PowerPC :: My Powerbook Won't Wake HP 6500 Wireless From Sleep?

Jan 14, 2010

When I try to print from my Powerbook G4 to my HP 6500 wireless printer it will not work. I have found out that if I turn off/on the printer then it will print. So, it must be an issue with the computer not waking the printer from a sleep mode. Anyone have a solution to this that doesn't consist of me turning off then on the printer? I have tried to reinstall a few times with no avail.

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PowerPC :: Why PowerBook G4 Won't Wake From Sleep?

Aug 12, 2006

My G4 Rev E PowerBook won't wake from sleep. The battery died and the computer slept, but now when I boot it, it gets to 3.5 progress bars and freezes. I have tried rebooting but I can't seem to get out of the resume from sleep mode.

Any ideas? It doesn't show the grey Apple screen like it does from a fresh boot, just the progress bars that show up when the battery dies.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Aluminum Won't Wake From Sleep?

Aug 6, 2008

Recently my powerbook g4 aluminum 15" won't wake from sleep mode, and i can't turn it off with the button. When the computer does turn off the only way i can get it back on is to open it up and reset the logic board by disconnecting the back up battery for a little bit. I've tried reseting the PMU,

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Software :: G4 Powerbook Wont Wake From Sleep Mode?

Sep 11, 2008

My G4 powerbook (running Tiger) seems to be stuck in sleep mode. I turned it on and the screen remained black but the sleep button is flashing on the front.

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MacBook Pro :: 17" Slow Reconnect To Wireless After Wake From Sleep?

Oct 18, 2009

I'm hoping I can get some ideas and guidance on this. A few months ago I bought my wife a 17" MBP. At the time we had a D-Link DIR655 Wireless-N router and the MBP worked great with it. If I woke the machine from sleep the reconnection to the wireless network was pretty much instantaneous.

Unfortunately that router started to flake out and I replaced it with what is considered to be a top of the line router, Netgear WNDR3700. This router has a dual N band. One band is N only the other one is B/G/N. I have attached the MBP to both networks.

When the MBP wakes up it takes up to a minute for the wireless to be re-established. Weirdly it will reconnect to the SECOND of the two networks that are listed in priority order on the advanced wireless settings.If I remove either of the two networks and only have one listed, sometimes the MBP will take over a minute to eventually get reconnected.Does anyone have any thought on this? It's very frustrating and I haven't figured out why the reconnection is so slow with this very high end router. All my other wireless devices maintain their connection to the router very well with no drops or reconnects.

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Intel Mac :: Loses Wireless Connection After Wake Up From Sleep Mode

Feb 23, 2012

My iMac is set up wireless. Every time it's allowed to go in sleep mode, it loses wireless connectivity. Then, when I wake it up, I must go to System preferences, Network and request it to reconnect to my home wireless network. It always does this successfully, but it's quite annoying that it seems unable to achieve this on it's own. My iPad 2 and kindle can do this, why not my iMac?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: HP Officejet 6500 Printer Wireless Connection

Jan 3, 2010

We just purchased a HP Officejet 6500 Wireless printer for our home and currently have one desktop, and 2 laptops running windows xp. These machines have no problems connecting to the wireless printer. My G4 PB running 10.4.11 on the other hand has issues. The software says it is compatible with my Mac setup. I run through the HP Starter CD and install all drivers, when the installation is complete it says everything went fine. I have the printer installed and can choose to print with it. But when I do, I get the following. I have deleted and reinstalled a couple of times with out any success. Sorry for the huge photo, but it was kind of necessary to see everything, and I wasn't sure how to make it so you can click on it and enlarge.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Wont Wake Up - Power Cord Stays Green?

Jun 28, 2007

About a week ago I received my new battery due to the recall. The last few days my power book has been great when I open my power book today it will not wake up. So i figured I would plug it in. The light stays green, does not change to orange, and still continues not to wake up. Even taking the battery out and trying to turn it doesn't work. Power cord stays green then as well.

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PowerPC :: Ibook G3 Won't Wake From Sleep?

Nov 16, 2008

when i close the lid it goes to sleep properly but then it won't wake back up. anything special i got to press at all?

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PowerPC :: Cycles Of Wake / Sleep Sometimes Quite Fast

Apr 7, 2009

I have a PowerBook 12" on Tiger, 10.4.11. It is having occurrences of waking despite the closed cover. The cycles of wake/sleep are sometimes quite fast (seconds). I fear thrashing the HD. Here are excerpts from system log, followed by console log. The latter shows repeated instances of: AlsPB12 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AppleFileServer ResetATalkService race detected. Which seems to implicate ATalk - is that AppleTalk? What relevance does AppleTalk have in today's systems?

