PowerPC :: Airport Disconnects Randomly - Reconnect Attempts Time Out

Aug 27, 2010

So, after getting it hooked up and connected to my router, which is set to only allow only 4 devices to have access to it (my comp, iphone, wii, and gf's laptop), i find that my gf's laptop (which is the only device using a corded connection) is the only machine able to get online without problems now.

I can pick up my WiFi network occasionally after a restart, but then it usually goes out after a random amount of time... anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour or 2.

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OS X :: Airport Randomly Disconnects - How To Repair

Jul 22, 2009

I recently purchased the $1699 Macbook Pro a couple of weeks back and now it seems that my airport randomly turns off. I can't even get it to turn back on; I have to restart my macbook to get it working again.

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PowerPC :: Ethernet Not Working Properly - Randomly Connects / Disconnects

Oct 11, 2006

I've been having problems staying connected on my Powerbook G4. The wireless works perfectly but the ethernet does not. I've been using the dorm ethernet jack to connect. The problem is that my computer can't maintain a consistent connection through ethernet so it randomly connects and disconnects. I called my campus' IT department and they told me that it must be my computer because they're system said that it didn't detect my computers IP address. I called Applecare and the person told me that it must be something wrong with either the network card or the ethernet port. Anyway, he gives me a case number so I can go get a repair. Unfortunately an Apple Store is far away from where my school is so I went to my school's bookstore instead.

The bookstore is an authorized service place. I drop the computer off to them and they sent it to Apple. I got a call today from the bookstore guy saying that the Apple technicians discovered that "liquid" had gotten into the motherboard and refused to service my computer. I was really angry when I heard this because I keep absolute care of my laptop. I know for a fact that no water has ever been around my laptop. I'm guessing it must have been negligence on the bookstore's part. I declined the $1300+ repair estimate so now its on its way back to me. I have a brother that works at the Apple Store and he just suggested going directly to an Apple Store this time. Will they just refuse warranty repair again?

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OS X :: External Hdd Randomly Disconnects?

May 18, 2009

I own a few external harddrives, however one in particular (western digital 2tb) will randomly disconnect and a window will show about "device removal with the red little stop sign shape" then it will randomly connect again (and sometimes i have to physically unplug it and plug it back in), does anyone know what is going on here? None of the cables are being touched, it's really strange, the only thing i can think of, is maybe i have a loose usb cable and need to replace it? or maybe a faulty usb port?

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IMac :: External USB Drive Disconnects Randomly

Jun 12, 2010

I have had my new iMac 21.5" for about 2 weeks now. Yesterday I picked up a 500 GB LaCie USB Drive to be used for my Time Machine drive. I have the drive connected directly to a usb port on the iMac. Sometimes when the iMac goes to sleep, when I wake up the iMac I get the dreaded "This Drive Has Not Been Disconnected Properly" warning.

I have made sure that the "Put Hard Disk(s) to Sleep Whenever Possible" option is not selected under the Energy Preferences. I have tried multiple usb ports, same issue. This isn't a constant issue, it just happens sometimes. Is there anyway to tell Time Machine to mount and unmount my drive when needed?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Disconnects IMac Randomly From WiFi?

Apr 29, 2012

Randomly, my computer seems to be disconnected from my wi-fi network. It is not a routeur problem since every other devices still work when the computer doesn't.

iMac late 2009 (first 21.5" generation) OS X Lion 10.7.3

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Randomly Disconnects From Internet (WiFi Via BT Hub)

May 26, 2012

My brand new imac randomly disconnects from the internet. We have a BT hub - wifi. I have googled this issue and see that it is relatively common and it is incredibly frustrating. It is fairly simple to reconnect each time but it is driving me mad having to. It generally happens when the computer is asleep but sometimes in the middle of doing something.


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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) External Drive Randomly Disconnects

Aug 24, 2014

I have a external SATA drive that was used on my old Windows laptop. The interface for the drive is USB 3.0. Whenever i try to view my files on the drive, the drive randomly disconnects, and notifications pop up saying that the drive was not ejected properly.

Also the drive has been reformatted to a Mac format, but it still continues to do this.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: System Randomly Disconnects Usb Device / Port Fails To Recognize IPhone

Dec 15, 2010

I have had several issues with the USB on my brand-new Core i5 macbook pro. It randomly disconnects USB devices. I've had the issue with multiple USB devices - same story with each one. Further, iTunes will only recognize my iPhone if it is in the port nearest the magsafe connector. The other port fails to recognize my iPhone entirely. Anyone else having a USB issue on their base 15" that was released today?

Furthermore, any suggestions of what to do about it? I'm having a hell of a time restoring my iPhone with this issue... And the Apple Store is over an hour away-I planned a special trip to buy this laptop.

