PowerPC :: Getting No Signal Between G4 And New 26" Dynex Flat Panel Tv / What To Do?
Jul 17, 2010
I just bought a Dynex 26" flat panel tv and hooked it up to my mac g4 using VGA cord. I selected VGA as the input with the TV's remote, but after the initial Apple icon shows up when I start the Mac, the TV then displays the "No Signal" box. I do not have the TV hooked up to my digital cable box, as I have no connectors for that. I only want to use it for my Mac. Thanks for any help.
i've been searching for a way to use an iMac G4's LCD Monitor as an external monitor for any other computer. So far i haven't found a solution for it, so during my search i read that it is possible to remove the LCD display from the iMac G4's case and install another LCD display that you know for sure it will work on any other computer. So, my question is, is this possible? if so, what LCD monitor would fit in the case? i know that there's a problem when trying to pass the wires through the arm, but i think i can handle that since i already tried with some random cables, so if you know of an LCD that could fit in the case.
I am dog/housesitting for my inlaws. Yesterday, before I left my house I shut down my iMac as always and for the heck of it, unplugged the computer, modem, and router stopped home today, and decided to hop on the computer real quick. plugged everything back in and the computer will NOT turn on. No noise, no lights, nothing. It was fine yesterday--I shut it down, unplugged it, and plugged it back in today---now it is completely dead! So I tried other plugs and no dice. Never had any power or shutdown/starup issue before. I called Mac---but outside of driving an hour to the Apple store--it wasn't much help. The guy did say it was most likely the cord. I would be wiling to try that--as it would be a cheap option, but it looks like I may have to drive to the Apple store anyway to get a cord that fits. I also tried resetting the PMU that Apples site recommends--and nothing. Any suggestion would be great. With the holidays the thought of dropping big $$$ on computer repairs is not appealing.
i just opened my imac g4 1.25 ghz 17" (lamp imac) and found a wire that is taped at the end and apparently not connected somewhere.. as you can see in the pics, the one i'm holding with an orange tip at the tip.. i dont really know the history of this imac.. :c
is this a cause for concern on my part? i'm replacing/upgrading the dvd rom and hard disk.. that's why i saw that wire.
The displays on my flat panel iMac G4 (2003) suddenly have gone 'red': sometimes it will return to 'blue' and be ok. Is this a dying flat panel or can I fixit?
My Mac G4 cannot boot from CD, it show kernel panic message when it start booting from CD, the hardisk no problem, but it can boot from firewire connected external hard disk.
I have a 700 MHz iMac flat panel with 1 GB SDRAM and running OS 10.4.11. Almost every time I go to do something, I get the spinning ball and have to wait before it performs the action. I even get the ball briefly when I click OK on a dialogue box. I have run the disk utility to repair disk permissions several times, but that doesn't seem to help. What can I do to get the Mac to run faster as it used to do?
i recently purchased an iMAC g4...i love its great esthetics, but have been having trouble streaming netflix movies, Now i know its kinda old, heck its ancient in the IT community, but its my budget mac...and i love it! Im running macos x 19.4.11 and was wondering if that my be the issue?? also when i stream youtube videos, the vid's sort of stutter/ delay a bit..
I know that's below the required speed but there's Leopard Assist. As can be seen on that page, it says "Uncertain" ONLY for my iMac.
Has anyone done it with this iMac? Does anyone know? I'm running Panther now and, these days, that's no place to be. I want to get Leopard on my Mac before I have to <shudder> switch back!
How do I connect a newer 2011 27" iMac to a flat panel via a Thunderbolt to HDMI cable? I've already tried this with two different brands of flat panels (RCA and Samsung) and both get no signal. The iMac does recognize the model of flat panel connected to it, the flat panels do not recognize the iMac, nothing but a blue or black screen. Already tried powering down and resetting both the iMac and flatpanels, resetting the memory on the iMac, trying all the HDMI ports on both flatpanels. Nothing works.
i have a power mac g4 m5183 that i inherited, as well as a m7649 monitor. when connected, the mac turns on but the monitor does not, I also don't see a button to turn on the mac monitor. how do i turn on the monitor?
The Dell SP2309W 23" Flat Panel Widescreen Monitor with WebCam is only $300, seems to good to be true. Is it a good monitor, in the same league as the HP LP2475w or the Apple 24" LED display?
I can definitely live with the 23" and can't believe it's only $300.
I bought Mini display port to VGA Adapter and VGA display cable and i connected then to the tv and into my comp then i turn my tv to "AV1" and turned my comp on. NOTHING happened. i cant get any display on the comp. what am i doing wrong? plz give me steps of how to actully get a display. i am pluged into the VGA on my Dynex tv
I have an ibook G4 1.42 ghz. It worked fine until recently. After connecting to a wireless network for a few minutes, it then begins to sporadically drop out. And after losing the connection, it can't detect any wireless networks. Turning off the card, restarting the computer, letting it sit for a few minutes... signals come in and out, but then drop again.
