MacBook Pro :: Airport Extreme Is In A Room And The Old Is Not Picking Up Any Wifi Signals?

Nov 8, 2010

I just bought a new mbp and my old 17" MacBook pro 2006 2007 models screen was not really working so I decided to take the screen off and use it as a kitchen computer with an external monitor. The problem is that my airport extreme is in a room right next to the kitchen and the old mbp is not picking up any wifi signals not even the neighbors wifi but, my new mbp can pick up the signals where is the wifi antenna located?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme / Express - WiFi Signals

Oct 9, 2010

Setup main airport extreme with one laptop wireless N and another with the lower grade plus 3gen touchs. Could I set up the express to send out the N/B/G WiFi while the extreme sends out only N wifi?

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OS X :: AirPort Extreme Can't Find Any Wireless Signals?

Feb 21, 2010

My MacBook Pro's Airport Extreme card usually recognizes ~15 wireless signals (I live in an apartment building), now it picks up none.

If I try to manually access my own wireless network (which works fine for my flatmates' computers), it says "There was an error joining the AirPort network". It doesnt seem to care that the network normally has a password, it just gets an error.

Max OS X v 10.4.11
AirPort Extreme
firmware version 1.4.4

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Hardware :: Use Airport Extreme Base Station - To Transmit Signals?

Feb 11, 2009

Somehow this is not clear to me. I am looking to make the switch from PC to Apple and would like to start with a laptop. As i live in an old farmhouse (with thick 2-3 feet walls), I don't think one airport extreme base station will not cover then whole place. Therefore, I wonder if I can use the airport extreme base station and use the smaller airport extreme base stations as a jumping point to transmit the signal.

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Express In Hotel Room To Create WiFi Network?

Oct 16, 2010

I've encountered the situation a few times while traveling where you have cable connection but no WiFi. Since I now travel only with iPhone and iPad (no laptop), can I just connect an old AirPort Express A1084 to the router and expect WiFi? If so does the now unused AirPort Express kept the configuration of my home network e.g. name and password?

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MacBook Air :: 2012 11" Slow On 5Ghz Airport Extreme Wifi Network?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm encountering an issue with a new Macbook Air and would grateful for any insights. I have an Airport Extreme (latest model, 5th gen, A1408) based network (all updates applied). I have a new 2012 MacBook Air (11") that I noticed was suffering from VERY slow wifi speeds. After looking into it, I realized that if I used the configuration utility to separately name the 5GHz network and connect to wifi on the 2.4 Ghz network, the speed radically improved. 

To illustrate, using, I saw download speeds of 35-38 Mb/s using the 2.4 Ghz network. This drops to 2-3 Mb/s when using the 5 Ghz network. The Macbook Air is showing an RSSI value of -56 when connected via 5 GHz and -51 when connected via 2.4 Ghz. 

Other deivces in the home have normal connection speeds on the 5 GHz network, as does a previous generation, 2011 MacBook Air.A friend's also new, 2012  11" MacBook Air exhibits the same symptoms, so the issue is not specific to my unit. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: It Has Stopped Picking Up The Wifi?

Jun 1, 2012

Macbook pro started dropping the wifi and has now given up the connection.  Wifi turned on.  Wifi across the house is working on other equipment. 

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Getting AirPort Extreme Card To Work Via WiFi

Mar 30, 2010

I'm running a PowerBook G4 15" FW800 (running 10.4.11) which has only ever connected to the internet via an Orinoco WiFi card, and I'm trying to upgrade it to a better card whose signals aren't stopped by a couple inches of walls. So I bought an AirPort Extreme card on Ebay and hooked it up, but it's not working right. I'm hoping for some advice. Note that I don't have an AirPort base station; I have a Linksys router, which the Orinoco card was able to communicate with fine. Anyway, I got the AirPort Extreme card (no software CD included), and hooked it up as demonstrated in this video. My laptop already had some AirPort software on it, which refused to acknowledge the existence of the card.

I then I installed the software available here, which seemed to overwrite the previous set of software; I also ran Software Update. No matter what, the laptop refused to acknowledge the existence of the card. Applications->AirPort Utility, AirPort Admin Utility, and AirPort Disk Utility all turn up blanks. AirPort Utility, for example, just says it's "unable to find any Apple wireless devices". The software that was there before I installed the software linked to above gave a different message. if I do get the laptop to recognize the card, will I even be able to connect to the Linksys without an AirPort base station or something?

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OS X :: Wireless Internet - WiFi Card / AirPort Extreme?

Mar 22, 2009

I have a 2008 Mac Pro. I am wondering whether its a better idea to go for a WiFi internal card,or is it better to get the airport extreme for wireless internet with router? My knowledge of WiFi/setup is quite limited.

