PowerPC :: Ibook Keeps Randomly Locking Up - System Freezes In The Process?

Nov 30, 2007

recently my ibook keeps randomly locking up, it first started the other day when it got stuck on a blue screen at start-up eventually it came on, but kept locking up, no spinning beech ball just completely froze, i held down the power button to turn it off, i then had to wait at least ten minutes before trying to start up again, if i didn't it would get stuck on the blue screen, then something else weird happened, when i started up it came up with the mac set-up assistant similar to when you first upgrade, so i turned it off again and it went away, so i started up again this time i noticed that spotlight was indexing, despite it already doing that ages ago when i upgraded to leopard, so i thought this had something to do with it, because it kept freezing in the process, but today i turned it on, let it index and to my surprise it didn't lock up, so i went to play world of warcraft, and as soon as the login screen came up it locked up agai

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Locking Up?

Feb 2, 2007

I have a long-running problem with my iBook (G4 1.33Ghz).

Basically, every so often it locks up and makes repetitive ticking noises as if the HDD is searching for something. Applications freeze and I get the rainbow beachball for up to a few minutes before normal service is resumed.

Once this happens, it keeps happening on and off until I restart the computer.

I don't know what triggers the problem, sometimes the iBook will run fine for days or a week with no trouble, then something will set t off again.

I've tried everything I can think of to fix this short of a full reformat/reinstall.

I'd like to upgrade to a MacBook soon, but for now I have to live with this... Any ideas?

If I can't fix it, I'm hoping 10.5 will do the trick...

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PowerPC :: Airport Card Is Locking Up My IBook?

Jun 18, 2009

yes, I think my wireless card is locking my ibook up. I have tried this on 2 browsers, and still gets locked up. I am usually using tabs (only 2 or 3) with the window maximized. I turned it off and looked at the connection. Noticed that the cord connecting the card might be crimped, so unplugged it, re-positioned the cord so it wasn't touching the metal bracket holding the card in place, and still the issue persists.

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Retina Freezes And Restart Randomly On Clear System

Dec 2, 2014

my iMac random freeze and restart, on console i not see any message about kernel panic and etc system clear install ! what's happened ?   

log1  System Version: OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) 
Kernel Version: Darwin 14.0.0
Boot Mode: Normal
Model: iMac15,1
RAM details...[code]....

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Randomly Freezes Then The Fans Go Into Turbo Mode?

Aug 23, 2008

Fall 2005 PowerMac G5 dual 2.0Ghz with Leopard 10.5.4

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PowerPC :: IBook Freezes After Certain Date?

Jan 27, 2008

I have a G4 iBook - 1.07Ghz, 768Mb RAM, Panther - that keeps giving me the swirling beachball of death depending on the date setting on preferences. If I set the date to 2004 the machine runs fine, but if the date is set to today or (I'm not sure of the exact date) after 2007-ish the thing keeps freezing.

Also, after the freezing troubles I installed Ubuntu and it ran perfect with the correct post 2007 date.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 - Won't Boot - Flashing - Freezes

Nov 28, 2008

My beloved iBook 1.33 wont boot, has flashing? and freezes when I try to boot from original CD with a bunch of vertical lines. I ran the diagnostic DVD and it says Invalid memory access. I removed the external ram chip for computer and still get same error. I also zapped PRAM, reset NMVU (whatever it's called). I already have the iBooks case open and willing to try anything.

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PowerPC :: Ibook Freezes During Leopard Install

May 4, 2009

I naively tried to install leopard OS on my 5-year old ibook G4 (with very little RAM). It makes a horrible clicking sound from the dvd drive and freezes on the screen that says its looking for OS 10.4(?) (which is not on the computer). When I reboot it immediately starts the install process, because the dvd is still stuck in the drive, and freezes over & over again.

All I want to do is remove the disc and go back to the original OS, so that I can add more RAM and update the OS properly. (The only motive for the update is so that I can have the same version of Garageband 2008 on both my desktop and laptop so I can work with the files interchangably.)

Is there a way to restart the computer that bypasses the install disc and dosen't default into the install porocess?

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PowerPC :: System Shutsdown Randomly / Fan Noise Is Supreloud

Jul 29, 2009

I have a problem... I use very processor heavy programs on my iMac G5 and up until about a year ago, I was getting along ok. Here's the gist of it:

1) World of Warcraft/ProTools etc. Prolonged use over many hours eventually caused my imac's fan noise to be unbearable. Even worse, my imac began randomly shutting down almost predictably during high processor use.

2) Was taken to an apple store (while in warranty) and only thing said was that it needed a new logic board. No explanation what actually happened to it. Logic board replaced. Few months later, it's happening again.

