, it doesn't find any other OS, therefore I can't install the upgrade.
NO PROBLEM, I have the 2 tiger DVD. I insert the first one, pressing C, no. It does not start.
NO PROBLEM, I connect via firewire the powerbook to a macpro. I open the cd 1 of tiger (in the macpro) go to the installation file, and start the installation via firewire. It tells me that I have to partion the disk in Mac os extended with an option "GUI" (something like that).
I have noticed that the GUI mode is for an intel based mac, but mine is ppc...but if I select any other option the system doesn't allow me to continue with the installation of OSX]
I did it, and the installation proceeded well. After a while It asked me for CD2, I inserted it and finished the installation succesfully.
Now I started my powerbook...and is not working, again Kernel Panic...but now there is the OS installed, so...why?
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Jan 17, 2008
I'm having problems with my powerbook freezing up and needing to be restarted. It's been concluded that when you apply pressure left of the trackpad it freezes with a kernel panic error.
Does anyone know if this can be fixed without a new logicboard? What causes the kernel panic error? Is it allways a hardware problem??
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Aug 11, 2008
I have a PowerBook G4, 1.33 GHz, 512MB ram and I am having trouble installing leopard. I have backed up the hard drive and erased it for a clean install. Every time I go to install if freezes at "calculating estimated time remaining" and gives a kernel panic error. I am unable to check the panic log as the hard drive was erased. I have already repaired disk, reset pram etc.
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Nov 27, 2009
how are we supposed to boot an emac ppc from a cd to install linux?
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Aug 30, 2009
Sounds like a desperate need for some Kentucky Fried Chicken while waiting for your 10.6 install.
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Jun 29, 2012
I am just starting a new job and have been getting extreme speed issues on my computer followed by this recent kernel panic. I am running 4 2 TB G Speeds through eSATA. My computer went down, when I brought it back up Final Cut Pro took 5-10 minutes just to simply open. I wasn't even attempting to open a certain project. Any ideas based on the attached Kernel report? [code]
Mac Pro
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Nov 7, 2010
I'm getting a kernel panic at start up and the optical drive wont read the start up DVD. I can boot up windows via bootcamp and the machine runs fine. I'm not getting any red LED's on my risers, so i'm assuming its not a RAM issue. I have a Mac Pro 8-core (2008) stock, just added 10 gigs of RAM.
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Nov 26, 2010
For the past few days (never happened before) my apps started crashing continuously and kernel panic screen started appearing very frequently. I am still wondering what may be the cause of it, then I tested my RAM with Rember, and this log showed up:
Memtest version 4.22 (64-bit)
Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Cazabon
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh port)
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only
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