PowerPC :: PowerBook 1.67 Screen Repair
Jul 5, 2007
My PowerBook 1.67 was having a screen issue (ever-present but mobile black spot about the size of a dime). I sent it back Apple and tracked the repair process. According to their repair status updates, within an hour of receiving the PB on Tuesday, is was on its way back to me. I should receive it late today or tomorrow.
Was just wondering if anyone else had this issue in the past and if Apple just replaced the screen. If so, was it new or refurbished, and how can you tell. Any odds that I've been upgraded to a MBP?
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Sep 8, 2008
My neighbor's 3 year old iMac G5 (iSight) recently developed the all-too-common lines problem. She took it to the genius bar and they told her it would be $760 to fix. This was rubbish, so I set her up with an external monitor until I could figure something else out.Today, I decided to call Apple and try my luck at getting them to repair it for her. The first person I talked to told me to take it to the genius bar, so I asked politely to speak to his supervisor. At first, he tried to tell me about the repair extension program for the power issue, which this computer was not eligible for, though the serial number was close. He thought the problem was related to that. I told him several times that it was not related in any way. I then explained to him that I felt Apple should fix the screen free of charge because it was a defective product. He then said "I'm going to have to say no. You've used the computer for almost three years, I don't see how that is defective" I countered back by saying that it was not an isolated issue and that hundreds of people are having the same problem with their computers in the same serial number range.
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Feb 9, 2009
how to Repair a Powerbook G4 17" case?
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May 21, 2009
My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.
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Oct 6, 2006
I think my backlight went out?
I restarted and nothing. Still dim. I can barely, barely see things like if I hit expose, I can see shifting rectangles.
Also, I've been having this issue where the keyboard mostly stopped working -- if I hit kjjh, it'll come up as 3443 or something. It's usually fixed with a restart.
I have it covered by a year of applecare until feb 24, 2007 -- but I haven't registered it yet. Should I register and then call apple or what?
This comes at a REALLY bad time. I have design projects coming up everywhere and of course, despite my $250 external hard drive, i haven't been backing things up because I'm an idiot.
Can I hook it up to a external monitor just to make a backup of my hard drive?
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Jun 5, 2007
I just took the screen of my old wallstreet and I was wondering can you get adapters to hook it up to a console or a computer.
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Jun 30, 2008
I recently got a powerbook, and am wondering if there is some kind of plug that can magically turn the laptop into a secondary screen for my new imac.
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Jan 18, 2009
I just revived my 12" PowerBook and I just starting to notice how dim the screen has become. Even my iMac G3's CRT is much brighter than my PB. I really love this thing and don't want to stop using it, so I was thinking about options to fix the screen. What's the cheapest route? Can I replace only the backlight, or do I have to replace the screen? And where is the most reliable place to get a screen changed?
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Jul 8, 2008
I have a G4 Powerbook 1.67 that I don't take anywhere. It just sits on an iCurve as a home computer. Never been dropped, damaged, looks as good as new.
That said, the screen sometimes gives me these red moving pixels which distorts the screen image a bit (pic attached). And lately the screen has been going out at times with lines across the screen, then intermittent blackouts.
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Sep 5, 2006
I have a PowerBook G4 15" 1.5GHz. As far as I can remember, the screen had almost no "play" when I bought it and now has about 1.25in of "play" when you adjust the screen angle. A guy in my dorms has one and it adjusts very smoothly. Lets say I'm closing the screen to put it to sleep, the screen will come forward for about an inch before there is any resistance from the hinges. What should I do? I bought apple care so I'm guessing that might come in to play. Is this something I can fix or do I just take it to an Apple store?
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Sep 8, 2006
i had applecare but they wouldn't cover it so the bill is 1300 to fix just the screen and labor. any other place i can go to to fix this?
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Sep 30, 2006
I've got a 15in aluminium powerbook, a couple of years old. So far I've had nearly everything go wrong with it. replaced screen, knackered hd, ram port failiure, and a battery that lasts 10 minutes.
