MacBook Pro :: Lost WiFi Password After Software Update
Sep 19, 2010
This morning I performed a 'Software Update' on my Macbook Pro and 6 new items were updated. The Mac then asked me to restart so I did but when it came back on I logged in as normal but it won't connect to my wifi unless I type in the password. I've tried Utilities > keychain manager but all I get is 'Access to this item is restricted' (when I click on show password and login again). My ipad and iphone are still okay and can access the wifi fine.
This morning when I turned my Mac on the date was set back in 2000 and it my wireless network settings were lost. I reconnected to my router and eventually the clock fixed itself.
My Macbook Pro i7 lost wifi connection. I don't know why, but my connection is lost every time. I've other PC, tablets etc. (Windows, iPhone, iPad) and all is ok. Only Macbook Pro i7 have this problem.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I both this Mac 2 weeks ago.
Evey time it goes to sleep or I turn it off it forgets the fact that there is any wireless around. I have to look for the networks. Then if it wants to will find them and trying to connect to my own wireless network (apple extreme) is a challenge. I do have parallel desktop installed, could that be the problem?
Here is some info: Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro5,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache:3 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.07 GHz System Version:Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569) Kernel Version:Darwin 10.4.0 Boot Volume:Macintosh HD Boot Mode:Normal
For the past few months I've been using my mid-2007 MacBook (running Snow Leopard) with a Samsung external TV/monitor (with the MacBook's lid closed). I had no problems whatsoever in terms of internet connection to my D-Link DIR-655 router. Yesterday for the first time since creating this setup, I took the MacBook with me somewhere. When I returned the MacBook to my network (closed lid, plugged my monitor back in), I started having WiFi trouble. The WiFi was initially running very slowly and then not at all. The WiFi icon on the menu bar was showing regular strength, however.
The complicating factor here is that when my MacBook is on, all other computers on the network show getting WiFi signals but the connection isn't working for them either. When I turned off my MacBook and powered down/up the modem and router, other computers could connect successfully. (But when I turned my MacBook on, the computers lost connectivity to the internet. I've already played with the router's channels without success. I also made sure there weren't any unnecessary items in my Mac's DNS listing.
been trying to log onto airport with my pismo at work. log in attempt pops up a window claiming that my password is wrong...but system admin says and demonstrates it isn't with other, I can log into non-password protected wifi in the building no problem...what's going on? I tossed all my internet pref files...still same issue...
I have Macbook Pro running MAC OS X. I can boot the computer and use it but every time I try to download a new program or add a user or anything it asks me for the password, I don't have this password. Is there any way to by pass this without losing all my programs and information? I am desperate!
I have brought Macbook A1181 from ebay it works fine but there were two accounts but I don't know the password and when I try to get back to the ebay seller he is closed he is account. Also I have read the Mac website that I need to use the Code: If you don't remember the password and automatic login is turned off, you can reset the administrator password using the Mac OS X User Install disc. Because a user with the Mac OS X install disc can gain unrestricted access to your computer, you should keep the disc in a safe place. To reset the administrator password using the Mac OS X disc:
1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc and restart the computer. 2. When you hear the startup tone, hold down the C key until you see the spinning gear. 3. When the Installer appears, choose Utilities > Reset Password. 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to change the password. 5. Quit the Installer and restart your computer while holding down the mouse button to eject the disc. But didn't received any CDs from him so I don't know what version of CD I need it also I am new to macbook so its fully confusing please somebody help me how to reset my password.
when i update mac os 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 with internet , i stop download and turnof my macbook.and when The next day I was turnon my mabook, After entering the password ُ startup, Few moments later mark apple goes. Instead it a circle appears that the middle of it a line.I tried to get into the environment Safe mood, but i cant.Then I tried to get into EFI environment. But since it was published some have password protection. I published some of my work does not accept any password. Maybe I did not keep the password correctly. i backup my password with my Email or maybe apple id , but by me - but I do not know how can I find the EFI password.
I cant seem to add software or to update my adobe flash player. For example, when I got to update the flash player it instead asks me to type your password to allow Install Adobe Flash Player to make changes. It lists my name but for the life of me I dont remember the password (in reality I dont recall setting it up).
