OS X V10.7 Lion :: Allow Guest Network Clients To Communicate With Each Other
Apr 26, 2012
I recently upgraded to Lion and we shared a printer on the goes network. The previous airport utility software had a box under "Guest Network" that you could check to "Allow guest network clients to communicate with each other". Where is it in Lion?
I am a mac user and I have a problem with my gmail account, some friends are unable to email me.According to them it shows a message "undeliverable." I contacted the google support team and they say that the problem lies with that fact that my mac is not synchronized with the internet time?
My current setup is a first gen TC running at 802.11n 5GHz with a Linksys WRT54GS in bridge mode broadcasting 802.11b/g. Both are WPA2 networks, and the setup has been great so far.
When the new AEBS/TC came out, I was looking at the guest network capability and that's got me wondering if there's any way I can create such a network with my setup. I would love to have a network for my DS and PSP to be able to join and would preferably like to have it unsecured to avoid connection issues.
I'm well aware that my TC doesn't have the proper hardware to do that by itself, but is there any way I can create a guest network to allow access to the Internet but not any networked computers on the main network? Would I need a seperate router to do this, or would my current setup be sufficient? What settings would I need, or can this even be done?
Come to think of it, would it just be easier for me to setup an additional gateway using a third router, hide the SSID and have it unsecured? (Although I'd be afraid of compromising my network's security with this method.)
After creating a guest account I noticed that anyone uses that account can use my (remembered) secured network connection. Normally, in my network settings, remembering used networks option is checked. When I look into the keychain, I see two entries for my network name. One is in my logins section and the other is in the system section. I suppose, the guest uses the entry which is in the system section. If I delete the entry which is in system section, it is been created again on next connection.
If I do not want any guest to use my network connection, I am having to cancel the remembering used network option and select disconnect on logging out option in airport advanced settings. But; if do this, I am having to select my network and type its password every time I login. I simply want if a guest uses the Guest Account, he wouldn't able to use my network connection without entering the correct password. Is it possible?
I have an Airport Extreme base station and am curious if there is anyway to allow temporary access to my wifi signal its configured with a WPA passcode. I have neighbors that come over and use my wifi but then continue to use it when they return to their homes, is there anyway for me to allow them temporary access or create some kind of guest network that I could turn off when they leave? I HATE having to change the administrative password when they leave because I have to re-enter it on all of my devices.
I have a time capsule (dual band,those introduced in2009 early). I'm trying to find the "allow guest network" but I can't seem to find anywhere this option.
How do I change the password on my guest network? We are having a new housesitter next week and I don't want him using my home network. I have a guest network, but the passwords are the same. (I know what you're thinking). How can I change the guest one? Am using Airport btw.
I can't seem to get my airport express to extend the guest network from my new airport extreme. It will extend the private network but the guest network doesn't show up in the list under airport utility. Is there anyway to extend the internet only except to one computer which needs to share a printer back to the original extreme?
We're looking to install 3 WAP in our new office. The alternative to a AEBS set up would be Cisco's WAP4410N WAP. It's a smaller office (about 35 people), but we'll be divided amongst three floors, so 3 separate devices. It's a PC server with mostly PC devices connecting to the wireless network. I'd like to have an integrated wireless network, which I know the AEBS can do. I also like the dual-band function of the AEBS, since there are plenty of older machines that are used in the office. But what I really like about it is the Guest feature.
Our clients are usually just allocated to one area (like conference rooms) in the past, but now they are somewhat dispersed through out. Having the Guest network extend everywhere that the Company network is would be great, and we wouldn't have to buy secondary WAPs to do this. However, the router/firewall function would have to be turned off on the AEBS so that our main DC was still handing out IPs, and I don't know if this or bridging the three AEBS together would remove the functionality of the Guest feature.
I have the original Time Capsule, so I can't try this out. I have a Nintendo DS which cannot access WPA encrypted networks, so I wondered if I could get a newer Time Capsule and create a guest network for the DS which would be encrypted by WEP.I saw something that said guest networks could only use WPA or WPA2, so that is why I am wondering.
After creating a guest account I noticed that anyone uses that account can use my(remembered) secured network connection.
Normally, in my network settings, remembering used networks option is checked. When I look into the keychain, I see two entries for my network name. One is in my logins section and the other is in the system section. I suppose, the guest uses the entry which is in the system section. If I delete the entry which is in system section, it is been created again on next connection.
If I do not want any guest to use my network connection, I am having to cancel the remembering used network option and select disconnect on logging out option in airport advanced settings. But; if do this, I am having to select my network and type its password every time I login.
I simply want if a guest uses the Guest Account, he wouldn't able to use my network connection without entering the correct password. Is it possible?
I just installed MAC OS LION after snow leopard and now I can't get the iMAC to communicate with my canon printer. I installed the canon drivers again but still no go.
1. Dual networking. You can run N on 5.0 ghz and at the same time run A/B/G whatever on 2.4 ghz for legacy devices such as the iPhone. No speed hit.
2. Easy to use guest mode which will open up one of the frequencies for use as a password less (optionally you can add a password) access to the net but locking off your computers, printer etc. on the other encrypted frequency. Great for having friends over and getting them on your network without having to open it up to attack or having to give out huge passwords for them to enter.
3. If you have MobileMe then the new Time Capsule FILE SHARES EVERYTHING OFF THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE NET!
I have a machine running 10.7.4 that I want to be able to access via sftp/ssh.
I can login into the machine in terminal using either ssh or sftp. I cannot however login to the machine from finder via sftp. I am just told the username/password is wrong.
Equally I cannot login to the machine from certain clients on my android phone (the main reason I need sftp) I can however login from cyberduck on the other machines I have, and from some clients on my android phone.
When a mac is denied access it gives authentication failed as the reason, when a android client is denied access it gives network communtaction issues as its reason for failing, not authentication. From memory these issues started when smb broke for me in 10.7.3.
I have an up to date Lion server that I have created a 10.7.3 netboot image with. The issue I am having is that in Server Admin, the netboot image shows in the images list, but does not show up on any client machine. I have tried re-creating the image using the same hard drive, as well as creating an entirely new image. The images just will not show on client machines
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it. and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.
I've looked high and low. Can anyone point me to some USEFUL information regarding how to setup Lion 10.7.3 server's Software Update Service for 10.7.3 clients? Specifically, I'm tryng to figure out how to "point" 10.7.3 Lion clients to the server for their updates. Currently, the service is on and the queue is full.
When I turn on my computer, it shows that a guest could get onto the internet without a password. I don't want this to happen. I tried disabling the guest account from the settings but it still shows up.
I would like to be able to configure what applications start when it's logged on using the guest account. For normal accounts you would use the login items option in Users and Groups but this option is not available for the Guest user.
I saw this thread from 2010 - [URL] so downloaded the server admin tools for 10.7.2 but the guest account didn't appear in the user list so I presume this has been changed again since Snow Leopard.
given the disaster with FileVault 1 under 10.7.3 (passwords logged in plaintext in secure.log...) I changed my laptop to FileVault 2. But now I can't enable a guest account anymore. Have I lost the guest account on this system?
My Macbook pro with retina display automatically logs into the guest account since my sister used it once. Booting in safe mode gives me the option to choose what account and I've tried changing the settings to disable guest account and to automatically log into my account but nothing works, whatever combo of options i choose it logs into guest account!
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I went to the account tab in preferences but I don't see the guest account. did this change with Snow Leopard. I want to take the guest account off my laptop.
I wanted to let me friend log into my MBA 2010's Guest account. Now I am forced into Disk Utilities after every restart, I can't log back in.What can I do?