OS X V10.7 Lion :: Wifi No Hardware Found After 10.7.4 Update
May 9, 2012
After I did the 10.7.4 update on my mid-2010 macbook pro core i7 this evening, my wifi adapter/internet is not working, it is grayed out and says "no wifi hardware found". I have re-booted my machine 4-5 times but that did not help.Apparently, if I boot into recovery partition via holding Cmd+R > there my wifi is working and is properly connected. Infact, I am writing this message through that receovery partition safari window connected to wifi just fine.Another weird nothing I noticed is if I boot into the Safari-only Guest User account, there also wifi is working just fine, no problem.However, in both of my user accounts, it is giving me this "no wifi hardware found" error and won't connect to internet. In fact, ethernet wasn't working as well in user accounts.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 8GB, 500GB, core-i7, late 2010
I have a Brother MFC-9340CDW WIFI printer which my iMac says it can't find sometimes when I want to print. I think I have narrowed the problem down to when my MacBook Air is on at the same time and using WIFI on the same network If I turn off WIFI on the MacBook I can print from my IMac. I am not sure if it is a router problem or what but we use the iMac and MacBook Air at the same time quite often. Checked on the Brother website - nothing.Â
My Brother 2170W wifi laser printer was working fine under Lion 10.7.3, and then I decided to replace my router with a new Airport Extreme. Same SSID as before, same password, but the printer was suddenly unavailable. After many tries at reinstalling/reconfiguring, finally got the latest drivers reinstalled and the printer added to the printers list via wifi. As long as I don't try to print to it, it shows up as ready and online in the Printer prefs pane. As soon as I try to send something to it, it can't be found. It shows up as "in use, last used" in the pref pane, but in the Queue dialog, it shows as not connected.
Wi-fi was working perfectly all they way till I ran the latest update 10.7.4. Â
Now when I do a cold shut down, the wi-fi on the top right hand corner is blank. Cannot do anything to turn it back on. I always try to turn on, but fail. Â
Basically, it comes down to restarting the computer and praying that the wi-fi signal comes back on. Sometimes, I have to do a cold restart and it seems I'm playing a gambling game. Maybe after 3-4 times the wi-fi signal will become normal again. Â
This has been happening for about a month. Yes, I'm just getting around to complaining. I did not do time machine, so I cannot go back before this happend. Either, I do a whole another system install or there is a patch I could get. Â
I just updated my (brand new) iMac to OS 10.7.4 and now I can't download the wi-fi update V1.0 which fixes the issue of not reconnecting to wi-fi network after computer wakes from sleep.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Before the 10.7.4 update the WIFI connection from the iMac 21.5" to the airport extreme router works fine!
Now it's failing several times a day! it looses the wifi connection and you are unable to see any wireless accesspoints or SSID's
Macbook pro, iphone & ipad + PC's still works fine!Â
The only way to get the wireless up and working again is to shutdown and restart the iMac.Â
In the log i can see alot, don't know if this is some clue or error occuring just after the wireless connection is dropped for unknown reasons.Â
"kernel: 2329.723808: ath_chan_set: unable to reset cannel XX (XX00Mhz) flags 0x10080 hal status 17"
"kernel: 2632.354892: ASSERT: Can not reenter VAP State Machine"
"kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving)."Â
Turning off and on the wireless interface only shows the following in the log, and the wifi will not see any SSID's : "kernel: 71847.200440: switchVap from 1 to 1" Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 2011 Model i5 - 16GB - AMD 6770M
Problem: After recent update to Lion 10.7.4, my Wi-Fi signal via Internet Sharing keeps dropping. Have multiple iDevices failing that were working perfectly with 10.7.3 (Nook and iPhone 4). iPhone shows full Wi-Fi signal strength and works for a short time after reset (via Wi-Fi off/on, Internet Sharing off/on). Continues to show full Wi-Fi signal strength but loses connection after 1-2 minutes. And not just internet connection; I can't transfer pics/vids from iPhone to iMac either. Have switched to a channel no one nearby is using (channel 9) to no avail.
My mac just told me to install a security update and restart and I did it because its a security update, but when I logged back in and checked the official list for updates [URL], there are no official security updates for around the 10th of February. What should I do, is this bad? Is it a virus or hack?
Info: iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
I am using at home an iMac connected ( with cable ) to my Home WiFi Router. All other products are using the same WIfI home network ( Without a cable ).Can I define my iMac to use ONLY MY HOME WIFI instead of other unwanted wifi networks ?
