OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stop This Automatic Selection Every-time Compose A Message?
Jun 26, 2012
I have 3 email accounts that I have added to my Mac Mail. It seems to have chosen my school email account as the default email so every time I send an email, it says it's coming from this school account. I have a primary gmail account that I would like to use as a default. Is there a way to stop this automatic selection every time I compose a message? Even if I select the account I want to use when I compose a new email message, it still sends it out showing the wrong account as the sender.
I am experiencing some problems when I use gmail, yahoo, or hotmail. When I click compose new message in any of these email services my internet connection is disrupted and all the pages I have opened either reset or the browser says it does not have connection. I have used the disk utility to repair permissions and that does not seem to change anything. I have not been able to find anything about this problem being discussed on the internet. I log into an email account, and I click compose message; the internet then disconnects for a few seconds. If I am streaming radio that resets.
I want to be able to send an email message with a specific keyword in the subject and only a URL in the body.
Here's where Automator needs to come in: When an email with the subject keyword is received, have Safari open the URL contained in the body of the message. Copy all of the text from the opened URL. Compose a new email message and paste in the text copied from the web page, and email it back to the original sender. Close Safari.
I just bought my time capsule. It works doing backups manually but the button is in 'on' and the next backup field always says 'automatic backups off'.
Can this be done? Its annoying as hell and makes me want to drop kick the computer when I come across tons of blogger.com images when searching through google images. It pretty much boggles the mind how potentially dangerous this is anyways. I want an option to cancel like all the other browsers that let you choose where to save a file.
We recently got macs at work which I am accustom to working on at home, however, my workflow has kind of changed at work in regards to the way I do things now. One thing that irritates me is that Safari seems to automatically download files instead of displaying them all in another tab or something. I don't want to have to have 20-100 downloaded files in my download folder!
A couple of nights ago I set my iMac G3 (Blueberry) to stop automatic login at start up and put it to sleep. I did this because I didn't want my kids on the web in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. When morning comes, the computer is off. I try to start it but it won't turn over. When I push the on button, the button flashes on for a split second and I hear the crackle of static as if the computer is starting, but nothing happens after that. I tried plugging and unplugging the computer, but nothing helps.
I use Safari as a browser. I once downloaded google Chrome but have since deleted it from my applications. In spite of deleting it, every time I open Safari, it downloads Chrome again, slowing Safari performance.
How can I set up an automatic transfer of an email message to a folder? For example, all email messages that arrive from a certain retailer that are automatically moved to a folder for that retailer?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
When dragging a file into a folder window which is partially off the bottom of the screen, OS X will slide it up so that the whole thing is in view. I can't tell you how many times I've dragged something into the wrong folder because suddenly there's a different folder underneath my cursor. Is there any way to turn this off? It does not suit my workflow at all.
I have a recurring problem where my screen (built in or external monitor/projector) will just go blank at random times. It is an unrecoverable situation and I have to do a hard power reset to get working again.
After testing several theories without success I struck upon one that showed promise. The blanking tended to occur when I was in Lion Fullscreen mode, or using a gesture to start expose - so I figured maybe it was a graphics switching issue.
So I went into System Preferences and disabled 'Automatic graphics switching'. I then ran trouble free for several days (I was typically crashing 1-2 times a day)
Then several days later it happened again and I thought I was back to square one. However, a colleague suggested I check the graphic switching setting to see if something had changed it back, and sure enough it was re-enabled.
Now I find myself in a constant battle with the system to keep disabling the 'Automatic graphics switrhing' in System Preferences.
I have tried setting it and locking it, but sooner or later it reverts. I need to know if it is possible to force it to stay disabled.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have auto login on my profile and disable auto on the security page but still need to login every time I log out or shut down.I have also noticed that the general page of the security and privacy in Syste Prefs is different on my wife Macbook air and my pro....
Brand new MBP 15, 10.7.2, just got today. Migrated old MBP 13 which was 10.6.8. Now at random, a message asking for permission for incoming connections pops up at random for about 1/2 second. It's so fast I can't click on the allow or deny button. I shot video of the screen so I could actually see a frame. It says to fix it in Firewall, but I don't see anything about postgres listed there. But I don't even know what the heck postgres is. How do I stop this.
