Hardware :: Airport Won't Connect To Password Protected Networks
Sep 18, 2008
I recently signed up for AT&T u-verse. As part of that service they provide you with a 2wire router. Initially my MacBook Pro (running the most recent osx) was connecting to this router fine. But, because i like the interface of my Airport Extreme router better, i decided to run a router-behind-router setup, to set up a network with my airport extreme. In other words, i ran a hardwire out of the 2wire router into my Airport Extreme, thereby allowing the airport extreme to disperse wireless signal as well. Therefore, there are currently 2 wireless networks in my house, one being dispersed from the 2wire router, and the other from my airport extreme. Both wireless networks are password protected in WEP-2.
Now i can no longer connect to the 2wire router. Everytime i try to do so, the system prompts me to type in the WEP password for the 2 wire router and upon doing so, it indicates that the password failed, the connection timed out, or that the connection failed. I've monitored the network preference pane as i'm trying to connect, and it invariably indicates that there is "NO IP ADDRESS" for the 2wire network. In fact, i can no longer connect to ANY OTHER wireless network which is password protected. It always gives me this same dilemma. The only password protected network i CAN connect to is my airport extreme network. Does anyone know what the hell is going on here? I'm completely baffled. I've gone so far as to delete all preferred networks from my system. Delete all network related passwords in the keychain access. and also to delete my network related preferences in Library ---> Preferences, to remove any 'confusion' the system might be having, but to no avail.
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May 21, 2008
been trying to log onto airport with my pismo at work. log in attempt pops up a window claiming that my password is wrong...but system admin says and demonstrates it isn't with other laptops...plus, I can log into non-password protected wifi in the building no problem...what's going on? I tossed all my internet pref files...still same issue...
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Aug 14, 2009
Just bought a used airport extreme, only to find out that the previous owner kept it password protected and didn't include what that password was. What to do?
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Aug 7, 2010
I have an apple airport (age unknown), but it is one that looks like a mushroom cap. I have a network set up in WPA2 format. A nintendo DS user wishes to connect to wifi, but requires a WEP set up. Can I run both kinds of network or must a switch back and forth (since I like WPA2 more)?
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Jun 14, 2009
I have a wireless network router/internet thing in one room of the house and my g5 is in another room. I also have a PC laptop and that can connect to my home's wirless internet no problem. My G5 simply cannot connect or even sense my 2wire901 home network, but it can see other networks in my home area. I only managed to connect to my own home network once! And the 2nd time my 2wire901 can never be found. Get this; it has to be the mac. Coz my laptop is sitting right next to my mac in 1 room and it has no problems connecting.
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Aug 16, 2010
my Ibook sees the network, but refuses the password, same for my husbands iphone, although my iphone still connects.tried relaunching the airport twice, no change.
tried changing airport settings, no change even triend to make it open network, no possibility to connectit seems that my ibook doesn't save the changes...
and even when putting everything back as it was, it still refuses my password to connect to the airport.
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Dec 10, 2009
I'm having major problems with airport. It seems that lately its become less and less effective at detecting wireless networks. I need to be sitting a few feet away from a router for my macbook (10.4.11) to detect it. This occurs with all networks. I never had this problem until the past year and its seemed to get progressively worse. I'm not sure if this is a confrontational or hardware issue.
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May 31, 2005
I would like to have a password protected folder, I have Tiger, like nobody can access this folder but by having a password, is that doable? and is it secure?
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Mar 28, 2009
I recently found some old .doc files on my external hard drive. the files are passworded. I know what the password is but TextEdit won't open passworded files.
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Apr 7, 2009
I've read a lot about Keychain but I must be missing something. I want to be able to secure Keychain itself whereby if someone where to get to my Mac while I got up for a second, they wouldn't be able to open Keychain at all without a password. I don't want them to be able to gain access to the program at all without a password. Is that possible?
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Apr 16, 2009
does anyone know how to log out of an account while the mac is in a password protected screensaver lock screen?
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Sep 11, 2009
Is there a program that'll allow me to copy and paste a password protected .pdf? I can open the file, just not copy and paste it. I have Snow Leopard and no Windows OS installed on my Macbook Pro.
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Jan 8, 2011
Is it possible to put a password on a flash drive/eternal drive? I know many companies sell drives that have encryption software built in, but is it possible to just simply password protect. So basically it asks for a password before it shows the content of the drive?
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Mar 10, 2010
I am currently attempting to assist a lady who is experiencing many issues connecting to wireless networks and using VPN software to connect to our resources. I will provide as much detail as I can, however this has been an ongoing job involving myself and quite a few other support officers. I am, historically, a PC user. I can provide some basic Mac support, but only what I have been trained in. I am now seeking assistance, as I have reached the limit of my knowledge. An issue was raised with myself when this lady first called and reported that she was having trouble connecting her VPN client (from Cisco) while connected to a remote wireless connection.
I went through some basic troubleshooting (what errors are you getting, etc.) and eventually discovered that the client was using a static IP (Self assigned in Mac-speak). I was perplexed that the lady would be using this and asked some more probing questions. Turns out, the hotel that she is staying in does not have any wireless connections available and she is using next doors' (shady, I know). One of her friends informed her that the best way to connect would be to use this static IP ( This means that multiple computers would be connecting to the same network with the same IP address. I informed her that static IPs are meant to be unique to all computers on the network and that having overlapping ones may cause conflicts. When she changed this back to DHCP, she then lost all network activity. the Airport device was turned on, but not connected to anything......................
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Oct 28, 2010
I just installed a new AirPort card into my 2006 Mac Pro and it showed up just fine and I was looking forward to getting it online without using iPhone-tethering. BUT, I just can't get it to find any networks? What might be the problem? I've googled, rebooted, updated my drivers etc etc.
