PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 17" Latch Options And Sound Quality
Dec 19, 2006
I bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut
About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?
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Nov 17, 2010
I just purchased a 2005 Powerbook G4 12" and ordered a new battery. Unfortunately, when I stick a coin into the battery release latch on the underside of the computer, it just keeps turning around without ever releasing the battery. Therefore I'm guessing it's broken, and the battery is stuck in there. What do I do now? Can I take it to a Genius bar?
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Aug 17, 2008
The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?
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Aug 10, 2009
My powerbook G4 has a button thats used to unhinge the LCD screen and flip the computer open. When I flip it open, the light turns on, but it should be off. If I pull the LCD screen forward as if I am going to close the screen, the light turns off as I am pulling the screen forward. As soon as I stop the motion, the power light goes back on. Its very odd.
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Mar 20, 2008
I've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
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May 3, 2008
Hoping that some of you here still own or have owned Powerbooks recently... I have a PB G4 1.67ghz that I bought in July 2005. Since then, it's seen the back of the Apple Store several times to replace three logic boards, a screen, and a SuperDrive, with the most recent instance being the third logic board replacement. This has left the future of my laptop in uncertainty, as the warranty expires this July. In the past, I've owned several Macs for 5 years or more, including my beloved G4 Cube, so I'm no stranger to sticking with my Mac until it's absolutely necessary to upgrade... and financially, I was planning for this computer to last me another 2 years before I had to upgrade.
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Jun 26, 2008
I was wondering if anyone can help me on this. I have a powerbook G4 15" and sometimes, the number 7, J, U, & M keyboard keys don't work. This is only sometimes, but it's becoming more frequent. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Aug 3, 2008
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 (the very last revision in 2006) and I've never had issues with the bluetooth before (although I've only ever used it to move a few pictures from my phone to my laptop occasionally). This week, I bought a wireless mighty mouse and connected it no problem. Yesterday was the first day I used it and it worked like a champ all day. Today, I was using it and in the middle of moving it around, it just stopped responding. My trackpad still works fine, but the cursor stops moving with the mouse, the clicker doesn't work, etc. When I turn the mouse off for a minute and then turn it back on, it works for a few minutes and then quits again. The first thing I tried was to swap batteries, but that didn't help. Neither did a restart.
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Aug 19, 2008
recently my powerbook g4 has been doing some funny things. ..--Sometimes it won't turn on when pressing the button but eventually it will. --The computer would not book up earlier and would just stay on a white screen, like the white screen you normally get when booting but without the apple logo.--When my computer eventually booted it worked for a couple of mins and then the screen went a tinted black colour and a box came up in the middle of the screen saying i need to reboot (the box had a power logo for the background)--Then i rebooted and as i was rebooting a black screen came up with lots of writing in white. A bit like on a windows pc.
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Sep 7, 2007
I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4. This morning it was fine. When I got home from work, it decided that it suddenly no longer wants to stay on when not plugged in. The battery is showing a full charge. The light on the plug is green. But the second I unplug the cord from the laptop, the entire thing shuts down.
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Jan 26, 2008
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
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Oct 21, 2008
A friend of mine is having trouble with her 13" Powerbook G4 running Leopard. When you click the volume and mute buttons the volume overlay appears and all the bars are off and there is a "cancel" (circle with a slash) icon under it. In the sound preferences there doesn't appear to be any options under "output" It's empty. Any takers? I've never seen anything like this before. It's like the computer thinks there's no sound card on it. I haven't tried repairing permissions yet, I'll tell her to try that tomorrow.
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Jan 9, 2008
2 Days ago the sound just stopped working on my 12" 1.5Ghz Powerbook. Has worked fine since the day I got it. No problems when upgrading to Leopard, it just quit out of the blue. When I use the volume keys on the keyboard, I see an icon that looks like the circle with the line through it. I check in sounds in the System Preferences and it states that there is not an output device. The system profiles shows the sound card.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have an old speaker setup from an old pc...Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 Surround Sound System. I was wondering if it can be used for my laptop. I've heard you cannot plug in 4.1 and hear front and rear..you only recieve 2.1 is this true? theres two audio inputs on the back of this sub..front and rear...and theres another jack..a digital din port...which I dont know much about...does anyone know if both can be used..if which is better..and if I can really have true 4.1?
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Jun 2, 2008
my powerbook makes a strange sound every now and then, from the side the super drive is... but not when i have a disk inside. i don't know if it's the drive itself or something higher up under the keyboard... is that where the hard drive is? i've verified permissions and the drive and everything seems ok. should i be worried? (i do have time machine running so i guess i won't lose any data if something does happen, but still it's pretty odd for this to happen...)
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Jun 5, 2008
For the past... week my powerbook g4 has been: not charging well, and not lasting battery wise as it has been (ive checked all my energy saving settings and cleared off all unused items!); its also been blacking out when the battery reaches around 30 mins left to go. it doesnt always do this just sometimes... without warning?? After the second time today of blacking out ive now realised i have no sound? I am a fairly new mac user (6 months) so please talk in friendly easy to understand mac terms!
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm thinking of getting some new external speakers to work with my powerbook. I saw this sound card that said 5.1 on the box and then I presumed that you need, like a graphics card you need to have a dedicated sound card to do 5.1. So, do you need a dedicated sound card for 5.1? If so, does a Powerbook g4 have this card?
