OS X V10.4 :: Network Time Clients Lose Synchronization?
Jun 17, 2012
I am a mac user and I have a problem with my gmail account, some friends are unable to email me.According to them it shows a message "undeliverable." I contacted the google support team and they say that the problem lies with that fact that my mac is not synchronized with the internet time?
MacBook Pro
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Feb 5, 2012
If I use Time Machine to back up automatically to an external hard drive, but want to keep large files only on the external hard drive, will I lose the files once deleted off the computer (i.e. will Time Machine synchronize, or just save new files?)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 26, 2012
I recently upgraded to Lion and we shared a printer on the goes network. The previous airport utility software had a box under "Guest Network" that you could check to "Allow guest network clients to communicate with each other". Where is it in Lion?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 23, 2012
I connect with my MacBook Pro via ethernet to the internet. So far, I've never had a problem until a couple of days, I keep on loosing the internet connect. When clicking through diagnostics, ISP, Internet and Server show first organge then turn red. If clicking through the diagnostics, sometimes I am lucky and it shows a message saying "Network configurations have chnaged", when I click ok, I'm online again. But very often nothing helps and I have to re-start the router again.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 8, 2010
I did a complete restore, the only thing so far I've noticed is that I lost my screensaver settings. Besides that everything seems the same.
The only other thing I'm worried about is that it ported over HD inconsistencies from my previous failed machine.
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Feb 29, 2012
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it. and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server
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Jul 28, 2010
I am having issues buring CDs in Finder. Went to the Apple Store this past weekend as I have AppleCare. The genius there couldn't figure out the problem and only recommended I do a "Archive and install" of 10.6. Reluctantly, I did that today. Now I have lost most of my customizations to Finder, getting weird errors with some of my apps that load on login, and the problem still persists.
Instead of wasting hours on end getting the system up-to-date and trying to figure out all the errors Im getting, I decided to restore using Time Machine. I was about to restore a backup from yesterday (most up-to-date), but hesitated as I have never done a "Full" restore from TM before. So I decided to do a bit of research. From what I have been reading, the destination volume will be wiped clean and replaced by the backup. Normally this would be ok, but I remembered I excluded some folders from my Time Machine backup to cut down on space (Applications folder and VMs for example). I'm worried that if I restore using the "Restore from Backup" utility, I will lose the content in those folders.
Can anyone confirm what exactly will happen if I do a "Full Restore"? Will I lose those "excluded" folders? If so, is there any way I can restore only the System Folder for my backup (that's really the only thing I need to restore). I am slightly panicked and ready to go back to the Apple Store and rip that Genius a new one.
(Yes I know he couldn't have know about my specific backup setup, but he said that a "Archive and Install" would fix the problem. He also said that I wouldn't run into any issues afterwards, which was also false. Also, I know I am over-reacting but I have a valid reason to be peeved ATM)
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Dec 3, 2014
How do I turn on synchronization in Yosemite?
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Apr 29, 2009
my Mac Pro is scheduled to arrive in a week and I'm looking for a piece of software that allows me to keep the bookmarks of my MacBook Pro synchronized with God I mean, uh, the Mac Pro. Preferably automatically or by the click of a button. I'm sure there's an application that does exactly this, but Google didn't seem to know of any.
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Nov 27, 2009
I own a Palm Tungsten E2 PDA and have just installed the synchronization application on my MacBook Pro. However, I've attempted the first synchronization which seemed to go OK but I can't find on my Mac Pro any of the calender/address and other information that is on my Palm and should have been transferred. I've looked in iCal,Address Book and iMail but there's nothing.
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Jul 12, 2010
When I sent an email from my Gmail account in Mail.app on my MacBook, it shows up in the Sent folder. When I send it from [URL] on a public computer or from my iPhone or iPad, it shows up in the Gmail mailbox in Mail.app (which is its own mailbox and not part of the Inbox section of Mail.app).
