PowerPC :: Powerbook Options - Rebooting A Black Screen?
Aug 19, 2008
recently my powerbook g4 has been doing some funny things. ..--Sometimes it won't turn on when pressing the button but eventually it will. --The computer would not book up earlier and would just stay on a white screen, like the white screen you normally get when booting but without the apple logo.--When my computer eventually booted it worked for a couple of mins and then the screen went a tinted black colour and a box came up in the middle of the screen saying i need to reboot (the box had a power logo for the background)--Then i rebooted and as i was rebooting a black screen came up with lots of writing in white. A bit like on a windows pc.
I gave my Powerbook 15" G4 screen a wipe and after rebooting it has gone very dark. There is still an image there but I need a torch to see it. I've tried the brightness controls and rebooting several times but it is still the same. Is there anything else I can try before taking it to a Mac repairer.
I've got an older 15" powerbook running Mac OS X 10.3.9 (i think). Lately my computer screen randomly turns itself off, the whole think going black, like it was asleep or off, but the computer keeps running just fine. Like i might have itunes playing or be burning a disc and that goes on just fine. The computer itself stays running. What I've been doing is putting the computer to sleep by closing the notebook, letting it rest for a few seconds and turning it back on by opening it back out. This fixes the problem for anywhere from 5 seconds to indefinitely, until it happens again. Lately its been happening more. The computer is 4 years old, but the model itself, probably 5.
It's a PowerBook G4, 15" model A1046, and this is what's going on.
Powers on, checks combo drive, gongs, no flickering or lighting on screen, period.
Tried a PRAM reset several times but it NEVER gongs a second time. I tried booting to Open Firmware and typing mac-boot, blind, but nothing. The keyboard clearly works, as the caps lock light works.
The hard drive spins up, the fans run at normal speeds, so everything else is clearly functional.
I have this powerbook from 2005 and no problems up to now..ohhh no!
A couple of days ago started to occasionally make a clank clank noise and getting stacked on the spinning colour circle, only manual restart would do it.
Thought it might be the hard disk as it is a bit old and i never replaced anything on it, shacked it and a noise of something loose would happen, so i thought of opening it up and see if i could reattach anything loose....anyway i started unscrewing following instructions, couldn't get memory out...every screw seems different and so i gave up, put it all back together, praying that the screws are all in their right places and hey, now it wont even start, not a loose sound when shaken though, but not a bip not a light, black screen, nothing...only sign of life is the green light under the num block key and the capitals arrow also starts light
I was just using my powerbook G4 12" when it "clicked", the screen went black and it will not respond. the power cable light is on, and I've tried another battery, but it does not turn on! the little light on the latch button that glows usually, is not on. What has happened to my Powerbook????! I don't have applecare but I imagine I will be calling Apple this morning unless someone can help here
The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?
My powerbook G4 has a button thats used to unhinge the LCD screen and flip the computer open. When I flip it open, the light turns on, but it should be off. If I pull the LCD screen forward as if I am going to close the screen, the light turns off as I am pulling the screen forward. As soon as I stop the motion, the power light goes back on. Its very odd.
I've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
Hoping that some of you here still own or have owned Powerbooks recently... I have a PB G4 1.67ghz that I bought in July 2005. Since then, it's seen the back of the Apple Store several times to replace three logic boards, a screen, and a SuperDrive, with the most recent instance being the third logic board replacement. This has left the future of my laptop in uncertainty, as the warranty expires this July. In the past, I've owned several Macs for 5 years or more, including my beloved G4 Cube, so I'm no stranger to sticking with my Mac until it's absolutely necessary to upgrade... and financially, I was planning for this computer to last me another 2 years before I had to upgrade.
I was wondering if anyone can help me on this. I have a powerbook G4 15" and sometimes, the number 7, J, U, & M keyboard keys don't work. This is only sometimes, but it's becoming more frequent. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 (the very last revision in 2006) and I've never had issues with the bluetooth before (although I've only ever used it to move a few pictures from my phone to my laptop occasionally). This week, I bought a wireless mighty mouse and connected it no problem. Yesterday was the first day I used it and it worked like a champ all day. Today, I was using it and in the middle of moving it around, it just stopped responding. My trackpad still works fine, but the cursor stops moving with the mouse, the clicker doesn't work, etc. When I turn the mouse off for a minute and then turn it back on, it works for a few minutes and then quits again. The first thing I tried was to swap batteries, but that didn't help. Neither did a restart.
I bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut
About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?