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IMac :: Gray Screen Error In New 21.5" When Connect Or Reconnect Through Airport

Apr 1, 2010

I buy the new iMAC 21.5" - core 2 duo - 3.06Ghz Im having a problem with a GREY SCREEN ERROR sometimes (almost ever) when im connect or re-connect through Airport. Sometimes dont have problem when I connect, sometime yes. I dont know WHY. Im copy the crash report:

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 31187 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: F3ED0227-B787-431D-9D21-22DC96C64A0C

Thu Apr 1 01:07:20 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2a7ac2): Kernel trap at 0x00d7aeb0, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x0a89f0db, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x000000e9, EBX: 0x0a89f0db, ECX: 0x43e6f278, EDX: 0xffed2f5e
CR2: 0x0a89f0db, EBP: 0x589abdd8, ESI: 0xffed2e75, EDI: 0x589abe28
EFL: 0x00010282, EIP: 0x00d7aeb0, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x08140010
Error code: 0x00000000.................................................

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Software :: Airport Stopped Working - Tried To Reconnect Through Network Settings But It Still Won't Work?

Feb 11, 2010

I've had my macbook pro for 4 years now with out any problems. However, a few weeks ago my airport stopped connecting for no reason. I have tried to reconnect through the network settings but it still won't work. However, if I am in the same room as my router then the airport will connect wirelessly to the internet. But as soon as I leave the room my internet signal will go out. I know its not a problem with my router because all the other computers in my house can recieve signal anywhere in the house.

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MacBook :: Internet Sharing Through AirPort Disconnects

Sep 30, 2010

I've recently moved into student accommodation, which only has wired internet access in the rooms. This is fine for my MacBook, but causes problems for the iPad! So I've been attempting to share the MacBook's internet connection through AirPort using the "Internet Sharing" option in System Prefs->Sharing. This works great, but after a while it disconnects for no apparent reason.

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OS X :: Airport Suddenly Disconnects - How To Prevent From Disconnection

May 6, 2009

I recently bought a late 08 aluminum macbook and have been quite happy with it but from quite some time I've noticed that while I'm on internet and on adium (where I noticed the most) the signal goes off for a couple of seconds and then it comes back. First i thought it was ok but it's been happening really often and is quite annoying since it happens several times a day and only happens to me and not anyone on my network (everyone else has pc`s and are also on wifi). So I wanted to ask.. is it possible my Airport card is failing? or is my router the one failing.

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MacBook :: 2009 Continuously Disconnects Itself From The Airport?

Jun 16, 2012

My Macbook 2009 continously disconnects itself from the airport and wifi. After it disconnects it takes about an hour to get it to work again. It is not my router because my iphone is still connected to wifi when this happens This also only happens at my home router.


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Applications :: Airport Extreme - WPA Connection Disconnects After Sleep?

Apr 10, 2004

I'm using WPA encryption on my Airport Extreme via a Linksys WRT54G. Everything works great, except when my Powerbook wakes up from sleeping, the connection is lost, and doesn't reconnect. To re-establish the connection, I have to select "Turn Airport Off" and then "Turn Airport On" from the Airport extra, then select my network from the menu. It doesn't seem to be a question of forgetting the key, because it doesn't ask me for the key again when I do this.

So, (a) has anyone seen this behavior and (b) is there any known fix? I saw a couple other posts in a Google search referring to this behavior, but they were older posts, and didn't have any answers.

This is on OS X 10.3.3 BTW with all the most recent updates.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Disconnects While Playing World Of Warcraft

Nov 27, 2010

I have a Airport Extreme connected to two Imacs with eithernet While playing we get suddenly disconnets we have great game preforcmane low latency and no lagg but suddenly we disconnect both disconnects just a couple seconds apart

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MacBook Pro :: Every Time Reconnect The Internet - Laptop Stops Putting Out The Signal

Oct 14, 2010

Everytime I broadcast the ethernet signal to my ipod touch, my computer disconnects from the internet, every time i reconnect the internet, the laptop stops putting out the signal. It doesn't let the airport and the ethernet work at the same time.

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Hardware :: AirPort Randomly Drops Out

Nov 24, 2010

As the title states, I'll be searching the web doing whatever. (Most of the time I'll be uploading my work to an FTP site) and then all of a sudden I click a link and the wireless in my house goes down. I either wait it out for a few hours and it comes back to life but most of the time I need to reset my airport by un-plugging it. Is it starting to go? Its pretty old I got it in the Summer of 04 with my powerbook (its an airport express).

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Hardware :: New AirPort Extreme Randomly Hangs / Not Work?

Dec 19, 2009

I got a new airport extreme and sometimes the internet will take 40 seconds to load or not work at all. Normally theres about 7 seconds before it loads. My old router does not do this. During these slow times I try my old router and it works perfectly and instantly. I read it could be software or is my router broken? It hangs or doesn't work on both mac, pc, and my xbox and ps3. Whats really weird is I think it even hangs through ethernet because my xbox takes a lot longer to load basic images?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule/2 AirPort Expresses - Slow Connection?

