Hardware :: New Time Capsule - Dual Network - ONLINE FILE SHARE And Guest Networking

Mar 3, 2009

1. Dual networking. You can run N on 5.0 ghz and at the same time run A/B/G whatever on 2.4 ghz for legacy devices such as the iPhone. No speed hit.

2. Easy to use guest mode which will open up one of the frequencies for use as a password less (optionally you can add a password) access to the net but locking off your computers, printer etc. on the other encrypted frequency. Great for having friends over and getting them on your network without having to open it up to attack or having to give out huge passwords for them to enter.

3. If you have MobileMe then the new Time Capsule FILE SHARES EVERYTHING OFF THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE NET!

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Hardware :: Apple's New AirPort Time Capsule Add Dual-band Networking

Mar 3, 2009

Apple on Tuesday refreshed its AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule wireless products by adding a new Guest Network feature and support for simultaneous 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual-band networking. Time Capsule drives are now also accessible over the Internet for MobileMe subscribers.

The new Guest Network feature, available on the new AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule, allows you to set up a secondary network for friends and visitors with Internet-only access so you don't have to hand out your WiFi password.

Meanwhile, the new combined 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz mode allows your AirPort base stations to simultaneously support iPhones and other 802.11b/g devices operating at 2.4 GHz, while also broadcasting 802.11n wide signals in the 5GHz band to maximize throughput for notebooks and devices such as Apple TV.

Previous-generation AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule models can only run in one mode or the other, providing either wide compatibility or the highest possible network performance, but not both.

Also new to Time Capsule -- and oddly omitted from any of Apple's press-releases -- is that MobileMe subscribers using Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard can now now access all of their files on their Time Capsule drive over the Internet.

You need only to register their Time Capsule with your MobileMe account. The Time Capsule drive will then appear in the Finder sidebar of your Mac just like any other attached drive.

"It's like having your own personal file server wherever you go," Apple says.

The new Time Capsule, which combines an 802.11n router and server-grade hard disk for automatic wireless back-up with Time Machine, and is immediately available in two models: a 500GB model for $299 and a 1TB model for $499.

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OS X :: Where Is Allow Guest Network Option In Time Capsule

Sep 6, 2009

I have a time capsule (dual band,those introduced in2009 early). I'm trying to find the "allow guest network" but I can't seem to find anywhere this option.

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Hardware :: New Airport Extreme/simultaneous Dual-band And Guest Networking?

Mar 6, 2009

Anyone have the new Airport Extreme? I have a question about the new features.

I'm interesting in picking one up because I've been looking for a good 802.11n router for awhile, and the simultaneous dual-band radios plus the guest networking feature are the real sellers for me. Both those features exist in part on other routers, but I'd have to put in a lot of work in a DD-WRT compatible router to get them both to work properly.

My question, though, is can both the dual-band radios and the guest networking feature be run simultaneously? It seems that from a hardware perspective, the easiest way to get a second network and SSID running would be to use the second radio, which precludes the dual-band feature. Does anyone have the new Airport Extreme yet? Can you run both at the same time?

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Hardware :: How To Use Time Capsule For Time Machine And File Share

Jun 26, 2010

I've just hooked up my 2 Tb time capsule, which is supposed to be the destination for time machine and also have a share folder to share music on the network. Originally I wanted to partition the drive, but since that appears to be such a headache I'll probably make do with one partition.

if time machine will try to overwrite the share folder when it runs out of disc space?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Setup And Security (Network Share Option)

Nov 5, 2009

I'm sort of new to the Time Capsule and still trying to wrap my head around all the different services. Currently I've setup my Time Capsule via ethernet and have setup mobile me on it. I've been trying to setup 'back to my mac' with no luck, the time capsule never shows up in the mobile me account. I'm able to connect to the Time Capsule via AFP protocol, but I couldn't find any documentation detailing the level of security of this connection. So far all that I've found is that my documents are being sent as clear text, not even the slightest hope of SSL. I would hope that enforce SSL and deny clear text connection would be an option but I couldn't find it in the control panel.

My last question is regarding the Time Capsule network share option. Obviously the share works well, as it can be access by any computer, but how would one setup the Time Machine to back it up too? As of right now it seems that the general belief of having your network share on the device that backs up your mac, means that the network share itself is being backed up. This is obviously not true, unless it's setup. I may have been caught in the middle of apple commercial propaganda and therefore believe that the peripheral can do more than it physically can.

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OS X :: Can ACLs On A Directory Prevent Guest Account From Access Via A File Share

Jan 27, 2010

I have given up on getting home sharing to work properly amongst all my various computers at home on 10.5 and thought I would use an old style brute force method of simply setting up a file share to share my iTunes library. I set up file sharing to use the Guest account and it works fine for all of my other content. I have tried to create shares of the following directories and can only connect as a registered user (Guest user cannot even see these shares):



I have gone into the terminal and looked at the ACLs on the Music directory (e.g ls -alte) and I can't see anything that would block access, but I am not an expert with this type of ACL. The ACL on the Music directory is this:

0: group:com.apple.sharepoint.group.2 allow search

1: group:everyone deny delete

I have an ACL called 0: group:everyone deny delete on one of my other shares that works fine so this can't be the culprit (more importantly the ACL looks like it is just preventing users from deleting anything).