3) I am now outside an apple warranty and it will cost me $400+ to get it repaired. It is functional for regular internet use, but on sites like youtube, after a few videos it will likely shut down.

I have opened up my computer several times to inspect the capacitors, but they all look like new. I realize overuse is probably the problem, but if there is a fix I can do myself, I'd at least like to try. The problem is that I have no idea what to do I hate hearing "needs a new logic board" instead of "this part ____ needs to be replaced/fixed"

Specs: iMac G5 17" 2.0ghz generation right before isight macs.

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PowerPC :: Booting Up An Ibook - Computer Freezes At Spinning Gear Start Up Screen

Aug 10, 2008

i have an ibook g4, and was using it just fine the other night, then when i came back to it a few minutes later it had shut off completely. now when i boot up, the computer freezes at the spinning gear startup screen or at the blank blue screen immediately after the spinning gear. it will boot in single user mode, but it won't boot up with my os x install disc. does anyone know any unix i could try to use to get my mac up and running again, or has anyone had this same problem and knows a fix for it?

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PowerPC :: Ibook Not Working Fine / Unable To Find Boot Volume And Freezes Sometime

May 23, 2009

well where do i begin ?? basicly i purchased a ibook g4 14" 1.33ghz that had its harddrive upgraded by a apple service provider. About two weeks after this upgrade took place the harddrive started playing up and the machine would not see the boot volume on the drive when restarted or every now and then the machine would freeze after some time of use, a few hours maybe. i ran apple hardware test and it came back clean after zapping the pram and disk warrioring the drive it fixed this for a day then it started again oh well.

so i sent it back to the service provider who said yep its the hadrdrive goody !!! oh NO he calls back the next day and says the new harddrive is not reconized and that they tried a new ribbon cable WTF when i sent it in the machine saw the harddrive via target disk mode all the time it just didnt see the boot volume.

NOW his saying its the logicboard **** sake !!! so my question could this machines logicboard be fried when it was fine before i sent it in , i mean the ide controller was fine i checked it and now im faced with a brick !!!what do i do ????

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PowerPC :: How To Reformat The System By Using Ibook

Oct 29, 2007

just bought a used ibook. old owner's ID is still there... don't have his password. but i do have the system disks. can't i reinstall a clean system and make an identity for myslef?

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PowerPC :: Can Transfer From Old Ibook G4 To New System

Feb 6, 2008

I am trying to transfer the info from my old ibook G4 (with leopard) to my new macbook using a firewire and set-up assistant. I restarted my old computer holding the T and the firewire symbol appeared fine. My new macbook states that i can't transfer info without OSX installed....my old computer has OSX leopard ...i tried re-starting again and the same pop-up message as before is displayed in set-up

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PowerPC :: IBook On The Fritz - System Gets Slow

Feb 11, 2008

Her laptop is running terribly slow. She uses this computer for iTunes/iPod and running Safari and Word...not much else. Not sure why she would be having any problems. Hardrive space isn't a problem, as there is about 10G availableThe computer boots VERY slow...it takes at least 5 minutes. Once running, launching any application takes much longer than it should. Surfing the net also is very spotty. A page will load, then for no reason, the spinning beach ball (SBB) pops up and freezes the computer for 30 seconds to a minute. This happens the entire time online for any page...even after the page is fully loaded the computer continues to have the SBB appear every few minutes. This issue is not isolated to Safari...it seems the entire OS is lagging horribly. I tried running Disk Utility, which couldn't even finish. After spending 10+ minutes with the progress bar not moving, I gave up.

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PowerPC :: Old Ibook Wont Boot In To My System?

Mar 29, 2008

i found an old clamshell ibook today. it started right up and all; seemed to work fine. well, now it wont boot at all. im by no means talented in this area, but i love to tinker around with stuff, i tried putting an airport extreme card into the wireless slot, and of course i dont think to shut the machine down to pull it back out. basically the screen distorted and froze. did the logic board get toasted?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 12" - 1 GHZ Hardware Into 1.33 GHZ System?

Apr 7, 2008

I have a perfectly fine working 1 GHZ ibook and a friend of mine had a 1.33 and they dropped it the screen smashed and it would'nt work in Target mode.

So I took both ibooks apart and I tried the 1.33 hardrive in the 1GHZ and it would not work, the 1 ghz wouldnt even recognize the harddrive I think the harddrive may be totally gone as well but I dont know about the rest of the parts..

I was wondering if i could take my 1 GHZ screen and put it on the 1.33 GHZ system and take my 1 GHZ hardrive and place that into 1.33 system?