I just booted into Windows and saw that there were some Windows Updates available and it asked me to reboot the computer however it failed to boot into Windows. So I restarted and tried to boot into OS X instead, but that didn't work either.
So I put in the OS X install DVD and checked out Disk Utility. Turned out that all my partitions where screwed up. There were 3 partitions listed as Windows_ldm, with incorrect sizes (I had 4 partitions before).
Long story short: I'm now reinstalling OS X and I lost everything I had on the drive, I think. I'll try some restore software once I've gotten OS X installed.
A little pissed right now... How the heck can Windows F up the entire drive?
I formatted my macbook recently and lost my passwords for hotmail and gmail and I don't remember them as I gave remember my password option. I don't remember the answer to the secret question. Is there any software that I can use to retrieve my passwords.
Has this happened to anyone? I woke up this morning and my Router password was forgot, and my clock was set to December 31, 2000. When I got it connected to the Internet it was correct again.
I installed windows 7 in my mbp using vmware. now i lost admin password. How to reset/recover this? i dont have password reset disk. How to bypass the password screen. how can i get out of this trouble.
A friend of mine has a MacBook and for some reason it won't keep the WiFi password for her home network. Whenever she restarts the Mac or turns it on it will find the home network but it prompts her for a password. She is selecting to have this network remember.
How can I recover my wifi password? My mac is still connected, but the vodafone store deleted my settings on my ipad!! I've tried keychain access and network preferences, but it doesn't show the password, just asks for the password. Is there another way?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
And lost my Dock animations. what can I do..when I start an application from my dock it doesn't bounce anymore or show the little bubble under the icon to show that it is open. I have the bubble under the finder icon but nothing else.
I received an error during a very long software update on my MacBook Pro, and I've lost all my photos and emails. IPhoto and email both appear to be starting from scratch. recovering my photos? Software is now up to date.
Let me preemptively state that I know very little about computers. This problem is most likely easy to fix, but I wouldn't know where to start. We have wireless internet here in my house, and my MacBook will not connect to it. It's a Netgear router, and my Mac tells me I need a password to connect to it. We don't have a password set on our router. So, every time it tries to connect, it says that an error occurred. How do I get rid of this password thing? I just want to use the WiFi!
I have an existing network set up for my wi-fi and use apple time capsule as a router at home.I want to update the network password as I have not done this.I also want to set up a guest network account that I can separately set up access to.
I have a message saying another user is using my IP address so I want to change my wifi password but I can not figure out how to do this! I have a mac book pro OS X 10.9.5.
After the laters update that came out a few days ago, i updated both my wife's and my macbook airs. now every time open the screen we have to manually login to our home wifi,
I just did the firmware update from my late 2011 Macbook Pro 13" (running 10.7.3) which all seemed to go fine, except I can't connect to my wifi any more. There is another 13" macbook pro, a 13" macbook air and 2 android phones which can all still access the wifi. I keep getting a message that my password is invalid (I know it's not). Everything I have tried has been done with the power supply connected.I have:
-rebooted the wifi router
-rebooted the mac
-shut down, waited for 5 minutes and rebooted
-repaired permissions
-deleted the keychain and tried to make a newconnection
-tried reinstalling the EFI firmware update from a .dmg (it won't let me)
First of all, everything works after updating to 10.7.3, I never really had issues with WiFi dropping after wake up, maybe once in 6 months. After 10.7.3, I saw WiFi reconnect after my iMac woke up the first time, but after that, it doesn't happen any more, and WiFi is disconnected everytime it wakes up, without automatic attempt to reconnect, just the grey WiFi icon. Although reconnecting is easier, I can select my WiFi from the available WiFi signal list, in the past I had to turn off WiFi and then back on before I could select my WiFi. I'm on mid 2011 iMac 21.5".
I personalize my menu bar and I removed the wifi icon by accident and I go into system Prefences/Netowk and I don't see the option to readd the wifi icon! Menu Bar
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Mac Early 2008