This makes it difficult when I'm trying to find a recently sent email because I don't use any one machine more than the other. I divide my emailing time between all my devices and I love how simply it works. Is there a way to get all sent Gmail emails to show up in the Sent folder under the Mailboxes section in the top-left corner of the Mail.app window?
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May 17, 2010
I added someone the other day, and now every time I log in it says "XXX@hotmail.com on the local list is inside the group "Friends" but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?" It doesn't say this on IM+ on my iPod Touch, and the contact doesn't show up until I click add. Is there any reason for this? Is there any way I can permanently add them or something?
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Aug 7, 2010
I just switched over from a PC a couple of days ago and I am getting used to my new Macbook Pro, and MAC OS X. However I have run into a problem I have no idea how to fix, or what's wrong.
I have the "Switching to the Mac" book from the Missing Manuals series, and throughout the book it mentions wonderful keyboard shortcuts that can be used for a variety of things. The problem is that most of them do not seem to work. For example, Control-F4 is apparently meant to cycle through all open windows, only it does nothing on my computer. This is true of many of the shortcuts I have tried. I tried to search the forums here but haven't found an answer, nor has googling turned up anything useful.
Also, I was using a program called Syncback to sync my flash drive with a folder on my hard drive before, and that program is not available for macs, so I have been looking for a replacement. I tried Rsync, but it didn't seem to work - only syncing some of the files in the specified folder. Does anyone know of a freeware program for synchronization of files that is good?
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Jun 24, 2012
i am looking for the possibbilities of syncronization of numbers files on Mac with Iphone and ipad (Numbers on both) and vice versa
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 22, 2009
I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.
I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.
I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.
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Sep 25, 2010
still new to mac and also just got Garrys Mod for Mac OSX>
The game really requires use to use SVN to sync files, and I just usually use Tortoise SVN for Windows, is there anything as good or better for Mac?
also, I own a GMOD server so I would need a FTP client, any good ones for Mac?
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Dec 18, 2010
I can log into the Twitter website and TweetDeck, but I can't log into other clients. I was trying Bluebird and some others attempting to try 64 bit or something that isn't running Adobe Air. Running Mac OS X 10.6.5.
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Jan 7, 2011
i am looking for an app that i can put all of my clients info into and add notes of what i did, and be able to search and pull up all info anytime. and also be able toadd to it if i make return trips. i have checked out daylite and dont think it is for me. dont need anything to flashy, just something reliable.
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Apr 21, 2009
Where are the good IM clients? if I'm missing out on a great one. I'm willing to pay for one.
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Aug 23, 2009
I've got a Leopard MacBook with Screen Sharing turned on and a VNC password set. I've got a Tiger iMac with Remote Desktop enabled and a VNC password set, with Chicken of the VNC on it to use with the MacBook. I've also got an iPod touch with Mocha VNC Lite on it (not a great client, and I still have an older version cuz the new versions took away functionality, but it's the only free one I found). By the way, I also tried this with the updated version of Mocha VNC, and it didn't make any difference.
So I've had this setup for months, hell almost a year, with no problems. I haven't used VNC from the iPod much lately, but when I tried to tonight, this is what happened:
Viewing and controlling the iMac from the iPod was no problem. Worked as usual. But when I connected to the MacBook, it would load the very top part of the screen (maybe 200-250 rows of pixels, I really don't know) and then seemingly freeze. No more would load, what did load wouldn't ever refresh, and even when I tried to blindly control with the iPod's keyboard, nothing happened. Only the VNC app didn't freeze, it was still responsive as ever, as if it was totally unaware that anything had gone wrong.
The weird thing is, when I go on the iMac and connect to the MacBook with Chicken of the VNC, it works fine again.
So basically...
iPod -> iMac, no problem
iMac -> MacBook, no problem
iPod -> MacBook, problem
Where could this be coming from? I don't know when it started exactly, but the only thing I can come up with is that it must have started when I updated to 10.5.8.
