OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Make A Smart Mailbox From A Selection
Jul 2, 2012
I love Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail. I have been getting emails from a subscribed content provider and now I realize that I'd like to have a Smart Mailbox with all of the past and future mailings from them. Is there any way to select just one (or all) of the emails I have received and create a Smart Mailbox with a single menu selection? I have tried selecting one of them, then 'New Smart Mailbox...' bt it doesn't recognize I have a selection...or doesn't put the sender of the email nto the recipient field (which is the default criteria in a new Smart Mailbox'). If it doesn't now do this, hey, Apple, future feature?
A simple matching condition for a smart: Card is not member of group xy doesn't work: Some members of the excluded group are still shown. I found this error in a posting as early as 2008 , but still no fix for it.Â
I created several smart mailboxes and then created several smart mailbox folders. When I close mail and re-open, one smart mailbox folder remains and the others are gone, along with some but not all of my smart mailboxes.
I have Lion 10.7.4 on 2010 MBP. I use the mail program on the Mac. I have 20 Smart Mailboxes set up and each is working fine. Yeterday I set 5 Smart Mailbox Folders and placed each Samrt Mailbox in the appropriate Smart Mailbox Folder. At the end of the day i turned the MBP off. This morning when I opened mail all my Smart Mailbox Folders were gone. My Smart Mailboxes are still there.Â
My "smart" mailbox is showing messages from the "All Mail" folder of my IMAP account folder in addition to my Inbox. Is there a way to work around or stop this so I don't see duplicate messages in my smart mailbox?
Im creating a Pyramid graph. Im using Microsoft word for macs. I can't seem to enlarge my final product to fit page size. adding a second smart graph (circular arrows). I need the pyramid to be the background and insert the arrows within the pyramid without interfering with the text.
Is there a way to make the Boot Camp menu the default boot screen, as opposed to holding Alt? This is the latest SL release, if that matters.
I know this is possible in some manner, our networked iMacs all do it; they start up and give the option to boot OS X or Windows, with a countdown to boot the default OS. I'd just like the same thing to happen on my MBP.
I have 3 email accounts that I have added to my Mac Mail. It seems to have chosen my school email account as the default email so every time I send an email, it says it's coming from this school account. I have a primary gmail account that I would like to use as a default. Is there a way to stop this automatic selection every time I compose a message? Even if I select the account I want to use when I compose a new email message, it still sends it out showing the wrong account as the sender.
I just installed Lion 10.4.7 upgrade on my iMac (only 6 months old). I have 5 user accounts on this iMac (A, B, C, D and Guest). With prior version of Lion, these would all be displayed in the login window for selection. Now, with 10.4.7, depending upon the resolution in effect by a user when he logs out, if it is a lower resolution (i.e., 1024X768) the login window will not contain the rightmost user selections, D and Guest in this example. If the user had a higher resolution (i.e., 1920X1080) all 5 users account selections will be visible. An individual user's desired resolution should not be effecting the login window, should it?
I have tons of Boy Scout files all over the place and wanted to identify them at anytime. Â
I figured out how to create the folder but I can't create a file name it without .savedSearch being part of the folder name. Aarrggh!!Â
No matter what I do I cannot remove the .savedSeach from the end of the name. If I right click for Rename the folder, only the characters BEFORE .savedSearch are highlighted for change. If I right click and choose Get Info and select hide extension, no change. Â
I've seen other online tutorials for the Smart Folder function in Lion and none of them have their folder name appended.Â
When I send an email, why does it also show up in my "Drafts" mailbox?Is there a setting in my preferences that needs to be changed to prevent this from happeing?
I have a mailbox in Mail that I no longer want. I selected the option to delete the mailbox, but the mailbox will not leave the list. I have tried a few times to get rid of the box, but it will not leave. All the settings are still there, it still goes after mail and still allows me to send mail from that account. How do I 100% get this unwanted mailbox in Mail?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 M
I'd like to use my smart card to sign my emails with outllook, but I can't see the certificate from outlook. I've installed device drivers and opensc, and I can use the smard card from firefox.
Im trying to delete my hotmail inbox from Mail 5.2 on my Mac. I tried "delete mailbox" by right click and from the Mailbox menu. Also tried dragging the mailbox to trash and nothing. Â
I had no problems deleting the mailbox on my ipad and iphone ... its on my Mac that it will not disappear.Â
I cannot seem to have the number of unread messages in my mailbox appear to the right of the inbox label. It used to be there, and I have another account set up in Mail and the number appears next to it when there is an unread message. It's just this one account.Here is a picture of what it is like, even though there is an unread message in the mailbox.I want the number of unread messages to be next to Gmail on the right.Also, the number of unread messages for the Gmail account do not appear on the Dock icon.Both of these functions work with my other account that is set up in Mail, and that account is a Gmail as well.
My Apple Mail account is connected with an Exchange 2003 server. I don't have Hebrew enabled on my macbook. Just last week, i received an email from the server saying my mailbox is full, but it all came in Hebrew. I live in Israel. How did it set the language to Hebrew when, in fact, Hebrew isn't enabled on my laptop.
I have a folder on my Mac with about 100 .eml files, which were dragged and dropped out of Microsoft Entourage a few months ago. Is there way to import this whole folder and its .eml files into a mailbox inside Apple Mail? I can do it one by one by opening a single .eml file in Mail and moving it to the mailbox: Message menu -> Move To -> [Mailbox]
However I would like to do this in one go. I tried EmailConverterLite from the App Store, and while it works quite well, imported messages do NOT have a paperclip symbol if they have attachments. This is really hard as you would have to look through all messages to find messages with attachments.