I had an iBook, now I have a powerbook. Both have the feature when I shut the computers and they are in sleep mode, the light goes from dim to bright to dim to bright..... It drives me nuts. I have to put my computer in a drawer or cover it up at night. Does anyone know how to turn the light off? or have it be constant? Is there a download that fixes it?
My powerbook G4 has a button thats used to unhinge the LCD screen and flip the computer open. When I flip it open, the light turns on, but it should be off. If I pull the LCD screen forward as if I am going to close the screen, the light turns off as I am pulling the screen forward. As soon as I stop the motion, the power light goes back on. Its very odd.
I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.
I have a 12 inch powerbook g4 Aluminum and the screen is dim,and discolored in some areas but it is really bright at the bottom like it supposed to be brighter.is it the backlight and inverter or is it just the lcd? it works flawlessly other than that.
I was using my trusty powerbook 500 mhz and when i closed the screen while the machine was on, after @ 1/2 hour i opened the screen up and NOTHING!. i restarted and nothing again, the caps lock key will light up, so i am assuming the power supply is ok. No chime and black screen, any suggestions on what it might be...im thinking logic board, if so what ones will fit that model
My Friend has a 15" Powerbook (2nd last rev.... 1.67ghz with lo-res screen) and it's been on the fritz lately. It operates completely normal and then it suddenly goes to sleep. When I wake it up it's back to normal just fine. It goes to sleep after about 3 minutes of use.
My PowerBook had a battery problem (dead battery which did not charge anymore). It lost date and time several times while mac was on AC and power cord was removed. Now it has a brand new battery. Since then, Powerbook does not go to sleep mode anymore:
- if it goes to sleep following settings of energy saver prefs, it doesn't wake up anymore, black screen and LED stays on
- if I force it to sleep through the Apple menu, it freezes with a black screen with the following white text: You Mac needs to be restarted by pressing for a few seconds on the power button.
I have tried to reboot with apple-alt-P-R and waited 5 reboot
I have tried sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 in the terminal
I put my PowerBook to sleep and instead of going to sleep it locked up half way to sleep. The clock and WiFi settings were reset. What would of caused the WiFi settings to be reset?
My G4 PowerBook (Aluminium 15" 1.67Ghz, A1104) keeps putting itself to sleep at odd times. This is without a main battery in place, and a dead PRAM battery, both of which I'm waiting to replace.When I wake it up, it tries to power up, HD spins, but then goes back to sleep without even the screen coming on. I can do this like 5 or 6 times, and then eventually it wakes up and stays awake. For a while.or the first time today it wouldn't actually even start up from a total shutdown 2 minutes revious. It was just dead. After about the 6th press of the power button it started up.
My G4 Rev E PowerBook won't wake from sleep. The battery died and the computer slept, but now when I boot it, it gets to 3.5 progress bars and freezes. I have tried rebooting but I can't seem to get out of the resume from sleep mode.
Any ideas? It doesn't show the grey Apple screen like it does from a fresh boot, just the progress bars that show up when the battery dies.
my powerbook keeps going to sleep automatically! i'll be using it one moment, the next it just goes to sleep! it's a 15" powerbook g4 with the latest software updates. i just set it to 'never sleep' in energy saver. hopefully that keeps it from going to sleep all the time. but in the mean time, any one know anything about this prob and what to do?
I was wondering how/where the sensor is/works to tell the computer to go to sleep when the lid is closed. I am doing some mods (discussed in the marketplace forum) and would like to try to keep that sensor intact if at all possible, but i realized I have no idea where it is located or how it senses that the lid is closed on these.
I searched the forum a bit and found nothing, and can't find anything in google other then sleeping problems... unless I just am horrible at googlin.
Recently my powerbook g4 aluminum 15" won't wake from sleep mode, and i can't turn it off with the button. When the computer does turn off the only way i can get it back on is to open it up and reset the logic board by disconnecting the back up battery for a little bit. I've tried reseting the PMU,
Tonight I came into my office and my PowerBook was sleeping. I have an external display and I usually turn my display on and wiggle the mouse (after I turn that on) and nothing happened. I looked and my display was still in standby mode, my wacom and eye tv had the same behavior. The powerbook light stopped blinking (I heard the drive wake) and then nothing. Nothing happened still. I opened the lid, hit the power button and still nothing. Held it down, and nothing. I ended up having to take the battery out and then I started the machine. Since then I've rebooted twice just for fun and since then the below screenshot shows that the "Jessica's Computer" window keeps popping up.
Two questions: #1 What could have happened or what does it mean when the powerbook is sleeping, then wakes but never really wakes and just shuts off?
