PowerPC :: Prompt To Restart Appear Randomly On G4?

Jan 27, 2008

My wife has a G4 iBook 1.33 GHz power pc, 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM, L2 cache 133 mHz, with Mac OSX - leopard - several times a day the following prompt appears - "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button".

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Software :: Terminal Prompt Randomly Reset

Aug 26, 2010

From time to time, my terminal shell prompt gets hijacked and set to something useless by another program or process. For example, it currently reads: "qtsoftware >" , probably from a QuickTime update, but I can't say for sure. Anyway, when this happens, I'm unable to reset the prompt to a customized version via .tcshrc -- instead, the unwanted garbage gets prepended to whatever I configure via .tcshrc. Restarting Terminal doesn't help. This obviously isn't the end of the world, but it's intensely annoying since, when I do need to use Term, I usually use about ten windows at once, and prompts matter.

my .tcshrc setting: set prompt = "%m [%/] What you say?"
my prompt: qtsoftware [/Users/kathleenduke] What you say?

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MacBook Air :: Randomly Forced Me To Restart?

Nov 9, 2010

This happened twice today on my late 2010 MB Air (13"/2.13/4GB). The same thing also happened on my iMac once today. This was the first time it happened with my iMac since I bought it two years ago. I was just simply browsing the Internet, doing email, and word processing.

The two most recent changes I made to both of them were installing dropbox and adding clicktoflash extension.

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IMac :: I7 Randomly Hanging - Need To Hard Restart

Apr 26, 2010

Recently, my iMac 27" i7 has begun hanging in the most bizarre fashion. It usually seems to happen when I wake the computer from sleep or screen saver, but that isn't always the case. What will happen is that when I get to the computer, Mail will show symbology that indicates it is not connected to the Internet or Safari, upon booting, will not open a webpage (it sits on a white screen rather than delivering an error). I'll go to quit one of the offending programs, and it will not quit and beach balls instead. I then right click on the dock to trigger a force quit, and the force quit does nothing and the dock beachballs. I try to restart/shut down, and nothing happens. Thus I am forced to hard restart.

Conversely, I am sometimes able to get an offending program to force quit, but the rest of the computer (anything I click locks up) beachballs leaving me to hard restart. I find when this happens, my first instinct is to click system prefs and go to networking, where when I click networking, it locks up. Then I have to hard restart. Finally, there are times when it does respond to a restart request. It will go through the restart process up to the blue screen at the end, where the little spinning doohickey will appear and stay there indefinitely, forcing me to hard restart. It didn't seem to happen before I got my iPad but happens about every other day now.

At first it seemed to happen after I had my iPad charge from my computer, but now it seems to happen regardless. One time it hung while syncing with my iPhone and required me to restore it since the phone got messed up. I've done everything I can think to do to get to the source of the problem and I can't figure it out. I've looked through logs and didn't see problems (granted, I don't know if I'm looking at correct logs or if I'm looking for the right events). I have repaired permissions, and that seemed to help but not fix the problem. I bridge my iPad to my computer through Internet connection sharing, since I have an Ethernet internet connection. I created Automator work flows to turn it on and off (and AirPort) as I never leave it on when not using it.

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OS X :: Applications Randomly Stop To Respond - Need To Restart

May 31, 2010

I have a macbook pro with Mac OS X 10.5.8 with a 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. Recently I've been having a problem with my computer when applications would randomly stop to respond for a few seconds, until after a while they wouldn't start again and I'd have to restart it. I don't know what to do. I'm a fairly new Apple user.

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MacBook Pro :: Replaced RAM Now It Randomly Locks Down - Need To Restart

Mar 23, 2012

Ever since I replaced the RAM in my mid-2009 MacBook Pro from 2gb to 8gb, My Mac randomly locks down and displays: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again." Here is a picture of the screen when this problem happened on start up:

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New RAM

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OS X :: Randomly Popping Up Gray Screen - Restart Computer

Aug 3, 2010

My computer has started randomly popping up a grey screen which tells me to restart. It keeps happening and obviously something is wrong. Not sure if it is a hardware failure but something's broke! Anyone know what the deal is? Here is my latest panic log:

Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x000954F8 0x00095A10 0x00026898 0x000A8204 0x000ABB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x2D9C6780)
PC=0x00306440; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x9C95F6DC; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x003063BC; R1=0x1787B9C0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x003063BC 0x002B7FCC 0x004EE0A8 0x004EDB9C 0x004EDA20 0x00465CCC
0x0049A634 0x0049A338 0x0049B6E0 0x0049BA14 0x002D1B8C 0x002D0A54 0x000A9714
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily(2.8.1)@0x463000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver(2.5.5)@0x4e6000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(1.4.13)@0x4a5000

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MacBook Air :: Randomly The Screen Gets Grey And A Sign Prompts To Restart?