After the laters update that came out a few days ago, i updated both my wife's and my macbook airs. now every time open the screen we have to manually login to our home wifi,
I just did the firmware update from my late 2011 Macbook Pro 13" (running 10.7.3) which all seemed to go fine, except I can't connect to my wifi any more. There is another 13" macbook pro, a 13" macbook air and 2 android phones which can all still access the wifi. I keep getting a message that my password is invalid (I know it's not). Everything I have tried has been done with the power supply connected.I have:
-rebooted the wifi router
-rebooted the mac
-shut down, waited for 5 minutes and rebooted
-repaired permissions
-deleted the keychain and tried to make a newconnection
-tried reinstalling the EFI firmware update from a .dmg (it won't let me)
I've been dropping my wifi since the update. It drops all the time regardless of what I am doing. I have to shut off and then turn on wifi again to show listed. The router works fine with other devices (iPad, iPhone etc) plus my PC.
installing the 10.7.4 update on my 2011 iMac 27". The symption is that the iMac drop its Wifi connection after a period of time and when that happens the iMac cannot detect any wifi networks in my area (disabling & re-enabling Wifi on the iMac doesn't help). I have to resort to restarting the iMac to revive the wifi interface. Note that my other devices (including my iPhone and my MacBook Air)can connect to my Airport Extreme without any problems.
I'm trying to access some files that are available through CVS in my boss' computer.
The problem I'm having is that everytime I try the CVS command I get the same -bash: cvs: command not found response. I've also noticed that the which command does not show any response:Â
ME-MBP-2008:/ me$ which cvs ME-MBP-2008:/ me$ Â
I've found the CVS stuff inside XCode.app folder (XCode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/cvs) but the terminal still seems to not be able to find the cvs command.Â
This morning I performed a 'Software Update' on my Macbook Pro and 6 new items were updated. The Mac then asked me to restart so I did but when it came back on I logged in as normal but it won't connect to my wifi unless I type in the password. I've tried Utilities > keychain manager but all I get is 'Access to this item is restricted' (when I click on show password and login again). My ipad and iphone are still okay and can access the wifi fine.
It took me a lOOONG time but I finally bit the bullet and bought a macbook. So far so good, I will be giving it a memory upgrade in a few weeks but right now I could use some serious help.
The computer won't connect to my Netgear WGR614 wifi router. I called Apple, they said the airport works and I may need a router firmware update. I updated the Netgear router. I have tried using the WEP, the WPA and also tried with the router set to zero security. The macbook still won't connect. Here is the kicker, my old windows based laptop and my wifes newer netbook picked up the new upgrade without issue.
The macbook (I loaded all the macbook updates with hardwire) will go through the network diagnostics and end up being unable solve the problem.
I recently purchased a LG GP40LB10 external burner I try to do a back up in time machine but the burner isn't found The DVDÂ burner is found in disk utility also my USB doggle are also found in Time Machine?
I went searching for lost disk space on my macbook air and by using OmniDiskSweeper found almost 13Gb in two directories that I had deleted a stack of emails from many months ago.Â
1. Why would the Apple mail app retain deleted emails
2. Is there any downside to using OmniDiskSweeper to remove them
3. How can I convince the mail app to not do that?Â
I did a clean reinstall using a USB, now its saying "the additional components needed to install mac os x cant be found" what do I do? I wiped my whole computer!
Lion: there are sliders that allow us to scroll up and down a list in a column. the little arrows that were at the top or bottom of the scrolls ( in panther) that allowed slower, incremental, scrolling through lists are gone. Are they hidden or really gone? Also My itunes window is too long and I can't reach the bottom right corner to resize the window. what is the hidden trick to decrease the length of the window. Quitting and restarting hasn't done it...?
i'm attempting to load win7 onto my MAC. Thus far i have downloaded the .iso image off MSDN (throught my university, for all intents and purposes should be as legitimate as an off the shelf copy)Â and burned it to DVD as a bootable disc image. however for some reason when using Boot Camp im told "The installer disc could not be found".There is data on the disc however when i go into the disc via finder it appears empty (no icons)... even though it is not (get info > xyzMB used).
Have read all the threads I can find and tried all the fixes, with no joy. Last posts were end of last year, '11. Anyone got any more info since then?
I am trying to copy a 650MB .mov file (shot on a Canon 5D) from a lacie rugged external harddrive to my G-Raid but it stops at 22.5mbs and then I get the error code "can't complete the operation because some data in "8T2C1814" move can't be read or written. (Error code -36). " I then click on OK and I get the following window: "The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found. (Error code -43)"I am very worried as these are the only original copies on the external harddrive and I'm nervous about performing even a repair command on the from Disk Utility.
OS X 10.7 is clearly the most advanced operating system ever (until the next one) but I'm not digging it at all. I wanna go back to 10.6. I still have my 10.6 disk. Upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7., and am now on 10.7.3. Tried running the 10.6 install disk at boot-up and the 10.6 install was all going fine but then nearly at the end Installer said "Installation Failed. Some support files couldn't be found."
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4Ghz, Core Duo, 667mhz 4GB SDRAM