OS X :: Where Is Allow Guest Network Option In Time Capsule

Sep 6, 2009

I have a time capsule (dual band,those introduced in2009 early). I'm trying to find the "allow guest network" but I can't seem to find anywhere this option.

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Hardware :: New Time Capsule - Dual Network - ONLINE FILE SHARE And Guest Networking

Mar 3, 2009

1. Dual networking. You can run N on 5.0 ghz and at the same time run A/B/G whatever on 2.4 ghz for legacy devices such as the iPhone. No speed hit.

2. Easy to use guest mode which will open up one of the frequencies for use as a password less (optionally you can add a password) access to the net but locking off your computers, printer etc. on the other encrypted frequency. Great for having friends over and getting them on your network without having to open it up to attack or having to give out huge passwords for them to enter.

3. If you have MobileMe then the new Time Capsule FILE SHARES EVERYTHING OFF THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE NET!

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Setup And Security (Network Share Option)

Nov 5, 2009

I'm sort of new to the Time Capsule and still trying to wrap my head around all the different services. Currently I've setup my Time Capsule via ethernet and have setup mobile me on it. I've been trying to setup 'back to my mac' with no luck, the time capsule never shows up in the mobile me account. I'm able to connect to the Time Capsule via AFP protocol, but I couldn't find any documentation detailing the level of security of this connection. So far all that I've found is that my documents are being sent as clear text, not even the slightest hope of SSL. I would hope that enforce SSL and deny clear text connection would be an option but I couldn't find it in the control panel.

My last question is regarding the Time Capsule network share option. Obviously the share works well, as it can be access by any computer, but how would one setup the Time Machine to back it up too? As of right now it seems that the general belief of having your network share on the device that backs up your mac, means that the network share itself is being backed up. This is obviously not true, unless it's setup. I may have been caught in the middle of apple commercial propaganda and therefore believe that the peripheral can do more than it physically can.

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Hardware :: Guest Network Feature On Time Capsules?

Jan 17, 2010

I have the original Time Capsule, so I can't try this out. I have a Nintendo DS which cannot access WPA encrypted networks, so I wondered if I could get a newer Time Capsule and create a guest network for the DS which would be encrypted by WEP.I saw something that said guest networks could only use WPA or WPA2, so that is why I am wondering.

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Hardware :: Option For Time Capsule To Back Itself Up To Another Disk

Mar 11, 2009

Is there an option for Time Capsule to back itself up to another disk? Is this automatic?It just seems dumb to store everything on Time Capsule if it has the same failure rate as a hard drive with no redundancy even though apple says its server grade.

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Hardware :: Connect To Time Capsule While Connecting To Wifi Network At Same Time?

Sep 22, 2009

I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.

I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.

I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.

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OS X :: Setting Up A Time Capsule As A Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have installed and have running a new Time Capsule. I would like to access files through the wireless network between two Apples and two PC's. At present the Apples are working wonderfully, however the PC running Windows 7 sees the network is unable to access it.

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Hardware :: Can Use Time Capsule To Backup Mac Without Being On A Network

Sep 11, 2010

I just purchased a time capsule. I have wireless for free in my building which I do not have to pay for.

Can I just plug the time capsule into the wall and use it as a time machine?

How do I go about this and am I clear on what is going on.

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OS X :: Time Capsule (Accessing Like Network Drive From XP Box)

Mar 7, 2008

I have my time capsule setup (green light and all). I can backup to it. I can access it and its folders from my new MBP. I can run the windows (and/or apple) Airport Utility and see and configure the TC within the utility but I cannot access it like a network drive on the XP box. I thought I saw somewhere to enter a workgroup name for PC networks but can't find it now.

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Hardware :: Accessing Time Capsule Outside Network With A PC

Jan 29, 2009

So i know if you enable wan sharing you can access your time capsule's drive outside your network by going to finder > GO > and typing in [URL]

But what if i am on a PC using windows which does not have afp, is there any way to access it then?

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OS X :: How To Access Time Capsule Outside Home Network

Apr 24, 2009

Is it possible to access my time capsule / airport extreme hard drive away from home? Like when Im at work? I do have a mobileme account, but cannot figure this out.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Participate In WDS Network?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to connect 2 airport expresses with my Time Capsule to get my music from itunes to reach into my backyard (well over 100' away). I can get the 2 airport expresses to "participate in WDS network" but the Time Capsule setup in airport utility does not give me that option. There is on "create a wireless network" and "extend a wireless network". Why am I not getting "participate in WDS network"

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OS X :: Can Time Capsule Be Used As A Repeater On An Existing Network

Jun 2, 2009

Can Time Capsule be used as a repeater on an existing network ? Is there a way to use speakers with it and use airtunes with it ?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Network Speeds

Sep 24, 2009

I have a 1T time capsule. Right now my time capsule is connected to a modem/router from which i get my internet connection. But i wanted to connect my time capsule with a modem to get rid of the router(waste of space,small apartment). But from what i've read it seems that time capsule is awful when it comes to internet.