Description: System events log
Size: 1.04 MB
Last Modified: 4/7/09 8:43 AM
Location: /var/log/system.log
Recent Contents: ...

iMac 2.8GHz 2008
Tiger on G4/1.25DP FW800
Mini-1.66GHz; PB-G4 12
Pismo G3
Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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PowerPC :: G5 Won't Wake From Sleep When Using Keyboard Or Mouse?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a PowerMac G5 2.0Ghz Dual Processor system that I m using with the newer slim Apple Keyboard and Apple Optical mouse. When I try to "wake" the G5 from sleep with either the mouse or keyboard, it wakes up, and simply goes back into sleep mode, however, if I "wake" the G5 from the power button it remains awake.

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PowerPC :: G5 Won't Wake From Sleep - Fans Go Insanely Fast

Jul 13, 2010

This problem just started happening on my 2005 Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3Ghz Processors.

I activate sleep, and it refuses to wake up again. Then after a few minutes the fans slowly increase in speed until the computer begins to sound like an aeroplane taking off, at which point I'm forced to perform a forced shutdown.

I've resetted the PMU and it doesn't seem to have worked. It is fully up-to-date in Software Update and is running the latest version of OS X Leopard.

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Hardware :: Setup HP 6500 Wireless Printer Connected To Airport Extreme By Ethernet

Dec 11, 2010

i connected it to my Airport Extreme and not the USB because i want to use the scanning and faxing features. so how can i configure it? when i connected it via USB it recognized it but when i connected it to ethernet it didn't...

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Keeps Going To Sleep

Oct 19, 2006

My Friend has a 15" Powerbook (2nd last rev.... 1.67ghz with lo-res screen) and it's been on the fritz lately. It operates completely normal and then it suddenly goes to sleep. When I wake it up it's back to normal just fine. It goes to sleep after about 3 minutes of use.

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Does Not Sleep?

Jan 5, 2007

My PowerBook had a battery problem (dead battery which did not charge anymore). It lost date and time several times while mac was on AC and power cord was removed. Now it has a brand new battery.
Since then, Powerbook does not go to sleep mode anymore:

- if it goes to sleep following settings of energy saver prefs, it doesn't wake up anymore, black screen and LED stays on

- if I force it to sleep through the Apple menu, it freezes with a black screen with the following white text: You Mac needs to be restarted by pressing for a few seconds on the power button.

I have tried to reboot with apple-alt-P-R and waited 5 reboot

I have tried sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 in the terminal

Nothing changed...
Any (good) idea out there???

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PowerPC :: PowerBook Cut Off When Sent To Sleep?

Mar 16, 2009

I put my PowerBook to sleep and instead of going to sleep it locked up half way to sleep. The clock and WiFi settings were reset. What would of caused the WiFi settings to be reset?

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PowerPC :: PowerBook Keeps Going To Sleep ?

Oct 19, 2009

My G4 PowerBook (Aluminium 15" 1.67Ghz, A1104) keeps putting itself to sleep at odd times. This is without a main battery in place, and a dead PRAM battery, both of which I'm waiting to replace.When I wake it up, it tries to power up, HD spins, but then goes back to sleep without even the screen coming on. I can do this like 5 or 6 times, and then eventually it wakes up and stays awake. For a while.or the first time today it wouldn't actually even start up from a total shutdown 2 minutes revious. It was just dead. After about the 6th press of the power button it started up.

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PowerPC :: Sleep Light On PowerBook?

May 7, 2005

I had an iBook, now I have a powerbook. Both have the feature when I shut the computers and they are in sleep mode, the light goes from dim to bright to dim to bright..... It drives me nuts. I have to put my computer in a drawer or cover it up at night. Does anyone know how to turn the light off? or have it be constant? Is there a download that fixes it?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Unresponsive After Sleep?

Oct 26, 2006

Each time I open my powerbook today it is completely unresponsive.

Mouse wont work.Trackpad wont work. Can't alt+tab between apps.

The only thing i can do is hold down the power button to reboot.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Keeps Going To Sleep Automatically?

Apr 14, 2007

my powerbook keeps going to sleep automatically! i'll be using it one moment, the next it just goes to sleep! it's a 15" powerbook g4 with the latest software updates. i just set it to 'never sleep' in energy saver. hopefully that keeps it from going to sleep all the time. but in the mean time, any one know anything about this prob and what to do?

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PowerPC :: Where Is The G4 Ibook/powerbook Sleep Sensor?

Oct 12, 2007

I was wondering how/where the sensor is/works to tell the computer to go to sleep when the lid is closed. I am doing some mods (discussed in the marketplace forum) and would like to try to keep that sensor intact if at all possible, but i realized I have no idea where it is located or how it senses that the lid is closed on these.

