MacBook Pro :: Replacing Internal Drive With Larger Drive On 17"?
Apr 8, 2012
I have a mid-2009 MacBook Pro 17" computer. I bought a 750gb Hitachi drive in an upgrade kit from OWC. I have formatted it and now using Carbon Copy Cloner am making a copy of the internal 500gb drive. I am not very familiar with Mac OS X drive partitions. When Carbon Copy Cloner copies the 500gb partition from my Pro, will it leave the other 250gb or will I need to use Disk Utility or somethng else to format the remaining space? I would like to put the 750gb in the Pro moving the current 500gb into the external housing if possible.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 2, 2007
I'm using an older G5 single processor. I've reached the Max with a 300 Gig Seagate 2nd internal drive. I've run out of FCP srcatch disk space. I have about 75 Gigs left. I researched a Seagate HD Model ST3750640AS - Interface SATA - it's 750 Gigs. I just wanna make sure that the ones sold by New Egg etc., are compatible. Here's New Egg's; [URL].
I also wanna make sure that I've choosen the correct path to back up the 250 Gigs of data; First I need to copy all of the scratch disk files into another Hard Drive. Perhaps one of my external Lacie's. I'm familiar with how to Erase the New Drive, and format the New drive using MAC OS extended Journaled. Next (in turn), I'll need to copy all that data (little bits at a time), back to the New Seagate internal drive.
Power Mac G5 Desktop (Single Processor 1.8) - G4 800 MHZ Quicksilver - OS9&X
Mac OS X (10.4.6)
G5: 4 Gigs RAM - ATI 9800 Pro AGP - #2 Internal HDs #3 Lacie Ext. HDs
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Feb 14, 2012
I need to replace the hard drive to my iMac 1.8 GHz, PPC G5. Would an external drive be too slow to run the OS? If I do replace the internal drive with another internal model, proper dimensions/specs for this model iMac? I've been given various, conflicting information. Do I need to use a 1.5 GB/S drive or can I get a faster drive? It is hard to find a 1.5 GB/S drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 12, 2008
My hard drive was going out on my older G4 Imac so I took it out and replaced with a new drive. Prior to removing the older defective drive I backed everything up on an external drive.
*I assumed I could just format the new drive and then reinstall the original OSX disks and then drag over the backup files and live happily ever after!
Problem #1: mac starts up but flashes a question mark. I insert the backup/restore disks that came with the computer (6 gray discs). This is not correct I see.
Problem #2: I am not 100% the drive I have is the right one (see below for all details). I may need a different connector? I ran the diagnostic cd that came with it and the new hard drive shows up and it says it's OK. NO other problems on the test.
Problem #3: I think the drive will/can only access 128GB of the new 200GB hard drive? if so, does this mean it will not work without an card or it will just not see/read the other storage?
Problem #4: Are the restore disks NOT the OS to reinstall? or was this on the internal hard drive already from the factory pre-loaded?
Someone said I would have to have someone make me a bootable OSX install and connect via external drive to start and then format the new drive and then re-install the OS somehow. I have been racking my brain trying all options and researching online all weekend!!
*Please let me know what the options are to fix this situation.
G4 iMac
Power PC M8535LL/A
800 Mhz.
512 MB.SD Ram
OSX 10.4.11
Original Drive:
4D060H3 60GB
5400 2mb.
New drive:
3.5" ATA/100 EIDE
7200 RPM 8Mb.
*includes Ultra ATA interface cable
(ASSY, ATA133,ROHS cable)
Pre-Installed MacOS: 9.2.2 & X 10.1.2 Maximum Mac OS: X 10.4.11
Details:This system cannot run versions of MacOS X more recent than 10.4.11. Mac OS 9 Support: Boot/Classic Mode
Details:This model is capable of booting in MacOS 9 and using MacOS 9 applications within the Mac OS X "Classic" environment.
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May 16, 2009
I have a Mac Book Pro core duo with a partition running windowsXP pro. The hard drive is almost completely full. I want to replace the drive with a larger drive and clone the current drive. Is there a way to completely clone the drive complete with the partition, boot camp, windows etc? I'm running mac os 10.4.11
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Aug 4, 2009
My current setup consists of my boot drive (250GB), a striped RAID (500GB) for storage and a 1TB Time Machine Drive.I have recently bought a new 1TB internal drive and would like to replace the striped raid with this drive, thus freeing up two 250GB drives - 1 which i will keep internally and the other will go into a external enclosure My question is can i just copy the files from the RAID to the new internal or do i have to use software to clone it?
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Apr 20, 2012
I plan to upgrade my hard drive from 320 gb to 750 gb. I have a macbook pro 13 inch laptop which I purchased last October. Can I just do a fresh install of osx lion on the new hard drive? Do you guys recommend hard drives from Western Digital or Samsung?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 25, 2010
I am considering buying an external Dvd Drive they all seem to have a max speed of 8x, as does my macbook pro drive.