So what do you thing? Should i do it or not?Don't know if this is important but i have a 8mbps internet connection.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Transfer Speeds On Network?

Dec 1, 2010

So I've been using a 1TB Time Capsule for a while now with my old HP and recently purchased a MacPro [15 inch base model]. My room mate has a recent model Macbook as well as an older iMac. We have a 50MBPS internet connection through our local ISP. More or less I am looking for advice on how to make sure our network is:

1. Secure.
2. Faster transfer speeds between all of our computers to and from the Time Capsule. [Where to find / adjust / optimize these settings]
3. Utilize our internet connection to it's fullest potential.

I am mostly concerned with my machine [optimizing it that is.] then the rest of the computers in the house. Go slow and use medium sized words as I am still wading into the world of Mac.

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule Network / Virgin Media

Mar 16, 2009

so I bought a time capsule on Friday along with a new mac thinking it would work super easy to set up, boy was I wrong.

I currently have my internet through virgin media with the modem and a wireless router(free from virgin) I also had an external drive but needed a new one so went for the time capsule.

so I take the cable from my router and plug into the time capsule, it powers on no bother go through the usual set up it says its connected but it will not work.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Setup To Find Network?

Mar 18, 2009

We just got new internet today. Our old internet was the built-in airport connecting to our slow hughesnet internet. Now I have an AT&T aircard that's fast, but has a 5 GB per month bandwidth limit. I just plug that into my USB, open the "sierra wireless watcher" application, and click connect. quit, and I'm good. Since it's not an airport network, how can I set up time capsule to find the network? I tried plugging the aircard into the USB of the time capsule, but I'm not sure if that works, or where to go in the airport utility once I do that. Will backing up my computer use up the bandwidth?

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OS X :: Connecting Time Capsule To Create Wireless Network Possible?

Aug 7, 2009

I begin uni next month and have been offered accommodation. My room won't have WiFi but will have a wired connection. I'm wondering, is it possible to - rather than connect my MacBook - connect the Time Capsule to this connection and create a wireless network? Also, is it simple to switch from one connection (my current WiFi at home) to another (the uni connection)? Finally, is it easy to switch from being connected via Ethernet to using WiFi (after initial backup for example)? The lack of WiFi would really be rubbish when I have an iPhone and Time Capsule.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Network With ADSL Router?

Dec 22, 2009

I have a ADSL router wish is configured in bridging mode and I want to use my Time Capsule as router.

For some reason Time Capsule is complaining about my setup. I've tried all kinds of different settings but I haven't had much success.

The ADSL router must be configured correctly because I have a Netgear Wlan router wish works just fine with the same setup. The Netgear is to be replaced with the Time Capsule now.

I've been struggeling for hours and I'm out of ideas

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Hardware :: Connecting Time Capsule To Public Network?

Jan 31, 2010

So i searched everywhere i could to try and find an answer to this question, because i imagine at least someone on this planet is having this same problem, but i haven't found anything. so here i am, asking you:

Originally i had bought a Time Capsule 1TB and connected it to my internet modem and used it to create a network, then i had a AirPort express that i used solely for AirTunes to my stereo. So i had wireless backup for my MBP, N-Speed wireless internet for computer and iPhone and wireless music in my room, it was awesome.

but i just moved into a condo downtown that we are subleasing. The owner told me it had wifi so that was a selling point for me. but heres my problem, currently i have my TC and AirTunes on one network, for music and backups, but there is no ethernet connection in my condo, so i cannot directly connect it to the internet, so for internet i connect to the public wifi, and have to switch every time i want music in the living room, or want to back up., and i cant do either at the same time as i connect to the internet.

and i cannot extend the wifi in the building since it is not N. so i followed the instructions to connect my TC and AirPort to my existing WiFi, and to my knowledge, they will both connect as clients and be accessible all through my buildings WiFi. But, when i take them off their own network and connect them to the public wifi they just disappear and i have no way of finding them ever again through AirPort Utility unless i reset them.

so i was very troubled with this and it bothered me for ages, and i was just using 2 separate networks, but then i realized that every time a new client connects to the building's wifi it goes to a page where you must click 'ACCEPT" to the terms of use before having access to the network, so on my MBP i can open safari and click accept, but my TC and AirPort cannot click accept.

is this my problem? what do i need to do? can i connect for the first time to the network through ethernet from my MBP to the TC and turn off my wireless card in my mbp then click accept in safari on my mbp? or can i connect my mbp to the wifi and reset my MAC or IP address to the same as my TC or AirPort then click accept, that way the TC's and AirPort's IP and/or MAC are registered on the network and they can continue to connect without being asked to accept the ToU?

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OS X :: Configuring Time Capsule For Wireless Network Setup?

