PowerPC :: AirPort Not Detecting Networks - No Signals

Feb 8, 2008

Reason for the ? is because I'm not sure if this is really a problem or not. Whenever I'm at school there are certain places (inside classrooms mostly) I get either of these scenarios:
1. I get no signal whatsoever and my AirPort doesn't even detect the network
2. My AirPort will be able to detect the school's network but when I try to connect it says "<Network name> cannot be found"
3. If I do connect I'll get such terrible 1 bar signal that it's impossible for me to do anything.

Some key facts that you must know:
-Everyone else is able to connect! i.e. A student to my left, with the newer MacBook, will have a strong connectivity, and to my right will be student to my right with a Dell and has full strength connectivity. What is the deal here?
-I have a wireless router that I use at home and it connects to it no problems at all for the entire time I've had it. Full strength connectivity. I have the last generation of the 12" PB 1.5.

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OS X :: Airport Not Detecting Networks?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm having major problems with airport. It seems that lately its become less and less effective at detecting wireless networks. I need to be sitting a few feet away from a router for my macbook (10.4.11) to detect it. This occurs with all networks. I never had this problem until the past year and its seemed to get progressively worse. I'm not sure if this is a confrontational or hardware issue.

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PowerPC :: AirPort Wireless Only See / Connect To Nearby Networks

Jun 14, 2009

I have a wireless network router/internet thing in one room of the house and my g5 is in another room. I also have a PC laptop and that can connect to my home's wirless internet no problem. My G5 simply cannot connect or even sense my 2wire901 home network, but it can see other networks in my home area. I only managed to connect to my own home network once! And the 2nd time my 2wire901 can never be found. Get this; it has to be the mac. Coz my laptop is sitting right next to my mac in 1 room and it has no problems connecting.

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PowerPC :: Airport Card Doesn't See ANY Networks - 400Mhz G3 IMac DV

Mar 10, 2009

Just installed one of the original airport cards in this machine, and though all indications are that it is working correctly, it doesn't see the USR wireless router sitting 10 feet from it. No networks show up in the dropdown list, and manually adding does nothing. Encryption is a simple MAC filter (this card has already been added), and SSID is broadcast. Did I get a bad card? System profiler seems to think it's fine.

It's an original airport card.
Computer's a G3 400 Mhz iMac.
A G3 300 Mhz iBook with original airport card is having no troubles.
Firmware of Airport card is 9.52
Firware of router is up to date.
OSX 10.3.9

All help greatly appreciated; this is my moms little computer, and we're trying to rearrange and loose some wires.

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PowerPC :: AirPort Extreme Card On Late 2004 G5 Mac Detects No Wireless Networks

Jul 4, 2010

I recently purchased a refurbished AirPort Extreme Card and AirPort antenna for my late 2004 Power Mac G5. My Mac is running on OS X Version 10.4.11. I properly installed them, since the computer notes the AirPort Extreme card in the "About Mac" menu. There are a couple of wireless networks near my home and the computer doesn't detect any of them. I've checked out previous forum discussions around this issue, tried some suggested troubleshooting to no avail. Can I presume the AirPort Extreme card is defective? It detects absolutely no signal from the other networks around here. Could the WEP password length of our router have anything to do with it? Do I need to download a driver to activate the AirPort Extreme Card? Could upgrading to a different operating system make it work?

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PowerPC :: Airport In G3 Cannot "See" Any Wifi Networks

Oct 2, 2010

I just bought and correctly installed a working airport card to my iBook G3 (M6497) I checked and the card is being recognized and says it's on. However, it can not find any wireless networks automatically. I tried entering the name of my network manually, but it says "There was an error joining the AirPort network "NameofNetwork"." "Try again" "OK" The router doesn't have any security on it and it is compatible with 802.11b. I bought this iBook from a friend who says he could never get an airport card he bought a while back to work either.