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PowerPC :: IBook Upgrade For Operating System

Feb 18, 2009

Can I upgrade my ibook 10.2.8 OS X to a higher version? If so how? If not, better to get a new computer? I was trying to install a broadband modem but requires OS of 10.3 or higher.

I'm not computer savvy but can understand enough to get by, as long as it's plain English. I want to be able to use my laptop to access the internet, anywhere & anytime.

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PowerPC :: Latest Operating System Use On Ibook G4?

Sep 18, 2009

Is it Leopard 10.5.6? I know I can't use Snow Leopard. Is it worth it? Where can I get it least expensively, it's not in stores.

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PowerPC :: Transfer Application Between IBook And The New System

Nov 2, 2009

I connected it via ethernet to her old iBook, and unfortunately the iBook doesn't have a Set-up Assistant or Migration Manager, so we're unable to transfer over her address book entries or old emails.

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 With Logic Board Options In My System

Dec 17, 2009

last week I started to get scrambled video on my iBook G3 (2002 vintage) running 10.2.8. I got it to start up correctly before freezing twice in the last week, but it appears to have given up completely today. I'm not as concerned about this as I would have been a few years ago, since I have a lot of experience with similar problems. Apple replaced the logic board under AppleCare in 2003 and again in 2004, and this is part of the series of iBooks that Apple was fixing for free for a while as part of a class-action settlement. Apple doesn't appear to be doing that anymore (that's fine, the computer is Old with a capital O and it's not feasible to continue supporting the product), and I assume that this has effectively totaled the computer

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MacBook Pro :: When Using CS5.5 Lion Freezes During Save Process

Feb 6, 2012

I upgraded to Lion this past fall and haven't had problems until recently, but now Lion freezes everytime I try to save a file in CS5.5. Is anyone else having this problem or has found a way to resolve it? Do I need to reinstall Snow Leopard?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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PowerPC :: IBook Booting - Gray Overlay With With Little Box Saying To Restart System

Apr 6, 2008

I started up my iBook today and it took me all the way through sign-in to my desktop before giving me a grey overlay with a little box saying that I need to restart. So I did and then it took me to my desktop again before scrolling code across the screen in a very messy, un-mac-like way. I tried getting into safe boot (restarting and pressing shift from after the tone until the apple and wheel show up) and it just ran the apple and wheel grey start-up screen for a while before kicking back into a normal restart and giving me the earlier results. So I went and got myself into single-user mode and ran the fsck -yf command. It told me this: Checking Catalog file Invalid extent entry (4, 190) Volume check failed Is there any way to fix this, to save my computer? I don't know anything about code or computers. My general mode of operation has been "I bought a /mac/. I shouldn't ever have to look at code."

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PowerPC :: Ibook 2002 With Black Screen...how To Get System Profile

Jul 26, 2009

bought old 12-in. ibook A1005/2002 (I assume G3) at yard sale today. screen is black, but hard drive mounts in target disk mode on my eMac, working well! how can i get system info for the ibook in target disk mode? all i see is the it's running 10.4.11, hard drive size and used/free space. i'd like to know RAM, CPU speed, etc. secondly, what could be wrong? boots up with chime, no fan/other noise, stays on and keyboard lights work, but screen is black.

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PowerPC :: IBook Clean Install Of Leopard Without System Discs

Feb 23, 2010

However, I don't have the iBook's system discs because my mother lost them (she was using the iBook until I gave her my MacBook).

I called Apple to get new system discs, and they sent me an OSX 10.5.6 Retail Install DVD to install on the iBook, but this doesn't include iLife.

Obviously it's not the end of the world if I don't include iLife (even if it is iLife 05), but I think it would help me sell the iBook if iLife was included.

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Wont Boot With Airport Card When Plugged In System?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a G3 iBook I've put together from spares just as a project. Everything works fine and will connect to the internet over the ethernet cable.As soon as I plug an Airport card in it refuses to boot, it won't even try so it seems to be a hardware issue.Is it possibly a dodgy Airport card or something else?It's a 2001, 600Mhz, Dual USB, white 12" iBook.

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PowerPC :: Changing Date / Time On Ibook When You Can't Access System Settings?

Dec 22, 2008

when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings.

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PowerPC :: Changing Date And Time On Ibook / Unable To Access System Settings

Jan 13, 2008

Any ideas ? when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings. I can't physically access the settings

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MacBook Pro :: Running Particularly Hotter Than Normal - Freezes Itself - Force Quitting Photobooth In The Process

Jan 13, 2010

The problems:
Yesterday and the day before were particularly warm. I didn't really notice until yesterday that my computer was running particularly hotter than normal, even while sitting on my desk for long periods of time. Later in the day yesterday, it was pretty warm and my MBP was running hotter than normal for just sitting on my desk. Noticeably hotter too. At the time, I was running quite a few programs: Safari, Firefox, Msn, Text Edit, and possibly Photoshop as well.