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Mar 23, 2007
when my G4 was in my backpack it fell out (bottom down) pretty hard, a restart brought it back to normal and the latch broke... it still closes, i need to push harder, but the button doesnt have its springeness anymore, anyone know how much apple will charge to fix it?
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Apr 24, 2007
I did a search and found a lot of threads, but didn't find the answer to my question. If I hook up my powerbook to my receiver via the auxilary input, will I be able to get true surround sound? It'd be hooked up in the headphone jack. If this doesn't work, is the Firewave the best thing to get?
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Jul 17, 2007
tried vol up and down in preferences..nothing the only output is headphones it says
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Feb 29, 2008
My powerbook 12" sound has suddenly disappeared. this is symbol appeares when i press the F4 or F5 button: So i tried to fix the problem in the system pref. but this is what i get: i never had this problem before...
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Sep 10, 2008
I have a Powerbook 1.5GHz 15.2" with mac os x 10.5.4 and yesterday while cleaning the computer I noticed something weird. With computer unplugged from the power source, i turned it on and increased the volume when the desktop come on. Before I could hear the alert sound when you change the volume there was another sound, like 3 lower volume pops, the normal sound it makes when you change the volume. Then I turned off the computer plugged in all the cables and power source and turned on and then when I changed the volume I only hear the normal alert sound when changing the volume. It only happened when the computer was running on battery.
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Jun 15, 2010
I have this powerbook from 2005 and no problems up to now..ohhh no!
A couple of days ago started to occasionally make a clank clank noise and getting stacked on the spinning colour circle, only manual restart would do it.
Thought it might be the hard disk as it is a bit old and i never replaced anything on it, shacked it and a noise of something loose would happen, so i thought of opening it up and see if i could reattach anything loose....anyway i started unscrewing following instructions, couldn't get memory out...every screw seems different and so i gave up, put it all back together, praying that the screws are all in their right places and hey, now it wont even start, not a loose sound when shaken though, but not a bip not a light, black screen, nothing...only sign of life is the green light under the num block key and the capitals arrow also starts light
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Jul 19, 2006
Well as the title says, my latch button on my 12" powerbook g4 1.33 is stuck in, and i have no idea how to get this thing fixed. It all started with a trip to the apple store to get my optical drive replaced because it was "eating" DVDs. When they sent it back to me, the report said they had replaced the bottom case, and within a week the button would get stuck in a crooked position so that the latch does not catch. I couldnt afford to give it to apple for another week because spring break was now over, so i just dealt with it until yesterday when i hauled it back to the apple store.
The genius there was like "ha! thats strange" and filled out the paperwork, and then can't get it to show up as a free fix because they won't replace lowercases without it being user repair. The head genius then came over, i explained my problem, and he said there was nothing he could do to help me, and then they walked over to the next customer.
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Nov 5, 2006
I just upgraded from a 12" iBook to a new MacBook Pro. My iBook is still working nicely and I'd like to give it to my bf's parents. The only issue with it is that the little magnetic latch that swings out from the screen bezel came unattached several months ago. I was rather annoyed when it happened, but I discovered what a big to-do it would be to take apart the LCD housing to try to fix it, so I just left it as is. But before I give it away, I'd like to now permanently afix the latch in the "out" position with some strong epoxy glue or something, so that the screen can be properly latched shut. I was wondering if some kindly iBook user out there could do a couple quick measurements of the latch in the out position, so I know where to put it. Knowing how far it's supposed to stick out and how far it is from the side of the little hide-away in the bezel would be excellent.
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Sep 17, 2007
My powerbook doesn't always make the tadah sound when booting up, why is that?
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Dec 9, 2007
For the last two weeks, my 12" 1.5Ghz PowerBook running Leopard has being doing a strange thing. After either restarting my computer or logging back in to my account, the sound completely goes away (except for the start-up chime). The speaker isn't present in my menubar, and when I press the volume up and down keys I get the volume screen shown with a circle with a bar through it. The sound preference pane says "no output devices found," even when I plug in external speakers or headphones. My iPod also won't mount when this happens. A PRAM reset appears to temporarily solve the issue, but it has now happened a few times and I'm quite worried that there's something seriously wrong with my PowerBook, which is now getting up there in age. I'd like to hold off on my buying a MacBook Pro until the summer, but that won't happen if my logic board is failing or something like that.
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Dec 13, 2009
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
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Nov 1, 2008
I am SERIOUSLY considering throwing my PC away and buying an 8-core MP. But I don't know if I will need a better sound card. Sorry, I tried researching this up but I'm still confused.
Is the sound card in the MP good enough? I am not a musician, I just want good fidelity for music, and stereo is all I want. I have a Creative (guess it's the SBLive) today in my PC.
What type of output connectors does the MP have? I saw posts mentioning optical, but I have 2.1 Altec Lansing baffles and I'd like to continue using them. They do NOT have optical input. Just the normal mini-stereo adapter.
I also suppose there is some kind of microphone input somewhere, I need it for skype VOiP (hope it works well on OS X).
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Sep 20, 2009
I'm having an issue where the sound is playing from the internal speakers and rather not the built in speakers. (The speakers that play the OS X DURRRR and Ear Breaking Memory Beeps) I've tried upgrading the Realtek Audio Drivers from the site and Snow Leopard CD to no success. Does anyone know how to fix this. It's not like this in Vista, but I can't play my games in Vista because I dun have enuff RAM.
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