I recently replaced the harddrive, as the standard issue one packed up a few times. I followed the instructions on ifixit.com website. To my delight I actually managed to do it, and the pb worked well for a few weeks. Then suddenly, the screen froze and faded to white. So far I've tried everything -
Resetting the pmu. Resetting the pram and nvram. Opened it up to check I reconnected everything.
and checked to see if the hd is still working starting it up from another computer, and it works fine. Everythings still there. Someone also said if you hold 'R' key down on start up it resets the lcd.
The screen still seems to turn black after a little while, indicating the energy saver is still on. I'm thinking I may have dislodged an lcd connection or something?
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Nov 7, 2006
i have a friend who has a powerbook g4 (black keyboard) that was sold to him for very cheap, unfortunately the screen was torn off the base of the computer. Its in perfect running condition but he cant take it anywhere because the screen needs to be supported against a wall as it cant stand on its own. Is there any inexpensive way to fix the screen and restick back to the base of the laptop and if the only way to go is get a professional to do it, how much would it cost him to get it fix. He got the computer for 50 bucks so having the computer work perfectly even if he has to spend at most 300 dollars would be great.
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Dec 21, 2006
I've got an older 15" powerbook running Mac OS X 10.3.9 (i think). Lately my computer screen randomly turns itself off, the whole think going black, like it was asleep or off, but the computer keeps running just fine. Like i might have itunes playing or be burning a disc and that goes on just fine. The computer itself stays running. What I've been doing is putting the computer to sleep by closing the notebook, letting it rest for a few seconds and turning it back on by opening it back out. This fixes the problem for anywhere from 5 seconds to indefinitely, until it happens again. Lately its been happening more. The computer is 4 years old, but the model itself, probably 5.
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Jan 14, 2007
I encountered a problem this evening with my Powerbook G4 15 inch Powerbook. When I was opening the Powerbook, awakening it from sleep it seemed there seemed to be an abnormally bright flash, then the screen went almost completely blank. Luckily, I was able to see enough to burn my docs to a disc in the event this was a serious problem. It seemed the rest of the laptop was fine.
When I restarted the computer, the screen appeared to be fine. I ran Onyx in the event it could clean anything up, and when it was running the screen appeared to go attempt to go to sleep again (although it was not set). Touching the trackpad immediately woke it up without a problem. After restarting after Onyx finished and using it for about a half hour I have not encountered the problem since.
Is this a sign of a failing LCD or possibly a bigger problem or just a harmless isolated event? Is it worth trekking over to the Applestore? I'm covered under Applecare.
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Apr 5, 2007
in the last week i've been watching some awkward behavior from my powerbook g4 lcd screen. when i move the screen (rotate to close or open) the screen flicks. white horizontal pixel strips emerge on my screen, in a fractions of seconds. seems like a malfunction . i've never dropped my powerbook, so it could not be jammed by a fall. this started to happen with no reason that i could understand. my powerbook has 1 and half years. anyone with the same prob? i could use some help here.... i thought this could be a temporary problem but it has passed almost a week!
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Oct 25, 2007
I have a powerbook g4 15", and its the lower resolution model. I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade the current display in the computer to the one that was introduced later that year that was brighter and 960x1440
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Aug 10, 2010
I've got a powerbook G4, but the screen's all messed up. I've got it going through an external monitor right now, and is it possible at all to completely remove the screen, and just use the bottom half as a desktop? I know I'd be losing the airport, but we have wired internet. Would I be losing anything else, and would this work?
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Sep 10, 2010
It's a PowerBook G4, 15" model A1046, and this is what's going on.
Powers on, checks combo drive, gongs, no flickering or lighting on screen, period.
Tried a PRAM reset several times but it NEVER gongs a second time. I tried booting to Open Firmware and typing mac-boot, blind, but nothing. The keyboard clearly works, as the caps lock light works.
The hard drive spins up, the fans run at normal speeds, so everything else is clearly functional.
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Jul 18, 2005
With my Powerbook, whenever I shut the screen the computer goes to sleep. I was under the impression that (unlike the ibook) this is not supposed to happen? Is there a way to set the powerbook so that it only goes to sleep when i explicitly tell it to (i.e. the option in the Apple menu), so that for example when I shut the screen I can still have it hooked up to external speakers/TV/the network?
