Power Mac G5 :: Need Larger Internal 2nd Drive For Final Cut
Dec 2, 2007
I'm using an older G5 single processor. I've reached the Max with a 300 Gig Seagate 2nd internal drive. I've run out of FCP srcatch disk space. I have about 75 Gigs left. I researched a Seagate HD Model ST3750640AS - Interface SATA - it's 750 Gigs. I just wanna make sure that the ones sold by New Egg etc., are compatible. Here's New Egg's; [URL].
I also wanna make sure that I've choosen the correct path to back up the 250 Gigs of data; First I need to copy all of the scratch disk files into another Hard Drive. Perhaps one of my external Lacie's. I'm familiar with how to Erase the New Drive, and format the New drive using MAC OS extended Journaled. Next (in turn), I'll need to copy all that data (little bits at a time), back to the New Seagate internal drive.
Power Mac G5 Desktop (Single Processor 1.8) - G4 800 MHZ Quicksilver - OS9&X
Mac OS X (10.4.6)
G5: 4 Gigs RAM - ATI 9800 Pro AGP - #2 Internal HDs #3 Lacie Ext. HDs
I have a mid-2009 MacBook Pro 17" computer. I bought a 750gb Hitachi drive in an upgrade kit from OWC. I have formatted it and now using Carbon Copy Cloner am making a copy of the internal 500gb drive. I am not very familiar with Mac OS X drive partitions. When Carbon Copy Cloner copies the 500gb partition from my Pro, will it leave the other 250gb or will I need to use Disk Utility or somethng else to format the remaining space? I would like to put the 750gb in the Pro moving the current 500gb into the external housing if possible.
I have a power mac G5 2.7 that is 2.5 years old. It came configured with two 400GB drives inside as it will only hold two. I now really want to change them out to either two 750 GB or preferably two 1TB drives. Apple, however, has told me it won't work and that my unit will not handle this huge additional power consumption. I have called mac mall and they say no way as well. OWC says they have many working like that and its never been a problem. Then I called Apple again and they said it will work fine. I have 6 more months of Apple care, but either way do not want to blow the interior of this system up. I know I need SATA drives and would ideally like to purchase the Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.
I want to keep my applications etc on one internal HD and use my second internal HD as a back up.I am a graphic designer, and i have been backing up to an external LACIE Porche 160 Gig firewire HD. This has worked fine, but...My second internal HD (112 gig?) is still loaded with 10.3 and has adobe CS2 on it along with some other crap that I no longer need.I have loaded Adobe CS3 on my primary drive and have all the files I need on that one...What is the best way to set up my second HD as a "slave" drive to improve the performance of my G5 dual 2 Ghz??Will there be any issues now that I loaded Leopard on the primary HD?
Information: Power PC G5 Tower 2 Ghz dual processor (2004?) with two internal hard drives Mac OS X (10.5)
I am upgrading my mid 2012 MBP with an internal SSD. I have16 RAM. OS is Mavericks.
I edit videos using a mix of photos (imported layers via photoshop), short animations, short video clips. I do some very basic stop animation also. So each media file is not heavy (photos, pics, short videos), but I do a lot of layering and compositing in FCPX. I had a lot of delays and freezes with 5400 rpm HDD… so I decided to upgrade to SSD.
Some people have told me to edit it all on my internal SSD as the media files are not big..
Everywhere else on the web I read that all media / libraries should be on an external while I edit them. But most of these contributors are using huge video files, HD, which is not my case.
So – with small media files but lots of editing and effects / animation, should I spend the extra money on a good external 7200 rpm USB3 to edit from ? Or just use external drive for storage and not editing.
Not going for TB as I read there would not be a difference between USB3 and TB on a 7200 rpm external drive (difference is felt when using RAID, r SSD external) ...
I'm leaning towards picking up a 1TB Barracuda 7200.11 to throw in my empty slot. I'm not a huge fan of Seagate these days, but this seems like the best choice of drive at this size. I've got a Dual 2.3 G5 with 6.5 gigs of memory.
I'm doing a lot of video editing with Final Cut Pro and want to setup this drive to store my editing environment. So it's only being used as a storage device. All the initialization specs I see are to configure the drive as the bootable drive. Can anyone point me to some specs to set this up as a storage drive?