Feb 23, 2010

I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Doesn't Back Up To AirPort Extreme AirPort Disks

Feb 12, 2012

I have previously time machine backups for two macbook pros on same drive. However, I connect the drive to the airport extreme and although I see the drives and the backups, I can not access the files over Airport Extreme. 

Info:MAC Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook :: Extending Airport Extreme From Airport Time Capsule

Sep 11, 2014

Just bought a new Airport Time Capsule 3TB for backup purposes and to use as the main router in my home (model number A1470 the latest tall one). I was originally using an AirPort Extreme (model number 1408 approx 6" square and 1' tall) for my main router.  

I got the TC setup and putting out good wifi signal, but would like to take my Extreme and extend it off the TC to boost signal in other parts of my house, but having some difficulty.  I searched the forums and found setup instructions to do this, but I get a message saying, "unexpected error.  Try again."  Well, tried again and still no luck. 

Airport Extreme

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Switching Itself Off Randomly / Fix It?

May 2, 2006

Does anyone know what may be up with my Mac G5?? It just keeps on turning itself off without warning! It can happen at anytime... usually about 5 mins after I switch it on, although this has varied!

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Shutting Down Randomly

Sep 2, 2007

a close friend has a 20' iMac g5. the Computer now shuts downs sporadically and she says it gets a lot hotter any idea what's wrong?

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PowerPC :: Prompt To Restart Appear Randomly On G4?

Jan 27, 2008

My wife has a G4 iBook 1.33 GHz power pc, 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM, L2 cache 133 mHz, with Mac OSX - leopard - several times a day the following prompt appears - "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button".

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PowerPC :: EMac Randomly Shut Down During Use?

Jan 15, 2010

I was using my eMac today (700MHz, 40GB HD, OS 10.4 Tiger) and it just shut down. It was unplugged for over an hour and nothing happens when I press the power button at all. I just got a Mac mini today so I have a nice new Mac to work on now . But is the eMac done or is it just like the PRAM just locked up?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Randomly Shutting Down - How To Prevent

Sep 21, 2007

My friends iMac G5 just recently has been randomly shutting down. Does anyone know anything I can do to him fix his computer?

I checked [URL] and there seems to be issues with power on some models, but his serial number just misses the infected batch.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Started Randomly Shutting Down When Not Used

Feb 5, 2008

I looked into my issue a little but recently my IMac G5 started randomly shutting down when left unused for a bit but that seems to have stopped as far as I have noted. Now occasionally when it goes into sleep mode it will freeze on the black screen and the fan will go crazy. I plan on buying a MBP, if the update ever comes out, and then ill just completely wipe the IMac and give it to my parents, who still use the original I mac, G3 or something. I read a certain series of I Macs were having motherboard problems, W950 or something, but mine wasn't that serial code.

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PowerPC :: Battery Sometimes Randomly Die And The Machine Goes To Sleeep Mode?

Jun 29, 2008

I have two problems with my PowerBook G4. It's a 1.5 GHz 15 inch model running This problem gradually got worse - whenever I woke from sleep, it would freeze for 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Now, it's gotten to the point where it won't come out of a constant beachball whenever I open the machine. This is combined with general sluggishness and unresponsiveness during all use of the computer.2. The battery - sometimes it will randomly die and the machine will go to sleep mode. Sometimes it could be as high as 70% where it shows 70% then in a fraction of a second it goes to zero. The light on the battery shows the same - one second it could be at 4 lights, then one blinking one the next.

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PowerPC :: System Shutsdown Randomly / Fan Noise Is Supreloud

Jul 29, 2009

I have a problem... I use very processor heavy programs on my iMac G5 and up until about a year ago, I was getting along ok. Here's the gist of it:

1) World of Warcraft/ProTools etc. Prolonged use over many hours eventually caused my imac's fan noise to be unbearable. Even worse, my imac began randomly shutting down almost predictably during high processor use.

2) Was taken to an apple store (while in warranty) and only thing said was that it needed a new logic board. No explanation what actually happened to it. Logic board replaced. Few months later, it's happening again.

3) I am now outside an apple warranty and it will cost me $400+ to get it repaired. It is functional for regular internet use, but on sites like youtube, after a few videos it will likely shut down.

I have opened up my computer several times to inspect the capacitors, but they all look like new. I realize overuse is probably the problem, but if there is a fix I can do myself, I'd at least like to try. The problem is that I have no idea what to do I hate hearing "needs a new logic board" instead of "this part ____ needs to be replaced/fixed"

Specs: iMac G5 17" 2.0ghz generation right before isight macs.

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