May 6, 2012

I have a problem with my new 13" macbook air. Randomly the screen gets grey and a sign prompts me to restart.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Retina Freezes And Restart Randomly On Clear System

Dec 2, 2014

my iMac random freeze and restart, on console i not see any message about kernel panic and etc system clear install ! what's happened ?   

log1  System Version: OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) 
Kernel Version: Darwin 14.0.0
Boot Mode: Normal
Model: iMac15,1
RAM details...[code]....

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Switching Itself Off Randomly / Fix It?

May 2, 2006

Does anyone know what may be up with my Mac G5?? It just keeps on turning itself off without warning! It can happen at anytime... usually about 5 mins after I switch it on, although this has varied!

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Shutting Down Randomly

Sep 2, 2007

a close friend has a 20' iMac g5. the Computer now shuts downs sporadically and she says it gets a lot hotter any idea what's wrong?

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PowerPC :: EMac Randomly Shut Down During Use?

Jan 15, 2010

I was using my eMac today (700MHz, 40GB HD, OS 10.4 Tiger) and it just shut down. It was unplugged for over an hour and nothing happens when I press the power button at all. I just got a Mac mini today so I have a nice new Mac to work on now . But is the eMac done or is it just like the PRAM just locked up?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Randomly Shutting Down - How To Prevent

Sep 21, 2007

My friends iMac G5 just recently has been randomly shutting down. Does anyone know anything I can do to him fix his computer?

I checked [URL] and there seems to be issues with power on some models, but his serial number just misses the infected batch.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Started Randomly Shutting Down When Not Used

Feb 5, 2008

I looked into my issue a little but recently my IMac G5 started randomly shutting down when left unused for a bit but that seems to have stopped as far as I have noted. Now occasionally when it goes into sleep mode it will freeze on the black screen and the fan will go crazy. I plan on buying a MBP, if the update ever comes out, and then ill just completely wipe the IMac and give it to my parents, who still use the original I mac, G3 or something. I read a certain series of I Macs were having motherboard problems, W950 or something, but mine wasn't that serial code.

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PowerPC :: Battery Sometimes Randomly Die And The Machine Goes To Sleeep Mode?

Jun 29, 2008

I have two problems with my PowerBook G4. It's a 1.5 GHz 15 inch model running This problem gradually got worse - whenever I woke from sleep, it would freeze for 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Now, it's gotten to the point where it won't come out of a constant beachball whenever I open the machine. This is combined with general sluggishness and unresponsiveness during all use of the computer.2. The battery - sometimes it will randomly die and the machine will go to sleep mode. Sometimes it could be as high as 70% where it shows 70% then in a fraction of a second it goes to zero. The light on the battery shows the same - one second it could be at 4 lights, then one blinking one the next.

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PowerPC :: System Shutsdown Randomly / Fan Noise Is Supreloud

Jul 29, 2009

I have a problem... I use very processor heavy programs on my iMac G5 and up until about a year ago, I was getting along ok. Here's the gist of it:

1) World of Warcraft/ProTools etc. Prolonged use over many hours eventually caused my imac's fan noise to be unbearable. Even worse, my imac began randomly shutting down almost predictably during high processor use.

2) Was taken to an apple store (while in warranty) and only thing said was that it needed a new logic board. No explanation what actually happened to it. Logic board replaced. Few months later, it's happening again.

3) I am now outside an apple warranty and it will cost me $400+ to get it repaired. It is functional for regular internet use, but on sites like youtube, after a few videos it will likely shut down.

I have opened up my computer several times to inspect the capacitors, but they all look like new. I realize overuse is probably the problem, but if there is a fix I can do myself, I'd at least like to try. The problem is that I have no idea what to do I hate hearing "needs a new logic board" instead of "this part ____ needs to be replaced/fixed"

Specs: iMac G5 17" 2.0ghz generation right before isight macs.