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Sep 9, 2006
I bought the lcd to fix up my cracked screen macbook pro. I see how to separate the complete screen display from the base, but would you know how to open up the screen assembly so can get replace the lcd? I haven't started yet, so it would be great to get some advice from all of you experts.
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Nov 6, 2006
I have been told this is a broken (or breaking, as its still usable) LCD, but before I reach deep, DEEP inside my pockets to get a new screen, I thought I'd drop by and see what you guys think. I get this whilst adjusting the angle of the screen. is it truely dying slowly?
Heres a link to a short video of problem.
I also noticed that it doesn't pick it up if I take a screenshot, does this mean anything?
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Nov 21, 2006
so i found a 1400 X 1050 resolution 12.1" screen. i think its the highest available. The one i found is made for a toshiba portable: LTD121KM1K . Its SXGA vs. the current screen's XGA. Any idea if it'll work in my 1.33ghz 12" powerbook??
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Mar 1, 2007
The screen on my 15" 1.67GHz Powerbook has been acting funny. Whenever I close the computer and let it sleep, the screen doesn't come on after being closed for about half an hour. The screen just randomly does this and it does it frequently enough as well. I've already done hardware tests that show the computer is fine, but the screen problem remains. I've had previously problems with this computer before and this is my second logic board. I was thinking about going to the local Apple Store and let them take a look at it. I was hoping you guys could give me a hand first in finding out what's wrong.
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May 16, 2009
I dropped my mac powerbook from a couple of feet and now the backlight wont go on...everything else seems fine just really dark screen...dont know what to do...is that expensive to fix?
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Sep 1, 2006
I'm experiencing a problem with my monitor on my 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4 recently. A few weeks ago the monitor would dim when extended past parallel. Now It dims past 30 degrees. It seems to be getting worse by the day. Anybody have any ideas why this is happening, and more importantly; how to fix it? By the way, I don't know much about the insides of these things.
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Oct 25, 2006
I recently got a cheap used 12 1.33 PB, that has worked great for a couple of months.Yesterday the PB shut off totally while in sleep mode. I couldn't power it back up at first, but was able to after I reset the PMU, and plugged the power cord in. The computer worked fine after that for the rest of the day.This morning, I noticed the PB shut off again during sleep mode. But this time, I can no longer boot it up. The PB chimes, but then nothing comes onscreen, and there's no hard drive activity (so I'm pretty sure its not the screen.)
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Dec 24, 2006
I had a fault where my powerbook would not start up. Apple replaced the logic board and now the screen is a very strange colour and flickers.In the video I use the hot corner and the dog changes to the right colour but the windows do not. its very strange.I will have to take it back to apple in the new year but is there anything I can do to improve the image. Its so hard to look at like this.
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Feb 8, 2007
Let me first apologize for this being very similar to one other topic in this section. However this is exactly what is happening to my computer and no one has answered the other guys thread ( similar to my post - agentphish - posted 01-19-2007, 08:19 AM).
I have searched through 50 of 77pages in this particular forum and my eyes are bugging out. Could someone please give me advice on this matter.
First, about 1 month or so ago I started noticing that in the bottom left and right corners of my screen, about the size of a nickel, it is a lighter color than that of the rest of the screen. It is hard to notice, but I do.
Now, I have recently begun to experience a large round dark area, just slightly smaller than the diameter of a CD in the lower left hand side of my 2 year old powerbook.
It only manifests itself when the computer has either been asleep or turned off for a period of time (typically the longest for me is a few hours during the day that it may be off or at most a period of overnight while I am sleeping)
It seems as though after 5-10 minutes it goes away presumably as the pixels are "warming up" or whatever it is that pixels do.
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Jan 2, 2008
For a while I have been experiencing this weird freezing and then the screen fades to white, to black and syan colors . This could usually be fixed by shaking the screen, but now it has come to the point where i need to hold my hand on the top right of the screen to keep the screen from freezing like this. Is this a common issue on old powerbooks? Is there any way I can crack this thing open and fix the problem? i opened the comp last night and on the motherboard no cables seemed to be loose. I think its inbside the screen and or around the hinges. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. I have a 17 inch powerbook.
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