I am getting a 2008 Mac Pro and handing off my 2006 mac Pro to the wife. What is the easiest way to move all my stuff. The 2008 comes with Leopard. So I was thinking about putting in an SSD drive in the 2008, loading in Snow Leopard and then copying over my application user folder? Or is there a better way?
Looking to replace the 5400rpm drive with a new 7200rpm drive, but what is the best way to move all my stuff over? Should I clone the drive or is it better to do a fresh install and go through the hassle of reinstalling all my stuff?
Did an archive and install of Leopard then installed Snow Leopard. 90% of Video sites would not work. Uninstalled and reinstalled Flash. Uninstalled ShockWave, tried to reinstall received message could not reinstall with 10.6.1. Attempt to install adobe air, received this message: "couldn't write the application to hard drive - please verify and try again." performed verify disk, disk permissions, repair permissions all ok. Attempted to install Air again, same message.
Tried to use Time Machine to open Safari from a week ago, received message: I did not have permission. Using Macbook Pro, 2g memory, 80g hd, with 42g free. Backed up on ext. HD, One more, getting a lot of spinning wheels when using Safari that causes a lockup and hard re-start.
I have an expensive piece of software that uses adobe air and I create videos for my business and I'm not able to do so now. I just logged off of my admin account and logged on with a guest account. Video and flash seem to be working with the guess account. I didn't check adobe air or TM. How can I create a new account and move the important apps, files, docs, etc. that I need from the main account to the new one. Al of my business is setup on the mail account, emails, downloads etc.
I have set up my mom with an older Macbook Pro of mine to save her from the evils of the PC. I set up two users, one for her and one for me; hers is uber simple (big icons, only the essentials in the doc) mine is crazy complicated. We share apps, of course, which was fine until I realized she is going to want to download Mah Jongg game apps and the like from the App Store, and I would LOVE it if I didn't have to have all that cluttering up the root Applications folder. I already tried to move one app from root to her user's Applications folder and all that moved was an alias, the app stayed at root. So how does one move these things? Is there a way via the finder? Can I use terminal.
had my macbook for about a year and a half and recently it just stopped working. Literally it was fine one minute and the next the screen was just black. I tried turning it on and off and now it stays at the boot screen for like 30 minutes and then just goes to a blue screen. I can move the cursor around the blue screen and stuff but there are no icons and there is no finder or anything. everytime i turn it off and back on the same thing, bootscreen and then bluescreen.
I was uploading some video from my camera to iphoto when my computer crashed. I turn it back on and everything I had in itunes Apps, music, movies, etc. is now gone (over 120 movies and 15,000 songs and 300 playlists) the files are still on my computer thankfully but what is the fastest and easiest way to get that stuff back into itunes? Also where are my app files they are not in the "mobile applications" folder in my itunes file folders? I have everything backed up on time machine but this really pisses me off anyone know where I can start?
This might be a dumb question, but I will be selling my current 13" 2.4 GHz MacBook for the new 13" MBP. How can I transfer all of my pictures onto the new computer? Do I need an external hard drive or something, since I will be selling this computer?
Also, all of my iTunes stuff won't get deleted, will it?
I installed Entourage 2008 on my MBP 10.6.2 and updated it to the latest version. Everything worked fine until today. I can't grab and drag individual messages to put them into folders anymore (the move-to tool still works). I also can't grab folders and drag them onto my desktop (for archiving, e.g.) anymore. I believe it worked initially. The only thing I can think of that I did since the first installation of Entourage was create a backup of my system on another partition using SuperDuper and since then Entourage upon startup asked for permission to use an obscure font on that backup partition, which is weird in its own right. After getting that message a few times (and denying access every time) I chose the option for Entourage not asking me again, so I don't know the exact name of the font it was asking. But I'm sure it was one of the WarnockPro incarnations. Is there a way to get Entourage to ask me again for that font? But more importantly, addressing the main issue re. drag and drop of messages and folders: has anybody heard of such behavior and knows of a fix?
I had purchased the new retina MBP and i used to have a macbook air. I moved all of my files over to my new computer (NOT using migration assistant, wanted a new setup) and i got everything but my keychains.How can i move my internet keychains over? Â BTW, the computer wont let me export internet keychains...Â
What is the "On My Computer" account in Entourage? can i get rid of it? the account i use is using Exchange and appears as a separate account in the side bar menu. can someone explain the difference between my email account and the "On My Computer"?
Specifically, when i try to make a group with my contacts that are located within my Exchange account, it places the group in the address book under "On My Computer" and i can not get it into the contact list where i draw the contacts from.
Not talking about giving it away or selling it to another person or anything like that. I'm just hoping to install Office on my (upcoming) desktop setup as well as on my Macbook so that I always have access to it. This would be the full version, not the educational one.
I have bought the new Macbook Pro and I want to move my programs from my old mac to my new one. How do I do this without damaging the files? Do I have to include a lot of trash files or can I just move the .app file over? I?m using Logic, can you move project files only without moving the program?
I want to move an account from my iMac to my Mac Pro, which would be in addition to other accounts I have on the MP. I know that there is migration assistant, but that imports apps over too doesn't it? Can I combine apps and a user account?
I followed directions to migrate to icloud, however, the calendar set up three new calendars, two of which (home and work) are named the same as two old ones. I have about 6 calendars in cluding home and work that I need to move to icloud and not to create new calendars.
I need to switch the computer I use for synching my iphone, iPad and iPod to another computer. Is there an automated procedure? If not is there a prescribed procedure for doing this manually?
Is it easy to move itunes movies from one computer to another? If I get alot onto my imac and in a few years buy a macbook will i be able to transfer all my movies?
I have an old iBook laptop. I want to move my keychain access passwords from that laptop to my desktop. I tried going to file > Export items in keychain, but it's grayed out. I tried about 10 different items and they were ALL grayed out. Is there a master file in the library (or whever) that I can just copy and paste into my desktop's library? I have nothing oin my desktop keychain, so I don't mind replacing it completely.
Is it possible to move my files and programs that I have backed up on a Time Capsule to my computer without having to restore from a backup?
I had to get my hard drive replaced on my Macbook (running OS 10.5.7) but on all of my backups "Preview" is missing (was somehow deleted when I installed Gimp).
Every time I restore from a backup Preview is gone. Is it possible for me to move all of my files and programs to my MacBook without restoring from a backup?
I own an iPad mini Gen1 with a ton of music, apps etc. from my old computer which broke down recently. I'd like to sync my iPad to my Time Capsule, apps, backups and all without losing any files. I still have access to the old Apple ID. So, how do I sync without deleting everything on it? I already deleted my entire iPod trying to do this. Â
I tried to move a load of unwanted iTunes files to the recycling bin, but missed! They duly loaded onto the desktop, then the computer hung (there were only about 3,000 of them, by the way!) What can I do to put my little baby's desktop right? On a related issue, my recently purchased G5 dual desktop refuses to acknowledge my G4 (which is in firewire 'target disk' mode') I have connected 6 pin to 6 pin.
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?