PowerPC :: Lower G5 Shows The 2 Green LEDS And No Signal For The Display
Jan 13, 2009
I bought 2 crap iMac's off eBay, 1 is the lowest iMac G5 ever made, the otherr is the highest. I the lower shows the 2 green LEDS and no signal for the display. The second is the same. I have given them their respectivly correct memory, clean and hoovered the insides, tried on multiple occasions to clear the Pram, and reset SMU, on both using my Alu apple keyboad. I have put a 250gb he in them , and although it is still an so drive, I just wanna see some screen
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Aug 12, 2010
I have a copy of Sim City classic, I tried installing on my MBP, no classic/can't lower the screen resolution low enough. I picked up a Power Mac 5500/225 from work, figuring it would do the trick. I can't get the graphics any lower then 256, the game wants 16! It also has a black and white game, but even after I turned the monitor to black and white, restarted, still didn't see it as two tone. I love the original version of the game, and even though I know people claim you can play on the Maxis site, they never send me a log in, no matter how many times I try
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Oct 15, 2009
I have the 17" ASDisplay attached to my PM G4 MMD. It looks and works perfect. Love it. I use this machine for video capture so I don't need screen real estate.
Fast forward to yesterday - I ordered a new mac pro and need to connect it to my KVM switch which means I need to remove the G5 from that switch.
No biggee - I found another 17" ASDisplay. But i thought i better check with my own first before committing to buy.
It connects to the ACD side of the graphics card (nvidia Gfx 5200 or along that line - stock card for this model), but everything has a green due to it.
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Sep 22, 2009
Pulled my coveted 12" 1.5 ghz powerbook out of its bag and it's has an annoying little opaque stripe about 3/4" along the right side of the display. It changes color from yellow to green. When I pinch the lower side of my display together, it goes back to the blue background color, but still has a distortion to it.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have 15" MacBookPro 3,1 and the lower 1/4 of the screen will just freeze up randomly. I can gently touch the lower right portion of the screen and it revives(refreshes) but I know its not good for it and it seems to be getting worse. display is shorting out. Any one else have a solution or idea of repair cost? Still a good computer! Just put Lion on it and it runs great, 4 years strong.
MacBook Pro, G5 Dual, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Mar 1, 2012
I used my macbook charger to charge a mac book pro and now my macbook will not turn on. The green light shows on the charger but it will not turn on. I am not sure it is related but what should I do?
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Jul 23, 2008
We have an old eMac but it works pretty well for our daughter's needs. We have a mysterious problem where the lower case 'r' won't work. I thought the keyboard was faulty and bought a new one but have the same problem with that so it's in the system somewhere. The uppercase R works.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a 1.67ghz G4 PowerBook that has the dreaded lower ram slot failure. This limits me to 1gb of ram, though the machine works fine otherwise. My understanding is that this PowerBook does not accept more than 2gb ram..... So, my question is this: Will this PB not accept more than 2gb ram total, or will it simply not accept DDR2 larger than 1gb each, be it one or two??
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a 2009 model of Mac Mini and I have a 32" Samsung TV as the primary display hooked up though MiniDVI converted to VGA and it works properly. But my second Sony 19" monitor hooked up though DisplayPort Converted to VGA does not receive signal. It is detected by Display but no signal is being sent to it. When I have only the monitor though the DisplayPort hooked up it doesn't receive signal but when I have one only though the MiniDVI it displays fine so I know its not the Monitors.
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Jun 16, 2012
I have MacMini and the display signal turns off intermittently (i.e. not just sleeping).
The display is via a VGA connection to a Philips monitor (although I've tried with an Acer VGA monitor too and get the same problem).
The only way to fix it seems to be to turn the Mac off and on again.
I feel pretty disappointed. I've used Apple Macs since having a Mac Plus 20 years ago and have always recommended people to use them because "you just plug things in and they work"...
But this is simply rubbish. It's practically useless. should I just try to get my money back under the "not fit for purpose" clause in the sale of goods act.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 8, 2014
I'm looking to run video out to two TVs, but it's over a decent distance, so I'm worried that using an HDMI splitter would cut the signal and suffer quality loss. I was wondering if both mini DisplayPorts can be linked to output the same signal at the same time, so that both TVs can show the same thing but each signal is at full force.
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Dec 9, 2014
I have a Mac Pro 1,1. Tonight the display starting looking like the screen shot attached. Then it wouldn't come up at all. Black screen, with a few bands of green pixels.