#2 What is up with that window opening as though this is some sort of start up program you'd find in windows?
Specs: Powerbook 1.67 ghz second to last rev...rev D I think. 1.5 gig ram. os 10.4.7
When I try to print from my Powerbook G4 to my HP 6500 wireless printer it will not work. I have found out that if I turn off/on the printer then it will print. So, it must be an issue with the computer not waking the printer from a sleep mode. Anyone have a solution to this that doesn't consist of me turning off then on the printer? I have tried to reinstall a few times with no avail.
I set the MBP to sleep in 10 min through the Energy Saver pref with the option to sleep the hdds. When it's about to sleep the screen dims, then turns black, then the sleep light comes on but does not blink no matter how long I leave it. The blinking only happens when I close the lid or when I select the Sleep option under the Apple logo. Is that normal behavior?
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
i have a little problem with the sleep light... i don't know when this started, but i notice today, that when i put my macbook pro to sleep, the light just stays on and not "pulsing" like it used to do... is that normal?
Info: Macbook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4 gb ram, 2.53 ghz intel core 2 duo
I'm having a problem with my PowerBook G4 where is goes into sleep mode at random times. Mostly when I am streaming video..or at times the fan comes on, it sounds super high then boom. sleep mode again. After hitting the space bar, it comes back on, but it'll happen again shortly after. I've played with the sleep settings
I recently noticed something rather peculiar about my MacBook. When I put my computer to sleep, the sleep light never does what it used to. As far as I remember, the light is supposed to very bright, then go dim, and then go back to being bright correct? Well, since I installed the latest OS X update, I've noticed that my sleep light never gets dimmer. It just stays on full brightness all the time.
I have the older MacBook Pro with the sleep light on the front button that attaches the screen to the main computer. I noticed that the light no longer blinks when it is on sleep. I recently upgraded my internal HD and have no idea if that could have caused it or not. I guess, since my Mac is three years old, there is also the possibility that the light just got old and went out.
I bought a new mpb , i7. a few weeks ago it turned off and it wouldnt turn back on when i connected it to the power source , the sleep light however kept flashing, and it madethis sound like if it was trying to boot. anyway,i left it charging for a bit and it started working on its own.
however, lately its been shutting down when it runs out of battery instead of hibernating (which is really frustrating). and just now its doing the flashing thing again, cept for a much longer time.. any idea how to resolve this/what might be wrong with it?
Last night after I shut my MBP, I went to re-open it a few minutes later to find the computer to do nothing. If I try a hard restart with the power button it sounds like it is going to boot but nothing happens. The only real indication I have that it is even on at all is the light on the lid latch is on but not pulsating. When the lid is up the light is very faint and when the lid is closed the light is bright. I have tried most of the things i saw on the apple support site with no luck.
l tried to turn on my macbook pro this morning, but it doesn't turn on. When l press power, the fan and sleep light come on. but after about one second, it shuts down. The chime and screen dont come on.
My MacBook light no longer pulses gently when the computer goes into sleep mode after the cover is closed. This doesn't seem to be affecting battery life, so it is clearly going into sleep mode as always. It's not a huge problem, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen it.
my power cord comes unplugged. my battery is 100% charged, and yet whenever the magsafe comes unplugged the whole thing shuts down. I notice the sleep light blinks rapidly a few times then when my cord goes back in things restore? Edit: My macbookpro is a Unibody which is less then 6 months old. I received it as a replacement unit from apple (due to a lemon macbookpro i originally had) Which i figured means that the battery cant be bad, i take extremely good care of my computer.
My MacBook's sleep light does not function unless I place a death-grip on the top case right above the light itself. What should I do to repair this light properly? Any articles I should know about?
I own a MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz and my problem happend like this:Last night I stopped playing SC2 and closed my MBP, then this morning I noticed that while it was closed, it had not gone to sleep mode, or at least that's what I thought, because it was too hot and the fans spinning hard. I openned it and showed no video, but remained on. After a 5-sec power button restart, it flashed the sleep indicator once and did nothing else, except for the HD spinned for a sec.I took the battery off and gave the computer time to cool off, because I sensed it way too hot.After I reinstalled the battery, I was able to turn it on the normal way, it worked just fine, but later I closed it again and when I openned it, it showed no video again.I repeated the process of letting it cool down, but with no effect this time.The sleep indicator turns on once and it does nothing.I tried swapping the memories, resetting the SMC, tried booting pressing control + command + r + p, tried booting without the battery, tried booting without the magsafe, nothing has worked.Now what happens when I press the power button is I hear the HD try to spin for half a second and the sleep indicator turn on once.