Information: Dual Core 2.3Ghz PowerMac G5, Macbook Pro Core2 Duo Mac OS X (10.5.1)
Accidentally ejected 4 partitions of the terrabyte hard drive, and it's not on my disk utility list anymore, nor will it show at start up. I've unplugged, slid it out a little, snapped it back in, but still no sign of it.
Info:Mac OS X (10.4.11), Dual 1.8 G5, 2.5 GB DDR SDRAM
I get unexpected problems with a dual 1.8 G5 (2 GB RAM, 2 disks inside, both 320 GB). In fact, the machine seems to break any hard drive I plug in it (via USB, eSata or internal HD). The internal hard drive hosting the system is clicking every five minutes or so, and two external hard drives are now mostly unsable (they unexpectedly unmount when copying, or they just don't mount at all). I checked them all with DiskWarrior. Some times, they can be repaired, sometimes not.
The problems appear with Tiger and Leopard as well. I lost Time Machine backups form an external hard drive (Seagate 320GB, got "keys out of order" error message in DiskUtility). The other external HD I have to put my photos (750 GB Seagate) can be used in both eSATA via Lacie PCI card and USB. Both USB and eSATA fail unexpectedly (unmount while copying) and everytime the hard drives seems to fail more and more everytime I try to use them.
I used Apple products since years '80 (SE30) and did not have problems whatsoever with previous machine and my actual macbook Pro. This G5 is getting me crazy, and I don't want to put hundreds of dollars repairing since it is worth less than 800$ actually... Is it the power supply, the logic board, a problem with electric voltage up and down? I always found solutions to problems but now, it is the first time I don't see the light... I feel like everytime I plug a hard drive in this G5, I play with fire and may loose my backups and archives!
I have 2ea 250GB internal HD. One with my apps and system on it and the other with no data. How do I mirror my drive with the apps and system? Or is that possible?
Information: Dual 2.3ghz PowerPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.10) 8 GB ram / 2ea. 250 GB internal HD
I have a Mac Book Pro core duo with a partition running windowsXP pro. The hard drive is almost completely full. I want to replace the drive with a larger drive and clone the current drive. Is there a way to completely clone the drive complete with the partition, boot camp, windows etc? I'm running mac os 10.4.11
Title says it all. Basically, I reformatted my new flash drive to MS-DOS (which I think/suspect it was already) and files copied onto the flash drive become much larger. For example, a 275 megabyte folder full of images turned into a 425 megabyte folder-even when dragged off the flash drive.
What could cause this? I do suspect that it's a labeling error, as the file doesn't act like it's gained size.
I have an early-2008 iMac with 2.66GHz processor, 4 Gig RAM and a 500Gig Hard Drive. Can I increase Hard Drive size in any way? I also have a 500Gig Time Capsule for my backups..
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I plan to upgrade my hard drive from 320 gb to 750 gb. I have a macbook pro 13 inch laptop which I purchased last October. Can I just do a fresh install of osx lion on the new hard drive? Do you guys recommend hard drives from Western Digital or Samsung?
I have purchase a new hard drive for my MacBook Pro Intel 2 Core duo and know how to do it, but once it is installed in the machine, I want to know how to install the operating system. The computer now is almost empty (only a few photos I have backed up) so there is no need to transfer any data. Do I just use the discs that came with it? Please tell me how I restore the system with this new hard drive.
I have a Macbook (about a year and a half old) with 250 G hard drive which is partitioned in half. One half has Mac Os (leopard) and the other bootcamp partition is Windoze xp. I use both equally. I am planning to get a 500-750 G 2.5 inch hard drive and clone my entire hard drive to it so I will have more room (and also a good backup if the need ever arises). Since my drive has BOTH the Mac os and the bootcamp partiton with windoze on it, I need to clone them both over to the new drive. I believe superduper just clones the OS portion and I really don't want to re-install the windows stuff unless i have to! I read that winclone can clone the windoze partitian. SO THIS IS MY PLAN. I AM NOT SURE IF THIS WILL WORK. Is this right? Did I leave anything out? Is there a better way?
