OS X V10.7 Lion :: Addressbook Smart Group Selection Not Correct?
Apr 20, 2012
A simple matching condition for a smart: Card is not member of group xy doesn't work: Some members of the excluded group are still shown. I found this error in a posting as early as 2008 , but still no fix for it.Â
I would like a Smart Group which will display cards which are not in any group however when I create the Smart Group and use the following rules, I do not get any result appearing in the Smart Group:Â
Card > is not member of > any groupÂ
I have icloud enabled and also the defualt address book is icloud. Is there something I am missing when creating this smart group?Â
I love Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail. I have been getting emails from a subscribed content provider and now I realize that I'd like to have a Smart Mailbox with all of the past and future mailings from them. Is there any way to select just one (or all) of the emails I have received and create a Smart Mailbox with a single menu selection? I have tried selecting one of them, then 'New Smart Mailbox...' bt it doesn't recognize I have a selection...or doesn't put the sender of the email nto the recipient field (which is the default criteria in a new Smart Mailbox'). If it doesn't now do this, hey, Apple, future feature?
Running 10.5.6 with an SCR331, G4 desktop. I have been using entourage, smart card reader, and CAC successfully for quite some time.
My CAC was recently updated with new certificates to transfer my email to navy.mil. When I insert my card reader with CAC into my machine, the keychain (and Entourage) show the old certificates (with the spawar.navy.mil account) which aren't even on my CAC anymore. Obviously I can't get Entourage (or other websites) to work without being able to access the new certs.
about half a year ago the address book in my Macbook started to grow uncontrolled until it had more than 100000 records, wherof 99% were empty or fragmented, This caused the app to be very slow and freeze from time to time.
I tried to delete the corrupted records, but because of the large database and an old Macbook, it took ages to delete just a couple of hundred records a time. Now the app refuses to start (it hangs before it even shows up), even as the first app after a reboot.
The iCloud address book is OK on the web and on my iPad, so if I just could empty and reset the app in Macbook, I could be back on track.
I've tried to move the addressbook file (AddressBook-v22.abcddb, 125,3 MB) to another library, and I've deleted the .plist files, but it doesn't help.
I can see that the process findnames grows to almost 1 GB in memory if I don't stop it, and so does the process AddressBookMobileMeSharingAgent ...Â
Is it possible to increase the size of the font in AddressBook? I know you can temporarily increase the size of the phone # but I'm interested in a larger font for entire entries.Â
When I try to save any address in the webmail addressbook, it says "An Error Occured while saving." It's probably a permissions problem with the addressbook database RoundCube uses, but I'll be darn if I can find it...
I have 3 email accounts that I have added to my Mac Mail. It seems to have chosen my school email account as the default email so every time I send an email, it says it's coming from this school account. I have a primary gmail account that I would like to use as a default. Is there a way to stop this automatic selection every time I compose a message? Even if I select the account I want to use when I compose a new email message, it still sends it out showing the wrong account as the sender.
I just installed Lion 10.4.7 upgrade on my iMac (only 6 months old). I have 5 user accounts on this iMac (A, B, C, D and Guest). With prior version of Lion, these would all be displayed in the login window for selection. Now, with 10.4.7, depending upon the resolution in effect by a user when he logs out, if it is a lower resolution (i.e., 1024X768) the login window will not contain the rightmost user selections, D and Guest in this example. If the user had a higher resolution (i.e., 1920X1080) all 5 users account selections will be visible. An individual user's desired resolution should not be effecting the login window, should it?
I recently archived my icloud contacts to my MacBook Pro. In my contacts it shows a "smart group" with the contacts that I recently archived. I've been trying to delete it and I have no such luck.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have created a new distribution list (contact group) in Address Book. I have tried selecting "Send email to 'group name'" from the contextual menu. The mail window that opens does not have the To/CC/Bcc fields populated at all.I have also tried typing the name of the group in the To/CC/Bcc fields within a new Mail message. The group is recognized, as it shows up in the dropdown, but the fields remain empty once the group name is selected.
I am wanting to add a new user group with an ID of 1000, and move my main account into that group, then update everything that has the old GID with the new one. This is so that I can share files easier with another UNIX system I use without having to tweak the permissions for each file. I've done quite a bit of searching in the past couple days, but all I can seem to come up with are old, outdated instructions that don't work on OS X anymore.Â
Info: 15" MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 4 Gigabytes RAM, 500 Gigabyte HDD, 2.8 GHz Intel Core Duo Proces
All the names I want in the group are already in address book. I made a group with the title.....but how do I get the names into the group? I've tried everything but obviously not the RIGHT thing. There is obviously a change in address book with Lion because I had no trouble before.
I have been setting up a large sharing network with my housemates and have been messing around with sharing permissions quite a bit. I saw a group named wheel and foolishly removed it from somewhere... I think it was the Macintosh HD... the Macbook stopped!Upon researching, I now know what the wheel group is, and that I should have left it the **** alone. At the time though, I thought it was someone in the house with access to my whole drive.I have tried repairing permissions in disc utility, but still get spinning wheel (ironic) upon restart.
DO I need to re-install OSX?
The macbook pro came with snow-leopard and I upgraded to lion, if I re-install from 10.6 disk will I have issues?
I posted this awhile ago on the address book forum but got no response. I'm still puzzled.Â
For some reason I can't email new groups that I set up in address book. Older groups that were migrated from previous iMac work fine. In address book I hit the plus button for the new group, name the group, and drag the contacts from my contact list that I want in the new group. When I go to MacMail, activate the "To" field and start to type the new group name it appears in the list, but when clicked on it disappears leaving only a comma. When I do this with older groups all the contacts in that group appear.
I have tons of Boy Scout files all over the place and wanted to identify them at anytime. Â
I figured out how to create the folder but I can't create a file name it without .savedSearch being part of the folder name. Aarrggh!!Â
No matter what I do I cannot remove the .savedSeach from the end of the name. If I right click for Rename the folder, only the characters BEFORE .savedSearch are highlighted for change. If I right click and choose Get Info and select hide extension, no change. Â
I've seen other online tutorials for the Smart Folder function in Lion and none of them have their folder name appended.Â
I am managing a bunch of Macs and we are using Active Directory groups to assign certificates for 802.11x. I am binding the device to AD using JAMF software and was wondering if I could use a script to then add the deive to an active directory group.Â
First time trying to create a group in Address Book and send the members an e-mail. Looks like the group is set up properly in Address Book, but I can't e-mail to the group.When I enter the group name in "To:" in a new e-mail in Mail, the name disappears when I hit Enter or move hte cursor to the right. I have to click in the field to the right just to get the group name to stay in the field.
When I send the message I get this back: "This message couldnt be sent because the following internal error occurred: This message couldnt be sent because you havent specified any recipients." I can manually address the email to the individual group members, but why isn't Mail adding the group members as recipients when I enter the group name?