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PowerPC :: G4 Always Asking To Restart - What To Do

Dec 21, 2008

I encounter problems on my Mac. I am currently using OS X 10.4.11. My system is PowerBook G4 1.33ghz. When I am doing my work or surfing the internet. There will be a logo pop up on the whole screen looks like the On Off Button switch on my PB. Than there will be some message that I need to restart my Powerbook. I have tried so many things, like changing my hardisks, reinstalling the OS.X but it still doesn't work. Everytime it happens all my data that I have done half way will be gone.

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PowerPC :: Airport Disconnects Randomly - Reconnect Attempts Time Out

Aug 27, 2010

So, after getting it hooked up and connected to my router, which is set to only allow only 4 devices to have access to it (my comp, iphone, wii, and gf's laptop), i find that my gf's laptop (which is the only device using a corded connection) is the only machine able to get online without problems now.

I can pick up my WiFi network occasionally after a restart, but then it usually goes out after a random amount of time... anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour or 2.

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PowerPC :: Ethernet Not Working Properly - Randomly Connects / Disconnects

Oct 11, 2006

I've been having problems staying connected on my Powerbook G4. The wireless works perfectly but the ethernet does not. I've been using the dorm ethernet jack to connect. The problem is that my computer can't maintain a consistent connection through ethernet so it randomly connects and disconnects. I called my campus' IT department and they told me that it must be my computer because they're system said that it didn't detect my computers IP address. I called Applecare and the person told me that it must be something wrong with either the network card or the ethernet port. Anyway, he gives me a case number so I can go get a repair. Unfortunately an Apple Store is far away from where my school is so I went to my school's bookstore instead.

The bookstore is an authorized service place. I drop the computer off to them and they sent it to Apple. I got a call today from the bookstore guy saying that the Apple technicians discovered that "liquid" had gotten into the motherboard and refused to service my computer. I was really angry when I heard this because I keep absolute care of my laptop. I know for a fact that no water has ever been around my laptop. I'm guessing it must have been negligence on the bookstore's part. I declined the $1300+ repair estimate so now its on its way back to me. I have a brother that works at the Apple Store and he just suggested going directly to an Apple Store this time. Will they just refuse warranty repair again?

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PowerPC :: Ibook Keeps Randomly Locking Up - System Freezes In The Process?

Nov 30, 2007

recently my ibook keeps randomly locking up, it first started the other day when it got stuck on a blue screen at start-up eventually it came on, but kept locking up, no spinning beech ball just completely froze, i held down the power button to turn it off, i then had to wait at least ten minutes before trying to start up again, if i didn't it would get stuck on the blue screen, then something else weird happened, when i started up it came up with the mac set-up assistant similar to when you first upgrade, so i turned it off again and it went away, so i started up again this time i noticed that spotlight was indexing, despite it already doing that ages ago when i upgraded to leopard, so i thought this had something to do with it, because it kept freezing in the process, but today i turned it on, let it index and to my surprise it didn't lock up, so i went to play world of warcraft, and as soon as the login screen came up it locked up agai

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Randomly Freezes Then The Fans Go Into Turbo Mode?

Aug 23, 2008

Fall 2005 PowerMac G5 dual 2.0Ghz with Leopard 10.5.4

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Boot - You Need To Restart Your Computer?

Feb 8, 2008

I have a Powerbook G4 with an error message when I boot. "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or Press the restart button". Restarting the computer doesn't work.

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Fully Boot - Need To Restart

Apr 25, 2008

G4 won't fully boot, we turned it off for the day, came in the next morning hit the power button and waited while it booted. It got held up at internet services, we unplugged it from the network restarted. It would boot all the way up so you could see the desktop wallpaper but then the black "you need to restart" screen would pop up.

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PowerPC :: G4 Locked Up - Cannot Restart After Shut Down

Jan 26, 2009

My PowerBook G4 15" alu 1.25 ghz locked up out of nowhere the other night (while only running firefox). Couldn't even force quit, so after a long wait I manually shut it down. Then I couldn't get it going again. I pulled the battery, let it sit overnight, and then it started up, only to freeze up again in 30 minutes. Same routine yesterday (though it lasted an hour or so).