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Hardware :: Connect Airport Extreme And Xbox 360 Via Wifi

Aug 18, 2009

does anyone here connect their xbox 360 to their airport extreme base station via wifi. I have read ways to do this, by turning the 'N' mode off etc. But i just want to find out more before i take the plunge into buying a xbox 360 and if you can do this with out changing from N mode. i have one of the latest 802.11n apple base station.

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Hardware :: Running AirPort Express On G And Extreme WiFi On N?

Jan 12, 2010

So I have an airport extreme. I am planning on getting an airport express, to use exclusively for airtunes. I have a Palm Pre (it's WiFi is only b/g not N). If I use the Palm Pre on my airport extreme, it lowers my wifi connection to G speeds as opposed to N. Can I make the airport express run on G only but still extend the extreme's wifi (running on N)?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme Keeps Switching Mac To Neighbors WiFi

May 29, 2010

Bought my first Mac product two days ago and I'm very happy with my 13 inch MacBook Pro. It worked well on my Netgear wireless for one day then all of a sudden it wouldnt let me get online. However, my Ipod Touch and my PC remained online.

Anyways, my Netgear was about 4 years old so I decided to get an Airport Extreme. I set it up and it worked like a charm however, every so often, I'll notice that I'm on a neighbor's wireless instead of my account.

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MacBook Pro :: Get Wifi In Dorm Room

Jun 16, 2010

I just got a 13" macbook pro. Last year, my college dorm had wifi throughout so I never had a problem with wifi. My dorm for this coming fall will only have hardwired ethernet ports in the rooms. I have never set up a wireless network before, so my question for you guys is what do I need to purchase to do this in my room? Just a basic wireless router? Please tell me the parts I need as well as some brief instruction on how to do it. I am decent with tech stuff so just a basic overview of what I need to do would be fine for now. Also, in case it matters, our internet at school is awful whether using wired ports or wifi, so I dont know if that matters for the hardware that I will need to buy.

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Hardware :: Way To Switch Off Airport Extreme Or Time Capsule Wifi?

Nov 26, 2010

Is there a way, in the settings, to turn off the Time Capsule's Airport wifi? I've been looking at the "Apple Airport Networks" and the "Designing Airport Networks" manuals and haven't found an On/Off setting similar to the MBP's Airport On/Off. I live in a high-rise, with a lot of wifi networks, and would like to configure the Time Capsule via wired LAN with wifi off, until it is secured with WPA2 encryption, and MAC address filtering. Also, I will probably be using the gigabit LAN connection most of the time, when at my desk.

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PowerPC :: Slow Performance On Home WiFi With AirPort Extreme

Nov 24, 2007

PowerBook G4, 1.5ghz, 2gb ram, 80gb HD, Superdrive. It shows I have the AirPort Extreme card installed. Problem, I get poor (slow performance on my home wifi) and in some areas I get no signal or drop the signal. On my PC laptops I get good signal and fairly good speed. Using a Linksys wirless 2.4ghz wireless G router. Could my wireless card need replacing? If I get a wireless N router will the airport extreme card pull the N?

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Hardware :: IPhone And Touch Both Dropping Wifi From Airport Extreme?

Sep 15, 2009

I have had an Airport Extreme for two years now.

I have several devices connected to my wireless network.

MacBook, VistaPC, Printers, AppleTV etc, etc, etc,....

Just recently, my iPhone and the kid's iPod Touch keep getting dropped from the network. The wi-fi icon disappears, and my 3G icon comes up. I'm standing right next to the Airport !!

Sometimes i can reset my wireless and it stays stable for a couple days, but then it happens again.

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Intel Mac :: Loosing Wifi Connection With Airport Extreme Router

Jun 25, 2012

I am having since few weeks problem with my iMac loosing connection with my wifi airport extreme, my MacBook pro, iPhone and iPad is staying looked perfect with my wifi..I Mac is loosing connection, no indication anymore on my top window on my desktop. I need to go to system preferenties, open network and selecting again my wifi network..All fine for certain period of time ( 15 minutes) and i need to do THE Same thing..As all THE rest is werking fine, is this setting Or hardware problem in my iMac

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: New System Getting Low WiFi Signals?

May 1, 2010

So what's the deal with airport and wifi signal in the new macbook pro? It's my first mac and I've been working hard to pay it. Yes, PAY it. And now, my 5-year old toshiba laptop gets a much better wifi signal than the brand new cutting-edge mbp. I'm assuming it's a hardware issue, so it's practically unfixable.

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MacBook Pro :: OS X 10.7.4 Dropping WiFi Signals

May 16, 2012

I'm starting to see Mac OS X 10.7.4 wifi dropping signal. Worked fine under 10.6.8 and 10.7.3 too.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Finding Wifi Mono Laser Printer For Airport Extreme

Jan 18, 2010

Can anyone recommend an inexpensive wifi mono laser printer for use over Airport Extreme from a MacBook running under Snow Leopard?