I searched the forum a bit and found nothing, and can't find anything in google other then sleeping problems... unless I just am horrible at googlin.

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PowerPC :: How To Use Linksys Wireless Adapter In Powerbook

Aug 10, 2008

Anyway, I have a Powerbook G4 that's about five years old. It doesn't have an internal wireless card so I bought a Linksys wireless adapter to plug into the side of my computer when I first got the computer. It worked fine for years. I recently reformatted my hard drive and now when I insert the wireless adapter it no longer will allow me to connect to the internet. I'm aware that Linksys doesn't have drivers for Mac users so I'm kinda confused how I got it to work in the first place. I don't remember installing any third party software, but I may have-- it was a few years ago. what I should do to allow me to use my linksys card in my Mac? I've heard of Orangeware but I'm not sure if that's the solution.

Oh one more thing, when I plug the card in, an icon appears in the top right corner that shows something is plugged into the port but doesn't allow me to click on it and search for wireless connections.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Can't Find My Wireless Network?

Jul 2, 2009

Hi guys. I need some help with my Airport. I currently have a D-Link DIR-655 router. The wireless is wonderful when it works but lately the problem is the network has disappeared from my Airport list. I've tried reinstalling the software and it has temporarily fixed the problem but after a minute or so the network vanishes (but I'm still able to connect to it via iPhone). Anyone know what the problem is? I'm currently running 10.5.7 on a 15" Pbook G4.

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Wake Unexpectedly From Sleep Mode Then Goes Back To Sleep

Nov 30, 2014

My iMac wake unexpectedly from sleep mode then goes back to sleep 00:10-00:15 later.  Yosemite is current.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Powerbook Won't Wake Up

Jan 18, 2009

My Powerbook was given to me and it started to work properly when I set it up with my ISP and then one day I put it in sleep mode and it never woke up .

It starts with a chiming sounds and then it goes light grey.I then see user abort on the screen telling me to type mac-boot to continue rebooting or shut down to shut down.

I has a welcome to firmware and I think I pressed too many keys too many times including the FN key.I don't have the manuels to troubleshoot this laptop but the seriel number is QT0272GAHDR and it is an Apple 20gb.

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Software :: Powerbook G4 Won't Boot Properly/wake?

Jun 29, 2008

I am currently running a 15" Powerbook G4 1.67, 1GB ram, latest update for 10.5.

Yesterday my computer randomly went to sleep and wouldn't wake up. I forced it to shut down and then tried rebooting it. It started up, but went to sleep before even getting to the login screen. I have searched the internet, this website, and the apple support site to try and fix the problem.
I have tried resetting the PMU (although I don't know if I did that correctly), leaving it to rest without any battery or AC power hooked up to it, and the CMD + ALT + P + R reset all to no avail.

It seems like the general outcome for random sleep problems hasn't been too good,

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Battery - Significance Of Levels For Powerbook G4 15''

Nov 15, 2006

I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro Won't Wake Up From Sleep?

Jul 23, 2009

I have an intel based mac pro running tiger. When it falls asleep if it's asleep for an extended period of time...say 45 minutes or longer, it won't wake up. I have to manually power it down. If it's asleep for less than 45 minutes it wakes up fine.

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Mac Pro :: Goes To Sleep And Won't Wake Up

Feb 2, 2012

I have a MacPro Dual 3GHz, running OS 10.5.8 and when my Mac goes to sleep, it won't wake up. Fans speed up and light blinks, but I have to do a hard reboot.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: Locking Up After Wake From Sleep?

Jan 6, 2011

My Mac Pro 1,1 with a recently installed 120 GB OWC SSD Rev. 343A has been locking up (spinning beach ball) mostly on the "Enter your Password" screen when waking up from full sleep or displays going to sleep. I have to perform a hard reboot then it works fine, til it falls asleep and I have to wake it up. If I put it to sleep via the Menu it wakes up normally without issue. I've run Disk Utility, says it's fine. Repaired permissions. Ran the daily, weekly and monthly scripts. Cleaned my Cache with Onyx (not sure what else I could do with it)

Disksomnia is installed for FCP, to keep the disks spinning, never was a problem before. The SSD is the only major change in recent times.

Any knowledge or thoughts as to what I could do to find the problem?

Computer's up to date OS wise, 10.6.5, 12 GB Ram, Seagate 750's HDD's in the three other bays, Blackmagic card PCI, eSATA extender cable for two OWC Enclosures, other FW800 external HD's, NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT & 7300 GT video cards for three monitors.

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