May 17, 2010

I have Time Warner cable and they told me that their high speed internet cable service comes with 2 IP addresses. Well, I have 4 computers. Now it was my understanding that only the router needed an IP address and the computers on the network access the internet via the router, i.e. 2 IP addresses should be more than enough. I have been trying to configure my time capsule to work with all of my computers with no success. Only 2 can access the internet. I Have a mac mini, 2 mac book pros and a pc.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Work On Cox Cable Network?

May 24, 2010

As of last tuesday, I haven't been able to get an internet connection using my Time Capsule on the Cox Cable network in Omaha, NE.

At first, Cox told me that this was my problem, and to take it up with Apple. Now they are telling me that no one with Time Capsules has been able to connect to their network for about a week. They say that they are working on it, but it isn't a priority because they "don't support routers."

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OS X :: Connect Time Capsule With Linksys Router On Network?

Aug 17, 2010

Our company is currently running an Apple Time Capsule that has ~40 users wirelessly connecting to it. Now we recently opened up a new office space that will potentially have more than 50 users that need to connect to our network.

Seeing this we then purchased a Linksys WRT610N wireless router so that we can facilitate more than 50 wireless users. My question therefore is: how do we set this up so that the Linksys router connects to the TC so that we will subsequently be connected to the Internet as well as our network - no matter what SSID (TC or Linksys) we're on. I've been bearing about bridge modes and WAN ports but this is new to us so a brief explanation/procedure would be appreciated.

Keep in mind that we would like to keep the TC as our main router with the Linksys connected to that as well as increase the TC limit of the 50-user connectivity limit.

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Hardware :: Changed Network Set Up - Lost All Permissions On Time Capsule

Nov 30, 2008

I finally got around to changing the way my wirless devices are set-up; instead of using time capsule as my wireless device, I went back to using the linksys wi-fi router (which I'd used prior to time capsule, but now set up as WPA2 if it makes a diff?) with the intent of putting time capsule in another room with my 1TB iTunes library hanging off it. All seemed to work well but I initially had a problem with the TV keep dropping the wi-fi connection. Now connected via ethernet to the linksys, no problem. iTunes streamed okay but I couldn't seem to get time machine to make a back-up - just prepared forever (overnight, still no joy).

So I noticed today that I seemed to have lost permissions on both iTime drive and time capsule. I managed to fix the iTunes drive by connecting direct to my macbook and running disk utility then adding myself again via sharing (hip hip for MRoogle), but I cannot do the same with the time capsule. Even with airport utility and connected via ethernet I can't even get the configuration up - just spins out until it throws an error. Anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong - I'm assuming it's me as this all worked in the previous set-up...

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Hardware :: Network Setup - Time Capsule Or Airport Extreme

Mar 5, 2009

To date I've used an airport express as a wireless router for my macbook and macbook pro. Both have been manually backed up routinely on external hard drives. I use the macbook as my main media center/media storage and the hard drive is starting is nearly full. I'd like to set up a system where I move my media to an external hard drive and also automate the backup of the mb, mbp, and external hard drive. Would time capsule be the best approach for this and will it backup an external hard drive tied to its usb port. Alternatively, could I tie 2 external hard drives through a usb hub into airport extreme, using one for backing up the laptops and the other external drive?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - How To Adjust Network Type As Wireless N

Apr 24, 2009

I bought the new Time Capsule ready to take advantage of N network... but the Wireless PC card only recognizes the network type as Wireless-G... Did I do something wrong in setup? How can I adjust to enjoy under Wireless-N?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And USB External Drive For Backup And Network Use?

Jun 21, 2009

I know I can add an external 1 GB drive to my time capsule, and have time machine do backups on that specific drive. If I do so, can I still use the internal 500 GB drive of my time capsule for network uses? or Time Capsule is restricted in a way that it can either use the internal harddrive, or an external USB one, but not both at the same time (one for backups only, the other for a network storage drive).

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Hardware :: Setting Up College House Network With Time Capsule

Jul 20, 2009

I'm moving into a house with 4 friends and we need to setup a home network which I am in charge of. 2 people have Macs and 3 have Windows. I want a central hard drive that everyone can throw their music and videos on to share. We also want wireless N. I was wondering if a Time capsule would be a good way and a good value or what the best way to set this up would be.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And Vista Can Connect To The WIFI Network

Feb 27, 2010

Just replaced a 500 gb time capsule with a new dual band 1 tb time capsule (first one died). My iMac, ipods, ps3 and wii all can connect to the network and work great. My wife's HP laptop, which worked fine 3 days ago, isn't connecting well. It picks up the "excellent" signal to connect to the local network made by the time capsule, but can not connect to the bigger internet. In other words, no browsing, email...etc. the signal is "excellent, and all other devices in the house can "see" and use the internet

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Hardware :: Creating A Wireless To Wired Network Using A Time Capsule

Mar 2, 2010

Is it possible to create a network where the broadband router is wireless to a time capsule which in turn is hard wired to a 360 thus allowing the 360 to access the internet?

broadband router <---[wireless]--->time capsule <---[wired]--->XBOX360

If so can anyone give me any pointers?

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