If my time machine is backing up to time capsule and the backup size is big like 100 GB. Can I shutdown and resume after startup maybe next day? Will it verify and backup correctly?
How do stop the applications from popping up on my screen every time I turn on my Mac? It's been happening ever since a upgraded from Leopard to Lion. Or it has to do with Evernote.
I am using 10.6.8 but I created a Lion partition on the same disk. I am trying out Lion and I do not want Time Machine to back it up. I was able to exclude the Lion volume until I encrypted the Lion partition using Filevault 2. Now when I'm using Snow Leopard, there doesn't seem to be a way of preventing Time Machine from backing up the Lion partition.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've been without use of Time Machine for sometime (months) now. I've been getting the following error:
My backup drive (Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex - 320GB) was a attached to my Airport Extreme, but in desperation I moved it to being directly attached to my MBP. I've also excluded large number of files from the back up (reduced the full backup size to half the size of the backup disk). Also, I've erased and reformatted the back up disk - twice. No errors on it either.
What would be really helpful, was if there was some indication as to WHAT the problem actually is. This is a rather ambiguous error message, which does little to help a person to troubleshooot. It seems like the backup is being hung up on a file or files...but I'm just guessing.
Has anybody out there run into this? If so, what was your solution?
I restored my mac from time machine, downgrade from Mac OS X 10.10 to 10.9.3. After that the position of the input method selection box is not right. The right place should be: After typing continually, the selection box jump to left edge of the screen: The problem occured in IM, word, web browser, etc. It's all right before I restored from time machine, in both 10.9.3 and 10.10. Some of my firends has the same problem.
Since upgrading to Lion, I have been having problems backing up to Time Machine using a LaCie external disk. Time Machine worked fine before the upgrade to Lion. The backup usually starts correctly, but after backing up around 1GB, I get the following error message: "The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging or turning it off". The disk has over 80GB of space available.
I recently moved from Illinois to Ohio. Now, when I go to either google maps or the time zone settings on my Macbook Pro, it thinks I am in Illinois. Google maps will update eventually to the correct location, however the the time zone in OS X will not. I have tried deleting .plist files and rebooting.
I have a mac, and my mom has a PC. I have been on her account since I was pretty young, so It's a shared account. It's under my email and apple ID, but my mom is on the same account, on her own computer. I want to have automatic downloads so I can use it for my iphone and ipad, but I don't want her song to end up going to my devices or laptop when she downloads from her own computer. is there a way to either turn off automatic downloads for just one computer, or get her a new account, but letting her transfer all of her music onto the new one?
Is there any way to set up one of my external drives to clone the behavior of my main drive? For example, I have a mac mini with 2 main drives, and I have 3 external HDs (one of which is for Time Machine). However, Time Machine is a bit annoying to have on all the time, so I am looking for a different option.
Here's what I need to do: I use one of my main HDs as my music drive (I'm a musician). I end up creating my music projects there and then back them up by manually transfering them to my xHDs. This process takes a long time because the files are huge and I don't do it after every project, so I move over a lot of GBs when I do this.
Is there any way to set things up where when I create a project (or any file) in my main HD that it automatically copies in real time to one of my xHDs?
None of the composing commands work. I receive mails in the usual way, but trying to answer them just doesnt work after clicking. There is not an error log. Command for quiting the application does not work to and I have to force exit before turning off the computer.
I love Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail. I have been getting emails from a subscribed content provider and now I realize that I'd like to have a Smart Mailbox with all of the past and future mailings from them. Is there any way to select just one (or all) of the emails I have received and create a Smart Mailbox with a single menu selection? I have tried selecting one of them, then 'New Smart Mailbox...' bt it doesn't recognize I have a selection...or doesn't put the sender of the email nto the recipient field (which is the default criteria in a new Smart Mailbox'). If it doesn't now do this, hey, Apple, future feature?
Had a problem with finding back files I just worked on. E.g. I was preparing an email with attachment. I would amend or create a file, save it somewhere. Then when I wanted to insert a file the dialog box would dump the file frustratingly right down below under the 'No Date' heading. I tried disabling the automatic time zone setting and it appears to have resolved the problem for now.