PowerPC :: G4 Running Really Slowly - How To Repair
Mar 21, 2006
Okay, basically, I've had my PowerBook for a little over 2 years. Over the last few months, it's been incredibly slow. For example, I can only load one or two tabs at a time in Safari before the 'rainbow spinning wheel of death' appears, and takes a couple of minutes to leave, and load the page. This type of thing happens across the board, on pretty much all applications.
I am using an Intel based imac 2.8GHz, has 4GB memory, OS 10.5.6. It has 16GB Hard disk free.
After finder has been up for 20 seconds or so the response time between clicks gets really slow (1 or 2 minutes). The problem repeats every time Finder is restarted. When I look at the Activity monitor the Finder shows that it is taking up 840MB of RAM and most of the CPU.
My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
My macbook is only a year old, and out of nowhere has started to run really slowly and the rainbow wheel of death is appearing more and more. I have 62gb available (when I opened finder this was at the bottom of the folder), and 2GB of memory when I checked 'about this mac'. I dont understand why this is happening, I have Sophos Anti Virus and Iantivirus they say their are no threats, I update my software regularly. Am I missing something? Currently I have openoffice running with one document open and I am using google chrome.
a few days ago i unplugged a USB cable from the back of my MacPro 1,1 and the screen turned all blue (like an overlay) and the machine crashed. Since then the computer has been running extremely slow? it takes 15-20 minutes to start up (if not more) and once booted, every action is delayed as the computer is "thinking". I can type about three letters into a search box per minute as an example.The machine has moments of clarity where I can open a window or start launching a program, then to begins to pause again.The machine as of now is unusable. I have been able to get the process manager open and did not see anything unusual.
My MacBook Air 13" 128 GB was running slowly so I restarted it. Now I have the grey screen with the apple and the "flower" with the rotating pettles but it doesn't get any further.
Just recently my 13" Macbook Pro started to run very slowly. When I search something on google, the spinning wheel will pop up as my cursor and remain for about 30 seconds while I am unable to do or click on anything and if itunes is playing in the background then the song will stop abruptly. Everything eventually loads but its just a pain in the butt. Before this i was doing the exact same type of things with my computer and it handled them fine so i do not believe its an issue of RAM. THis happened to me once before and when I turned my computer back on it just got to the gray apple logo and would go no further, somehow my harddrive failed.
So, recently, my Mac Mini has been running pretty damn slowly. So, I decided to reformat the drive, reinstall OS X and then restore from Time Machine, in the hope that it would help.It didn't.Before restoring from TM, I booted into the fresh install of Leopard. It was SO fast.So, my question is this:Is the only true way to get speedy again to reformat and basically start again? What is it that I've restored that keeps me slow?
I work with a lot of large ms word documents, all text, no pictures. They tend to be slow in saving, requiring a few seconds to save rather than doing so as quickly as smaller word documents. Is there anything I can do to speed up my interactions with these larger documents?
Is it my Mac or Safari that is the problem? Every website comes up so slowly now on Safari. I have emptied the cache. My husband is working next to me on his PC and his sites come up instantly, so its not our internet connection.
I have a MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.3. It is running very slowly. I have tried various cleaning apps such as CleanMyMac, Spring Cleaning and Lion Cache Cleaner, but they don't make any difference. The drive has plenty of free space. How I can speed it up, or at least bring it back to normal?
My Mac Mini is running very slowly, everything I do is running slowly from google chrome to destop functions. My internet lags and I can hear the processor working chirping away all thwe time. I have tried to defrag and even turned off the wifi to see if it was internet related. Even textedit and preview drag and when they do open the window opens slowly. I am going to take it to the genius bar this week, I wonder do I really need more RAM? I am using Lion 10.7.4 Mac Mini i5 2.3 GHz. I am getting apple's router and replacing my belkin to be on a secure network.
Every since I upgraded my OS to 10.9, my performance has been going downhill. Now, even though I have reformatted my hard drive and have not even put any new data on it, it takes 45 minutes to restart and 25 minutes for me to open the window to write this message. Below is my system info. Why my system seems to have slowed down so much. You can see there is nothing on the hard drive to slow it down.
I have been told this is a broken (or breaking, as its still usable) LCD, but before I reach deep, DEEP inside my pockets to get a new screen, I thought I'd drop by and see what you guys think. I get this whilst adjusting the angle of the screen. is it truely dying slowly?
Heres a link to a short video of problem. [URL]
I also noticed that it doesn't pick it up if I take a screenshot, does this mean anything?
I have a MacBook Pro intel i7 Chip. I am running disk permissions and its taking a long time and showing Open error 5 on the details list. I am letting it do its thing but im curius as to what this error is and why its taking so long in the utility. I see in some other postings that sometimes it te signs of a bad drive and sometimes not. it is the Toshiba 750GB drive.