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Hardware :: Can't See Time Capsule In Networking And Downloading WAP2 Windows Xp Hotfix

Dec 15, 2008

-downloading the WAP2 windows xp hotfix
-installed airport for windows
-installed bonjour for windows
-changed from WAP2 to WEP security, still nothing
-and changed the radio signal so that it was b/g compatible

It's weird, the internet is fine, I can access the internet. But when I go to network places in the XP computer I can't see the time capsule! What do you think is wrong?

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Hardware :: How To View Time Capsule Online

Aug 10, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to view the contents of my Time Capsule online? I always bring my MacBook to work and watch videos during my lunch hour etc and it would be nice to connect to the Time Capsule so I have my entire library available. If it isn't possible then I will just continue to pull shows off the Time Capsule back to the MacBook.

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Hardware :: Guest Network Feature On Time Capsules?

Jan 17, 2010

I have the original Time Capsule, so I can't try this out. I have a Nintendo DS which cannot access WPA encrypted networks, so I wondered if I could get a newer Time Capsule and create a guest network for the DS which would be encrypted by WEP.I saw something that said guest networks could only use WPA or WPA2, so that is why I am wondering.

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OS X :: Airport Extreme - How To Configure Guest Networking

Sep 19, 2009

Background: I have a long background in computing and networking, but am new to the specific operation of the Apple Airport Extremes.

I have a network with an existing router in place that connects to the internet, and provides DHCP for the network. I want to add (potentially many) Airport Extremes to this network to provide two basic functions:

1) Wireless access to the existing network over a large office area (preferably on the same subnet as the existing, wired network, with the current router [NOT the AEs] providing DHCP services) and

2) Guest network access such that users joining the guest network can access the internet, but NOT any of the addresses on the main network.

I can find no way to do this trivially. It seems that if I set the AEs to BRIDGE mode, the option to set up a guest network disappears (perhaps reasonably so, since the AE would need to be able to manage the address range for the two networks).

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OS X :: Guest Networking On Older AirPort Extreme?

Jul 18, 2010

Is it possible to implement a similar function like Guest Networking on an older Airport Extreme router? I'm sharing the internet with housemates but would like to shield my own computers from the network. Is it possible without upgrading the router?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme Guest Networking Is MAC Filtered?

Jul 7, 2010

I just purchased a new AirPort Extreme with the guest networking feature. I loaded the config from my previous AirPort Extreme and everything seems to be working fine with the exception of the guest networking feature. When I have a guest attempting to log into the guest network, it displays the error: "connection failed". I am able to connect my iPhone(listed MAC in router) to the guest network just fine however, my "guest" laptop that has no MAC address in the router will not connect. It sounds like a MAC ACL issue. I currently have the "(default)" set to no access.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Share Disk Over Web Like AE?

Mar 5, 2009

Looking at Apple's site, they really promote the feature on the AE page, but it's not mentioned on the TC page....

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Share Wireless For VOIP?

Apr 13, 2009

I have a router in one room that sends out a wireless signal. I want my time capsule to join that network and share the internet connection through the ethernet ports on the back. This way, I can hook up a voip phone in another room. Is this possible and how would you go about setting it up.

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Share XP Workgroup Resources

Oct 17, 2009

I run a windows XP workgroup network in my office and plan to use a mac mini as a file server, coupled with a Time Capsule to use as back up and to provide wifi access to several PC laptops. My question is, will the Time Capsule allow the PC laptops wireless access shared files and printers hosted by other PCs in the workgroup, as opposed to printers connected to the Mac Mini/Time Capsule?

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OS X :: Share Internet To Time Capsule And Extend Wifi

May 28, 2010

after reading a lot manuals and threads I'm now completely lost and can't get it run.

This is what I'd like to do:
1. I have Linksys router set up as wifi hotspot
2. My iMac accesses internet via wifi via linksys
3. I'd like to hook time capsule via ethernet cable to my imac
4. i want time capsule to use my iMac's internet but extend at the same time the wifi internet access

a. Can I backup from iMac to time capsule via ethernet?
b. Which settings I have to do on my iMac and which on time capsule to get my scenario run ?

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Hardware :: Share Time Capsule's Own 1TB Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2010

It has taken me a little bit to understand how this Time Capsule works. I don't mean the easy Time Machine, backup-only part. I mean that ideally, I'd like to repartition the 1TB hard drive that's inside of it and I'd also like to change the partition style from Apple's old(er) AFP which is mainly used in the PowerPC-based Mac's, to GUID, the current "default" style that every Intel-based Mac uses. Using the AirPort utility that came with the Time Capsule, I did configure every last part of the TC, including the hard drive sharing part, which I protected with a "disk password", one of the three choices given by the Manual Setup Guide. What I apparently can't wrap my mind around just yet is as to where exactly do I enter this password? How do I access the drive from a computer on the network? I apologize if some of these questions seem a bit n00b'ish, but I am officially still new to Mac's and I am most certainly brand new(!) to this Time Capsule! lol...I do love it, though. Some of the config settings are indeed very well thought out.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Share Printer That Is Connected To Time Capsule?

