PowerPC :: Powerbook With Bluetooth Mighty Mouse Options?
Aug 3, 2008
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 (the very last revision in 2006) and I've never had issues with the bluetooth before (although I've only ever used it to move a few pictures from my phone to my laptop occasionally). This week, I bought a wireless mighty mouse and connected it no problem. Yesterday was the first day I used it and it worked like a champ all day. Today, I was using it and in the middle of moving it around, it just stopped responding. My trackpad still works fine, but the cursor stops moving with the mouse, the clicker doesn't work, etc. When I turn the mouse off for a minute and then turn it back on, it works for a few minutes and then quits again. The first thing I tried was to swap batteries, but that didn't help. Neither did a restart.
Clicking with the left and right mouse buttons doesn't seem to be working properly. I first realised this when a message box warning me of low disk space popped up and I couldn't click on OK. Scrolling with the ball works, as does clicking with it. I restarted my iMac and removed the batteries from the mouse for a minute, but all that happened was that left and right clicks started acting like middle clicks. A wired mighty mouse works fine. I've tried cleaning it by turning it upside down and rubbing the ball on paper and a clean damp cloth, no change.
I know mighty mouse might be the perfect mouse for iMac. But is it too big for MacBook pro 13" and downgrade portablity? Should I buy bluetooth mighty Mouse for my new MacBook pro 13" or go for those smaller, lighter and cheaper bluetooth mouse from logitech/Microsoft? Besides, does bluetooth mouse work while using iPhone tethering over bluetooth?
My bluetooth MM keeps disconnecting at least twice a day and it's really annoying. I have to keep plugging in my wireless usb mouse to disconnect the MM and then reconnect it through the bluetooth option. I'm really glad I have the usb wireless mouse, but what if I didn't? My g/f will take the usb wireless mouse with her sometimes, so when I'm at home and my MM loses connection, what can I do to to fix this. I obviously can't move the mouse to the bluetooth option on my top right screen and then I also tried turning it off and on again and that doesn't work either.
So I'm looking for a fairly basic bluetooth mouse for my Macbook (white, Core Duo, 2 gigs RAM, 10.4.11) in an attempt to cut down on wires in my audio production studio. I don't want to get a Mighty Mouse due to some of the problems I've heard about re: the scroll ball. I'm looking on Newegg and a lot of the bluetooth mice look good, but most of them are designed for PC. Will they work with a Mac? Which ones do, and which ones don't?
My Bluetooth mighty mouse isn't tracking at the moment. Not at all. Everything else (clicking, side buttons, scrolling) works fine, but the other day, for some reason it just stopped tracking. I've never had any problems with it before, so I'm a bit confused.
i bought a wireless myghty mouse froma friend for 15 dllsi was alsmot new he only used once or twice he even gave the box with the cd's which i dont need right? i have leopard 10.5.6 with the newest updates and a umb and for some reason sometimes when i close my macbook and turn off the mouse an try to open my laptop he macbook freezes and the screen wont even turn on and i close it and i see the little light turn on and off and open and nothing i have to turn it off the hard way a then i turn it on and says i dont have the bluetooth adaptor or hardware and i have to turn it off 2 times
I have the beta installed on my aluminum MacBook and most things are working okay. I can't get the eject button to work for some reason and I can't get my bluetooth apple keyboard or mighty mouse to connect. Is anyone else having bluetooth issues?
I've tried to run the wizard and it's not working for me. Either it fails right from the start or it says it connected but neither work. Anyone who has done it successfully please help. I'm using a new unibody MacBook.
My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?
btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...
Ever since I updated from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7, I'm now loosing my Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse bluetooth connection with my MacBook Pro. At least once a day, my keyboard and mouse both loose connection. There is no lag going on before it happens, it just happens suddenly. I can get connection back to both my mouse and keyboard by simply using the trackpad to turn bluetooth off then on again from the menu bar. Up until last week this was happening on my 17"/2.6GHz/4GB previous gen MacBook Pro. I have now sold that and as I'm sitting here setting up my new 17" uMBP, I just lost keyboard and mouse connection. Grrr. Obviously it's not my machine and obviously it's not my keyboard or mouse as they both loose connection at the same time - it's 10.5.7 I'm using airport wireless 'n' 5GHz only. I also have bluetooth enabled on my iPhone, but always have - and never had issues when running 10.5.6 (or earlier). I have searched here but haven't found anyone else mention this exact problem. Strange. I would have thought that it would be common now that I've experienced it with two MacBook Pro's running 10.5.7. Can I go back to 10.5.6 somehow without having to rebuild?
