Windows On Mac :: Connecting Apple Mighty Mouse & Bluetooth Keyboard
Jan 7, 2009
I've tried to run the wizard and it's not working for me. Either it fails right from the start or it says it connected but neither work. Anyone who has done it successfully please help. I'm using a new unibody MacBook.
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Dec 29, 2008
I have the beta installed on my aluminum MacBook and most things are working okay. I can't get the eject button to work for some reason and I can't get my bluetooth apple keyboard or mighty mouse to connect. Is anyone else having bluetooth issues?
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Jul 17, 2009
My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?
btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...
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Jun 1, 2009
Ever since I updated from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7, I'm now loosing my Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse bluetooth connection with my MacBook Pro. At least once a day, my keyboard and mouse both loose connection. There is no lag going on before it happens, it just happens suddenly. I can get connection back to both my mouse and keyboard by simply using the trackpad to turn bluetooth off then on again from the menu bar. Up until last week this was happening on my 17"/2.6GHz/4GB previous gen MacBook Pro. I have now sold that and as I'm sitting here setting up my new 17" uMBP, I just lost keyboard and mouse connection. Grrr. Obviously it's not my machine and obviously it's not my keyboard or mouse as they both loose connection at the same time - it's 10.5.7 I'm using airport wireless 'n' 5GHz only. I also have bluetooth enabled on my iPhone, but always have - and never had issues when running 10.5.6 (or earlier). I have searched here but haven't found anyone else mention this exact problem. Strange. I would have thought that it would be common now that I've experienced it with two MacBook Pro's running 10.5.7. Can I go back to 10.5.6 somehow without having to rebuild?
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Nov 25, 2010
My Bluetooth mighty mouse isn't tracking at the moment. Not at all. Everything else (clicking, side buttons, scrolling) works fine, but the other day, for some reason it just stopped tracking. I've never had any problems with it before, so I'm a bit confused.
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Dec 21, 2009
Ive just got my hands on an Apple Bluetooth Wireless Mouse. It connects to the Bluetooth App that I have (which coincedientialy is running my Apple Wireless Keyboard perfectly) but when it says click ok with the newly connected mouse it does not move, the bottom of the mouse still flashes green.
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Mar 11, 2009
Black is the new black. Its time Apple release a black keyboard and mouse. Again. Not the old clear plastic one... though if I could find that, I'd probably get it all the same.
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Sep 15, 2006
Now, when in my room I used to sit my iBook on my bed and watch movies or whatever laying in bed. Now I'm going to get a new iMac soon, and I'm wondering what the cord lengths of the keyboard and mouse are. I'm wondering if it's worth my money getting a Bluetooth set instead, or if they're long enough, just digging up the odd USB extension cable around. The new iMac would likely be sitting about 1.5 metres away from my yeah. How long are the cords?
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Jan 18, 2010
My Magic Mouse works fine but I can't get my wireless keyboard to cooperate. It recognizes it, but doesn't give me a chance to enter a pass key.
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Nov 27, 2010
I was thinking of purchasing an Apple Wireless Keyboard, and an Apple Magic Mouse. I'm absolutely sure it'll be a wise investment, and an awesome Christmas gift. My current Mighty Mouse is quite horrible, I don't even have the ability to scroll up. Of course I don't bother to waste my time cleaning it. Oh well, they don't have a scroll bar for nothing.
The only problem is that I'm not sure if my Mac has the proper capabilities to enable usage for the wireless perpherials I'm planning to buy. This is somewhat how my Mac looks, though I'm running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 (I purchased the disk). I believe my computer has Bluetooth, there's an Icon for it in System Preferences. In my System Profiler, it also has a Bluetooth tab (here's the information is shows, I just cropped out some info. at the top, and my name).
How do I know if my Mac is set for these two items?Looking forward to your responses.
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Aug 21, 2009
I know mighty mouse might be the perfect mouse for iMac. But is it too big for MacBook pro 13" and downgrade portablity? Should I buy bluetooth mighty Mouse for my new MacBook pro 13" or go for those smaller, lighter and cheaper bluetooth mouse from logitech/Microsoft? Besides, does bluetooth mouse work while using iPhone tethering over bluetooth?