I live in Germany and the only Apple store is hours away. And of course my Apple Care is expired. I've zapped the PRAM, reset the PMU, ran first aid on disk utilities (everything came back OK), but I'm freaking out. This thing is seriously important to me, and I can't afford to replace it. I've read plenty of speculation that it could be the logic board, or that it's locking up from overheating, or maybe the hard drive is going bad (though the tests come back OK).

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PowerPC :: IBook Locked Up And Not Booting After Restart

Aug 9, 2007

I have an iBook G4 (1.25g memory and 1ghz processor) running Tiger. I have never had any problems with my iBook in the past and now it seems the second my warranty expires I do. I was using it earlier today and the entire thing just locked up for the first time ever and little lines started appearing on the screen. I turned it off and rebooted it and it froze on the Grey screen, I repeated and it keeps doing the same things. It actually loaded a few times and then promptly froze. I tried booting from the CD and it freezes right on the screen to select your language (if it gets that far).

I went into applejack/single user (which runs fine) and repaired disk/repaired permissions/cleaned up system files/ and cleaned up virtual memory. I also used the fsck -y check disk which I'm assuming is the same as typing in 'applejack' and then selecting 1 (But I thought I would use it anyway). The first time I ran fsck it said it changed a system file. I then ran it again and it said that the HD seemed okay. Assuming that fixed the problem I restarted my computer and it froze...again. Or is there a way to reformat from single user?

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PowerPC :: Need To Restart G4 After Disk Image Transfer

Feb 6, 2008

I am having problems booting my 700 mhz G4 Flat Panel Mac after connecting to my new Mac via Firewire to transfer a disk image of OS 10.4 I made from the DVD supplied with my new Mac. I was driven to trying this solution to upgrading my old Mac (from 10.2 to 10.4) after:
1) not being able to purchase a retail copy from Apple
2) not having a DVD drive on the old machine anyway, so connecting an external DVD drive and trying to load the OS software from the DVD install disks that came with my new Mac (old Mac saw the drive, tried to open the file but didn't know how)

So I learned about making a disk image of the DVD, which I did, then learned about connecting the 2 machines via firewire and starting up the old machine as a target disk. This all seemed to be working fine. The target disk image showed up on the new machine, I was able to drag the OS disk image to it and it appeared to copy the contents to the old machine. When I unplugged the Firewire and restarted the old machine it starting booting normally then just stopped, with a "You must restart your computer" message popping up on the screen. I have tried to restart the old machine several times with the same results and have unplugged the power then tried it again as well. Being far less than an expert at this I realize there are several ways this could have gone wrong, which is why included all the info. above - just wasn't sure which actions were relevant to helping figure out what to do next to get my old machine to boot, which is my most immediate problem. Dealing with the OS upgrade issue is also a concern.

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PowerPC :: IBook Keeps Freezing With Restart Screen

Sep 23, 2008

My friend has an iBook that keeps freezing. This startup screen appears every time. Though I have seen it before, it never reoccurred for me.

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PowerPC :: G4 OS X Locking Up And Display Restart Request

Apr 18, 2010

About a week ago I had my iBook G4 freeze and display a message that said I need to shut down by either holding the power button for a few seconds or by pressing the restart button (white letters on black screen in 4 languages). I did, it rebooted and ran again. I started to get this on a more frequent basis until this morning the machine would reboot, start to run, would lock up again and then repeat the cycle.

It did not seem to correlate to what I was doing - mostly I Net and E Mail - and was not impacted by running on battery or AC. I tried to run Onyx to "clean" up the software but the program would start to run and then the system would freeze. The Restart Request Screen was not accompanied by any other indications of a problem.

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PowerPC :: IBook Won't Boot Anymore - Restart Your Computer?

Dec 24, 2007

I get a message saying "You must restart your computer." (hold down the power key, blah blah).

I've researched a little bit, and apparently its indicative of a kernel panic.

It's not booting from CD either.... what's going on?

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PowerPC :: MAC Can't Be Activated Again And Have To Trip The Power Switch And Restart

Jul 21, 2009

I have a G5 Duo 2.7Ghz with 4Gb of ram (supplied with 2Gb, 2Gb added later).
Sometimes when it goes to sleep it can't be activated again and I have to trip the power switch and restart. When it goes to sleep the machine begins to run flat out as if it was about to take off!

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