Is there a way of using my Orange Samsung D600e to allow my Powerbook to surf the net when wifi isn't present. I've heard bits about using it via GPRS.So far I've managed to browse certain files from my Mac on the phone but I really wan't to be able to switch off airport and get a connection via my mobile. Any tips? Is it possible?I also have an old Nokia 6230e handset
i know there are a lot of MB/MBP users here, but if i was wondering if anyone had a similar experience with their powerbooky A few days after i installed 10.4.9, my bluetooth mouse started having a harder and harder time connecting, and now cannot connect at all. I also used to be able to pair my phone, and no longer can. The mouse still works with other computers (friends MBP).
The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?
My powerbook G4 has a button thats used to unhinge the LCD screen and flip the computer open. When I flip it open, the light turns on, but it should be off. If I pull the LCD screen forward as if I am going to close the screen, the light turns off as I am pulling the screen forward. As soon as I stop the motion, the power light goes back on. Its very odd.
I've just spent 30 minutes trying to do it. I have the Bluetooth 2.0 PB so that's not the problem. They reconise eachother, its just when i go to send the photo to the PB it says "failed" after about 5 seconds. I have the PB on discoverable too
When I transfer large amounts of data over my Powerbook's wireless, I lose my bluetooth connection to my keyboard. Also my wireless signal decreases. Is there some way to fix this? I'm trying to backup a drive to my windows pc in the other room.
Is there any way I can use my Motorola HT820 headphones with my PowerBook G4 17" ? When i try to pair it, it tells me "The device set up process was interrupted" or "Failed to set up the headset. headsets are not supported on your Bluetooth hardware."
I have been using my phone as a bluetooth modem on my PB for quite some time now, but today I get an error saying it is unavailable. But it is a different message than when my bluetooth on phone is off. I have a HTC Touch Pro, Alltel (CDMA). The reason I use bluetooth is because I don't know how to use USB tethering (which would be nice as bt makes my phone quite hot). Anyways, If anyone can help with either problem, it will be GREATLY appreciated. I am currently posting this on my phone, as I have a 10hr car ride and no comp.
I've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
Hoping that some of you here still own or have owned Powerbooks recently... I have a PB G4 1.67ghz that I bought in July 2005. Since then, it's seen the back of the Apple Store several times to replace three logic boards, a screen, and a SuperDrive, with the most recent instance being the third logic board replacement. This has left the future of my laptop in uncertainty, as the warranty expires this July. In the past, I've owned several Macs for 5 years or more, including my beloved G4 Cube, so I'm no stranger to sticking with my Mac until it's absolutely necessary to upgrade... and financially, I was planning for this computer to last me another 2 years before I had to upgrade.
I was wondering if anyone can help me on this. I have a powerbook G4 15" and sometimes, the number 7, J, U, & M keyboard keys don't work. This is only sometimes, but it's becoming more frequent. Does anyone know how to fix this?
recently my powerbook g4 has been doing some funny things. ..--Sometimes it won't turn on when pressing the button but eventually it will. --The computer would not book up earlier and would just stay on a white screen, like the white screen you normally get when booting but without the apple logo.--When my computer eventually booted it worked for a couple of mins and then the screen went a tinted black colour and a box came up in the middle of the screen saying i need to reboot (the box had a power logo for the background)--Then i rebooted and as i was rebooting a black screen came up with lots of writing in white. A bit like on a windows pc.
I bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut
About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?
I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4. This morning it was fine. When I got home from work, it decided that it suddenly no longer wants to stay on when not plugged in. The battery is showing a full charge. The light on the plug is green. But the second I unplug the cord from the laptop, the entire thing shuts down.
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
This is an issue most of you are probably familiar with. The 360 scroll ball on my mighty mouse has become so lodged with dirt (I'm assuming) making it impossible to scroll down. Scrolling left, right, and up works okay at best. When I scroll in the working directions, it makes a smooth tracking sound (tick-tick-tick-tick), when I scroll down, this sound is absent and is replaced by a "shhh" sound, which is the beginning of the word I'm thinking of when I hear it. I've tried the "dry cloth" (when has that ever 100% worked) with no avail, then I resorted to using a sewing needle to get around the ball (which caught a very small amount of dirt). The down-scroll still doesn't work (I mean, it doesn't work AT ALL, it's not functional) and I don't know what to do. I'm sure the mouse can handle more than just regular-consumer workload.
I'm having some more issues with my cousin's iBook I'm trying to fix.First of all, it's running on Panther (10.3.9)So here are both my problems:- Here and there, the laptop makes this loud buzzing noise... it's like you are holding down the enter key somewhere you can't enter anything. It's not a GSM buzz or anything, but I don't know how to get rid of it. I've tried doing a couple of things, but it hasn't worked. Any ideas?- Secondly, I'm having some trouble with the mouse often. (I unchecked ignore accidental trackpad click).