All of a sudden, when I try to open Photobooth, the computer freezes itself for the first time since I can remember... it takes nearly 5 minutes to unfreeze itself, force quitting Photobooth in the process. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I tried opening Photobooth again after everything was back to normal. Same thing, but this time it was taking even longer to try to unfreeze itself. I got kind of impatient and pissed, so I closed a bunch of programs. Tried to log into msn to tell my friends why I left randomly... and yeah, the computer freezes up again. I tried to click into the Finder to force quit the program, but the Finder freezes up and won't even open the "force quit" panel. At that point, I waited a few minutes and then forced a shut down via holding the power button.

I waited a few minutes again, and tried to turn on my MBP. I log into my account like normal... my desktop image comes up, but it just sat there. No files, no HD, not even the Finder toolbar at the top showed. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes. Nothing. Fed up, I forced a shut down again. Closed the lid, and went to sleep. The next morning, it was cooled down considerably, so I started up the computer again. Same deal, except after about 15-20 minutes the HD image loads. And then a minute or so later, my files load, along with the Finder toolbar at the top. Hooray! ...not really.

I open up Safari. Things seem alright. I get to my email, then try to open Firefox. Firefox immediately gives me the "Well, this is embarrassing..." message upon loading the window, and about 20 seconds later quits itself without warning. I tried opening it a couple of times, nada. Same thing happens over and over. Same with Photoshop. I haven't really tried any other programs... because eventually my problems got worse.

I went through the day taking notes for my classes on Text Edit, because apparently Text Edit and Safari are okay with my computer at the moment (using this right now, actually). When I get back, I try to restart my computer to hopefully give it a chance to shut off and start up again to fix the application force-quitting problem. Worse. It goes to restart, and then gets itself stuck on the load image of the purple aurora/galaxy default desktop background. Considering the issue that I had that morning, I let it sit for a considerable time. Nothing happened. So I had to force a shut down again. The ONLY way it seems to be able to start up is to force the shut down and then start it up again. The desktop takes several minutes, if not 5 or more, to load my desktop files. If I try to do anything upon it immediately loading my files, icons, etc., it will freeze up for several minutes trying to execute the command. Ex: clicking on my HD to get to the Disk Utilities application. Eventually, I got the Disk Utilities to open and run a disk repair. The repair was quick and suggested only a few issues with things like Quicktime.

^ it was a bit too late at this point to call a mac place about my issue, so I called my parents. I tried to print something out for my mom via Text Edit and the computer froze up again. Couldn't even get the Finder to unfreeze itself. Forced a shut down, and now I'm here. Safari's up. Just about the only thing that is actually still working. And so is the Disk Utility.

I'm unsure of what to do next... I have two external HD's. One is brand new, nothing on it. I'd love to attempt backing up all of my files before taking my computer in to get it checked out. Not really 100% sure how I might attempt that, considering the way my computer has been handling doing much of anything at all lately. Any advice on what to do next before I take this sucker into a mac shop would be really great.

~Admittedly, I don't treat my computer the best that I could... once I left it on my bed for a while and it had to shut itself off because it overheated. It was fine afterward, but a few times I've fallen asleep after leaving my computer on my bed. When I would wake up, I would immediately check it. Sometimes it would wake up from being asleep (checked the temperature; usually not that warm thankfully), other times it seemed to have turned itself off. I attributed this to the battery running low... but I'm actually not sure. Maybe I let it overheat itself again? I'm not entirely sure, sadly. This is my first laptop though, so I'm kind of slowly learning the "no-no's" of how to treat my computer. Thankfully, I read enough around here to invest in the extended warranty.

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MacBook Pro :: Network Preferences Locking Up System On Apply

Jul 23, 2008

In the dropdown, I have QLM WiFi (which I have no idea what that is), National Access - Broadband Access (which is my wireless card) and Automatic. Whenever I make a change and hit the "Apply" button, my MBP freezes.

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PowerPC :: G4 OS X Locking Up And Display Restart Request

Apr 18, 2010

About a week ago I had my iBook G4 freeze and display a message that said I need to shut down by either holding the power button for a few seconds or by pressing the restart button (white letters on black screen in 4 languages). I did, it rebooted and ran again. I started to get this on a more frequent basis until this morning the machine would reboot, start to run, would lock up again and then repeat the cycle.

It did not seem to correlate to what I was doing - mostly I Net and E Mail - and was not impacted by running on battery or AC. I tried to run Onyx to "clean" up the software but the program would start to run and then the system would freeze. The Restart Request Screen was not accompanied by any other indications of a problem.

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