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MacBook Pro :: Airport Suddenly Not Detecting ANY Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a MacBook Pro from 2009. The airport has abruptly stopped finding any networks. I have had problems in the last few months (just after I moved to the states from Canada). My roommates' laptops could pick up the network, and mine kept dropping out. I went home for the holidays, and it worked fine (despite the router being even further from my computer).

when i returned, i had a few days of very spotty internet (much higher number of drop outs) and now it won't detect a single network. My warranty is up so i'm nervous that this is something internal they have to replace, but I"m hoping there is some way for me to check. I just tried to connect at work, and it detects nothing here too. so it is NOT interference.

sidenote: My graphics card is malfunctioning (which is under extended warranty for this model), and I am taking that to get replaced today... is there any crazy conceivable way that the two issues could be connected???

bottom line: what can I do now to rule out (or in) the possibility of hardware malfunction causing my airport to stop detecting networks?

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Hardware :: Detecting Ip Adress With Airport Extreme?

Dec 29, 2009

Was hoping I could get a tip with a problem I'm having. I just set up an aiport extreme and connected an NAS to it (which is running linux). I am able to access the NAS off of my laptop BUT apparently I need the IP adress of the actual device to fully access software on it. I know the adress of my router by using the airport utility, but could anybody advise me as to how I could get the IP adress of my Nas? I'm running OS X 10.6 incidentally.

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Hardware :: Optimize Airport Express - Get Best Signals?

Oct 4, 2009

The building already has a wireless network in place, which is in place solely for those renting out the extra space, like her. However, since the offices that she is renting are so far back in the corner, her signal is less than perfect, and nonexistent in two of the rooms. I offered to bring in my Airport Express (previously purchased just to stream music) to connect to the network and extend the range, thus offering them complete coverage, but a little reading on the subject tells me that this will effectively cut their transmission speed by roughly half. Is there a way to optimize the Airport Express in a way to get the best signal to her offices without such a harsh penalty of loss of speed? I know this sounds impossible, but I figured if anyone knew a way to do it it would be you guys. I'm down to try anything, whether its software based or something as extreme as wrapping tinfoil around the Express. One thing I can't do is spend money to amend this problem, so I can't purchase a new Express, install a new network, etc. The Facts:

1. Older Airport Express (b/g, not n)
2. Router in the office is (I believe) a fairly newish Airport Extreme (with n)
3. The computers in the offices are the last model Powerbook G4 (g), a late 2008 Macbook (n), and a couple of year old Dell (probably g).
4. No active wired connection through the walls.

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OS X :: AirPort Extreme Can't Find Any Wireless Signals?

Feb 21, 2010

My MacBook Pro's Airport Extreme card usually recognizes ~15 wireless signals (I live in an apartment building), now it picks up none.

If I try to manually access my own wireless network (which works fine for my flatmates' computers), it says "There was an error joining the AirPort network". It doesnt seem to care that the network normally has a password, it just gets an error.

Max OS X v 10.4.11
AirPort Extreme
firmware version 1.4.4

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MacBook Pro :: AirPort Signals Cuts Off After Every 30 Minutes

May 11, 2010

I have a fairly new 17" Unibody MacBook Pro, and recently my AirPort signal cuts off after about 30 minutes. I could just be on Facebook, and I will loose the signal after 30 minutes, and then I got to reselect my network. It becomes very annoying if when I try uploading videos to YouTube, having to start uploading all over about 3 times. I took it to the Genius Bar on Saturday, and they couldn't diagnose the problem, and they said they have to send it out to depot, but i can't afford being without my machine till June. I've tried restoring the default settings on my AirPort base station, but that didn't effect the problem. Could there be a problem with the AirPort card in my machine?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme / Express - WiFi Signals

Oct 9, 2010

Setup main airport extreme with one laptop wireless N and another with the lower grade plus 3gen touchs. Could I set up the express to send out the N/B/G WiFi while the extreme sends out only N wifi?

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OS X :: Airport Express And TIme Capsule - How To Increase Signals

Aug 9, 2009

I have a Time capsule (1Tb) and wanted to extend the network in the house. i bought an Airport Express and configured it to join the existing network. It works and I see a green light. However, I do not see any increase in the signal (of a PC) whether or not the Express is in.