I am currently in the process of ripping my dvd collection would I benefit from this? I assume I would save the internal drive a lot of wear and tear this way, but my need is for the increase in speed.
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Mar 13, 2010
I suddenly have a spare Mac Mini here. It's the first of the Intel ones so it's just a Core Solo, but I figured perhaps I could turn it into a file-server with a large internal drive replacing the DVD drive.Has anybody done this or know of anybody that has? Does a 3.5" drive fit where the superdrive is now, or do I have to go 2.5"?
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May 16, 2008
I have purchase a new hard drive for my MacBook Pro Intel 2 Core duo and know how to do it, but once it is installed in the machine, I want to know how to install the operating system. The computer now is almost empty (only a few photos I have backed up) so there is no need to transfer any data. Do I just use the discs that came with it? Please tell me how I restore the system with this new hard drive.
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Jul 19, 2009
I have a Macbook (about a year and a half old) with 250 G hard drive which is partitioned in half. One half has Mac Os (leopard) and the other bootcamp partition is Windoze xp. I use both equally. I am planning to get a 500-750 G 2.5 inch hard drive and clone my entire hard drive to it so I will have more room (and also a good backup if the need ever arises). Since my drive has BOTH the Mac os and the bootcamp partiton with windoze on it, I need to clone them both over to the new drive. I believe superduper just clones the OS portion and I really don't want to re-install the windows stuff unless i have to! I read that winclone can clone the windoze partitian. SO THIS IS MY PLAN. I AM NOT SURE IF THIS WILL WORK. Is this right? Did I leave anything out? Is there a better way?
1. Get new larger drive and put in a separate powered enclosure
2. Connect to my macbook with usb connector
3. Use superduper to clone the Mac Os to the new drive.
4. Use Winclone to clone the bootcamp (windoze) partition to the new drive
5. Replace the old smaller drive with the new drive.
I think this would work, but am not sure how or when i have to partition the new drive to work with winclone. or does winclone do this automatically?
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Jul 22, 2009
iBook, G4 12", 1.2 GHz
This old unit needed a bigger hard drive, so a friend gave me a Hitachi 60 GB drive he didn't need and I installed it. He told me that it was formatted for MS-DOS and that I would need to reformat it for Mac OS. I'm pretty sure that I did accomplish that using Disk Utilities in the Installer program.
I put a OS 10.4 install disk in and tried to boot from it. My problem is I'm getting a screen alert that says, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer." I can either restart (what good is that?) or go to "Startup Disk" where I choose the install disk (or Network Startup) and click on Restart. Then I choose English as the main language and bang! - right back to the wonderful, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer."
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm thinking about getting a bigger internal HD for my 15 inch macbook pro. Currently 250GB, want 750gb. I have Macbook Pro 15 inch unibody A1286. Will it fit? And will there be more heat coming from a larger drive? If so is it advisable to avoid a larger drive because of heat issues?
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Apr 23, 2009
My new Macbook is only 1 week old, so there is not much (or any) useless crap that I don't want or need. The Macbook came with a 160Gb hard drive. Prior to switching to Mac I was a 4-year Linux user. I purchased a new 320Gb drive for my Linux-PC laptop just 2 months ago. I took that drive out and would like to put it in my new Macbook. I would prefer to transfer data from old to new drive rather than starting fresh all over again. So I assume Time Machine is the way to go, and/or use Migration Assistant. My question is how Time Machine works, exactly.
In Linux when you do a backup using Partimage, it backs up byte-for-byte, meaning that if you back up a 100Gb drive, it will restore that same volume size regardless of how much bigger the restore drive is. Put another way, if you buy a 150Gb drive and restore, you will end up with a 100Gb drive with no space left over. I want to avoid this! So how will I backup and restore, and at the end have a 320Gb drive, rather than another 160Gb drive? Will I have to install the OS on the new drive before I restore? And yes, I do have an external hard drive I can back up to, though I haven't used it yet.
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm trying to put a 10gb sized video onto my hard drive but it won't allow me. I don't want to format it for 2 reasons.
1) i don't have space to back up and
2) the purpose of putting it on the hard drive is so I can watch the video through my blu ray player's usb port.
in disk utility, if i erase and use a volume format other than ms-dos (fat), the blu ray player doesn't pick p on the drive.
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Feb 10, 2012
How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one? I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.
iPod shuffle, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 11, 2009
My brother's MacBook's hard drive just died. He has a backup of all of his data. If I were to buy this, what do I do after installing the hard drive? We have the Leopard disks and everything.