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Jan 13, 2009
I installed Windows 7 on iMac 20 inch. All went smoothly and after lot of trail and errors, was able to recognize my apple wireless keyboard and mouse. All well till here. Now the problem is that these two devices keeps disconnecting very very often. For mouse, atleast i can move around and after few clicks, it starts working, but keyboard just doesn't work at all. I have to switch off the keyboard and then switch it back on to get it working for few more minutes. Is there a way I can resolve this? I've installed Bluetooth drivers from bootcamp 2.1 update for vista.
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Nov 15, 2009
I've been trying to get Windows 7 (under Boot Camp) to recognize my Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Mouse, and for some reason it's not working. I first tried it with the drivers that come on the disc, and those didn't work (found the mouse/keyboard but wouldn't work), then I tried the Bluetooth update that Apple released, and that didn't work either. The mouse and keyboard show up in the Bluetooth devices as 'Connected', but neither work.
When I restart the computer the mouse/keyboard work at the login screen, but once I login they stop working. If I boot into Mac OS, and then boot back into Windows, they work fully, but after about 5 minutes they stop working. Why is this happening? Did anyone else have this problem?
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Sep 11, 2009
I've been looking into buying an Apple Bluetooth Wireless keyboard (MB167LL/A) for use with my new Macbook. I'm going to be using an external monitor and mouse for more of a desktop setup while I'm at home.
But I wanted to know if the Bluetooth keyboard will still be compatible with my computer when I am running Windows Vista on my mac? I realize that not all of the buttons will be perfect (aka the F keys), much as I'm used to when using my laptop keyboard, but will it work fine for normal tasks and connect correctly?
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May 4, 2010
Obviously there's always a chance that installing software on unsupported hardware may break things, but has anyone out there installed Bootcamp and the wireless keyboard update on a regular old PC? I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard in windows 7 and I would like Fn key support.
I'm just afraid that installing Bootcamp on my PC will somehow brick my windows install.
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Mar 21, 2009
My bluetooth MM keeps disconnecting at least twice a day and it's really annoying. I have to keep plugging in my wireless usb mouse to disconnect the MM and then reconnect it through the bluetooth option. I'm really glad I have the usb wireless mouse, but what if I didn't? My g/f will take the usb wireless mouse with her sometimes, so when I'm at home and my MM loses connection, what can I do to to fix this. I obviously can't move the mouse to the bluetooth option on my top right screen and then I also tried turning it off and on again and that doesn't work either.
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Nov 21, 2008
So I'm looking for a fairly basic bluetooth mouse for my Macbook (white, Core Duo, 2 gigs RAM, 10.4.11) in an attempt to cut down on wires in my audio production studio. I don't want to get a Mighty Mouse due to some of the problems I've heard about re: the scroll ball. I'm looking on Newegg and a lot of the bluetooth mice look good, but most of them are designed for PC. Will they work with a Mac? Which ones do, and which ones don't?
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Aug 3, 2008
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 (the very last revision in 2006) and I've never had issues with the bluetooth before (although I've only ever used it to move a few pictures from my phone to my laptop occasionally). This week, I bought a wireless mighty mouse and connected it no problem. Yesterday was the first day I used it and it worked like a champ all day. Today, I was using it and in the middle of moving it around, it just stopped responding. My trackpad still works fine, but the cursor stops moving with the mouse, the clicker doesn't work, etc. When I turn the mouse off for a minute and then turn it back on, it works for a few minutes and then quits again. The first thing I tried was to swap batteries, but that didn't help. Neither did a restart.
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Jul 20, 2009
i bought a wireless myghty mouse froma friend for 15 dllsi was alsmot new he only used once or twice he even gave the box with the cd's which i dont need right? i have leopard 10.5.6 with the newest updates and a umb and for some reason sometimes when i close my macbook and turn off the mouse an try to open my laptop he macbook freezes and the screen wont even turn on and i close it and i see the little light turn on and off and open and nothing i have to turn it off the hard way a then i turn it on and says i dont have the bluetooth adaptor or hardware and i have to turn it off 2 times
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Dec 5, 2009
Clicking with the left and right mouse buttons doesn't seem to be working properly. I first realised this when a message box warning me of low disk space popped up and I couldn't click on OK. Scrolling with the ball works, as does clicking with it. I restarted my iMac and removed the batteries from the mouse for a minute, but all that happened was that left and right clicks started acting like middle clicks. A wired mighty mouse works fine. I've tried cleaning it by turning it upside down and rubbing the ball on paper and a clean damp cloth, no change.