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MacBook Pro :: Airport Extreme Is In A Room And The Old Is Not Picking Up Any Wifi Signals?

Nov 8, 2010

I just bought a new mbp and my old 17" MacBook pro 2006 2007 models screen was not really working so I decided to take the screen off and use it as a kitchen computer with an external monitor. The problem is that my airport extreme is in a room right next to the kitchen and the old mbp is not picking up any wifi signals not even the neighbors wifi but, my new mbp can pick up the signals where is the wifi antenna located?

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MacBook :: No Internet Connection - AirPort Icon Indicates Full Signals

Feb 9, 2009

I have a Macbook purchased in July 2008. In the last month or so, it has been erratic when connecting to the internet. The Airport Icon at the top of the screen shows a complete and full connection. However, when I attempt to connect to the internet with either Safari or Firefox, it won't necessarily connect. Sometimes it does connect, other times it fails to connect. Either way, the airport icon indicates full signal strength.

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Hardware :: Use Airport Extreme Base Station - To Transmit Signals?

Feb 11, 2009

Somehow this is not clear to me. I am looking to make the switch from PC to Apple and would like to start with a laptop. As i live in an old farmhouse (with thick 2-3 feet walls), I don't think one airport extreme base station will not cover then whole place. Therefore, I wonder if I can use the airport extreme base station and use the smaller airport extreme base stations as a jumping point to transmit the signal.

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PowerPC :: Detecting Powerbook's Revision?

Sep 30, 2006

How do I? The specs, in case you know what revision it is:1GHz PPC G417" widescreen 1GB RAM/60GB HDDAirport Extreme and BluetoothGets really hot too.So is there a way to see which revision my Powerbook is?

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PowerPC :: IBook Not Detecting New Battery

Jun 4, 2010

I got myself a new battery for my iBook Clamshell however it won't detect it and thus runs off AC power.

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Mac Pro :: AirPort Not Finding Any Wifi Networks?

Oct 28, 2010

I just installed a new AirPort card into my 2006 Mac Pro and it showed up just fine and I was looking forward to getting it online without using iPhone-tethering. BUT, I just can't get it to find any networks? What might be the problem? I've googled, rebooted, updated my drivers etc etc.

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OS X :: Airport Connected But Searching For Networks

Dec 29, 2009

Ok so I've had my new iMac for a week now, all is great except the internet. Its connected wirelessly, but either goes really slow or websites just say loading. All the PC's in the house work fine.

Airport is connected - however even though it is connected is always searching for networks?

The Safari is slow and sometimes doesn't work at all. However always works upon a quick computer restart.

I wonder whether I've changed a setting by accident, or is wireless just not very good on macs?

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OS X :: Airport And Networks - Connect To Wifi

Aug 7, 2010

I have an apple airport (age unknown), but it is one that looks like a mushroom cap. I have a network set up in WPA2 format. A nintendo DS user wishes to connect to wifi, but requires a WEP set up. Can I run both kinds of network or must a switch back and forth (since I like WPA2 more)?

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Hardware :: Set Airport Extreme To Have 3 Networks?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm at work so i haven't had a chance to try it yet, but i was thinking:

one band for 802.11n 5ghz
one band for 802.11n (2.4)/b/g/a/whatever
one "guest" network

can you do all three separately at the same time?

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Hardware :: Airport Not Finding Networks

Jan 21, 2010

My MacBook pro isn't picking up any networks! I know my home network is working as I can connect with iPhone but airport isn't even picking up neighbours network! Is this a hardware problem do you think? I'm desperate.

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Hardware :: Erasing / Renewing Airport Networks

Jul 24, 2010

2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac using OS 10.6.4. I'd like to renew/erase the Airport networks listed under the Airport logo at the top banner of my iMac. My hope is to re-install Airport Express and have a wireless network again. I have tried using Airport Utility but get no where with it. In a related question: do Airport Express devices wear out after being used for 2-3 years or are they bullet-proof? I'm wondering if that is my problem.