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Jan 27, 2010
Students cannot log in to AD system from Mac clients Clients were functioning okay. I discovered some file permission problems. Some student folders were receiving inherited permissions allowing other students access to other students' folders. I corrected the permissions. The student folders are located here: \SERVERstudentsgradyearstudent name. Students have transverse folder permissions to students and grad year. Students have modify permissions to their own folder. Windows clients work. Mac clients, where the student has logged in before, appear to be logging in, but then fail, returning to a login screen. If the student has never logged into that Mac before they are shook off. It appears that the permissions required for the Macs to write to the student folders are now incorrect. But I cannot find information on how permissions should be set for home folders residing on a Windows server. Also, I am fairly new at OS X administration (3 months) and have not discovered what log files to view to analyze the problem.
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Jan 6, 2011
I recently discovered a BitTorrent of great interest and after reading a little, found that I had a few questions that need answering before I dip my toe in to the unknown.
Q - is a BitTorrent client the same as an FTP client, and if not, what exactly is the difference?
Q - in looking to install a BitTorrent client that is both easy to configure and use, which of Fetch, Transmission, Vuze, BitTorrent etc would you recommend and why?
Q - can you point me to any other references or sites that may shed further light on what at face value I find to be quite a mystery?
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Oct 22, 2010
I have an iPhone 4 as well as a Mac loaded with the new Facetime beta - after all the fun of calling myself from my phone to computer and calling a couple friends from my computer it dawned on me that when someone wants to facetime with me, they have to know where I am at. If they call me via my email address they will get me on my Mac, but if they call me on my phone number they will get my phone...obviously - what I am saying is that by having 2 places to look it makes it difficult to just "call someone".
I understand that this is no different than finding someone at home/cell/office numbers, but there are features for those to locate you - I wonder if Apple has addressed this or will in the final release? I think what is needed is a way for facetime to have "find me" feature. I think that maybe it could "ring" in to the Mac first, then to the iPhone second, or vice vera depending on how you want it set in your preferences.
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Apr 9, 2009
which do you recommend? I haven't used any, i know my windows buddies love �torrent, what do you guys recommend?!
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May 10, 2009
Does any one know of a good IRC client that works well also is very user friendly? as i looked in google and there is a number of them but i do not know what one is the best or what ones are free.
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Oct 7, 2009
Which one do you personally prefer? Or is there and alternative client which you use?
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Jun 29, 2012
I have a machine running 10.7.4 that I want to be able to access via sftp/ssh.
I can login into the machine in terminal using either ssh or sftp. I cannot however login to the machine from finder via sftp. I am just told the username/password is wrong.
Equally I cannot login to the machine from certain clients on my android phone (the main reason I need sftp) I can however login from cyberduck on the other machines I have, and from some clients on my android phone.
When a mac is denied access it gives authentication failed as the reason, when a android client is denied access it gives network communtaction issues as its reason for failing, not authentication. From memory these issues started when smb broke for me in 10.7.3.
iMac (17-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 6, 2009
I have been experimenting with many bittorrent clients for mac (utorrent, vuze, transmision, tomatotorrent) and they are all consistently slower to download a file that the original Bittorrent client for Windows. I compared them downloading the same file at the same time (the windows client running under parallels), and always the windows client beats the hell of the others. Is there a mac client comparably fast to the windows one?
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Mar 29, 2009
I recent purchased an iBook G4. It's due to arrive on Tuesday. I'm planning on using it for doing my assignments in University and generally browsing the web. I've purchased the 1Ghz model with 512MB RAM which I plan on upgrading to 1.25GB RAM. Do you think that the machine will be able to handle iTunes, RemoteDesktop (Win RDC) and IM Clients such as Pidgin? (Not necessarily all at the same time)?
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Apr 13, 2009
My mom has been wanting a Mac Mini for quite some time. The only thing holding her back is that she needs to run a Citrix client embedded in Internet Explorer . I know that there is no IE for Apple anymore and we are really trying to avoid running VM or Parallels ( $ ). Does anyone know if there is a work around?
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