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Aug 11, 2007
I am about to purchase a new imac with the 2.8 intel extreme, 2gb ram etc. but I'm having difficulty with the keyboard and mouse decision and whether or not I should go wireless. I think I have decided not to go wireless on the mighty mouse as I don't like them and would rather buy a different one, perhaps a logitech mouse - any suggestions? The keyboard I know will be fantastic as it is the same key as my macbook's, But can someone please give me the pros and cons of each except the obvious of course being wired has usb hubs and wireless will use batteries. What differences are there between the two and is it worth the extra 5 week delivery wait for the wireless?
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Aug 27, 2009
We are trying to make a desk in my room for my new iMac that will be here the 29th (first Mac! ), and I want to know where to drill the hole for the power cable, etc. So could you guys break out the ruler or measuring tape real quick and tell me the dimensions of the aluminum keyboard with numeric keypad? I can't find the dimensions on the Apple site. And while I'm here could I have the dimensions for the Mighty Mouse,
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Oct 16, 2010
I am about to get an iMac but I don't really want that magic mouse thats given free with it because I don't want that extra bluetooth radiation, nor do I want that cordless bluetooth keyboard for the same reason. So I am thinking of getting the mighty mouse instead and the numeric keypad keyboard.
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Jun 6, 2009
I'm thinking about switching from my Logitech MX400 to Mighty Mouse (I'm starting not to like the shape of the logitech, too big. MM is a breeze to work with...)
The Logitech essentially has one button more (it has two side buttons, each separately programmable) and I use it for executing Cmd+H on the active app -- and I've grown pretty addicted to it. Hiding an app with a mouse is a lovely feat... And the second one is for Expose.
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May 2, 2009
Today my mouse ran out of batteries, so I went to get some new ones. I replaced them, the light on my mouse went on, and it seemed to be working. But, when I tried to move my clicker thing *on the computer* with my mouse, it didn't move. So, I looked at the bluetooth symbol on my computer, I'm on a MacBook, and it showed that my mouse wasn't connected. So I tried turning off the bluetooth, shutting off my mouse and turning it back on, taking out and putting the batteries back in the mouse, and none of these worked. So I went to "Browse Device" and my mouse was there, I clicked on it twice and it said "There was an error connecting to the device". I also deleted it from the bluetooth list, and I am now unable to get it back on the list!
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Jul 20, 2009
My Apple keyboard has worked fine. Last night I lost my connection for the mouse and the keyboard(not unusual for the mouse). Had to set up both again. Mouse connected easily, keyboard took forever. Bluetooth would recognize it, it was discoverable(blinking green light), batteries strong, but could not make the connection. I did this over and over, finally got it. Tonight, same thing. Lost the mouse and the keyboard. Set them up again and same thing, mouse easy and keyboard still isn';t connected.
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Dec 12, 2009
I've ordered a Mac Mini and a Logitech Dinovo Mini bluetooth keyboard for a home theater setup. I've only ever owned laptops/Macbooks and have no USB keyboards. How do I do the initial setup between the Dinovo and the Mini without any USB keyboard? Can I use my Macbook Pro keyboard in some way?
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a 3rd party bluetooth keyboard that works fine on m iphone, When I try to connect it to my Mac, the keyboard is discoverable as "Bluetooth Keyboard" where it always fails at the pairing process. "The pairing attempt was unsuccessful. This configuration of Mac OSX and bluetoot software could be invalid or unsupported." The bluetooth on my Mac connects fine to my trackpad. Is there any reason why this shouldnt work on my Mac and is there any way to get it working?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 25, 2009
Because that would make or break the purchase for me, if the USB cable is still as small as it is.
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Sep 15, 2009
Popped into M&S in York and to my surprise they were selling Wireless Mighty Mice at ?
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