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Hardware :: (Internal WiFi Card) Airport Extreme In MacPro Is Slow?

Dec 9, 2008

I recently had WiFi installed on my MacPro 2006. It is not a PCI card, it is wired to the board (I had to take the box in to a registered dealer have this installed).

I have a very weak signal and can't even open a webpage. It's attempts to load, but fails intermittently.

I can connect to my NAS or other network shares, but they are very, very slow.

I am no more than about 15 meters from the Timecapsule, two rooms away.

My Macbook has a perfect signal (very strong) at the same spot and operates as if I were right next to wireless router (1TB Timecapsule). I also have a Dell laptop that has a very strong connection.

The WiFi in the MacPro is as good as useless. I cannot move the router as it runs off a cable modem and I only have one cable connection in the apartment. I also don't want to have ethernet cables running all over the place.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Problems At Night With Wifi - Impossible To Load Anything

Aug 3, 2010

I have a problem with my airport extreme base station, i use my ipad to watch youtube, however at night when i try and do this it is impossible to load anything, it takes a good 10minutes for 30 seconds of video, it is very fast in the day but at night its slow.

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MacBook :: Wifi Signals - How Should I Remove It To Keep It From Accessing My MB

Mar 11, 2009

OK so I've got this MacBook and I'm getting wifi signals from my neighbors and from my own.

I use mine and I get this PC server on Finder under "SHARED". I'm just a little bit conscious because it just stays there. How should I remove it to keep it from accessing my Mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Not Catching WiFi Signals From Router

Jun 19, 2012

I have a 2011 Mac book Pro with OS x 10.7.1 running on it. Till about a month back it stopped catching wifi signal from my router, and then sometimes it will catch signal from only near the router. I thought that it might only be an issue with my home router. Now in the new city my MBP can't detect any of the wifi networks even in my home or in the office.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Have To Turn WiFi Off Then Back On To Get Strong Full Signals

Sep 12, 2014

I have a macbook pro 15" retina. I am a photographer and have to upload images at the end of every day. I noticed that the internet speed was flucuating a lot. From like 3 mbps to 30 mbps. I thought it was the internet service at first, but then noticed if I turned off the wifi on my macbook, then turned it back on, I would get a full strong signal. It would then start to slow down again to a crawl. Is it the macbook or maybe a Apple Express Airport update? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

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MacBook Pro :: AirPort Signals Cuts Off After Every 30 Minutes

May 11, 2010

I have a fairly new 17" Unibody MacBook Pro, and recently my AirPort signal cuts off after about 30 minutes. I could just be on Facebook, and I will loose the signal after 30 minutes, and then I got to reselect my network. It becomes very annoying if when I try uploading videos to YouTube, having to start uploading all over about 3 times. I took it to the Genius Bar on Saturday, and they couldn't diagnose the problem, and they said they have to send it out to depot, but i can't afford being without my machine till June. I've tried restoring the default settings on my AirPort base station, but that didn't effect the problem. Could there be a problem with the AirPort card in my machine?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Connect To Internet - WiFi Status Bar Show Full Strength Signals

Sep 5, 2014

I have the 13" Macbook Pro mid 2012 model and for some reason the wifi status bar would show full strength however when I open up Chrome or Safari the webpages won't load at all. I'll get a message saying something like "can't connect to Internet." I first thought it was my modem but all the lights are lit up and it shows I do have an Internet connection. I get the same problem with my ipod touch 4g as well. Only on the ipod's side it will try and connect but fails to do so at all. So I have two devices that fail to connect despite an existing Internet connection.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

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MacBook :: No Internet Connection - AirPort Icon Indicates Full Signals

Feb 9, 2009

I have a Macbook purchased in July 2008. In the last month or so, it has been erratic when connecting to the internet. The Airport Icon at the top of the screen shows a complete and full connection. However, when I attempt to connect to the internet with either Safari or Firefox, it won't necessarily connect. Sometimes it does connect, other times it fails to connect. Either way, the airport icon indicates full signal strength.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Is Not Picking Up The Airport Card?

Mar 28, 2008

I've got a iBook G4 and its not picking up the Airport card....

Is it a hard job to replace in these iBooks? I've been told its on the logic board....

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OS X :: 10.6.1 WiFi Dropping Signals On Late 2007 IMac

Sep 15, 2009

Ever since I installed to 10.6.1, I have been having issues with WiFi.

I'm only getting 3 bars, and my iMac is sitting less then a foot away from my AEBS, on 10.6 I was getting 4, also I've been dropping my WiFi connection every hour or so, and I have to turn AirPort in on my iMac off and turn AirPort back on.

This is really annoying and I don't know what to do, anyone have any ideas?

I've already reset my AEBS twice and that hasn't worked.

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