My first thought is that the Graphics Card is going bad. Odd thing is, though, that I captured this via screen capture from another Mac. Could it still be a bad GPU if it looks this way remotely? I'm not sure how these early Mac Pros work. I have Mac minis that, when the display is off (or headless), the GPU is not used to render the GUI via screen sharing. So, I tried disconnecting the display from the Mac Pro, and I get the same screen shot.
I can boot the Mac Pro into Safe Mode, but that is it.
MacPro 2 x 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 10, 2009
strange shapes started appearing on the desktop - a fluorescent green (like vertical strips of 5 or 6 pixels in a group), sometimes as a shadow of a previous open window, sometimes just random squares or lines. The blocks of green go if i run my mouse over them with the button pressed down.
a fluorescent green light sometimes shines around the programme tiles in the dock.
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Mar 22, 2012
I recently bough a 2nd hand MacBook Pro off eBay & all has been fine until today when I was using it. Suddenly a green line appeared down the right hand side of the screen. I did a bot of research & people say it could be the GPU, but I know that this particular MBP has had the logic board replaced only last year. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but the line has now gone.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 30, 2012
The screen of my MBP 13 was shattered over the weekend, so I'm rigging up an external screen to tide me until I can fix the glass/LCD at the end of term. I have purchased an Acer P196HQL display and the MBP recognizes it, but the external display says 'No Signal'. I went to the shop in town where I was given a Thunderbolt/Mini to DVI-D convertor which then has a DVI-D to VGA convertor to connect to the external's VGA port. My MBP has Intel HD 3000 Graphics 384 MB graphics and is a GPU type, if that's relevant. I'd love to be able to revise for exams off of this laptop.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 29, 2010
Sometimes the LCD display goes into this mode where in some areas you see red and green pixels flashing. I have taken a few pictures, which obviously don't render the flashing effect, but give you an idea of what it looks like:
This is a MacBook Pro pre-unibody The graphic card is an ATI Radeon X1600 I ran the TechTool Deluxe tool to test the video RAM (and everything else), but it didn't detect anything wrong I have never seen this when the laptop is connected to an external monitor This doesn't happen that often; say 1 times out of 10, usually after the laptop comes out from sleep. The issue stays for a few minutes and then goes away until next time, so I am unlikely to have the problem when I go to Apple Store for service.
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Jun 30, 2014
So I have this collection of pixels near the bottom of my screen but they're only visible over a dark grey area, like when you're in the login screen (I have an early 2013 MBPr 15 btw)
It's probably a problem with the screen itself and not the GPU (or maybe the connection between them?) since if I take a screenshot it's not visible and I've connected it to an external monitor and it doesn't have it.
I took a picture of said problem [URL] .....
I've had this for a few weeks now and I've tried those youtube videos (I just to have some image retention after leaving something to run for a long time) which have decreased the amount of pixels. They all dissapeared for a few hours and now they're back.
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Aug 31, 2014
I have a 2007 Mac Pro 1,1 with attached 24" apple display and utilizing 5 GB Ram and maxed out on internal hard drives. It's been a flawless workhorse and I mostly tax it with Photoshop which it does well. Well, yesterday, I was viewing a small video on my Mac when this issue occurred. Suddenly I saw these squiggly looking horizontal lines on my display. Then I saw a spinning beach ball. I had to shut down.
I double checked my display cables in case any were loose - no issues. Restarted without issue. Went back to work on my computer - no issues doing ordinary tasks such as opening windows, moving files and surfing the internet. Went back into Photoshop and resized several dozen images without issue. Then, this happened again... restarted. Zapped PRAM just in case. Fired up Tech Tool Deluxe (older version 3.1.3) and it found NO problems, I passed all tests.
Then... out of nowhere it crashed again, third time... I don't recall what I was doing to be honest. I shut down my Mac last night and this morning have spent an hour on and so far, so good. However, I'm not taxing it by doing anything intense. I need to use Photoshop for a project I'm working on so I will do that soon and see if this issue repeats.
I've tried searching the forums but can't find anything conclusive to my specific issue. What else should I do? What else should I check? Is this hardware or a software issue? I have temperature monitor installed - should I be looking at specific temperature increases and if so, where?
GPU going bad on logic board? This is a really close up image taken with my iphone, obviously the lines aren't this large.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 2, 2010
I have an ibook G4 1.42 ghz. It worked fine until recently. After connecting to a wireless network for a few minutes, it then begins to sporadically drop out. And after losing the connection, it can't detect any wireless networks. Turning off the card, restarting the computer, letting it sit for a few minutes... signals come in and out, but then drop again.