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Dec 29, 2009
Ok so I've had my new iMac for a week now, all is great except the internet. Its connected wirelessly, but either goes really slow or websites just say loading. All the PC's in the house work fine.
Airport is connected - however even though it is connected is always searching for networks?
The Safari is slow and sometimes doesn't work at all. However always works upon a quick computer restart.
I wonder whether I've changed a setting by accident, or is wireless just not very good on macs?
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Aug 20, 2010
I'm at work so i haven't had a chance to try it yet, but i was thinking:
one band for 802.11n 5ghz
one band for 802.11n (2.4)/b/g/a/whatever
one "guest" network
can you do all three separately at the same time?
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Jan 21, 2010
My MacBook pro isn't picking up any networks! I know my home network is working as I can connect with iPhone but airport isn't even picking up neighbours network! Is this a hardware problem do you think? I'm desperate.
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Jan 7, 2006
I don't know how to make a folder password protected, I know how in OS 9, but, I haven't had the need forever and now I do, I'm runnign Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3. What I need to have protected is a folder that holds a backup of my website.
Any applications or something?
I tried using it in Keychain but, I don't know what I'm doing in there.
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May 14, 2008
I was wondering if it is possible to make a certain folder password protected? If so, how would I do that? I only want to require password on one specific folder.
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Feb 17, 2009
Is there a free software that allows to create password protected zip/rar archives ?
I have searched all over and can't seem to find a free utility for mac.
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Mar 4, 2009
How do I delete a password protected Disk Image. I was using it to keep some file secure, and I don't need it anymore. How do I go about deleting it and the contents from the computer?
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Apr 24, 2010
My friends HDD corrupted its self, so i've got it plugged into my computer and can see all the files through Ubuntu.
Now, when i say Files, i mean i can see all the folders and some files.
All the Folders are there, but like in windows an account has been made and a password put on it, so i can't copy these folders across to my computer because i can't read them so to speak.
I can get all the passwords if need be, but i don't get a password prompt or anything?
Any ideas how to get round it?
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May 18, 2012
Does anyone know of a password protected browser for the iMac? I have Atomic Browser for my iPad and would like something similar for my iMac. It needs to be quite simple (like safari ideally) but need to able to bookmark sites, use history etc so the multitude of "private" browsers (that don't store cookies, history etc) are no good.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
I have an Imac (late 2009) and I am connected to the internet through a provider and I have my own network which nobody else has the password to. I use WPA protection and it is a strong password. Nobody else uses my computer.
I use Kaspersky Internet Security and I started a quick scan and some how there are password protected archives that I have no access to.
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Mar 30, 2009
I took my macbook back from uni today as I'm home for easter. I tried to connect to our home network and it asked me for a WEP password. I entered the one my Dad used to set up the connection on his PC. I keep getting a connection timeout and hence it won't connect.I installed windows via boot camp and also tried to connect it that way. I put the password in the same way as my Dad had done on his PC and it said the signal strength was excellent, but the status said little or no connectivity.
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Nov 8, 2010
I have a 2008 imac which has built in wireless. Is there some way to use the wireless to connect to internet while using the ethernet jack to connect to a different LAN so it can connect to a fileserver? Or if that isn't possible, can I join my LAN network to the one which provides internet access without having to change all my LAN addresses? My goal is to maintain a private gigabit LAN while getting internet from somebody else in my office.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have an Airport Extreme card with the Atheros AR5416 chipset in my Mac mini (late 2007 rev.) and it worked perfectly in Leopard.
I could connect to my roommate's Airport Extreme just fine on its 802.11n network. But with multiple tries installing Snow Leopard it just has not worked to connect to that same network.
Despite the antenna only being connected to the connector for 5GHz networks, I can connect only to 802.11g (2.4GHz) networks but not 802.11n (5GHz) networks.
If the network card was defective I would expect Leopard to have similar issues but it was rock solid. Right now I am using an Airport Express as a bridge through ethernet to get internet connectivity.
This is something I fully expect to deal with in Linux or even Windows with old drivers, but certainly not on Apple's own OS on their own hardware.
Has anyone else had similar issues with Snow Leopard? Whether you do or not, what chipset does your Airport Extreme card use? You can get this info from Apple menu -> About this Mac -> More Info -> Airport -> Firmware version.
From what I understand, Apple is still using both Broadcom and Atheros chipsets in their Airport cards, so I'm curious to see if it's an issue with Atheros chipset drivers in particular.
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Jul 24, 2010
2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac using OS 10.6.4. I'd like to renew/erase the Airport networks listed under the Airport logo at the top banner of my iMac. My hope is to re-install Airport Express and have a wireless network again. I have tried using Airport Utility but get no where with it. In a related question: do Airport Express devices wear out after being used for 2-3 years or are they bullet-proof? I'm wondering if that is my problem.
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Feb 8, 2008
Reason for the ? is because I'm not sure if this is really a problem or not. Whenever I'm at school there are certain places (inside classrooms mostly) I get either of these scenarios:
1. I get no signal whatsoever and my AirPort doesn't even detect the network
2. My AirPort will be able to detect the school's network but when I try to connect it says "<Network name> cannot be found"
3. If I do connect I'll get such terrible 1 bar signal that it's impossible for me to do anything.
Some key facts that you must know:
-Everyone else is able to connect! i.e. A student to my left, with the newer MacBook, will have a strong connectivity, and to my right will be student to my right with a Dell and has full strength connectivity. What is the deal here?
-I have a wireless router that I use at home and it connects to it no problems at all for the entire time I've had it. Full strength connectivity. I have the last generation of the 12" PB 1.5.
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