1. Get new larger drive and put in a separate powered enclosure 2. Connect to my macbook with usb connector 3. Use superduper to clone the Mac Os to the new drive. 4. Use Winclone to clone the bootcamp (windoze) partition to the new drive 5. Replace the old smaller drive with the new drive.
I think this would work, but am not sure how or when i have to partition the new drive to work with winclone. or does winclone do this automatically?
This old unit needed a bigger hard drive, so a friend gave me a Hitachi 60 GB drive he didn't need and I installed it. He told me that it was formatted for MS-DOS and that I would need to reformat it for Mac OS. I'm pretty sure that I did accomplish that using Disk Utilities in the Installer program.
I put a OS 10.4 install disk in and tried to boot from it. My problem is I'm getting a screen alert that says, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer." I can either restart (what good is that?) or go to "Startup Disk" where I choose the install disk (or Network Startup) and click on Restart. Then I choose English as the main language and bang! - right back to the wonderful, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer."
What I want to do is back up my current Mac mini (160GB hdd) with Time Machine. I then want to upgrade the system drive in the Mac mini to a 320 GB drive and restore from the Time Machine backup with all my programs, settings and files. Will it work even if the back up and restoration drive sizes are different?
I'm thinking about getting a bigger internal HD for my 15 inch macbook pro. Currently 250GB, want 750gb. I have Macbook Pro 15 inch unibody A1286. Will it fit? And will there be more heat coming from a larger drive? If so is it advisable to avoid a larger drive because of heat issues?
How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one? I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.
My new Macbook is only 1 week old, so there is not much (or any) useless crap that I don't want or need. The Macbook came with a 160Gb hard drive. Prior to switching to Mac I was a 4-year Linux user. I purchased a new 320Gb drive for my Linux-PC laptop just 2 months ago. I took that drive out and would like to put it in my new Macbook. I would prefer to transfer data from old to new drive rather than starting fresh all over again. So I assume Time Machine is the way to go, and/or use Migration Assistant. My question is how Time Machine works, exactly.
In Linux when you do a backup using Partimage, it backs up byte-for-byte, meaning that if you back up a 100Gb drive, it will restore that same volume size regardless of how much bigger the restore drive is. Put another way, if you buy a 150Gb drive and restore, you will end up with a 100Gb drive with no space left over. I want to avoid this! So how will I backup and restore, and at the end have a 320Gb drive, rather than another 160Gb drive? Will I have to install the OS on the new drive before I restore? And yes, I do have an external hard drive I can back up to, though I haven't used it yet.
How to copy your Time Machine contents to a new larger Time Capsule drive ? I have three Time Capsule , two new (3 and 2 TB) and one old (1TB) contaniing all my backups. Only the 3TB have WiFi enabled, the other two are using ethernet only. my Macbook Pro are using ethernet only. I want to migrate from the old 1TB to the new 2TB for backup and other contents. Problem: my Time Capsultes dont show up in Disk Utility.
My MBP has a 320GB harddrive with like 240GB used on it but I only have two 250 GB harddrives so you can see the problem I'm in. I would like to combine into a single virtual drive so that it can accommodate my Time Machine backups.
Just this AM my G5 slowed down in the middle of a job, I restarted and that was it. Dead HD. I call apple care and took it to the apple store where they suggested I buy and install a new HD.
So, I'm thinking I'll buy a Maxtor 300 MG.
The question(s): The instructions on replacing the drive (from apple support) say to make sure and buy an ATA that is 3.9 wide if adding an internal HD but it doesn't say what to buy when replacing.
Do I buy SATA? If so, will it fit (they're 3.5 wide). Do I need to buy anything else? Will my old G5 have any trouble with the new HD?
Information: Power Mac G5 1.6 ghz Mac OS X (10.3.x)
I cannot seem to get my second hard disk (lower drive bay, B) out of the machine.
I've disconnected the data and power cables from the drive, lifted the B drive swing tab out of the way...but no matter what that drive seems to be wedged in there pretty good.
Information: Dual G5, and stuff. Mac OS X (10.4.9)
I can no longer burn DVD's on my PowerPC G5 with 10.5.8, but can no longer do it as well on my Macbook Pro with OS 10.6--are all internal Superdrives now non functioning!!?? I've wasted many DVD's and no successes, just error messages and failures to burn.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), PowerPC Processor