I'm using OS X.4, so this isn't a software problem, the OS, or caused by an update. The antenna also isn't faulty. The computer reads the card as being fully functional, but just doesn't detect any wireless networks. I've exhausted all software solutions and now can only conclude it's a hardware problem. Given the symptoms I've described, would the best idea be to replace the card altogether?
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Jan 28, 2006
Is there any way to improve the wifi signal acquisition on my 12" g4 powerbook?
I'm noticing that the 14"Ibook I'm comparing my PB to get a better signal sitting side by side.
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Oct 25, 2006
Just installed an Airport Extreme card in an iBook G4 (running Panther). Signal strength within a few feet of the wireless router (Netgear) is usually high to medium. But when I leave the room it's in the signal drops all the sudden. I haven't had much experience with wireless networking, so I'm not that familiar with this. We do have a lot of cables and wires related to the computers in the main room where the router is, could that be "blocking" the signal from outside that room?
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Jan 25, 2007
I live where there are city-wide WiFi connections. I actually live a block or two from one of the routers. The only problem is that my powerbook 12" has the hardest time picking up a signal, in fact I often have a hard time picking up wireless signals unless I'm right near them.
I realize this is one fault of the 12-banger, but it's almost as if mine sucks more than usual. Anyways, I know there is a way to extend the wireless capabilities. I've seen hacks where an antenna is actually soldered on, which is a route I would rather not take. If I had a windows machine there are several USB adapters to extend the range. Are there any of these that will work with a Mac?
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Dec 29, 2007
Sometimes while using my Powerbook in the house, the signal on my Airport connection will either drop completely or drop down to 1 bar which makes it extremely slow and barely usable. Normally, I'd blame the router, but the couple times this happened, I grabbed my brother's MacBook, set them side-by-side, and connected to the same access point, my PB had 1 bar or nothing at all, and his MB was at full strength and was working fine. Eventually, the PowerBook will go back up to full strength and be usable again, but after awhile, it will go back down too. It's an intermittent thing.
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Mar 31, 2007
When I transfer large amounts of data over my Powerbook's wireless, I lose my bluetooth connection to my keyboard. Also my wireless signal decreases. Is there some way to fix this? I'm trying to backup a drive to my windows pc in the other room.
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Jul 17, 2010
I just bought a Dynex 26" flat panel tv and hooked it up to my mac g4 using VGA cord. I selected VGA as the input with the TV's remote, but after the initial Apple icon shows up when I start the Mac, the TV then displays the "No Signal" box. I do not have the TV hooked up to my digital cable box, as I have no connectors for that. I only want to use it for my Mac. Thanks for any help.
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Jan 7, 2009
I have had my MacBook for just over a year. A weeks ago, the display started go weird: - strange shapes started appearing on the desktop - a fluorescent green (like vertical strips of 5 or 6 pixels in a group), sometimes as a shadow of a previous open window, sometimes just random squares or lines. The blocks of green go if i run my mouse over them with the button pressed down. -a fluorescent green light sometimes shines around the programme tiles in the dock. -shadows behind open windows very accentuated and fluorescent green - sometimes text on web pages and documents look garbled - again this goes if i run my mouse over them, and either go or comes back in a different place. Some times i can go a few hours without experiences these problems, other times the issue is there on start up. I ran the quick hardware check, and no problems were reported, a week later i ran the extensive check, and again the system seemed fine.
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Mar 24, 2012
I am getting a green line and a black open space on the side of my Mac Mini TV when I set it up. I have tried every different resolution and it is still there. The problem is that when I click Detect Displays, nothing happens to the screen.
iPod touch, iOS 1.x
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May 26, 2008
Having some trouble using my Acer 22" LCD with my 1.67GHz low-res Powerbook. It had always worked fine until I installed the Leopard graphics update, after which the LCD stop receiving a signal through the DVI connection. The OS will detect that a monitor is connected (blue screen) but it will not send a signal to the monitor. I read on the Apple discussion board that a lot of people with MBP's were having the same issue. Last night I reformatted the HD and went back to Tiger, updated to 10.4.11, and to my surprise the exact same problem persists. I know it's not an issue with the monitor itself, as my PC works fine with it.
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Jun 17, 2012
My Macbook pro's display has started playing up. Having green flickering lines which come and go randomly, especially on images with a lot of black. Right now, the lines just disappeared as soon as I connected to mains, to start recharging the laptop. I'm using OS X 10.7.4 with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 1, 2014
I'm using macbook pro 2009 15'' certain layers of display have a green black matrix sort of effect...
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