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Jan 23, 2009
I recently bought a MBA with the 128GB SSD. When at the store I launched Word on the SSD version as well as the SATA version and there was a noticeable difference so I decided to pay the extra $700 and go with the 1.86GHz with SSD model. I use this machine for development and my builds carry out file intensive operations that delete and generate a few thousand files (when I generate javadocs). My old Dell desktop from 5 years ago completed this operation in 90 seconds but my MBA takes 400 - 700 seconds. I did some reading and all indicators seem to point to the SSD being fast for reads but slow for writes. Is this correct? I'm not sure I can deal with this slowdown for much longer and I'm thinking a having my SSD replaced with the SATA drive. Will the mac store do this? or is there any less expensive option?
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Apr 20, 2012
I have a time machine backup on external drive.Â
I would like to:
1. clean install Lion on the new SSD (120 GB)
2. restore apps from my backup on the SSD
3. keep only data on the existing HDDÂ
My questions:Â
What is the best way to make it?Â
Can I just keep the existing system on my non-SSD HDD, and after having Lion on SSD keep just data and delete the system libraries? Or is it better to format the whole disk and restore data from time machine backup (so it is not fragmented..
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2010
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May 16, 2012
I am going to be replacing the hard drive on a macbook pro that went crackle and fgave me the spinnign wheel of death before it totally went dead on me but i dont have the discs to reinstall the OS (and to be honest I forget what version it is) on this laptop but have the discs for my imac. Can I use these discs or do I need something else? I got this from a former roommate who upgraded to a newer macbook and was going to toss this so there are no discs for this macbook. Totally at a loss here....not sure if the data is recoverable from the hard drive so need to know what my options are before I take it in for repair tomorrow....
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
Does anyone know if its difficult to replace a Serial ATA Drive with a SSD? And if possible and not difficult, which specs should this SSD have?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.9GHz Dual-core i7, 8GB SDRAM
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Jun 29, 2012
I just replaced the hard drive in my macbook pro 2011 with an agility 4 ssd. I was able to copy all of the information over to the new drive. However ever time I wake the system up from sleep it freezes. I get the pinwheel. I am forced to restart the computer to get it working.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 2, 2011
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
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Jun 13, 2010
I recently bought a macbook pro and am making the transition from a pc to mac. It's all gone well so far, but I'm not sure what to do with my music. I currently have about 200 gb of music on my external hard drive (connected to my pc.) The internal hard drive on my pc does not have space to accomodate the files on my external.
I do not have the "Copy files to iTunes music folder" currently enabled because my internal doesn't have space. (And I like having the original music files in a separate location as I have over 30,000 songs). I don't know how to transfer my external and music to my macbook, since I will have to reformat the drive (which would erase everything on it, therefore I somehow have to make a backup either on my mac or on my pc. but what to do about the iTunes .xml file and iTunes folder on the internal pc drive??).
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Feb 15, 2009
I do a lot of traveling and have a lot of video files that I like to take on the road with me. I saw a 500gb Western Digital 2.5 hard drive on and want to replace my 160gb hard drive with it. I have an external hard drive with time machine. Is there anyway to do this so that I do no have to re-install everything?
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May 20, 2009
The hard drive in my MacBook is turning 3 years old, and weird noises are being emitted from it, which means, the hard drive is on it's last legs. The stock Apple hard drive was an 80GB. Specs of the MacBook are in the sig. I was thinking to myself, why not take this as an opportunity to get a much larger hard drive for not that much money. So I came across this:
Question is, would it fit the MacBook White from 2007, and how does it perform?
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm thinking of getting a refurb MBP but they come with a 5400rpm hard drive and I want a 7200rpm. Does anyone about how easy it is to replace the internal hard drive in a MBP and how much it would cost?
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Dec 28, 2009
I recently thought it would be a smart idea to volunteer to replace the failing HDD on my friend's Macbook (white, late '07 model), since she could get a higher capacity than 120GB this way, as opposed to getting a replacement at the Genius Bar. I went on, since I was able to change a couple of components on my 1st generation Macbook Pro without much trouble, and followed the guide step by step. Now, I am no rookie with this stuff. I even used to work at an Apple store, but as a specialist, not a genius. However, when I did everything (and it would seem that the installation itself was done properly), the computer screen would remain off once I booted the computer.
I tried changing it back to its original drive to see if I could at least get it to boot, but the same thing happened. Nothing on the display. I tried starting up while pressing C to run from the Snow Leopard disc, I tried starting up while pressing Option, I tried everything I can think of. I am running out of options and I have no clue what to do. Is there something I should have done before putting in the drive? Does anyone know what could be done, aside from taking it to the store and paying the $200 for an HDD replacement? (my former co-workers at the GB seem to be MIA for this).
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Jun 20, 2010
I want to buy this hard drive and pop it into my MacBook (current revision)
1. Will replacing the hard drive myself void the warranty?
2. Will this hard drive fit properly in my computer?
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