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OS X :: Stop AirPort Constantly Scanning For Networks?

Feb 16, 2009

I'm already connected to a wi-fi and seeing as i'm on a desktop I don't think i'm going to be connecting to many others so how do I stop my AirPort card scanning for new networks constantly?

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MacBook :: Airport Does Not See Wireless Networks / Bootcamp

Jan 13, 2010

One day I noticed that my Macbook was having trouble find ANY networks available (despite knowing that many were available) - it doesn't see any. Occasionally the Airport will pick up a network or two with extremely low signal strength (even if the wireless router is in the same room) but usually has issues connecting and eventually the network disappears from Airport. At first I thought my Airport had totally crapped out and so I had to go out and spend $100 on a third party USB wifi stick (there are very few companies who make these for Mac, but for PC they can run for $15 ).

Now the crappy design of this USB wifi stick I purchased has caused the USB head to become bent and is ultimately deteriorating. SO, recently I noticed that when I use Bootcamp to run Windows 7 on my Macbook, Win7 is able to fully use my built in Airport hardware and receives great signal - so now I'm thinking that it may not be a hardware problem at all.

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MacBook :: Airport No Longer Finds Any Networks

Feb 1, 2010

Last night my MacBook stopped finding any network to connect to. Usually there are about 10 networks that it picks up but now none show up not even my own network. My iPhone connects to my network fine as does my xbox and my PS3. Is there anything I can try to get airport to detect the networks around me?

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PowerPC :: Wireless Internet On G4 - How To Boost Signals Without Modem

Aug 12, 2009

What can I buy to strengthen my signal without modem? I have a lot of problems connecting to the internet while in some of my classes.

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Hardware :: Airport Won't Connect To Password Protected Networks

Sep 18, 2008

I recently signed up for AT&T u-verse. As part of that service they provide you with a 2wire router. Initially my MacBook Pro (running the most recent osx) was connecting to this router fine. But, because i like the interface of my Airport Extreme router better, i decided to run a router-behind-router setup, to set up a network with my airport extreme. In other words, i ran a hardwire out of the 2wire router into my Airport Extreme, thereby allowing the airport extreme to disperse wireless signal as well. Therefore, there are currently 2 wireless networks in my house, one being dispersed from the 2wire router, and the other from my airport extreme. Both wireless networks are password protected in WEP-2.

Now i can no longer connect to the 2wire router. Everytime i try to do so, the system prompts me to type in the WEP password for the 2 wire router and upon doing so, it indicates that the password failed, the connection timed out, or that the connection failed. I've monitored the network preference pane as i'm trying to connect, and it invariably indicates that there is "NO IP ADDRESS" for the 2wire network. In fact, i can no longer connect to ANY OTHER wireless network which is password protected. It always gives me this same dilemma. The only password protected network i CAN connect to is my airport extreme network. Does anyone know what the hell is going on here? I'm completely baffled. I've gone so far as to delete all preferred networks from my system. Delete all network related passwords in the keychain access. and also to delete my network related preferences in Library ---> Preferences, to remove any 'confusion' the system might be having, but to no avail.

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Hardware :: Airport Express (dropping / Disappearing Networks)

Jul 28, 2009

I've got a airport express a little over a year old. I use it as a wireless router together with a netgear modem. Worked fine till about a month ago. What happened was it just decided to not let me log on one day. I reseted it to factory settings and could not create a network afterthat. Kept saying network error. I took it into a mac store to get it fixed and apparently it's fine. Took it back home perplexed, gave it a couple more tries and it just decided to work again.

Now... after having no more issues with it for over a month. One night i just dropped off the network again (i use a macbook). Could not find my user network... so i reseted it again... same problem all over again. What's strange is i took it into work and it was fine! Netwrok was easily detectable. Anyone experiencing issues like this? Does location ( i don't know, maybe my apartment has too many wireless users?) have anything to do with this.

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