Will I lose my settings, programs, and preferences, if I boot from the system discs and run a Repair Disk from Disk Utility? I've been having some startup problems, like a circle with a slash and it's been mentioned that I may need to do this.
I just got a new Imac last week. When I try to go into Command + R the repair mode it looks like it changed to a reinstallation mode which is what I don't want. Is there another way to run disk permissions or disk repair in Mavericks?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I'm trying to install Windows 7 on my mac. I'm using bootcamp assistant to try and partition my hard drive, but it gives me an error saying it cannot partition it because of unmovable files or something along those lines. Is there any way to get around it, and if I do use my OSX install disk and run disk utility to repair the drive will my files be deleted?
While trying to pepair permissions systom freeze up. So I put in the startup disk hit restrat holding down c and tried to repair permissions that way and it froze up that way too. I had to manually turn off machine.
G4 won't boot. No startup chime. Power button light goes off right after I power it on. Fans go on and soon switch to high / fast mode.
Tried everything imaginable -- removing all cards, RAM swapping, PMU reset, bought a new 3.6v PMU battery... everything on this forum (I think) except buying a new power supply which I'm trying to avoid.
My PowerBook 1.67 was having a screen issue (ever-present but mobile black spot about the size of a dime). I sent it back Apple and tracked the repair process. According to their repair status updates, within an hour of receiving the PB on Tuesday, is was on its way back to me. I should receive it late today or tomorrow.
Was just wondering if anyone else had this issue in the past and if Apple just replaced the screen. If so, was it new or refurbished, and how can you tell. Any odds that I've been upgraded to a MBP?
So I have a 1st Gen G5 1.8 Ghz imac. I had a bad power supply and got it fixed under Apple's warranty extension. Since I had it fixed it runs way warmer than it used to. The fans are also always on. Any idea on why this is and what can be done to fix it?
I know it's a strange questions but my mother's powerbook G4 1.5ghz just suffered from the infamous lower ram slot failure and does not fall within the warranty extension program. However, she has VISA performance guarantee and if the repair is going to cost too much, they will most likely offer to replace the computer with a new equivalent one.
This particular issue, apparently, is not really fixable and people who have their logic boards replaced often experience the same problem again later down the road. Since VISA has a no lemon policy and will replace automatically after three repairs, I figure it's better to save my mother the considerable hassle of having to send it in on multiple occasions...
So: I'm I want to find the most expensive authorized apple repair shop. Any 'good' suggestions?
My neighbor's 3 year old iMac G5 (iSight) recently developed the all-too-common lines problem. She took it to the genius bar and they told her it would be $760 to fix. This was rubbish, so I set her up with an external monitor until I could figure something else out.Today, I decided to call Apple and try my luck at getting them to repair it for her. The first person I talked to told me to take it to the genius bar, so I asked politely to speak to his supervisor. At first, he tried to tell me about the repair extension program for the power issue, which this computer was not eligible for, though the serial number was close. He thought the problem was related to that. I told him several times that it was not related in any way. I then explained to him that I felt Apple should fix the screen free of charge because it was a defective product. He then said "I'm going to have to say no. You've used the computer for almost three years, I don't see how that is defective" I countered back by saying that it was not an isolated issue and that hundreds of people are having the same problem with their computers in the same serial number range.
My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.
I have an iMac G5 that I have previously had both the HDD and logic board replaced by Apple. It has been giving me a lot of spinning beach balls lately and yesterday would spin when I did anything as simple as opening Safari. I had tried to repair the disk in Disk Utility, but it failed after a few minutes. Last night I restarted it and it got stuck on my desktop, but wasn't fully loaded. I restarted it with the Leopard disk and I tried both to "Verify" and "Repair" the disk and neither worked. This morning when I tried it again, the only option available was "Verify Disk."
When I do this I get the attached message. It is an iPhone pic, so I apologize for the quality. I'd like to get this figured out ASAP, as we are moving out of state tomorrow! My other thought was I could try to boot with the Leopard disk and do a Time Machine restore. I'm not sure if that would help though. I don't have anything TOO important on the internal HDD, but I would like the chance to pull it out and hook it up to another computer to sift through it. I'm afraid if I do the Time Machine restore something might happen and I won't have the chance to go through the HDD.
I have two iBooks with bad logic boards, which may or may not be caused by the GPU issue that so many G3s suffer from.
So I was on ebay looking for logic boards and I came across a couple of postings for logic board repair. It sounded like most of them will just resolder the points on the GPU, if thats the problem you have, if not they tell you they can't fix it and charge you nothing, or so their ad says.
The deal is you pay $50 over paypal, ship the computer cross country, they do the work ship it back and voila...
Has anyone ever done this? Is it a scam?
Sure paypal can protect my $50, but if I ship them the computer I may never see it again. Even though it's busted it's worth something...