I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4. This morning it was fine. When I got home from work, it decided that it suddenly no longer wants to stay on when not plugged in. The battery is showing a full charge. The light on the plug is green. But the second I unplug the cord from the laptop, the entire thing shuts down.
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
Just realized that Apple is selling the black MacBook for the same price as the 12" PB before it was discontinued ($1499). Considering the PB was aluminum, no wonder Apple is making so much money...
I've got a friend with a 17" PowerBook G4 that's suddenly started displaying a vertical strip of black lines about 2" wide. Any idea what's causing the problem? I've seen plenty of pictures of PowerBooks with pixel-wide strips of a single color, but none that show black lines. Something else to note is that the problem area is displaying a shadow of the previous window that was there (ghosting).
He's tried all the usual, from rebooting to rubbing the problem area to pressing the metal strip above the keyboard to try and reseat the ribbon cable.
My MAC powerbook was working fine yesterday! I shut it down last night and when I tried to boot it up this morning I get: the booting "sound" and the grey screen after which the screen turns to black and in the top left-hand corner
Alright, I FINALLY got windows on my mac and am very proud of myself. However, I am encountering what I hope is a final problem.
I want to log into Windows as an admin, so when it starts up I hit F8. The screen goes black and gives me a bunch of options, I choose "Safe Mode". Everything so far works like it should. But then the log screen appears with two options: Admin and my regular user. Obviously I want admin, but my keyboard and mouse are utterly nonresponsive , even the little caps light won't turn on. This means I'm stuck there, staring at what I want to click but unable to do so. The only button that works is the power button.
Anyone else run into this? More importantly, anyone know how to fix it?
I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."
I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?
My iBook will not display anything on its screen. Rather, it just remains black. One time, the screen did come on, but then shortly after booting, it flickered a lot and then went black again. A year ago, something similiar happened and when I took it to be serviced (when I had AppleCare), they had to send it away and have a new logic board installed. Now this machine is out of warrenty and and I am not sure what to do, or even if it is the same problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
I restarted and nothing. Still dim. I can barely, barely see things like if I hit expose, I can see shifting rectangles.
Also, I've been having this issue where the keyboard mostly stopped working -- if I hit kjjh, it'll come up as 3443 or something. It's usually fixed with a restart.
I have it covered by a year of applecare until feb 24, 2007 -- but I haven't registered it yet. Should I register and then call apple or what?
This comes at a REALLY bad time. I have design projects coming up everywhere and of course, despite my $250 external hard drive, i haven't been backing things up because I'm an idiot.
Can I hook it up to a external monitor just to make a backup of my hard drive?
I just revived my 12" PowerBook and I just starting to notice how dim the screen has become. Even my iMac G3's CRT is much brighter than my PB. I really love this thing and don't want to stop using it, so I was thinking about options to fix the screen. What's the cheapest route? Can I replace only the backlight, or do I have to replace the screen? And where is the most reliable place to get a screen changed?
I have a G4 Powerbook 1.67 that I don't take anywhere. It just sits on an iCurve as a home computer. Never been dropped, damaged, looks as good as new.
That said, the screen sometimes gives me these red moving pixels which distorts the screen image a bit (pic attached). And lately the screen has been going out at times with lines across the screen, then intermittent blackouts.
I have a PowerBook G4 15" 1.5GHz. As far as I can remember, the screen had almost no "play" when I bought it and now has about 1.25in of "play" when you adjust the screen angle. A guy in my dorms has one and it adjusts very smoothly. Lets say I'm closing the screen to put it to sleep, the screen will come forward for about an inch before there is any resistance from the hinges. What should I do? I bought apple care so I'm guessing that might come in to play. Is this something I can fix or do I just take it to an Apple store?
I've got a 15in aluminium powerbook, a couple of years old. So far I've had nearly everything go wrong with it. replaced screen, knackered hd, ram port failiure, and a battery that lasts 10 minutes.
I recently replaced the harddrive, as the standard issue one packed up a few times. I followed the instructions on ifixit.com website. To my delight I actually managed to do it, and the pb worked well for a few weeks. Then suddenly, the screen froze and faded to white. So far I've tried everything -
Resetting the pmu. Resetting the pram and nvram. Opened it up to check I reconnected everything. and checked to see if the hd is still working starting it up from another computer, and it works fine. Everythings still there. Someone also said if you hold 'R' key down on start up it resets the lcd. BUT STILL BLANK!!!!!!!!!
The screen still seems to turn black after a little while, indicating the energy saver is still on. I'm thinking I may have dislodged an lcd connection or something?