Apr 14, 2012

I want to be able to share my printer that is connected to my Time Capsule with my friends on my Guest Network.  I have it connected to my personal network but can't seem to give them access without allowing them on my personal network.

Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Gen)

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Hardware :: Run New Time Capsule With Dual Band Or Two Routers?

Jul 30, 2009

I currently have the first generation 1TB Time Capsule which only supports compatibility mode for 802.11n. Using a slingcatcher, I get better speeds (way less video stuttering) running 5GHZ only mode vs compatibility mode. However, running 5ghz mode is annoying because my Eye-Fi card and iPhone aren't compatible with 802.11n. So I have two options. 1) Keep current Time Capsule. Buy a used Airport Extreme for $100 or UFO one for $30-$50. Connect AirPort Extreme to Time Capsule. 2) Selling my old Time Capsule. Buy new Time Capsule 1TB. Price for the older Time Capsule 1TB is only $20-$30 less than the new Time Capsule.

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Hardware :: Multiple Computers Share ITunes Library In Time Capsule?

Jan 31, 2008

The goal: To have all computers in the house use the same itunes library. Now the new ReadyNAS by NetGear has the option to put all the itunes music on there, and it shows up on the network as a shared library. Is there a way for multiple computers to share the same library on a external hard drive, or in this case, time capsule. I can see where a networked itunes library (like a shared computer) would work just fine for playing music, but you run into problems when say, you want to transfer songs to a ipod, iphone, etc.

One option would be for one of the computers be the main music server, and have that computer be the one to do the music transfers, but what if that computer is off. Multiple computers on same network, sharing same itunes library, but still able to manipulate the files?

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Hardware :: Connect To Time Capsule While Connecting To Wifi Network At Same Time?

Sep 22, 2009

I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.

I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.

I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.

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OS X :: How To Create Shortcut Icon On Desktop That Will Open To File Share On Network Server

Dec 10, 2008

how to create a "shortcut" icon on the desktop that points and will open to a file share on a network server (Windows AD Server)? I can browse to the server and get to the folder, but i need to create an icon to make it easier for a user...

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Versus Airport Extreme Dual Band Base/ext

Jul 4, 2009

I just bought a new Time Capsule and an Airport Extreme. Both are the newfangled dual-band type. At the moment the AEX is the main base station, connected to my DSL modem in the Living Room. The TC extends the AEX network and is in my office.

The instructions suggest the TC should not be a network client and rather be the main base station, and to make the AEX extend the network. How much difference will there be in Time Machine performance between the two topologies?

I would really prefer having the TC in my office, so I can attach via gigabit ethernet to the TC when I'm working there with my MBP. I cannot move the DSL modem to my office since I don't have a phone line there (it's really an upstairs bedroom).

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OS X :: Setting Up A Time Capsule As A Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have installed and have running a new Time Capsule. I would like to access files through the wireless network between two Apples and two PC's. At present the Apples are working wonderfully, however the PC running Windows 7 sees the network is unable to access it.

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Hardware :: Can Use Time Capsule To Backup Mac Without Being On A Network

Sep 11, 2010

I just purchased a time capsule. I have wireless for free in my building which I do not have to pay for.

Can I just plug the time capsule into the wall and use it as a time machine?

How do I go about this and am I clear on what is going on.

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OS X :: Time Capsule (Accessing Like Network Drive From XP Box)

Mar 7, 2008

I have my time capsule setup (green light and all). I can backup to it. I can access it and its folders from my new MBP. I can run the windows (and/or apple) Airport Utility and see and configure the TC within the utility but I cannot access it like a network drive on the XP box. I thought I saw somewhere to enter a workgroup name for PC networks but can't find it now.

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Hardware :: Accessing Time Capsule Outside Network With A PC

Jan 29, 2009

So i know if you enable wan sharing you can access your time capsule's drive outside your network by going to finder > GO > and typing in [URL]

But what if i am on a PC using windows which does not have afp, is there any way to access it then?

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OS X :: How To Access Time Capsule Outside Home Network

Apr 24, 2009

Is it possible to access my time capsule / airport extreme hard drive away from home? Like when Im at work? I do have a mobileme account, but cannot figure this out.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Participate In WDS Network?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to connect 2 airport expresses with my Time Capsule to get my music from itunes to reach into my backyard (well over 100' away). I can get the 2 airport expresses to "participate in WDS network" but the Time Capsule setup in airport utility does not give me that option. There is on "create a wireless network" and "extend a wireless network". Why am I not getting "participate in WDS network"

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