I'm using OS X.4, so this isn't a software problem, the OS, or caused by an update. The antenna also isn't faulty. The computer reads the card as being fully functional, but just doesn't detect any wireless networks. I've exhausted all software solutions and now can only conclude it's a hardware problem. Given the symptoms I've described, would the best idea be to replace the card altogether?
Just installed an Airport Extreme card in an iBook G4 (running Panther). Signal strength within a few feet of the wireless router (Netgear) is usually high to medium. But when I leave the room it's in the signal drops all the sudden. I haven't had much experience with wireless networking, so I'm not that familiar with this. We do have a lot of cables and wires related to the computers in the main room where the router is, could that be "blocking" the signal from outside that room?
I live where there are city-wide WiFi connections. I actually live a block or two from one of the routers. The only problem is that my powerbook 12" has the hardest time picking up a signal, in fact I often have a hard time picking up wireless signals unless I'm right near them.
I realize this is one fault of the 12-banger, but it's almost as if mine sucks more than usual. Anyways, I know there is a way to extend the wireless capabilities. I've seen hacks where an antenna is actually soldered on, which is a route I would rather not take. If I had a windows machine there are several USB adapters to extend the range. Are there any of these that will work with a Mac?
Sometimes while using my Powerbook in the house, the signal on my Airport connection will either drop completely or drop down to 1 bar which makes it extremely slow and barely usable. Normally, I'd blame the router, but the couple times this happened, I grabbed my brother's MacBook, set them side-by-side, and connected to the same access point, my PB had 1 bar or nothing at all, and his MB was at full strength and was working fine. Eventually, the PowerBook will go back up to full strength and be usable again, but after awhile, it will go back down too. It's an intermittent thing.
When I transfer large amounts of data over my Powerbook's wireless, I lose my bluetooth connection to my keyboard. Also my wireless signal decreases. Is there some way to fix this? I'm trying to backup a drive to my windows pc in the other room.
Having some trouble using my Acer 22" LCD with my 1.67GHz low-res Powerbook. It had always worked fine until I installed the Leopard graphics update, after which the LCD stop receiving a signal through the DVI connection. The OS will detect that a monitor is connected (blue screen) but it will not send a signal to the monitor. I read on the Apple discussion board that a lot of people with MBP's were having the same issue. Last night I reformatted the HD and went back to Tiger, updated to 10.4.11, and to my surprise the exact same problem persists. I know it's not an issue with the monitor itself, as my PC works fine with it.
I bought 2 crap iMac's off eBay, 1 is the lowest iMac G5 ever made, the otherr is the highest. I the lower shows the 2 green LEDS and no signal for the display. The second is the same. I have given them their respectivly correct memory, clean and hoovered the insides, tried on multiple occasions to clear the Pram, and reset SMU, on both using my Alu apple keyboad. I have put a 250gb he in them , and although it is still an so drive, I just wanna see some screen
I've corrupted the preference panel for .Mac in my 10.4 installation. Does anyone know where I can get the .prefs app to reinstall for it so I can get that page in Preferences up again? I don't want to reinstall the whole thing!
I recently restored the default Leopard theme files after uninstalling a theme via Magnifique. However, I noticed that my transparent menu bar no longer has a gradient, though the menu bar has a gradient if I turn off transparency. I have re-enabled Core UI and transparent menu bar. I did another restore of the Leopard theme files using the iLeopard uninstaller. I have attached a screen clipping. My menubar is on the left. What it is supposed to look like is on the right.
How do I restore the gradient for the translucent menu bar? Is this done by setting an environment variable? I found this article:[URL]
Apparently you get a flat menubar if you disable transparency manually. Is there a similar way to restore the gradient when you re-enable the transparency?
Today I discovered that my MBA wobbles while on a perfectly flat surface. Has anyone had this problem? I bought it in early March. It is driving me nutz while typing! I keep it in pristine condition. It doesn't even have a scratch on it and is always in it's WaterField sleeve in my messenger bag.
I realised the lid dosent align well with the base then i went to put my macbook pro on my desk and noticed that the computer dosent even lay flat! it rocks from the bottom left to the top right very noticeably this isnt a picky problem, the laptop should lay flat anyone else have this problem?
Can I connect my Power Mac G4 (model M5183) to a modern flat screen monitor? I already tried it with a small flat screen TV which works fine with my MacBook Pro but couldn't make it work with the G4. I only need the G4 for a SCSI slide scanner that I use occasionally, and would love to get rid of the monstrosity of a monitor that came with the G4. I've updated the processor in the G4 to 1 GHz and run it with OS 10.5.8.
I just bought a very expensive Mac box, wide-screen flat monitor, printer, you name it, and I need SOFTWARE! I have searched the trial-ware sites, and many of the types of programs I need say "WINDOWS ONLY", or, "NO MAC VERSION AVAILABLE". Is there a place/site that specializes in Mac software that I do not see?
The new flat white keys are getting dusty. With the old white keyboards I was able to pull each key, put them into a suck and throw them into the washer machine and that was it But, can I pull this keys? And they are so easy to leak any cleaner to the inside and loose the entire keyboard. Any suggestions for cleaning? Other than covering the keys with some plastic protector.