When I start parallels, the symbol of the voice recognition program appears on the desktop. I can't remove this symbol from the desktop. Doubleclick only moves the symbol from the desktop to the dock. I checked the system setup "speech" of my mac: "voice/speech recognition" and "voice over" are deactivated. So it seems that the setups of windows XP operating system and/or parallels (working tools) are causing this. How can I remove this symbol?
One of the side benefits of getting my new iMac is that I get to see how a system looks when it's brand new, before I've messed with it.
When I set up Time Machine on my iMac I notice that the HD icon used looks pretty cool with a circular arrow on top. I didn't download it from some web site, it came that way. Over on my MacBook Pro the Time Machine HD icon is just white. I have no idea how it got that way.
My question is how do I get my MacBook Pro's Time Machine HD icon to look like the one on my iMac? Is there some hidden cache of icons on my system?
I know this has been addressed before, but the answers didn't work for me, so I posted a reply in that thread but got no responses, so I'm starting over.
With 10.4, all I had to do to change an icon for a folder or website was copy and paste. These were for icons I wanted in my dock to make them easy to find. Otherwise the default seems to be either that ubiquitous satellite dish or a boring documents icon.
But now, even though I can still do the get info/copy & paste routine, and the new icon shows up in the folder or the desktop, when I drag that icon to the dock it reverts to that crummy satellite dish. When I installed 10.6 on my new iMac, it kept some of my dock icons - the ones I had created - and dumped others. And kept me from creating new ones for the dock.
On Rapidshare, I've download a lot of files such as .rar files on my mac and everything has worked fine. Up until today, I downloaded a few and they are windows files because they have the parallels symbol (Yes I have parallels) but my parallels isn't running. So i went back and tried to download old files that I had previously been opened with Mac OSX and they too are opening as parallel files. I dont understand why all the files want me to download the windows version. The only thing that I changed was i finally upgraded my MacPar Deluxe because there was a new version but that's the only thing. So can someone please help me fix this problem. I dont want to download windows files while on my mac.
Why does Finder keep shrinking the size of the icons on my desktop? I set them for 48 X 48 and a few minutes later they reset spontaneously to 16 x 16. Irritating
I am currently running 10.5.8, and I have changed my default icons. I love this feature, and this web page will show you how to do it. [URL:...] I am about to upgrade to Snow Leopard soon, and I am wondering if anyone else knows if it will still work? I quite like my 'glass icons' as my defaults.
This started about a month ago, the icons on my doc started disappearing and appearing rotating between apps. Then it finally stopped on Firefox IMovie Terminal System Preferences and text edit. Then the apps started disappearing Ones I have found missing so far are dictionary and calculator.
how to change my dock icons? I tried several steps but my computer is prompting that it can't... I tried the copy paste procedure in the get info section but still it doesn't change my dock icons...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Every time I enter a different folder in Snow Leopard' Finder, the icons are different sizes. How can I make the icons the same size in all of the folders?
I have a 2nd monitor attached to my MBAir. I have icons (folders, a few files, and some aliases - not a lot!!) positioned on both monitors. I can work this way just fine for days. (Yes, I do restart nightly and, yes, after a basic restart all the icons stay put.) But sometimes, out of the blue, something happens that causes all the icons on the 2nd monitor to line up on the border between the two screen displays (i.e., almost off the 2nd monitor but not quite completely onto the MBAir's display). Â
This seems to be related to saving a file onto the desktop -- say, when I'm using Safari on the 2nd monitor and I drag the address bar address to save a webloc file. However, I can do this more often than not with no odd effects. (However, lately I've started dragging into a FOLDER on the desktop to avoid this.) Now, I just watched it happen when all I did was save a tiny .TXT file to the desktop. Of course I can fix things by dragging everything back to where it was (plus, I typically do a Restart before that since I figure something has gone amiss with the system so I'd like to clean things out). But what I'd really like is to figure out is why this is happening in the first place so that I can prevent it ... or, at least, so that I can stop doing whatever special behavior is causing it.Â
Info: Mini + Air11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhones, iPods, iPad, MacBook Pro (10.6), PB G4 (10.4), ATV
After updating to 10.6.1 snow leopard, I noticed a weird bug: when I first open the applications folder after logging in, the applications all have the "no icon" icon, the icon you get when the application doesn't have an icon. Slowly, the icons start to show up. It appears as if it isn't caching them. Is that possible? Is this a known issue that apple is fixing, or is something wrong here? I have heard from another person who is having this issue as well. If it matters, I use list view. [URL]
why are my saved photoshop file icons pixelated? I have not changed any settings but suddenly my saved file icons have become pixelated. The file opens normally and seems fine.
how you change these icons as the usual method of just copying and pasting the image in does not work. Would also like to not have to download an app to be able to do this if possible.Â
I recently just upgraded to Snow Leopard two days ago. Since then, I have lost the Hard Disk drive icons and I don't know how to get it back. In fact, I have no icons on my desktop at all except for the external hard drive that I have plugged in. How do I get my icons back? Especially the main hard disk one.
I have recently changed all my movie files on my Snow Leopard system to be launchable by QuickTime Player 7 instead of QuickTime Player X [see note below]. For various historical reasons, these movie files have a variety of icons associated with them. I'd like to run some sort of utility which does a mass change of the icons of all my movies to the same, one, single icon ... and I'd like to do this in one fell swoop, instead of having to go through an icon change procedure movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie ...
After changing all my movies to be launchable by QT 7, I have restarted Finder and restarted my machine, but the old icons remain on all of the movies.
Is there any way that I can perform this mass icon change under Snow Leopard, or am I out of luck?
I want to create stacks for my Applications and put them in the dock by type. Utilities, Music & Video, iLife, etc. I think what I will do is make aliases for all the applications and put them in subfolders separate from the Applications folder, so then I have these 3-6 subfolders in my dock as stacks that I can display in Grid or Fan mode. And I don't have to see all my applications in one jumbled Grid and search for them.
Yes, I know Spotlight or QuickSilver could access them differently.
My question is, when I have created this duplicate system with the aliases to the apps, how do I remove the Alias (arrow) portion of the icon so that they look just like the actual icon down in the stack (or in my subfolders, etc)?
i am wondering if there is a way to organize my dock icons in a better way and am familiar with the obligatory use of "stacks" for my Applications and Downloads etc. is there one way or various ways to handle this if I want to group icons in my dock? i found a url that describes how to do this by dragging apps from the applications folder but since i have already spent so much time doing this in the dock itself it it going to be a major pain to have to pick these out from around the ones that i am not keeping in my dock.
I am running Snow Leopard on both an iMac and a MacBook Pro. On the MBP I can play an AVI file. On the iMac, I cannot. I get an error saying "The document could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands."
I can't open zip files. Archive utility flashes and disappears. Archive utility does not seem to be in the utility folder. Tried repairing permissions and verifying disk.
I have read the 3 or 4 discussions on flashing the 4890. I just ordered one and plan on doing a clean install of snow leopard and installing the card at the end of the week. However, some of the links from rapid share don't appear to be working. Can some one point me to where these files have moved and are there an snow leopard specific files?